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Yung Rapunxel

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Yung Rapunxel

  1. Never knew I was a dancer 'till Delilah showed me how :jamming:

  2. Erotica is so BAD - Bold, Audacious, and Definitive!

  3. Of Monsters and Men ♥

  4. witchcraft style ♥

  5. Miss Fever Ray, please come back

  6. We have a doppelganger in our midst: I am disgusted at how much Madonnarama have copied this page. They don't have any value or respect for originality http://bit.ly/1fc1BPt

  7. Looking for the realest bitch? tell the world das me :owy:

  8. Amy Winehouse's albums have been mastered for iTunes and I'm in love ✨💟

  9. there is beauty behind this madness

  10. some people here have obsessive disorders, they should go to the psychiatrist :ay:

  11. my love is unrequited

  12. Life is bitch and her pussy's wet!

  13. New Joanna Newsom's album coming in october, I'm scalped

  14. Gone, but forever remembered. 14 years ago we lost Aaliyah. Miss you baby girl

  15. What lies beyond the fringe of the woods?

  16. I feel free when I see no one and nobody knows my name

  17. Really afraid of how this attack in Paris and subsequent border closing will affect the thousands of refugees fleeing the same thing

  18. bamboreea bom pe ra, bom oh ah oh ey

  19. today was majah, thanks y'all. <3

  20. if you wanna complain, i'm not the complaint department

  21. I love cheap thrills

  22. making the most of the night

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