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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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imagine if Take A Bow was included with the album instrumental AND fake vocals. :suffer: do yall like suffering or only care about the visual of her singing it regardless if its good :thinker::thinker:

a close to original version with fake vocals... Hmm Deeper and Deeper from showtime edit says hello... Yes I want it on the DVD. Please stop calling it kareoke people, it was original version and a simple and beautiful performance. I doubt she hates it, it is just hard for her to sing it live, same with with Bad Girl and Power of Goodbye.
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WRONG!  It's not MY vision.  It's Madonna's!!  And yes, we get it, you don't like what she's releasing.  You don't like the "edits" and "executions".  Yes we get it.  Fair is fair.  Expect some push back when you and others come in here nearly on a daily bases to repetitively share your disappointment of the project.  This has nothing to do with me or others not accepting difference of opinions or thinking everything Madonna does is the "Bees Knees".  I've shared some of my disappointments as well, but I certainly don't use it to try to assume Madonna is being "lazy" or what not just because she doesn't include a certain part of the show in it that I liked.  And I'm fine that you don't like it. That's your opinion and choice, but stop with the nonsensical gifs that undermine and disrespect those who simply appreciate that a release is happening and doesn't melt down because it's not picture perfect to your demands and expectations. . Some are acting like this is the worst thing ever.  PLEASE!!!  It's just a DVD of someone's concert!!  Mind you, an entertainer who has stuck around for nearly 35 years.  Lazy my ass!!  This woman doesn't have to do shit for you or anyone.  So yes, I'm grateful that we're getting at least some release of this concert.  Showtime Broadcast was pretty great, so I'll take what I can get.  Sorry that I don't share your sediments of finding fault in everything she does anymore.  This will be my last response to you, because it's apparent you're here to troll this thread at this point! :bananawave:

If you're calling a person who doesn't agree with that status quo a troll, you must live for one of those message boards where only one opinion is allowed. I've been a fan of M's for a decade and her past work and releases at least showed effort, what effort is there releasing a TV cut with nothing to entice a buyer except for collectors? MDNA was the full broadcast, S&S and Confessions were later released uncut. Would you still support the decision to release the NBC cut minus Live To Tell (with the backdrop instead) claiming anyone who doesn't swallow what her team spits out a troll? I've voiced my concerns about several things and given her credit many times when she's given to us fans but this release is definitely not one to be praising her for as if she's released some career retrospective boxset. Am I thankful she's releasing the tour? Yes, I am. Am I happy it's the same edit when her past shows she releases the full thing eventually? No. There's bits that people who went to the show will not experience and I'm not speaking about special songs or anything that was one-off. LDLHA was a moment and if you can do without, more power to you but your acceptance of it does not speak for me nor the others who don't share your views. And you can't call it her vision when she trimmed it to fit SHOWTIME's time slot and is releasing said version. 


And it's sentiments. A troll purposefully spams a thread and the forum itself with messages meant to instigate fights or annoy the admins. If you check my posting history, you'd see I'm nowhere near a troll because my opinion does not fall under yours so your accusations are really without a basis. 



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Like I've said she performed the full song the first time she did it. All following performances were a shortened version of the song.


Am I the only one surprised she never once performed Joan of Arc on this tour despite the heavy imagery based on her?

Oh, I would have loved 'Joan of Arc', the Ellen performance was great!

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a close to original version with fake vocals... Hmm Deeper and Deeper from showtime edit says hello... Yes I want it on the DVD. Please stop calling it kareoke people, it was original version and a simple and beautiful performance. I doubt she hates it, it is just hard for her to sing it live, same with with Bad Girl and Power of Goodbye.

Well because she can't sing

Her voice in live performances is bad every year...even when she sings a ballad (for example her recent rehearsal for open your heart 50% nicki/kylie vocals-40% backing track-10% her voice in a goofy dancing)

She can take some lessons

Yes she's very lazy

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Every time I see long post in this thread I just don't read it lol. The only thing we have to do is wait.. There's a lot of things that we don't know yet. We don't even know if the information that we have from that U.K. page is true. And also we don't know what's going on with the release so we are basically imagining things. To sum this up, we don't know anything yet. Lol



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Well because she can't sing

Her voice in live performances is bad every year...even when she sings a ballad (for example her recent rehearsal for open your heart 50% nicki/kylie vocals-40% backing track-10% her voice in a goofy dancing)

She can take some lessons

Yes she's very lazy


Shes almost 59 years old and has been touring for the past 32 years. Her voice has matured and aged and has at least some amount of damage from straining on performances for so many years, and you say she's lazy and she can't sing. let's think about it for a moment that this is something she's likely self conscious about and it's downright shitty that a fan would say something like this. I am 100% sure she tries her best.


a close to original version with fake vocals... Hmm Deeper and Deeper from showtime edit says hello... Yes I want it on the DVD. Please stop calling it kareoke people, it was original version and a simple and beautiful performance. I doubt she hates it, it is just hard for her to sing it live, same with with Bad Girl and Power of Goodbye.

well it is karaoke. i don't mean it in a bad way but it is the original instrumental. Deeper and Deeper is not the same although yes it is close.I just think a song as beautiful as Take A Bow can have a better live performance. When she decides to include it in the storyline of a show and does some type of reworking or updating of the instrumentation then it will be wonderful.

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The dogs of Amazon are awaiting patiently for word on the details and pre-order of the REBEL HEART TOUR as well.   For fun, you can press "refresh" at this link to see (a) new dog(s) appear.  LOL!



We're nearly a month away!!  I've not watched the tour since it first broadcasted, so I am ready and waiting!!

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Shes almost 59 years old and has been touring for the past 32 years. Her voice has matured and aged and has at least some amount of damage from straining on performances for so many years, and you say she's lazy and she can't sing. let's think about it for a moment that this is something she's likely self conscious about and it's downright shitty that a fan would say something like this. I am 100% sure she tries her best.


well it's because her voice is aged that she must take lessons just to save her weak voice

She doesn't take lessons like 10 years ago, so for me she's lazy

She's in her britney mood...singing over her own voice of 20 years ago

If you think I'm rude please forgive me

But it's true...her voice is good 3/10...the other 7 Times is bad even when she sings a ballad on a chair

She must Wake up from her diva status and take again vocal lessons

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And you can't call it her vision when she trimmed it to fit SHOWTIME's time slot and is releasing said version. 




Yes, it is dumbfounding that she didn't edit the whole show because of some Showtime restriction but clearly the final cut is still her vision wether it is cut or not. It must be that she decided to make less effort by just editing one version and was ok with some things being sacrificed-


I will buy it because i still appreciate the effort she made preparing the Showtime cut. If some of you don't wanna buy it in protest then I 100% support your decision. I don't think she should be adjusting her art to what some broadcasting deal says, but I can't be that bothered when I'm actually happy with what we did get.

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well it's because her voice is aged that she must take lessons just to save her weak voice

She doesn't take lessons like 10 years ago, so for me she's lazy

She's in her britney mood...singing over her own voice of 20 years ago

If you think I'm rude please forgive me

But it's true...her voice is good 3/10...the other 7 Times is bad even when she sings a ballad on a chair

She must Wake up from her diva status and take again vocal lessons



How do we know she's not doing her best to take care of her voice though? That's what I wanna know.

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That's like saying she doesn't work out enough because she doesn't have the same energy she used to have. People age. It doesn't matter how much maintenance you do, there's a limit. This comes across very insensitive tbh.

I'm talking about the voice 

not the energy WTF

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Shes almost 59 years old and has been touring for the past 32 years. Her voice has matured and aged and has at least some amount of damage from straining on performances for so many years, and you say she's lazy and she can't sing. let's think about it for a moment that this is something she's likely self conscious about and it's downright shitty that a fan would say something like this. I am 100% sure she tries her best.


well it's because her voice is aged that she must take lessons just to save her weak voice

She doesn't take lessons like 10 years ago, so for me she's lazy

She's in her britney mood...singing over her own voice of 20 years ago

If you think I'm rude please forgive me

But it's true...her voice is good 3/10...the other 7 Times is bad even when she sings a ballad on a chair

She must Wake up from her diva status and take again vocal lessons

I'm sorry what kinda fan says this shit??  You're just trolling us like others.  For the record, she didn't take voice lessons until nearly ten years into her career.  For anyone to say she's "lazy" is just ridiculous and totally disrespectful towards a woman who has been kicking ass for over 30 years.  There's nothing LAZY about her. Just because she doesn't sing like you think she should at her age, doesn't make her lazy.  And for the record, you do not know what she does in her private time, As far I believe she still sees a voice teacher from to time to time. Though you try singing at 80 shows and keep up a great voice!!!  But let's be honest, anyone who fell in love with Madonna's voice (as if it was EVER technically perfect) has no idea who Madonna is as an entertainer.  The same goes for anyone who keeps saying she's LAZY because she isn't doing it like you want her to do it.  Besides, what are you doing with your life that makes you any less lazier? This woman has went around the world many many times entertaining millions of people. She's produced countless #1 songs and albums.  She's fought discrimination, for Women's rights, Gay rights.  She's invested her own money and raised millions for AIDS, orphanages, medical centers and schools.  She's adopted four children and actually spends a lot of quality time with them.  But yeah, she's lazy because doesn't sing the way you want her to sing, or because some are not happy she edited her latest concert the way they want it, or because she didn't include a song or two they want on the DVD!!  I think some of you have your priorities mixed up here!!!  :lol:

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I'm sorry what kinda fan says this shit??  You're just trolling us like others.  For the record, she didn't take voice lessons until nearly ten years into her career.  For anyone to say she's "lazy" is just ridiculous and totally disrespectful towards a woman who has been kicking ass for over 30 years.  There's nothing LAZY about her. Just because she doesn't sing like you think she should at her age, doesn't make her lazy.  And for the record, you do not know what she does in her private time, As far I believe she still sees a voice teacher from to time to time. Though you try singing at 80 shows and keep up a great voice!!!  But let's be honest, anyone who fell in love with Madonna's voice (as if it was EVER technically perfect) has no idea who Madonna is as an entertainer.  The same goes for anyone who keeps saying she's LAZY because she isn't doing it like you want her to do it.  Besides, what are you doing with your life that makes you any less lazier? This woman has went around the world many many times entertaining millions of people. She's produced countless #1 songs and albums.  She's fought discrimination, for Women's rights, Gay rights.  She's invested he own money in orphanages, medical centers and schools.  She's adopted four children and actually spends a lot of quality time with them.  But yeah, she's lazy because doesn't sing the way you want her to sing, or because some are not happy she edited her latest concert the way they want it, or because she didn't include a song or two they want on the DVD!!  I think some of you have your priorities mixed up here!!!  :lol:


you're right anyway

don't worry about it ;)


I'm with you with every word you said <3

now I'm trolling you

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This person is allowed to call people trolls. I mean if you're bashing Madonna, by all means get warned and spoken to by an admin but my opinion I voiced regarding the DVD was not troll behavior so this Liam person really either wants some sort of Trump control on this topic or not have any sort of complaint/unsatisfactory comments made at all. If I said something about her, her children or against her character that is demeaning, sexist or flat out derogatory, that is trolling. Voicing displeasure over the lack of effort on the release itself isn't. Learn the difference. 


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Sorry, some of you are taking this too far!!  If you constantly come in here to demean her and call her lazy, then yes, I think you're trolling us.  Many aren't even rationalizing what they are saying.  They expect her to do this and that, and assume if she doesn't she doesn't care or she's being lazy. Are you people really reading what you're posting.? You're basically trying to defend yourself in why you should criticize Madonna at a fan forum.  Meanwhile, acting like the guy who is calling you out is wanting a "Trump" (all control) forum. You obviously have not been paying attention to anything I've written if you think that of me, and are  just cherry picking things, to defend your reasoning to bash Madonna in some sense.  I said countless times, I have no issue with difference of opinions. I have no issue with CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, but some are here are just purposely trashing her just because they can.  Twist it as however you like, but anyone who has any sense and is able to rationalize things, can read who is sincerely being constructive and who isn't especially when they are calling her "lazy" because she isn't singing as well as she could be?? :ag::wide-eyes:

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This person is allowed to call people trolls. I mean if you're bashing Madonna, by all means get warned and spoken to by an admin but my opinion I voiced regarding the DVD was not troll behavior so this Liam person really either wants some sort of Trump control on this topic or not have any sort of complaint/unsatisfactory comments made at all. If I said something about her, her children or against her character that is demeaning, sexist or flat out derogatory, that is trolling. Voicing displeasure over the lack of effort on the release itself isn't. Learn the difference. 



I don't think I've said something against her sexuality, age or children

I just say "save your voice" LOL

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^^ It was an example of what constitutes a troll. I've been on forums where people sign up for the sake of flooding it with hate messages towards said singer and their personal lives in hopes of causing drama among the board and problems for the admin team. It wasn't stating you said those things.

You've called me a troll which even before the topic of RHT, I still contributed to this forum by posting and taking part of the community. Because my opinion doesn't agree with yours, you decided I'm somehow here to get a rise out of people. You're the one saying we should be appreciative of the release despite the omissions and that somehow those who don't agree are not a true fan. Then you proceed to somehow talk down to everyone who posts a differing opinion or complaint about the release. I've said multiple times about the varying footage from other shows included and the fact a longer cut exists so the decision to release an edited TV broadcast for home release is unlike her previous track record. And I don't think I've insulted, name called or demeaned Madonna in anyway because of my displeasure of a great tour release given a bare minimum release. Was I expecting a two disc with different angles, all special songs, backdrops, rehearsal footage? No. But given how she normally releases the full, uncut special onto DVD/BR for this to be the same exact edit is not something to boast about. Fans share differences of opinions but to call me a troll because I'm not applauding this is a joke really and it doesn't make you a better fan because you like everything she releases or voicing you don't like it makes it any less.

Being constructive is calling people trolls and preaching "This is her vision, this is her art, you're not a true fan if you don't accept it." By all means, continue to do so.

Good day. 


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Well because she can't sing

Her voice in live performances is bad every year...even when she sings a ballad (for example her recent rehearsal for open your heart 50% nicki/kylie vocals-40% backing track-10% her voice in a goofy dancing)

She can take some lessons

Yes she's very lazy


sorry, you need to leave.

so you are one of those negative people other members kept complaining about.

you don't love her. you love to say bad things about her.

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