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Rebel Heart Tour DVD | Showtime Premiere


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I'm talking about the voice 

not the energy WTF


Yeah you totally got my point  :stare:


Still waiting for the receipts she doesn't try her best to keep up her vocals in shape. This is what many singers go through as they age, vocal chords age they don't remain the same. Some people maintain more or less the same vocal tone and strength as they age, others don't, same as physical strength or even cognitive abilities. It's something we all go through. To comment on that and say it's because of laziness comes across totally rude and ridiculous but I mean we can still be friends after this.  :kissy:

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Yeah you totally got my point  :stare:


Still waiting for the receipts she doesn't try her best to keep up her vocals in shape. This is what many singers go through as they age, vocal chords age they don't remain the same. Some people maintain more or less the same vocal tone and strength as they age, others don't, same as physical strength or even cognitive abilities. It's something we all go through. To comment on that and say it's because of laziness comes across totally rude and ridiculous but I mean we can still be friends after this.  :kissy:

of course we are still friends <3

we have different opinions

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^^ It was an example of what constitutes a troll. I've been on forums where people sign up for the sake of flooding it with hate messages towards said singer and their personal lives in hopes of causing drama among the board and problems for the admin team. It wasn't stating you said those things.


You've called me a troll which even before the topic of RHT, I still contributed to this forum by posting and taking part of the community. Because my opinion doesn't agree with yours, you decided I'm somehow here to get a rise out of people. You're the one saying we should be appreciative of the release despite the omissions and that somehow those who don't agree are not a true fan. Then you proceed to somehow talk down to everyone who posts a differing opinion or complaint about the release. I've said multiple times about the varying footage from other shows included and the fact a longer cut exists so the decision to release an edited TV broadcast for home release is unlike her previous track record. And I don't think I've insulted, name called or demeaned Madonna in anyway because of my displeasure of a great tour release given a bare minimum release. Was I expecting a two disc with different angles, all special songs, backdrops, rehearsal footage? No. But given how she normally releases the full, uncut special onto DVD/BR for this to be the same exact edit is not something to boast about. Fans share differences of opinions but to call me a troll because I'm not applauding this is a joke really and it doesn't make you a better fan because you like everything she releases or voicing you don't like it makes it any less.


Being constructive is calling people trolls and preaching "This is her vision, this is her art, you're not a true fan if you don't accept it." By all means, continue to do so.


Good day. 



Again, you've twisted all I said to suit your opinion. I expected this.  This is why I stopped talking to you several posts back, and was referring to another member about how he called her "lazy".  But of course, you assumed I was just talking to you.  We're just going to go round and round with this, so I propose we ignore each other from this point on, because the  last place I want this to turn into is fans attacking fans.  But I want to make something clear before you or anyone try to walk away and assume I am saying this because I don't like your opinion. That isn't true at all. Because there were plenty of other people who posted who had opinions that weren't favorable of Madonna, but the difference is, they don't keep coming in to overemphasize it over and over again. For the most part, they also participate in other threads in a positive manner (and this isn't necessarily directed at you, because I've seen you in other threads), but let's be real here, there are a couple who only come in this thread to run down this DVD.  It's quite clear who those people are. Again, I'm not saying it's you, but you tend to be quite pessimistic more than optimistic, so my apologies if I grouped you with anyone that might come off like a "troll",  However, let's not pretend that you haven't posted things to talk down to me regarding being positive.  There have been several times you've posted a simple gif to mock my reply about enjoying what's to be released.  So please spare me the lecture about being open to other people's posts, when you are doing the very thing you are accusing me of, when you talk down  to me or posts things to mock me for trying to keep things positive.  I've been a fan for nearly all her career. I'm not saying this to act all high and mighty or more superior. I'm not saying this to say I'm a better fan, but the fact is, some people come in here to just rain on everyone's parade just because they say they have that right to be critical.  It's one thing to complain and be critical of Madonna, but when you spend nearly most of your time in a fan forum criticizing the very person or thing we're supposed to be celebrating, I have to wonder where you stand as a fan?  No one likes a Debbie Downer, and that's what a lot of people are being in this thread.  Any rational person can just read through this complete 200 plus page thread and see the negativity definitely outweighs the positive, and the moment someone like me points that out, you jump all over them because they ask for a little rationality and respect for the artist we're celebrating here.  Again, twist my words however you please, but I'm here to celebrate Madonna and talk rationally, respectably and yes CONSTRUCTIVELY about Madonna even if the opinion isn't always favorable to Madonna.  Pardon me if I take issue with people who CONSTANTLY come in here to be negative.

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Well, thank you for the apology because I am no troll. You'll know a troll when you spot them. When the IMDB boards were up and running, a user named "LetThemEatCake" was a known troll who bashed anyone. I think they even made an account here by the name of Blohan or something of the sorts. If his posts are still available, that is more of that behavior of which is that, calling people "imbeciles" and other non-PC terms if someone so much as favored Confessions over Hard Candy.

I can't speak for others unless they do it with some claim or means of discussion that doesn't result in namecalling or breaking any forum rules. I've always tried to voice my reasons for not being entirely happy with it as I am huge LDHLA fan and seeing it cut just was a bizarre and random omission when things like the Detroit segment would be a better bonus feature then it's inclusion in the concert film itself. It's not meant to be everyone's cup of tea and do I wish for an uncut version of course, the longer the better. The tour itself was great but perhaps had she gone a streaming route, she may have never trimmed bits off of it. Who knows?

Yes, I take my own part of posting gifs as well, my apologies.

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Well, thank you for the apology because I am no troll. You'll know a troll when you spot them. When the IMDB boards were up and running, a user named "LetThemEatCake" was a known troll who bashed anyone. I think they even made an account here by the name of Blohan or something of the sorts. If his posts are still available, that is more of that behavior of which is that, calling people "imbeciles" and other non-PC terms if someone so much as favored Confessions over Hard Candy.


I can't speak for others unless they do it with some claim or means of discussion that doesn't result in namecalling or breaking any forum rules. I've always tried to voice my reasons for not being entirely happy with it as I am huge LDHLA fan and seeing it cut just was a bizarre and random omission when things like the Detroit segment would be a better bonus feature then it's inclusion in the concert film itself. It's not meant to be everyone's cup of tea and do I wish for an uncut version of course, the longer the better. The tour itself was great but perhaps had she gone a streaming route, she may have never trimmed bits off of it. Who knows?


Yes, I take my own part of posting gifs as well, my apologies.


I appreciate this very much.  And I actually feel your sincerity here.  :wink:  So thank you for taking the time in reading and being fair with my response without turning it into something it wasn't meant to be. I hope we can start over and appreciate where both of us stand even if we don't always agree.  It's apparent we are both passionate fans, and want the very best for Madonna.  Hopefully, we are shining examples that heated discussions can easily be worked out without always lashing out at another.  So thank you again, and I apologize if I offended you anyway. It wasn't intentional, yet I was more frustrated over those that seem to be overtly negative and irrational about this project.  :):kiss:

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my reasons for not being entirely happy with it as I am huge LDHLA fan and seeing it cut just was a bizarre and random omission when things like the Detroit segment would be a better bonus feature then it's inclusion in the concert film itself.


In the spirit of being constructive, I totally agree with you here.  In fact, I mentioned before, I would love to know Madonna's reason for this cut.  I know LDLHA wasn't one of her big hits, but for oldie fans like me, to hear her sing this song was quite special and quite unexpected. It was genius how she merged HBC and LDLHA together like she did.  And I always thought most of her performances of these two songs together especially singing LDLHA, sounded beautiful and strong. It really showcased how strong of a singer she can be.  She tends to have these moments in most of her tours (IE: LIVE TO TELL from Confessions Tour and LAMENT from RIT).  I do feel like LDLHA was one of those moments. I would think she would have known this, and have to wonder that something technically didn't work for her to cut it out?  I don't see that as fault on her part, nor think the worse of her,  because in the end, we don't know the real reason why she cut it. Whatever the reason, I have to respect it, and it certainly doesn't take away from how great the rest of the concert is. Most of the edits are nearly detectable unless you went or saw the live show to know what was exactly edited or changed.  This idea that she must release the show like it was performed seems a bit crazy for me, because she's always took her live concerts and turned them into something more for the video release. I also recognize that she's into making her concerts into a theatrical spectacle, rather a typical concert, so again it doesn't bother me with the changes she made because in the end, you still come away watching it with great excitement and joy.  ;)

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In the spirit of being constructive, I totally agree with you here.  In fact, I mentioned before, I would love to know Madonna's reason for this cut.  I know LDLHA wasn't one of her big hits, but for oldie fans like me, to hear her sing this song was quite special and quite unexpected. It was genius how she merged HBC and LDLHA together like she did.  And I always thought most of her performances of these two songs together especially singing LDLHA, sounded beautiful and strong. It really showcased how strong of a singer she can be.  She tends to have these moments in most of her tours (IE: LIVE TO TELL from Confessions Tour and LAMENT from RIT).  I do feel like LDLHA was one of those moments. I would think she would have known this, and have to wonder that something technically didn't work for her to cut it out?  I don't see that as fault on her part, nor think the worse of her,  because in the end, we don't know the real reason why she cut it. Whatever the reason, I have to respect it, and it certainly doesn't take away from how great the rest of the concert is. Most of the edits are nearly detectable unless you went or saw the live show to know what was exactly edited or changed.  This idea that she must release the show like it was performed seems a bit crazy for me, because she's always took her live concerts and turned them into something more for the video release. I also recognize that she's into making her concerts into a theatrical spectacle, rather a typical concert, so again it doesn't bother me with the changes she made because in the end, you still come away watching it with great excitement and joy.  ;)

I think she just tried to fit it within the time slot Showtime gave her. There's cuts in songs and intro that I could see her removing to make room (the intro before La Isla Bonita i.e) and a few others. Similar to prior shows, some sections were scaled down, interludes removed, but this one seems rather odd with the inclusion of the Detroit segment which seems jarring. I get it if this were another documentary but right in the middle of a concert film, it seems terribly out of place and if a portion of a song or even another performance were removed, it's confusing.


I do think the LDHLA here anymore bit just made the HBC mashup brilliant, when the music builds as she reaches the top of the staircase belting that voice before sliding down the stairs while the music swells, just her, the spotlight before it ends. Ugh. It was truly a moment live and she sounded amazing singing in her old voice from what I heard. It still confuses me why this was omitted while Detroit remains. 





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@@thelioncourtheart_  Well, I'm grasping at straws, but let's hope she removed the Detroit inclusion and/or re-added the LDLHA for the DVD.  But I won't hold my breath. LOL!!  At least, I got to see it live.  And you're so right about how it was a "brilliant" fusion. 

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And the fighting continues on Madonna Infinity. Meanwhile, across the globe, Madonna delivered a special live performance that slayed Leo's event with some of the best sounding musical updates she's given in a long time. I mean, La Isla is close to the original arrangement but it's also slightly made a little...brighter if you will. And she put the "aaaah" background vocals back in which I've been missing for so long!

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I don't understand why many fans wants Like a Prayer for a Bonus on The DVD, is the same MDNA Tour version! but more shorter, Like a Prayer is on S&S DVD, MDNA DVD and now RH DVD?, So BORRED!!!! I prefer Don't Tell Me or Secret, Like a Prayer Esta hasta en la Sopa!!! #NoMoreLikeAPrayerOnAWorldTourPlease :cry:

Like A Prayer is a one the best pop songs in history..... & its by Madonna. The crowd reaction to it is always great.

Why wouldn't you want it? I understand some people wanting other songs more, but thats really another thing.

Would you prefer just the Showtime version with no extra song at all? 

I also hope she continues to sing it on her future tours and will miss it when it goes missing again.

Remix, mashup or singalong it always works. 



Bring on the DVD

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No, I'm 99.999% positive she never performed it in full. Not even once. 


You're wrong, the first time she did it she included the bridge, She cut it after that because it was a struggle for her to sing it.


The vocal on TAB as a whole was not her best moment. I suspect that's why it's been cut.

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The DVD should have:



- Take a Bow

- Like a Prayer

- The full Tears of a Clown


Yes it is a beautifully edited show and I love it all and I will survive with those omissions but I do think it would have been very straight forward of her to include them. Knowing that she included footage from earlier shows like Detroit annoys me that we are also not getting songs like Ghosttown, Who's That Girl, Frozen etc as extra. Instead of getting extras we are getting things cut? What the fuck.

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I don't understand why she is only including an except of Tears of a Clown and not the full show?


I assume the excerpt is the Australian version and at 14:53 mins there is room for more than one song (Hopefully it wont be 14 mins of crap jokes and the audience being idiots)

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I don't understand why she is only including an except of Tears of a Clown and not the full show?


I assume the excerpt is the Australian version and at 14:53 mins there is room for more than one song (Hopefully it wont be 14 mins of crap jokes and the audience being idiots)

Because the full show was a mess lol. I don't think it is something you would release for sale. There were so many mistakes musically.



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