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How would you react if Madonna collaborates with Lady Gaga?


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I would celebrate a Madonna/Gaga collaboration. I think Gaga could really help with melody ideas that are maybe a bit fresher since she's much more musically inclined, and Madonna could supply the main themes and ideas of the lyrics. It would be a dream actually. I think a whole album could be born. 

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I just want a fucking rock and roll album with maybe Bruce Springsteen, Joe Henry, Craig Street etc. some realistic middle aged American music. She sounded so good at TOAC doing Intervention and Borderline simple, no strings rock/pop. Give me guitars and real drums, enough of this kid shit. Save the computers for the remixes, alas I feel our girl is more in line with Cher's demographic and trajectory but ya never know. I hope she drops the kid costume (grills, leathers, etc) and shocks us by owning it. To me I hear a Gaga duet rumor and I imagine two birds screaming at each other loudly, flopping about and crashing to the ground.



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It's really hard to comment civilly towards the subject in threads like this because it's hard to ignore the bizarre comments. From what I have heard what's her face seems to need help developing a melody.


I am sure Madonna has tried to reach out to this ding dong but she's too much of an idiot and a horrible person. I am sure Madonna has given up trying to help her and probaly is whatever about it at this point. How else do you deal with a troll with backers who know how to brainwash people and pay off music sites?


What is incredible is that so many people are amazed that a lot of her fanbase have been vile to other performers and especially towards Madonna. They can't understand because "gaga would not approve." Trust me, the worst of her fans are the ones that actually do "get her" AND the shady moves of the loser music industry jerks that are desperately trying to make her a thing. They are vile but sadly those fans are not the clueless ones.


I really just want them all away from Madonna. The day they stop bullying Madonna is the day I will shut up if any of her fans want to know when we will stop.


So how would I react? I would think that Madonna would do It to help her in some way but she's too far gone as a spoiled brat jerk and she can't even back up her pretentious attitude. Otherwise why would Madonna want to? She's not like Madonna at all. They certainly don't share the same values. So it would surprise me.

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Gaga was asked by Andy Cohen about whether she wanted to work with M, Gaga said she had no plans to right now and all the M fan pages on fb immeadately start flame wars, madonnarama are awful for doing it, personally i wouldn't mind, wouldnt be happy about it either though, it should always be just M on her own anyway but am just sick of fighting

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Gaga was asked by Andy Cohen about whether she wanted to work with M, Gaga said she had no plans to right now and all the M fan pages on fb immeadately start flame wars, madonnarama are awful for doing it, personally i wouldn't mind, wouldnt be happy about it either though, it should always be just M on her own anyway but am just sick of fighting


That behaviour is so ridiculous now  :stare: Its not 2012 anymore. Madonna deserves better than her fans not moving on from it. Its like those people who still flame Mariah for a comment made over 20 years ago. It's very sad.

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I love Gaga, she an incredibly talented musician, singer, and songwriter, but I don't want to see a collaboration. Madonna has already many collaborations and duets under her belt, and very very few of them are actually listenable or have any real lasting appeal. Its time for Madonna to get back to being Madonna, and not 'Madonna (feat...)'.

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Gaga's music is all just cheap and shitty, she only has vocal talent. No thanks. Most of her fans being dumb is not a coincidence. Easily pleased people who bore themselves so much that THIS is what they spend their time on. Mess.


In preparation for Perfect Illusion I was putting her on shuffle part of me thought this. Although I will say The Fame Monster isn't in this category (masterpiece). Born this Way has it's good parts also ARTPOP but there is stuff that very much underneath the talent I know she can be. But I will say one thing she can right one hell of a pop song; when it comes to ballads they are usually wonky almost 70's power ballads (with the exception of You & I) she can't write them very well.

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I don't think she's that musically talented but I've enjoyed her a lot, because she's been entertaining and her music has been fun. Altho I don't like her new song. Of course she has pissed me off in the past and I've criticised her, especially in 2011.  :cute:  :cute: but Madonna has also pissed me off sometimes and I still love her.  :seeno:

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Gaga was asked by Andy Cohen about whether she wanted to work with M, Gaga said she had no plans to right now and all the M fan pages on fb immeadately start flame wars, madonnarama are awful for doing it, personally i wouldn't mind, wouldnt be happy about it either though, it should always be just M on her own anyway but am just sick of fighting

Certain Madonna forums are filled with nasty c*nts who act like Madonna is their God and every other popstar is Satan and must be trash talked and stopped - or else! It was that way when I was a regular at some of them during the AL and COADF eras, and it sounds like little has changed.

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Some fans spend more time hating on others than supporting Madonna tbh. Isn't it better to criticise who we like out of love than going out of our way to hate on others?  :thinker: I do have a problem with people who use M to trash others because it makes her and all of us look bad. The same Madonna fans who call other fanbases hateful can be just as nasty.

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no offense to anyone but doesn't it cross anyone's mind that gaga may stand for something certain people just truly despise? that has nothing to do with being a madonnafan or not, or being grown-up/tolerant or what-have-you.

it's what gaga seems to embody/transport/communicate/come across as.

she is the opposite of authenticity to me.

one could argue that madonna might not always have been authentic either with changing her public persona and so on.

but hell, she truly knew how to make things look authentic and real. the illusion was perfect, if it was one.

i can't say the same about gaga.

she does seem less original. but that may also be due to the age of information/the internet; everyone can research everything and find the "source inspiration", if you so will.

truth is: everyone "steals" from everyone in art. or rather, everyone is inspired by someone or something that has existed before.

with gaga, it all comes across less original than others.

i haven't heard or seen anything from her that sounded like something only gaga could do and that had enough substance; that was convincing to the core. that there was a real vision and valuable message. it all seems to remain superficial, hollow and marketed. and that is opposed to the enormous ego gaga seems to exude.

maybe the real gaga is still to come, years from now.

then, i'll give it a truly interested listen.

because musically, she is way more talented than madonna, hands down.

it's the rest that is almost more important in the music business that is so startling.

she may be entertaining but there is NO REAL SUBSTANCE.


that being said, it could be an age/generation thing.

if you were not exposed to past pop/rock phenomena, you may be impressed by gaga.

and that's the only explanation i have for her following.

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I think people should dislike anyone they want and have whatever opinion, even here I don't censor opinions, its only human and it can be healthy, but people who hide behind Madonna's image to call someone ugly, a flop, or whatever, piss me off. Madonna doesn't advocate for hate, let alone of that caliber, as much shade as she's thrown at Gaga (which she has a right to...), and at this point the fan wars are beyond ridiculous. JMO.... 

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NowRadiate's comment is spot on but I'd prefer to omit the part where he says Gaga is more musically talented  :lol:. Any person in this world with her parents' money could take singing and piano lessons during childhood but you really don't need money to show some humility about your talent, something she lacks completely and that I honestly loathe. I've never understood how people, especially gays, can't see through her  :bothered2:


But anyways, it's not 2011 anymore.. Madonna is an opportunistic bitch so I don't think she wants to collaborate with passé artistes  :Madonna037:

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