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Madonna: Erotica (Poll)


Madonna: Erotica  

135 members voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite classic from this stunner: Erotica?

    • Erotica
    • Fever
    • Bye Bye Baby
    • Deeper And Deeper
    • Where Life Begins
    • Bad Girl
    • Waiting
    • Thief Of Hearts
    • Words
    • Rain
    • Why's It So Hard
    • In This Life
    • Did You Do It?
    • Secret Garden

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Another great time period IMO.  I get frightened when so many say that this album was "a piece of shit" or just filled with filler.  Are you kidding me; are you for real?  But my vote goes for "Rain," which is still my #4 to this day.  Gorgeous video, gorgeous ballad, nothing much else to say.


Which song do you prefer?

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Guest LaraCroft

Possibly my favorite M album. It's so difficult to choose but I had to go with Thief of Hearts since it is such an instant classic for me and I always blast the track.

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Deeper and Deeper as it was the first track I heard from the album and I loved it, but TBH I still found this hard to decide. It's a fantastic album. I'm lucky as my version of the CD doesn't have "Did You Do It?" on it, and it's a pants song! So for Me, it's a virtually flawless album with no fillers, and it's hard to pick an outright favourite. I was torn and nearly went for Words/In This Life/Secret Garden but went with my gut instinct and DAD.

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Guest LaraCroft

I always think of Thief of Hearts like the start of a trilogy now, the other two tracks being She's Not Me and Gang Bang. Blending the three together with segments in between could make an interesting short film.

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who was stalked for loving madonna at the 90s? I was bullied for saying I love Madonna, and yes! Erotica is a totally ground breaking album - I stated at that time - which might be or might not be 'many years ago' AAAAAAAAND also I figured erotica would be the album we (including those who bashed) will be listening in 20y and it will/would sound like recorded yesterday. and its considered by many - including straight guys/girls a bonnafide classic :cute:

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Everytime is so difficult to choose... I love the singles, Deeper and Deeper, Rain, Bad Girl... who doesn't?

Where life begins is so original. Who dares to write a song about this?

In this life is so moving especially in its live Girlie Show rendition.

Maybe it's easier to say which is the least favourite... to me it's probably Bye bye baby. I like Did you do it because I spent hours to write down the exact lyrics until I finally found a girl from San Francisco do it for me... and she was a little embarassed: the story of the boy making sex with M in her limo but splitting the condom is soo funny!


Finally, I voted WAITING because I have experienced the feeling described in the song, it's the most personal for me, and I know it won't be voted by many, so I'll give it a chance!!

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sooooo difficult, as almost every track has potential to be chosen, but standouts for me are DAD, waiting, rain, WISH, SG, words ad then the list grows. Yes this was definitely a time in which you had to have some courage saying you liked Madonna, she was slammed off more than ever before, or after in her carreer. I was 14 at the time and this era could not have come at a better/worse time ;-) not sure how my sexuality would have evolved without it, haha.

Anyway, no forgotten album track this time, for me the ultimate song of this record is the title track itself. Everything about it was just so mesmerizing and mysterious, the scratching intro (funny thing as my first copy of the single was a 7" the record noise was soon doubled by actual record noise) the bass, spoken vocals, the same sample as TBW, the metal chain sounds at the end, and all her aaahs and oohs! were very naughty to 14 year old ears (I remember talking very loudly during those parts whenever my grandmother was visiting) And then there's the sleeve cover, which is still my favourite to this day. I remember seeing it in our local department store, totally oblivious a new single was released (these were pre internet days so we didn't really have a clue if and when records were being released) and thought this looks very cool, it could be a madonna single, before seeing her name at the bottom of the sleeve and almost fainted (well I didn't faint, I just drew some money from my kiddysavingsaccount and bought the damn thing) sorry for the rant, but Erotica, yeah, it brings back memories and is still one of my favourites

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Secret Garden :heart: for life

Erotica is not my favourite album by far, but the whole era was fascinating, and the Girlie Show was and still is one of her greatest tours.


The Erotica and D&D remixes were AMAZING though, and Up Down Suite, oh gosh, I'll remember my entire life the first time I heard it in a club, played by legendary DJ Frankie Knuckles.

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Was very hard to choose between Rain, Words & Bad Girl but i chose words simply because of the songwriting speech on the end - classic - bad Girl & Rain tied with second plus i think they are 2 of her best videos aswell


I do have a renewed appreciation for this album over the years - i remember at the time the whole sex book did put me off this record as it made it a very dark time for her career but then she came out with bad girl and rain and it pretty much restored my faith plus the girlie show has some amazing concepts in it too - - love justify my love from that show -so cool and great production.

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