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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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The cover is perfect.

And the font is, at first glance, the same used for the tour program.

Seriously, enough with the disdain for packaging!


What's really gonna chap some hides around here will be the digital release content, which I'm willing to bet will have the "definitive version". At least for the US market.

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@@valonqar, given our "luck" as Brazilians, I suggest you import a DVD, mainly from Australia (in the case you have that kind of stupid DVD players which are not full regions).

If you have a Blu-ray player, be sure to import one which plays fine with yours.

Just don't wait for a Brazilian release (or if you still do so, check before our native forums and music blogspots to know what expect from the Brazilian discs. Oh God, how I regret a lot not having read them back in 2013... lol)

EDIT: My sister is a Virgo too, from September 18. Now I know why the excellence in your artworks. You can find a Virgo by their perfectionism! (Needless to say Madonna is a Virgo too by her Moon sign... She doesn't know her ascendent but I do hope she's a Taurus by it, hehehe!)


Thank you for the advice, but It will cost much more buying from another country. Taxes to shipping to our country are not cheap.

And yes hahaha I am very perfectionist


I actually don't mind it. I like the font used for Madonna. It's a nice change from just rehashing the same Rebel Heart font over and over on every release.


Right, the Madonna font is ok, but the text layout is messed up.


You read my mind. The photo is perfect (although it's not the one I'd choose for a front cover) but the layout isn't balanced at all.

However, it's much better than that horrid poster.


Exactly!  :08:

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Have received this too. Had to find it on spam section of my e-mail (lol).

Well, if cover "changed", maybe the rest will have the same fate (oh God...)

And, as @@Enrico said, no mentions about Secret and Don't Tell Me. Maybe BBFC is right after all (given it's a official public bureau, isn't it?)

And, @@Liam, of course it's very possible this is the official cover, but why in hell the need to credit the photo? That makes it can be seen as an ordinary artwork for it (or, of course, a mock up for it, nothing definitive).

And I hope, truly hope, Eagle Rock has changed their way about authorating this and release it WITHOUT TOAC (of course we'll know if they ER will do it when they give another copy to BBFC to be evaluated by them). But I bet it's a personal question for M. Even if it's in a 15-min version, high edited and maybe preferring the jokes on the content. Maybe it's her way to say "my fans will have my TOAC somehow despite of cannot having it in its entirety." So we'll have this 15 min version. The "Madonna's cut" of it. Love it or leave it, this is what M wants (and/or was allowed) to present in that release. And, of course, LAP as bonus. Nothing unexpected from her.

But it's pretty good they are listening to fans, so we can dream of a new authoration for concert film which includes LDLHA.. ;-)

"Why the need to credit the photo?"  I'm not sure what that is in reference to? I never asked for any "need to credit the photo"? Simply said, I'm pretty confident that this is the actual cover (without the red border as you explained in another post to a member).  Though, I don't think ANYTHING was changed. I'm sure this was the cover all along  even when the artist presented his poster.  He never claimed it was the artwork for the DVD.  Everything we heard regarding the artwork was speculation.  Some fans simply flipped out with very little facts. 


As for TOAC, there was no promise by Madonna the full TOAC would be available. I never expected such, and it seems a lot of fans couldn't care less if it was included.  If it's included or any excerpts from it is included, I welcome it.  I don't have any issue with it being part of the DVD along with anything else she includes. 

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What cover? All the other posts on the cover were speculation. They were never confirmed by anyone official that it was official.   Though fans wigged out anyway. LOL!


I'm sure excerpts of "Tears of a Clown" will be included in the extras. But I'm not expecting the full TOAC show.  I've mentioned this in an earlier post, she's never been known to include a lot of "extras" so I am not going to expect so here either. In the end, I'm just happy to be getting a physical copy of the film/concert.  What I saw on Showtime was great, so if it's anything like that, I'll be happy.  Hoping LDLHA will be included though, but it surely won't be a deal breaker, since I enjoyed what I saw on Showtime.

Wasn't the last one officially confirmed by Madonna? I read it on Facebook pages?

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Guest ArthurBadin

"Why the need to credit the photo?"  I'm not sure what that is in reference to? I never asked for any "need to credit the photo"? Simply said, I'm pretty confident that this is the actual cover (without the red border as you explained in another post to a member).  Though, I don't think ANYTHING was changed. I'm sure this was the cover all along  even when the artist presented his poster.  He never claimed it was the artwork for the DVD.  Everything we heard regarding the artwork was speculation.  Some fans simply flipped out with very little facts. 


As for TOAC, there was no promise by Madonna the full TOAC would be available. I never expected such, and it seems a lot of fans couldn't care less if it was included.  If it's included or any excerpts from it is included, I welcome it.  I don't have any issue with it being part of the DVD along with anything else she includes. 

Oh God, @@Liam, for sure you didn't understand me.

I was referring to the credits of Josh Brandão as the photographer, below the cover. But, anyway, it doesn't matter. I agree with you this is the real cover.  :smile:

And of course Aldo's artwork was never intended to be the actual cover, not only due to his claim of it being a poster, but also for the fact it was just an artwork from his galleries on Facebook, made with the sole purpose of promoting his FB page. He told even he used the original Brit Awards photo with no actual permission from its photographer to rework it with his ordinary changes.

I also agree with you this release is taking us fans to a giant lever of despair and catfighting, for absolutely nothing. Since Eagle Rock confirmed it back in May 12, and several newspapers from USA and overseas reported it (some of them, such as Rolling Stone, with additional - and not confirmed officially - info such as the nature of bonus content), there was no reason to, "oh! Is it sure? is it real?". Of course, some of us (such as me) weren't able to confirm it since Eagle-rock.com can't be accessed by some countries (instead it's linked to a local subsidiary or partner of that label, such as Brazilian Som Livre), but anyway, now we have the confirmation from Madonna herself. Period.

Later we'll know if BBFC really gave a true info as the DVD/BD starts being printed and send to several places and so fanpages and another online places with do their reviews of it. Naturally Madonna.com, UMG.com. etc. can inform by themselves about details of content, if they feel safe to inform (in the case the info is just like BBFC reported, cause fans haven't swallowed it).

So far nothing seems BBFC is wrong, but the lack of further info (maybe on purpose) can give us any chance or perspective of the British bureau being wrong. Anyway, it's still very early.

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Not my FAV cover.. I'd honestly rather a shot from Iconic... silhouette of her in the cage from behind with the audience in front. BUT, if that is the cover, it's relevant. Love the Madonna font. If it does include extra songs AS "extras"... I'll be waiting for a torrent of those added into the actual concert to have one difinitive show. Hehe yaaayyyy I'm excited now :)

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well, The DVD is All Around The World, so...

I miss when she used to record a DVD in one single city. An edit from more than 10 different shows will always look a mess (for example video quality switch from professional cameras [sydney] to B-roll footage from a random show). She doesn't even say the name of a city before BIM or after Holiday.  :cryin: It just doesn't feel "real". 

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Guest ArthurBadin

I love how this thread is you all going through the different stages of grief. Some are in denial, some are angry, some are sad and some are completely apathetic. It's kind of hilarious.

Well, we all should learn our Madonna lessons from start. :cry:   :smile:

By the way, are you the same guy who has this same nickname on FOTP? Love your posts there.

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Aldo talk about the rumors....



For the uninformed people who read news on madonnaonline and other groups with my name... Well, the cover wasn't changed and Madonna did not give in to any plea for a change. Do you know why? Because no artwork made by me for the cover has been leaked or published and it will all remain like this.

I participated in the election of the cover... So stop reading lies in those groups with my name and sharing misleading information.
People! Don't believe everything posted on those sites or groups... Try to know beforehand, my God! :/
(PT > Facebook translations > SP > EN, so there will be some mistakes for sure)
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For the uninformed people who read news on madonnaonline and other groups with my name... Well, the cover wasn't changed and Madonna did not give in to any plea for a change. Do you know why? Because no artwork made by me for the cover has been leaked or published and it will all remain like this.

I participated in the election of the cover... So stop reading lies in those groups with my name and sharing misleading information.

People! Don't believe everything posted on those sites or groups... Try to know beforehand, my God! :/

(PT > Facebook translations > SP > EN, so there will be some mistakes for sure)

O Deng. He clappT back


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

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For the uninformed people who read news on madonnaonline and other groups with my name... Well, the cover wasn't changed and Madonna did not give in to any plea for a change. Do you know why? Because no artwork made by me for the cover has been leaked or published and it will all remain like this.

I participated in the election of the cover... So stop reading lies in those groups with my name and sharing misleading information.
People! Don't believe everything posted on those sites or groups... Try to know beforehand, my God! :/
(PT > Facebook translations > SP > EN, so there will be some mistakes for sure)


First @@G House, thank you for the translation. :)


As for the tone, he has every right to be pissed because there were a lot of fans who attacked him and sent him some really nasty/mean messages about his artwork based on no confirmation that his work was the cover. Fans just assumed it was the cover, and even when he said it wasn't, fans continued to believe it was and harassed him.  So no, there wasn't "change" of covers, especially when nothing was confirmed as a cover.  It's really shameful that some fans have to act this way.  So much hate thrown around and then some fans wonder why people are hateful towards Madonna or her fans. 

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But see the DVD was suppose to be in just Sydney. Only the two Sydney shows were supposed to be filmed for the DVD so it's kinda sh**ty to see barely any Sydney footage. 

The intention was to film in Sydney, but there was no promise those shows were going to make up the complete DVD.  Madonna's has been known to combine other shows as far back as the "Who's That Girl Tour".   Obviously, this isn't a conventional tour on DVD, it's a film. It's Madonna's vision. She's always been a visionary.

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