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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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It's always painful to know that there are such amazing things in an artists vault that just stay collecting dust whether it's official or not official, something they intended to release or not but you know it's there and you can't see it or hear it. The rain tapes...my proof Jesus was real if they show up.


they'll probably release it years later... the Bad 25 box set had a concert of the Bad tour that belonged to Michael Jackson's private collection. he had the only known VHS tape of that show. the forthcoming box set Who Can I Be Now? (1974–1976) by David Bowie has The Gouster, an album he planned to release but evolved onto Young Americans (1975).

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I care about her tours and music videos and original studio albums, and if she ever does a retrospective I would love some curiosities and rarities, but the last thing I want is shitty posthumous albums when god forbid that day comes. I think every artist should have it in their will what should and what shouldn't get out of their vaults. i hate how artists are exploited after they pass. To me it's not a real album if it's not the artist's real vision, its just a cash in. I guess I don't think everything should be out without the proper context. It should be up to the artist. Unfortunately a lot of leaks have happened, I can't be a hypocrite and say I didn't love having them but I feel for her that her intended narrative was tarnished.

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yeah i think exactly the same. to me, the last Michael Jackson album will always be Invincible, and I haven't heard Michael or Xscape, cause I feel it's the label's desire to get the last bits of money from him. same with Bowie. this new box set was a planned release before his death. but if they start releasing new "albums", like with the Doors or Jimi Hendrix, i'll be angry.

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I watched igttyas again such a snoozefest, not to be mentioned with brilliance of tod. I've seen rit 3 times, once even in the pit. I'd rather would like to have the full show on dvd then seeing her at wailing walls or pubs. Alek would have been way better even I really love the ct dvd. And the live performances from tod are soooo amazing how cool would that be to have the full show such amazing filming way ahead of its time. Lightyears away from the laserdisc

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((how bad of a fan am I if i've never seen Truth Or Dare?))

Pretty bad lol. I remember about a decade ago, hunting down a shitty worn out vhs tape of it online so i could watch it (i could not find a dvd of it) crazy story... i cant believe how much things have changed. I was so happy that i could finally see it... Then youtube came,piratebay,streaming,bluray release...


Its easy to find now :)

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The BAT Bercy footage is some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. In terms of where it is, I have heard WB or Madonna has it. I think Miramax only owns the doc footage and rights to the actual film but that WB bought back the concert footage.


I believe the deal with Pioneer was no competing release was allowed for one year, at which point WB could release their own VHS of the show. Whether they actually bought back the concert footage and planned to release it is a mystery. I thought Alek said in a recent interview that Madonna did have the footage but he didn't know where.


I was hoping Madonna watching the film again would inspire her to get the footage found and released, but that is wishful thinking. We also have no idea what shape the footage is in either, if they don't know where it is then there is no guarantee that it has been stored properly and looked after. 

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I agree. I watched TOD with a new close friend of mine who's not a fan but is interested and ...... Im not sure if its because Ive grown up or what, but Madonna is a fucking egomaniac brat in the film. I still love her, but that person I used to be enthralled with kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. One moment in particular, right before Morlene Mcfarlene makes her debut, and Sharon is doing Madonna's hair and she says "I used to beat up on girls like you when I was younger" and Sharon goes silent because its weird and awkward and just rude, and then she follows it up with "It's true".  I was just kind of like.....  :Madonna032:   


or her dissing Kevin Costner because she doesn't get a movie deal. Or her saying Antonio Bendaras isn't such a good actor after all because he didn't date her. Or her saying a good reason to not want to live in Chicago is cuz Oprah lives there. 


also now looking back I can see through some of the staged parts of the movie. Like the whole grave scene. Growing up I never thought about it further than she was there and it was touching. I probably cried a few times at this part with Promise to Try playing in the background. the line "Wonder what she looks like now, Just a bunch of dust" always hit me and I hear her saying it if I ever hear the album track.  But watching it now Im thinking...... she hasn't been to the grave since she was a little girl, but she chose to do it during this documentary. Kind of a weird, exploitative move for something so personal. and not in a daring bare all kind of way. but in a contrived way. and you can tell the scene is kind of a setup as she is supposedly having this emotional moment and yet Chris is standing away as if instructed to. its not a moment they are sharing together. it was Chris' mother as well after all. It's Chris letting Madonna have her own personal moment for the camera. (like imagine the Kardashian mother died and Kim had a documentary and all kardashian girls and boys stood back while Kim kissed the grave and rolled around on it and shared how it personally affected her.) It's weird. 


Also I used to kinda hate on Warren Beaty in the film for being silent backstage after she's yelling, or saying his bit about her always being on camera, but now I feel like I identify with him more. If I saw my girlfriend acting like a complete buffoon I'd probably have the same reaction.     Just kind of bit my tongue and realize it would be useless to try and impart any wisdom on this maniac. 


I actually wonder how uncomfortable it was for her to watch herself act like that when she went to the screening recently in NYC. 


Sorry I took it way off topic.   :mama003:





ToD is definitely the superior and more relevant film, but I definitely prefer the person we see on IGTTYAS. By a lot.

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I'm REALLY hoping she sees how iconic that tour was. From the release of Strike A Pose, to the 25th anniversary of TOD.... I'm hoping to god she says "wait I thought we released this!!! Get it out QUICK!"


 She and Oseary have been asked to death about this for years and have responded several times if im not wrong. They tried to get it out but couldn't.

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@@RUADJAI I'm not sure how happy she was in her personal life back in those days, which may explain why she was acting out so much. But a lot of it was just a persona of course. It's crazy to think how closed off and tightly sealed her personal life was then considering how open it seems to be these days in a way. We've seen a similar persona a few times, especially after both her divorces, which i don't think it's a coincidence.

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also now looking back I can see through some of the staged parts of the movie. Like the whole grave scene. Growing up I never thought about it further than she was there and it was touching. I probably cried a few times at this part with Promise to Try playing in the background. the line "Wonder what she looks like now, Just a bunch of dust" always hit me and I hear her saying it if I ever hear the album track.  But watching it now Im thinking...... she hasn't been to the grave since she was a little girl, but she chose to do it during this documentary. Kind of a weird, exploitative move for something so personal. and not in a daring bare all kind of way. but in a contrived way. and you can tell the scene is kind of a setup as she is supposedly having this emotional moment and yet Chris is standing away as if instructed to. its not a moment they are sharing together. it was Chris' mother as well after all. It's Chris letting Madonna have her own personal moment for the camera. (like imagine the Kardashian mother died and Kim had a documentary and all kardashian girls and boys stood back while Kim kissed the grave and rolled around on it and shared how it personally affected her.) It's weird.

Have you ever read Chris' book Life with my sister Madonna? He says that everything in the movie is fiction, especially the police scene in Toronto. He was totally against filming in the cemetery and that is why he stays silent and distant. I don't know if he is sincere, but still I found it a very interesting reading..

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I never did cuz I thought he was just bashing her but I need to check it out.im sure there's some truth in there.


Have you ever read Chris' book Life with my sister Madonna? He says that everything in the movie is fiction, especially the police scene in Toronto. He was totally against filming in the cemetery and that is why he stays silent and distant. I don't know if he is sincere, but still I found it a very interesting reading..


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Have you ever read Chris' book Life with my sister Madonna? He says that everything in the movie is fiction, especially the police scene in Toronto. He was totally against filming in the cemetery and that is why he stays silent and distant. I don't know if he is sincere, but still I found it a very interesting reading..

He didn't say the police in Toronto was fiction, he said if the cameras weren't there he would have never told her about the police being there. It was real, Alek just manipulated things to get more action on camera. 


Chris' book is interesting, the first half seems like it is real and truthful, the second half sounds like an addict trying to blame everyone else for his behaviour and making excuses. He doesn't take any real responsibility for his life and tends to shift the focus of blame to mostly Madonna. You can almost tell when his addiction began by the way the tone in the book begins to change.

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