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Rebel Heart - Album Thread [Happy 1st Birthday!]


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At least Madonna something nice, and it may be true that the song is not about gaga. Madonna surely has feuds with many other people, and they don't have to be singers. Did you see what gaga posted on ig? calling M a witch ....and her fans say she's more mature than M :cryin: . The other day, Donatella versace said in an interview that she wanted to reconcile them, and that gaga would love to be friends with Madge, but Madonna s Madonna :laughing:


Seriously? "Gaga calling Madonna a witch" is another assumption made up by fans. As usual. Can't we just deal with it and accept it's always been about the fans... this has been pointed out by Oseary himself. Anyway, the feud has got really boring tbh.

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If they haven't decided  yet what songs will be on the album, I guess there is a possibility we could get double CD album. One CD could contain 19 and more songs, but it depends of the lenght of every song.


CD can contain around 80 minutes and there is the other one with 70 minutes.

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When songs started to leak, Madonna told those songs will be reworked.


There isn't really a big difference between LFL demo and released version. I wonder if  some songs were reworked during the first leaks (Mike Dean - Illuminati). Illuminati and DP sound  more like polished and remixed versions. They just added some weird vocals.


DP should have been only polished, while Illuminati should have been an ecstatic dance track.

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Illuminati reminds me of Katy Perry's Dark Horse, so maybe Madonna wanted to have a similar song given that DH did pretty well in the charts. About Living for Love sounding similar to the demo version, I guess it will depend on what take the leaked demo was since it probably corresponded to one of the final takes.

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Madonna’s ‘Rebel Heart’ Cover Art Meme: 19 Photos, Featuring Everyone From Britney To The Grinch To Marlon Brando
Since she debuted her Rebel Heart album cover on December 20, 2014, Madonna‘s latest LP has caused quite a craze on Instagram, Tumblr and Twitter, with fans and Photoshop aficionados alike slapping black string across the faces of Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Homer Simpson, Jim Carrey, Marlon Brando and even The Grinch, just to name a few. And so we scoured said social media platforms and felt compelled to share some of the best (and, in some cases, creepiest) images in the above gallery. Consider it Idolator’s Christmas present to you!
Have a look, and then let us know your thoughts below on these tributes to pop queen Madge’s upcoming album — or, heck, post a pic of your own! View the gallery @ http://www.idolator.com/7575183/madonna-rebel-heart-cover-art-meme-19-photos-britney-spears-michael-jackson-kylie-minogue/rebel-heart-christmas
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