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On 11/9/2023 at 7:17 PM, McDonna said:

I'm sure she really doesn''t give two hoots about it.  Things like this is more something the record companies prefer to make money off of, but obviously Madonna has a lot of say in what is released.  She obviously isn't interested in having a zillion different compilations or different versions of her studio albums, yet have a couple significant ones that may stand out as Immaculate Collection and Something To Remember has.  She obviously was happy to release those, but put some added touches to it, to not make it your typical Greatest Hits. I would suspect as she is nearing the end of her career, she may decide to rethink such, and start re-issuing and releasing more collections.

That's why I believe in @Roland Barthes's theory she did this new, multiyear deal with Warner Records only to prevent them from reissuing her material without her consent.

Btw I don't see any "expanded edition" to happen alongside with tour schedule. One or another. I don't blame M for having this mindset. Focus on a thing, then on another.

Btw from horse (or cheval)'s mouth:

To a veteran M fan this sounds pretty evident as of now.

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i would love to know how much this "deal" was worth in the end and what was actually discussed in terms of what would be released along the line - i understand in M wanting final say but surely this deal was mostly for the fans who have supported her over the years by giving us something back in terms of unreleased material - i get that she wants to obtain new fans but lets be honest - most tweens and below really arent going to show that much interest in a 65 year old artist - so who does that leave to please ? US surely ? i just dont understand why its taking so long to get ONE expanded release out  - and if someone mentions FEL and those other pointless vinyl reissues and hologram sleeves - jog on - they were nothing special ....nor anything we havent heard before...

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4 hours ago, Anapausis said:

That's why I believe in @Roland Barthes's theory she did this new, multiyear deal with Warner Records only to prevent them from reissuing her material without her consent.

Btw I don't see any "expanded edition" to happen alongside with tour schedule. One or another. I don't blame M for having this mindset. Focus on a thing, then on another.

Btw from horse (or cheval)'s mouth:

To a veteran M fan this sounds pretty evident as of now.

Honestly, I think most fans are making more of the deal than we know.  Yes, there was mention of re-issuing expanded deluxe sets of her most iconic albums, but there was never a time stamp on it. The only time stamp mentioned was the inclusion of the Universal albums to be part of the deal.  It's possible Warner is waiting to re-issue such albums in an expanded format when all albums are within their possession. There were other things to this deal which is happening. But since they aren't what some fans want the most, some assume this is a dead deal which is farthest from the truth.  IMO; It's Possible next year, Warner is planning re-issue of LAV for it's 40th Anniversary being it's definitely an important milestone of her career.

I don't believe Madonna is holding anything back.  If anything, it's possible that when they made the deal a lot of these ideas were floated to her, without real certainty in when and how they were going to be done yet.  Another thought is that they are putting some time into it.  It's not like we really know what is going on behind the scenes with others who are in charge of this deal.  If a re-issue is really happening in the near future, and they want to include all physical formats, it's going to take time to put it together.  For instance, there is at least a 6 months wait to print Vinyls.  Add that to the fact, they may be trying to get old producers of these albums to work on them, it takes time.  We know Madonna has had a couple interations with Nile Rogers since the deal was made. It's possible; he's been working behind the scenes on the Like A Virgin re-issue. 

My point is; I don't think the tour or Madonna specifically available to help curate these, is keeping it from happening. I feel some fans just assumed ALL of her albums would get re-issued and when the deal was announced, some assumed it was happening right away. I must admit; I fell into that belief some myself.  I most definitely try to propel the thought and excitement that more was happening at a quicker pace. Again, it's not like things haven't been happening with this deal.  Though, some are just fixated on just the re-issues that were mentioned.

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4 hours ago, wtg1987 said:

i would love to know how much this "deal" was worth in the end and what was actually discussed in terms of what would be released along the line - i understand in M wanting final say but surely this deal was mostly for the fans who have supported her over the years by giving us something back in terms of unreleased material - i get that she wants to obtain new fans but lets be honest - most tweens and below really arent going to show that much interest in a 65 year old artist - so who does that leave to please ? US surely ? i just dont understand why its taking so long to get ONE expanded release out  - and if someone mentions FEL and those other pointless vinyl reissues and hologram sleeves - jog on - they were nothing special ....nor anything we havent heard before...

For the millionth time, there was no promise for "unreleased material".  This is you (and many others) assuming that would be part of the deal. 

Like I mentioned, there was no "time stamp" promised other than the inclusions of the Universal albums. Also, the albums we as fans think are "landmark", may not be as iconic to those putting this together.  The only true 40th Anniversary that has come and gone here is the first album. Possibly, this isn't an album they are focusing on. Possibly it's LIKE A VIRGIN.  I'll be curious come 2024, (most likely later in the year), if something will happen with the sophomore album.  That is definitely a "landmark" album for her. It's the album that propelled her to superstardom.

Also, if they are trying to get old producers together and lining up the printing of physical copies, that would take time. I honestly don't think the first one is going to be randomly released.  I do believe it will be tied to an anniversary such as the 40th.  I don't believe either there is a time limit on this deal.  I simply believe Madonna and Warner came to an agreement that they are going to start doing multiple releases of newly curated things as well as some re-issues over the next few years. I prefer that time is being taken for this, rather something rushed out.  We can easily assume demos and unreleased material may be included, but let's always keep in mind, that was NEVER promised when the deal was announced. You may reason "what's the point if something rare isn't included?", but it's possible the re-issues may be more about capitalizing on re-issuing certain formats such as on colored vinyl, etc.  As much as you think it's not worth it, there will always be those who will still buy it. Warner and Madonna knows that. 

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5 hours ago, Anapausis said:

That's why I believe in @Roland Barthes's theory she did this new, multiyear deal with Warner Records only to prevent them from reissuing her material without her consent.

Btw I don't see any "expanded edition" to happen alongside with tour schedule. One or another. I don't blame M for having this mindset. Focus on a thing, then on another.

Btw from horse (or cheval)'s mouth:

To a veteran M fan this sounds pretty evident as of now.

That makes no sense. They were and still are able to reissue all the material without her consent. Only they can’t make any changes. And standard reissues/repressings are still released.

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34 minutes ago, thegoldencalf said:

That makes no sense. They were and still are able to reissue all the material without her consent. Only they can’t make any changes. And standard reissues/repressings are still released.

Have you actually read Barthes' words? He told "DELUXE EDITIONS," (meaning the ones with bonuses), not "STANDARD EDITIONS," only with the original content. This is what I had in mind when quoting him. Ofc we veteran fans know the legislation behind contracts between labels and artists.

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1 hour ago, Sultrysully said:

Madonna probably does not want to release an expensive edition of an album while she is promoting expensive concert tickets.  It would definitely affect one or the other.  George Michael and Pr8nce editions are pretty high dollar.  Her fans aren't all billionaires.  Lol

I don't really believe this has anything to do with it.  I believe they aren't ready or have been worked on yet to completion. Again, just because they release the press statement, meant they had these ready to go at the time.  I've said this many time, the reason they most likely made the deal public when they did was because they were behind the MX Tour album release.  At the time, people knew Madonna and Warner had parted ways, but now they suddenly are behind the release of MX Tour, meant they had to publicly say something. I suspect if that tour album wasn't released back then, they would have probably waited until FEL was going to be released to say anything.

All they care about is making money. They don't care who can afford or can't afford it at the time. Taylor Swift, U2, Aerosmith, GreenDay all have been touring and have been releasing countless re-issues, anniversary sets, etc. There tickets and merchandise are hardly cheap either.

The days in spacing out releases especially for long time acts, are over. They are just releasing things left and right anymore. I've been seeing the same with even entertainers who aren't touring or as big anymore constantly releasing and re-issuing anniversary and box sets. Cher is another example who has recently released a box set of two of her albums within months in between.

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36 minutes ago, PaperFaces said:

Well if people werent stealing artsits’ music, thinga MIGHT not be so pricey.

if you worked in a restaurant and people kept giving you 3% of the price of a plate or pay as they please, youd have to raise your prices.

There might be some truth in that, but it's also about demand and greed.  There is a demand. These companies know people will buy no matter what.  I think we have to keep in mind is that everyone has their opinion and/or taste for things. Just because some aren't ever interested in certain things, doesn't mean others aren't.  It's like a Garage Sale.  Someone else's junk can become another's treasure. When it comes to business, it's always about making money.  No one goes into "business" to fail or not make money. Majority of people always strive to make more money.  Unfortunately, sometimes that can have consequences we all don't want.  Some of us who can't afford certain things will always complain about how expensive things are, while those who are striving for success will always find ways to make more money. 

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1 hour ago, PaperFaces said:

Well if people werent stealing artsits’ music, thinga MIGHT not be so pricey.

if you worked in a restaurant and people kept giving you 3% of the price of a plate or pay as they please, youd have to raise your prices.

Ha ha about 30 years ago a new album costed about 30$ (Here in Denmark)... and then there was no mp3s and illegal downloads etc... they will take as much as people will pay for the music... stealing music has nothing to do with it...

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On 11/18/2023 at 4:48 PM, McDonna said:

Possibly it's LIKE A VIRGIN.  I'll be curious come 2024, (most likely later in the year), if something will happen with the sophomore album.  That is definitely a "landmark" album for her. It's the album that propelled her to superstardom.

It's a rumor but I take it for granted. Beside Like a Virgin we will probably expect reissues of these albums + Erotica (cause she loves it): 


No compilations, no Bedtime Stories (despite it saved her career) no American Life... 

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39 minutes ago, wtg1987 said:

Don’t know why people think LAV would be first - didn’t someone in the know say it was going to be in chronological order ? I hope it’s not like the Prince reissues which have been completely out of sequence frustratingly 🥹

No one "in the know" has said otherwise. It's been nothing but one speculation after another since this deal was made public.  All we know is Warner has made a deal to cultivate her catalog in various ways, which has been happening even before the deal became public. Digital and streaming platforms have been regularly updated and we've gotten some new curated items as well.

The deal also mentioned (which what many fans keep only focusing on) that expanded deluxe re-issues of "landmark" albums are planned. If someone 'in the know" really claimed it was "chronological" then isn't it possible the first "landmark" to Warners might be Like A Virgin, being that is the album that put her on the map globally?  But again, no one "in the know" has confirmed anything. It's just us fans speculating.  :)

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I strongly think there will be no expanded reissues. It’s been 2 years, multiple important anniversaries have passed. We’ve beeng through multiple times: “just wait until this next important anniversary; she will release xyz at that point” and nothing has come out of it. It’s just not going to happen. 

maybe we’ll get another compilation, some more RSD releases and that’s it. I just don’t see anything else coming UNLESS there is a big shift in strategy, which I don’t see coming


hopefully I’m wrong and we get something #soon

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