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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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I don't get why people keep on saying the DWT has poor quality? What have you been watching for the last 15 years? The Asian VCD version of it?  :Madonna020:


Now seriously, tell me what are the flaws about the whole film. I agree Madonna looked terribly old for a 43-year old woman at the time but the concept of the tour was one of a kind in my opinion. Hamish Hamilton did not abuse of special effects as Akerlund did for IGTTYAS and CT. 


I honestly don't get what you want from Madonna then. You complain about the inclusion of lots of takes and angles and the audio here and there and blah blah blah and then criticize the DWT for being "slow" when it actually had REAL vocals (and wonderful for Madonna's personal standards by the way). I mean, you're not talking about the WTG, BAT anf GS right? 


It's poor quality. That's its biggest flaw. There isn't much difference with those old SD releases. It's also not one of my favourite tours but that's probably in part due to not really liking the DVD.


The second part of your post makes no sense but it sure is entertaining. lol You're associating some people's opinions with other people's opinions, and some of what you're saying hasn't been expressed on this thread at all.

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It's poor quality. That's its biggest flaw. There isn't much difference with those old SD releases. It's also not one of my favourite tours but that's probably in part due to not really liking the DVD.


The second part of your post makes no sense but it sure is entertaining. lol You're associating some people's opinions with other people's opinions, and some of what you're saying hasn't been expressed on this thread at all.


It also my favorite tour but video quality and even interesting use of editing for live shows didn't start til maybe 2000, so missed that mark by two years lol. I mean imagine stuff like Impressive Instant or Beautiful Stranger just being able to pop a bit more. Sky Fit Heaven popped all on it's own though!  :clapp:

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It also my favorite tour but video quality and even interesting use of editing for live shows didn't start til maybe 2000, so missed that mark by two years lol. I mean imagine stuff like Impressive Instant or Beautiful Stranger just being able to pop a bit more. Sky Fit Heaven popped all on it's own though!  :clapp:


DWT is from 2001   :silly: and it was released 2 months after the end of the tour. Obviously it was a quickie and they didn't put as much thought into the editing as they do now. Very similar to what was done with Blond Ambition Tour and Girlie Show Tour.

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DWT is from 2001   :silly:


Shhhhhh! ROL came out in 1998 and my dumb brain was like "sure why not". Also i think having the bigger runways and stages make it for better experience, like the RHT had the biggest stage and she was so close to everyone and room for camera tricks. DWT had no runway and it was like a theater play with what they had to work with, you know?

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Shhhhhh! ROL came out in 1998 and my dumb brain was like "sure why not". Also i think having the bigger runways and stages make it for better experience, like the RHT had the biggest stage and she was so close to everyone and room for camera tricks. DWT had no runway and it was like a theater play with what they had to work with, you know?


TBF Re-Invention Tour was mostly like that too and they did a lot of creative angles... that's when she started doing something more artistic with her concert films. 

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The second part of your post makes no sense but it sure is entertaining. lol You're associating some people's opinions with other people's opinions, and some of what you're saying hasn't been expressed on this thread at all.


I must have been reading another board then because it always seem to me that people around here, not just you, are never truly satisfied. I hate the S&S vocals, everybody knows it but when you compare it to what they did in previous releases and I'm not even counting the CT they clearly pale in comparison. It was another time, hell yes but it was faithful to what was seen/heard onstage. These new films look artsy, yes... and I also think they're fabulous (I liked MDNA despite EVERYTHING we said about it) but I do get when people don't like it because they look artificial. 


And when you mention the word express I can also make references to what can be detected implicitly. Doesn't take long to read between the lines you know.

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I don't think MDNA is bad at all, way ahead of Sticky and the visuals and even audio is dirty and gritty and I like that. 


Sidenote, people said that the director of IGTTYAS filmed the entire show.  Two i've watched that were supposed releases I think? release that! Also what is the story with that? why nothing?

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I must have been reading another board then because it always seem to me that people around here, not just you, are never truly satisfied. I hate the S&S vocals, everybody knows it but when you compare it to what they did in previous releases and I'm not even counting the CT they clearly pale in comparison. It was another time, hell yes but it was faithful to what was seen/heard onstage. These new films look artsy, yes... and I also think they're fabulous (I liked MDNA despite EVERYTHING we said about it) but I do get when people don't like it because they look artificial. 


And when you mention the word express I can also make references to what can be detected implicitly. Doesn't take long to read between the lines you know.



But it's an asshole thing to do to assume everybody no matter who they are is always saying this or that and that their opinions are interchangeable. It's really lazy to attribute whatever to whoever. If we're gonna be judgemental we could at least attribute opinions to names properly unless we are totally antisocial.


If people don't like something for whatever reason, thats a fair opinion, but proclaiming something is crap or unprofessional because they personally don't like a creative element of the whole thats hyperbole, and I feel it's used to push against people who have a different opinion than they do.


People are free to do whatever they want though, but obviously we're not gonna get along that way.

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im i the only one who didnt like this video of the rebelheart tour??


didnt like it at all

to much video you cant hardley follow the concert 

its to much done

and missing parts of the concert 

and one song with differend costume 


sorry guys didnt like this one


Hi gurl.   :bananawave:


I like  and hate the show.  :kitty:

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I finally saw the RHT DVD, I must admit, I'm disappointed... They use to many different shows, we can see which one is from Sydney and which one was taken with another type of camera on other shows. The color and quality change from one plan to another, and they put awful effects on some footages (they ruined Burning Up of Instance). Moreover they add too much backdrops over some scenes. It looks like a unfinished patchwork. My expectations were hight for this tour, the results don't match them. 


Anyway some passages are great and the audio is very good !


What is with people seeing claustrophobic stuff out of such subtle use of mutiple dates, it's wasn't even a thought since seeing the first footage of RH. The song is the same night throughout each of these, its a costume and the overlays used it's like people see it non stop and barraged. It's used to nicely highlighighting things, when Music kicks back in goosebumps, the end of LAV. Haters to the right! Let's go back to no production value cause that is exciting! Curlers and robes although cute!

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Too much editing. Too many cuts. The cuts in Unapologetic Bitch where celebs are shown is horrible.


Too many special effects. In some parts they looked nice, in some they were completely unnecessary. 


Why it was so much edited? Simple answer: Madonna herself and flaws of the show. Madonna wasn't in the shape like she usually is. Her dancing skills were decent in some performances, but at some points it was just sad to watch all those dancers with great moves while Madonna barely moves and holds that mic. You don't perform Vogue with a fucking mic.


If she wasn't in shape for some performances, they should have different approach, so Madonna can do some simple moves and still look great like during Jump on The Confessions Tour.


The tour from the start is a puzzle. Certain things weren't well executed and seemed rushed. Weird ideas (from Japan culture straight to church), unnecessary songs with boring reinventions (Like A Virgin...), messy interludes and some of them didn't make sense (S.E.X. for Latino section). I wonder if that guy, who posted all details about the tour, was right. He mentioned Sex/Church section with Deeper and Deeper and S.E.X. as an interlude (which would have made sense). Anyway, the tour had many flaws. How could anyone expect a great recorded show/DVD from a messy tour? No wonder they used footage from different concerts and too many cuts. It was all done to hide the flaws and too many messy moments. 


If the show was well executed from the start, the recorded show/DVD wouldn't have any problems. 


And no, MDNA tour DVD isn't worse than this. In first place, MDNA tour was well crafted show. It was easy to make a DVD. Yes, they had a different approach (more like a music video, than an actual concert), yes, there was too much editing at some parts, but it looked well overall. Watch Vogue, too many cuts, but it was well done and didn't look amateurish at any point. 


They tried to do the same thing with RH tour, make it look like a music video, but it was impossible because the show had flaws in the first place. 


Anyway, RH show (showtime) was messy at some parts, but it was also decent/good at some parts. Thank God, Madonna's dancing looked decent thanks to editing.


Because of editing many beautiful fashion moments (of dancers) were't shown  in full glory.

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Too much editing. Too many cuts. The cuts in Unapologetic Bitch where celebs are shown is horrible.


:rip: Ok done making justice it's going crazypants now lol. The only editing is clothes that is barely a thing to even see, I didn't notice it at all! People are picky let's seriously go back to LAV and have nothing happen at all except MJ dancebreak.

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I only can speak for myself and I'm not interested in anything else.

you like it great, you don't great, free your mind this is a Forum and a place to talk




DWT was live soo cool but that ugly Outfit on the DVD and when the DVD was released people

critisiced sky fits heaven with the effects now the full Shows are in  is this way,

it's sad DWT was shot in 4:3 but ist like a live Show at least and I love GST,

I can live with S&ST on DVD as the Show was not better then this

MDNA is where we are now M should be on Stage and let People let do their Job and

not try videoediting and so on.

I think it speaks for it self when so many fans here, or even on tribe (where you're usually not allowed to say anything negative) don't like the new Show film or how many people here liked my posts.

The Show was really good itself there is no Need to make it better with effects

It's sad, I wrote what my BF sayd and yesterday I showed some songs to a friend of mine

and she sayd omg I'm gettin an epileptic seizure and hmmm M does not seem to sing live and thats sad.

But enough I voiced my oppinion already and I'm happy for the people who enjoy it

as I have to make the best out of it and enjoy the parts I can

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