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Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]


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In Spain, what was really talked about with her releases from the 00's (up to COADF) was the fact that she dropped stunning videos for the first singles. She was all over the news in every channel.So, the most important thing is to have a powerful video that keeps everybody talking.

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M13 is coming very soon. So we can expect more and more vile stories on M. People in the music biz NEED her, and WANT her to fail, so it will be one scathing article after another, even if it is an old story of ages ago. Expect big anti-M campaigns from vicious people like Roger Friedman and Pier Morgan.It’s already started:


Ron Weisner making money writing sh*t about Madonna on his new book



Thank God for this:

Fallen Music 'manager" Ron Eisner tries to slander Madonna. Here is the truth behind their falling out


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The cover has to be iconic... like Confessions or MDNA, those were extremely good! :heart:


All the MDNA album photoshoots left me underwhelmed especially coming from Mert & Marcus. Even the Tourbook pictures were more interesting. It's still a shame the Interview 2010 photoshoot was just a mag. 

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Ok, so I just realized this is coming from an unofficial twitter. There is no conformation of this anywhere else yet, right?  Until it comes from a valid source, I won't get my hopes up quite yet. I sure do hope some kind of major performance is planned though....but X Factor? I would think she'd want to perform on an award show or something major instead?

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Ok, so I just realized this is coming from an unofficial twitter. There is no conformation of this anywhere else yet, right?  Until it comes from a valid source, I won't get my hopes up quite yet. I sure do hope some kind of major performance is planned though....but X Factor? I would think she'd want to perform on an award show or something major instead?


Hoping for the EMAs

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M13 is coming very soon. So we can expect more and more vile stories on M. People in the music biz NEED her, and WANT her to fail, so it will be one scathing article after another, even if it is an old story of ages ago. Expect big anti-M campaigns from vicious people like Roger Friedman and Pier Morgan.It’s already started:


Ron Weisner making money writing sh*t about Madonna on his new book



Thank God for this:

Fallen Music 'manager" Ron Eisner tries to slander Madonna. Here is the truth behind their falling out


Yeah, he sounds like a "tool" to me who can't take tough and ambitious women. No doubt, Madonna can be a bitch, but do you think she would be around today if she wasn't tough as nails from the get-go. It just sounds like me that he wanted to take over directing that video, but everyone seemed to despise him on the set. Fired or walked off on his own, I'm sure Madonna doesn't regret the situation. But to call her "desperate" is just a "desperate" attempt for him to gain attention for his book. Looks like it somewhat worked. Difference is no one really knew who he was before and no one will after this.


I will say this... his story doesn't jive regarding his statement about Madonna not toning it down at a Seattle concert. If he had walked off the set (as he stated) and quit then, then how could he have been part of that Seattle Concert, which took place nearly a year later? Another thing, back then, The Virgin Tour wasn't very sexually provocative, nor was Who's That Girl Tour. I could understand if he was part of her team during Blond Ambition, but even he claims he walked out during the Like A Virgin video and told DeMann that he could have her.

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As for the X-Factor info, I'm going to take with a grain of salt, as it's odd that just a few days ago, we got a report that Simon Cowell was hoping to snag Madonna to perform on the show sometime in the fall, and now all of a sudden we are getting these unknown sources with no credibility, extending on that by claiming she is going on the show and not only that part of the Finale.


Not that it isn't possible she would do it, but we know she doesn't really like these type of shows. At the same time, something like X-Factor with such a mass audience appeal would be great exposure. I hope she'll do the same in the U.S., just for my own selfish wants as I would enjoy to see her perform.


Perform... that's another thing. My personal opinion, she should stay away from too much chit-chat and just perform. While I do love a Madonna interview, but it just gives people reason to twist what she says into something negative, even the very network or interviewer she's doing the interview with. I remember during American Life promotion, Matt Laur drilled Madonna on issues. The commentary was not always flattering to her or in her favor.  Being this is a very highly political time, I do think she should refrain from getting too political, and just perform the music and let it speak for itself.

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Same. :)


Wouldn't be surprise if she does perform something on X-Factor, I think it's been rumoured Simon Cowell wants to get her on the show for years and years, and it's great exposure. 


I don't think Madonna has anything against talent shows, she's said it doesn't matter how you get famous but what you do with it when they've asked her about it, it's just that she doesn't wanna be a judge and pick who is good and who isn't. 

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Madonna new album: It was Wash All Over Me and not Rebel Heart lyrics

...part of the lyrics that everybody ascribed to Rebel Heart by mistake. ...those lyrics are from another track, called Wash All Over Me, recorded for Madonna’s new album.


Rebel Heart is another song and has nothing to do with Wash All Over Me.


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The tracks so far:
1. Living for Love - The perfect end to a perfect day… I ‘m Gonna Carry On 
2. Messiah  
https://www.facebook.com/LizRosenbergMedia Confirmed by Liz R on July 7th
3. Bitch, I am Madonna
4. Rebel Heart – [Day turns into night. I won’t give up the fight. Don’t want to get to the end of my days……….saying I Wasn’t amazed!...The perfect ending to a magnificent day! God is Good…] http://drownedmadonna.com/madonna-wash-all-over-me-lyrics/20140812?fb_action_ids=10152653836371882&fb_action_types=og.comments
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I wouldn't put much stake in what DM posts. It's like anything they post anymore, is something pulled out of thin air. They never back up with any credible sources. I mean, really? How would they know what lyrics they were really? If they gave us someone (even a general someone) who informed of this, I would believe it.


Same. :)


Wouldn't be surprise if she does perform something on X-Factor, I think it's been rumoured Simon Cowell wants to get her on the show for years and years, and it's great exposure. 


I don't think Madonna has anything against talent shows, she's said it doesn't matter how you get famous but what you do with it when they've asked her about it, it's just that she doesn't wanna be a judge and pick who is good and who isn't. 

She did once comment on the these type of shows before. I can't recall when and what interview, but I recall that she isn't too impressed with the idea these shows produce a lot of our talent anymore. She's pretty old school in how one should work their ass off (like she did) to get recognition.


I somewhat understand her, but at the same time, as much as Madonna was starving to be successful, you know she would have definitely jumped on one of these shows early on, if they were around. As a starving artist, it makes sense to go to the place that could give you most exposure, and I don't see how that should change after being a huge successful star.

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They ask her about it on this 2009 interview


Ahh, I knew she spoke of it in some interview. Thanks. So maybe she's not put off by it as I thought. But I knew she said something about obtaining success with "hard work".

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