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Everything posted by A.R.T.

  1. So I've been watching all performances from the Rebel Heart era, and my opinion has remained constant. They're pretty bad. Idk, she just seems really tired, and down and like she doesn't even want to be doing it anymore. Her dancing hasn't been very good and the performances just seem to be lacking quite a lot. It's a shame because Rebel Heart is a fantastic album, but everything seems to be going wrong.... Has anyone else noticed this?
  2. most of the people on this site can't even get what songs are rebel and which ones are heart right, sorry I've seen people say things like Best Night is rebel and Devil Pray is rebel lmao
  3. tthere are still mic noises in the first verse of inside out ffs is she retarded
  4. You can't even buy the super deluxe on UK Itunes wtf
  5. Has the mastered final version of the album not leaked yet since it comes out on Friday? Not asking for a link or anything, I just want to know if it has because I'm curious as most albums leak about a week beforehand but this is a very different situation since the album leaked a month ago lol
  6. yes, i knew that! i was just wondering what the significance of the ones she chose was! the song is very abstract at times
  7. i thought it was about a guy thinking she is all nice and a stereotypical innocent woman, he thinks she is 'weak' if you will... as time progresses she shows her true colors and takes control, making him, in fact, the 'candy perfume boy'- 'did i lie to you?'
  8. I love Super Pop!

  9. i just want to die

    1. Fighter


      I want an anime girlfriend and I want to die

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