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Madonna to Honor Prince at Billboard Awards with live performance

Yung Rapunxel

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Update on the distasteful BET ad & social media posts.

Thanks to a lot of complaints and bad media coverage, BET [Black Entertainment Television] removed their Twitter and Facebook posts from Sunday night right after the show which had that cruel video ad mocking her Prince tribute and telling viewers to watch BET Awards show for a good tribute. This controversy was trending high on Facebook Monday morning through yesterday and was reported by abc, ET and other major news outlets. 

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Call it ageism, sexism or even racism in the recent hate spewed, the bias Madonna has had to face & deal with throughout her entire career is real and incredibly unfair.


I understand that not everybody is going to like everyone's voice, no matter how beautiful it may be, but how anyone could criticize a heartfelt tribute to a friend is beyond me. I see the performance for what it is: a beautiful & sad farewell to a friend and a musical peer. Yes she can produce mind blowing spectacles but this wasn't about that. This was about honoring Prince. It was all about Prince  and that's what a tribute should be. I applaud her & respect her so much for this. 


Re-watching it gets better and better. And the more I watch the performance, the more I luv it. Viewing it from the fan cam that brazilfan posted, you get the sense of what people there experienced, and you can see how special it was. It's incredible just how intimate, passionate, beautiful, emotional, heart felt, genuine, sincere, moving & respectful it is. Madonna sang a song that Prince wrote, that conveyed what she wanted to express about him. Nothing more, nothing less. And I think Nothing Compares 2 U is an amazing choice. Some of the lyrics are incredibly fitting and it feels like she's singing them directly to Prince.


People who criticize her vocals have probably forgotten what a pure singing voice sounds like without lip-syncing or yelling over prerecorded vocals. IMO, her vocals are so good. The way she sang was so touching. It was really personal, intimate & mesmerizing. It was poignant and emotional! Her voice was outstanding and she sang it from the heart. I feel the pain in her voice. And those tears.

Posted Image


I love her first "since you took your love away..." Sounds so ethereal. It has that crystalline, chime-like tone there. Simply gorgeous. 

And on "I can do whatever I wa-a-a-a-ant" the tone is so full and rounded, well-supported by the diaphragm.


"All the flowers that you've planted, In the backyard" - a beautiful moment.

Her emotions definitely took over a bit in the second verse & her voice even cracked a little. But real emotions would crack anyone's voice. That is part of the charm in how authentic and real it was. Just beautiful on so many levels

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This has nothing to do with skin colour.


Her big ego always needs to bring it back to something external - age, gender, race.




She's not the one who brought the racial factor into it. A lot of people have said she shouldn't have done the tribute due to her being white. FACT. 




Sometimes the hatred is because the quality isn't there or on the principle of the matter.


Hating a tribute from a friend to a friend is pathetic and disgusting. 

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I'm so bored of the vitriolic hate. It's gotten really old.


Since the world has lost Prince and Bowie so soon after each other, you'd hope people would appreciate how precious their time on Earth was.


Instead they seem intent on bringing Madonna down, the last great music icon for the X Generation; casting her as some pantomime villain until the bitter end. It's sad and depressing, but most of all, really, really boring now.


& it annoys the hell out of me when I read any bias news story built around Twitter reactions, as if a few hateful voices, screaming the loudest, should qualify for every person's opinion. Since when did Internet trolls become the voice of reason?!


It's time for mainstream media to grow up and move on. Enough.


I say this to all the haters:


If you didn't like the performance - fine. That's absolutely fine. You're entitled to your opinion. It's yours to have.


But why do you think anyone else gives a shit about your opinion anyway? Who are you to judge? Why do you think we need to hear it?


My mother always told me, if you haven't got anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.


People have lost all sense of self-respect, dignity and decorum. Where are their fucking manners already?!


This is not how you treat other human beings. It's plain and simply wrong and it needs to stop.


Time is running out. We need to do better. Now.

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This has nothing to do with skin colour.


Her big ego always needs to bring it back to something external - age, gender, race.


Bollocks. Sometimes the hatred is because the quality isn't there or on the principle of the matter.


Madonna's musicality and artistry DOES pale in comparison to Prince.


She would have been more effective to write a eulogy, as she is a fabulous and effective speech writer and public speaker.


Her voice was so strained during this performance.


I partially agree with you, but just in part. I also think that the matter of all this horrible hatredfull thing is a certain lack of quality this time.


Her still beautiful and expressive voice (that's one of the points I disagree about) simply doesn't suit this specific kind of music writing, thought for strong vocalists interpretation. Her main talent is not there and the fact that she didn't particularly sing out fo tune didn't anyway make it strong enough. Beyond her great songwriting talent (wich here was not involved), she is a master of vision, the absolute queen when it comes to the efficacy and intensity in the creative mise en scene, theatrically and musically (I think of songs like Gang Bang, Bedtime Story or many live reinterpretations of her old classics).


But she didn't want to take this path for her tribute, she wanted to be intimate and emotional. The point for me is that that kind of simplicity wasn't supported by a strong-enough vocal performance. I think that, when you wait for Madonna to pay tribute, you wait for her unique energy and ability to set up that particular thing wich makes you have a bump of heart. We should consider how that performance must have been perceived by Prince's fan and the general public who were waiting to honor and celebrate his gigantic talent (very different than M's but this doesn't mean she has to pale in front of it) with all the need to free their love and sorrow for his death . 


She just sang two of his songs and she did it with an ordinary performance. It was the homage and the painfull farewell of a friend, but maybe it wasn't able to catch and represent the strenght and the intensity of many people who wanted to feel his artistic world close for a last time ... and say goodbye.


Sorry to anyone who should feel offended by this, it's simply my opinion.

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This has nothing to do with skin colour.


Her big ego always needs to bring it back to something external - age, gender, race.


Bollocks. Sometimes the hatred is because the quality isn't there or on the principle of the matter.


Madonna's musicality and artistry DOES pale in comparison to Prince.


She would have been more effective to write a eulogy, as she is a fabulous and effective speech writer and public speaker.


Her voice was so strained during this performance.


The only problem I have with her age is what it's done to her singing voice. EW.


I'm still trying to unhear her singing the sacred Purple Rain.


I wonder why people who hate Madonna so much feel the need to spend their days on a fan forum posting this kind of shit.  You should perhaps get a new hobby that will actually bring positivity into your life.

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People are grieving, they have lost someone that always delivered in an almost otherworldly manner. They need someone to lash out at. Madonna has invited this criticism by choosing to do this particular performance. It'll pass. 


I disagree that she invited this criticism.  She was paying tribute to a friend, something she didn't have to do.  Don't hang your shit on her.  If you have personal issues, go post that shit on a Prince forum.


We're Madonna fans first here and most of us don't want to read that shit because we care about her performance, not whether Prince would have approved or not.

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You've missed the point entirely which is that if you disliked it so much, that's your right, but there's no need to go on and on endlessly about how much you hated it on a fan forum.  That's why people don't bother to post here any more.


When I don't like something, I move on with my day and don't even dwell on it.  It's not going to change anything to dwell on negativity.


If nothing else, recent events should have taught most people not to take things for granted.  I'm going to enjoy everything Madonna gives us while she's still around.

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I like Dick Tracy's motto. Rise above. Maybe if we would react less, or not reply so much to what the haters say, they would get bored after a while. Although, sometimes I do get annoyed with people who say stuff and kind of feel the need to defend M too.

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The racial tension in the US (and elsewhere) comes from a very long cultural history of opression and inequality. The world is not equal to this day. That true equality may never come, and it will definitely not come if we don't start having more empathy towards one another and seeing how differently we all experience the world.


Growing up with that kind of baggage is extremely difficult, especially in a world that is still very much racist (and homophobic and mysoginistic etc) even if laws say otherwise. When you consider all the factors at play you can understand why sometimes there are overreactions from minorities or misunderstandings (as well as legitimate complaints), and we need to at least discuss things without reducing them to buzz words.


When Madonna used the disnigga hashtag, we knew she wasn't being racist, but I can understand why her using it would be genuinely offensive (hurtful) to others and she understood that too. I also understand why some people would not be able to see past context. This is emotionally charged to a degree that people from the outside may not understand, but we have to try. Dismissing the bigger picture is hostile.


It seems to me that people from both sides arent too willing to discuss these issues without that hostility. Its sad.


I'd like to add that I saw black people bashing her, white people bashing her, black people who thought the tribute was nice and black people who thought Stevie Wonder sounded bad. So generalizations are never a good idea.


If she had included his musicians people wouldnt have been as harsh imho. I saw a lot of skeptical people on Twitter who were saying "maybe she'll include The Revolution, etc", it would've appeased things. I 100% understand if people didn't like it, I also ovbiously think hating on a tribute from a friend to a friend is extremely disrespectful.


If There's only people just like you then there will be No such a that kind of racist problem. Because you understand what is problem.

But real problem is there's such a lot of stupid people live in America (not just america) And That's the reality. And that's the problem.


Those black racist are exist in America. And that's the sad reality. And I really disgusting to see that kind of racist attacking Madonna constantly.

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I like Dick Tracy's motto. Rise above. Maybe if we would react less, or not reply so much to what the haters say, they would get bored after a while. Although, sometimes I do get annoyed with people who say stuff and kind of feel the need to defend M too.

It's one thing to see the usual internet haters/bullies/trolls aka nobodies posting shit about Madonna. They don't bother me cos I just ignore & block them. But it's a whole different case when a TV network does it & then some black celebs applauding it. That's just utterly disgusting & pathetic. It's understandable that M fans would react. 

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I don't care who Prince nor Madonna is. I don't care if they're legendary or sacred. Or part of the "trinity of pop"


The only thing I care about is that A HUMAN BEING put their heart and soul to tribute another human being, A FRIEND. So if we feel compelled to spew hateful opinions we need to re-evaluate our values because it is plain disrespectful.


It's not the decent thing to do.


This isn't the Superbowl, nor one of her shows. This is a tribute from a friend to a friend.


Grow the fuck up.

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Sometimes I think it was better when the Internet didn't exist..... you really only read stuff in the paper that was going on, or heard it on the radio or TV but that was it. There was no comment section or anything like that - no cellphones, nothing. It was easier back then.... God, I feel old lol. Being online you find/meet a lot of idiots (but nice people as well :).

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Sometimes I think it was better when the Internet didn't exist..... you really only read stuff in the paper that was going on, or heard it on the radio or TV but that was it. There was no comment section or anything like that - no cellphones, nothing. It was easier back then.... God, I feel old lol. Being online you find/meet a lot of idiots (but nice people as well :).


So true. And most funny thing is these idiots are the one which think that they are the most smart one. uhhh..

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Madonna's voice sounded GOOD you have to remember she was even singing while CRYING a bit.She certainly sounded better then Stevie Wonder, which NOBODY brings upAnd yes it was blatant racism against MadonnaThe number of times I heard her being called a "white bitch" after it was announced she was performing. ..

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