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Sadie Starlite

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    Sadie Starlite reacted to Mp1992 in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    Do you want to live in a country without police?  With ZERO police protection?  Because that's what the left is now pushing
    Did you not read my earlier post about how bad (worse) the inner cities will be without polic
    It'll be a massacre of mostly law abiding Black citizens lives being lost without police
    Personally I can't stand Trump but he's better than what the Democratic Party (Sleepy Joe Biden) has running
    Technically I'm still registered Democrat
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    Sadie Starlite reacted to Mp1992 in Can someone please educate me on Madonna's alleged "satanism"?   
    Ok let's back up, not all Trump supporters are "white supremacists", most don't even like him but it's better than the alternatives, also Trump received awards and honors from the Black community and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton when he was a Democrat, he switched to being a Republican and all of a sudden he's a racist?
    Doesn't make any sense
    Secondly, if you read their mission statement, anyone in their right mind should be against BLM as their ultimate goal is complete abolishment of the police.  I'm half Black and have Aunt's and Uncle's who still live in the hood and they don't want police gone, and they're the ones whose livelihood will be most at risk, because of the tremendous amount of Black on Black crime, that will no doubt go up in their neighborhoods
    And Black people, myself included, need to do better, the Black on Black homicide rate is disgusting, we can't complain about Black Lives Mattering, when they don't even matter to US
    And white liberals really need to calm down and stop virtue signaling, from there priveledged white neighborhoods.  It's not about you 
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