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RUMOR: Britney performing at SuperBowl feat Madonna?


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1 hour ago, alvaroliam said:

That's something that I applaud of M: she has always been a class act with him. Maybe joking about the guy, but always paying respect to him and even highlighting his work in recent times (on her birthday in 2019, with her recent cover for Ukraine, etc).

However, I think his husband is very aggresive towards her. For example, he mocked her on the comments of an IG post  related to Evita very recently . And as far as I remember, it's not the first time: he seems to be a douche with Madonna. And that could be the reason why part of the fanbase (me included, sometimes) kind of dislike any association with Elton, knowing that he's also associated with that creep. 

What did he say about her/Evita?

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Elton John started as a Nick Drake clone wannabe, he even made an album covering his songs. Then Bowie happened. Just like Reginald he was a folky singer, like Bowie he found out that by putting on extravagant costumes it will change his career. He crossed the line when he made his clone copy of Space Oddity with Rocket Man, same theme lyrically and same chords here and there. Bowie never liked him. In the late 80's when he was trying to get back into the charts he famously attached his name to one hit wonders like Adamski (that smash hits cover is legendary)  but when it failed to bring him back on top he changed his tune to being an asshole publicly, first to commoners then to celebrities. That's when he became a Liberace clone visually and musically with endless and pointless ballads. Elton John on cocaine was excellent, Elton John on donuts is forgettable, that's why he has to create feuds. I've never liked him, it's physical, he disgust me and that's way before he was attacking Madonna, in fact when i lived in London i heard terrible things about him and his househusband and their close friend Liz Hurley through common friends about their parties and how horrible they are. Then when Robbie Williams had his addiction problems and confided in him, Elton went straight to THE SUN to spill the beans and pose as his mentor and saviour. That was disgusting. He did the same to George Michael and to the Beckhams like a week after they went on vacation with him. I don't like this kind of people.

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For all the Elton doubters, check the moment he appears on the screens (1:01) on Dua Lipa's current tour and the audience reaction:

I was there and I wish Madonna would have that kind of moment again with a general public young audience, really. Elton has managed to be truly known and respected by Gen Z, with his biopic and all his key collaborations.

Of course Madonna can probably get to that point too if she wants to and is ready to "play the game" - but is she? Time will tell with her biopic...

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6 minutes ago, Prayer said:

Of course Madonna can probably get to that point too if she wants to

She literally just needs a good song with TheWknd or Dua (and no, that awful remix she was just a feat of was not about her, the instrumental was ruined by that producer and everyone hated it oc)... Why she doesn't???

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1 hour ago, androiduser said:

this notion that Madonna can have huge hits again but somehow she doesn't want to is getting really odd... She's tried everything already, she just never matched it to a great song...

If Madonna wanted to be #1 like Elton she could easily but she’s not a sell out, she’s an indie artist making music for the underground :lol: 

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I think after Rebel heart bombed comercially, even with all her effort, and the Rocco Battle, she really had a sense of not controlling anymore and maybe a depression...she never has been the same. I will say that even in Tears of a clown,  she was still there but that was like the end of the vintage Madonna as we knew her.

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4 hours ago, Drownedboy said:

I think after Rebel heart bombed comercially, even with all her effort, and the Rocco Battle, she really had a sense of not controlling anymore and maybe a depression...she never has been the same. I will say that even in Tears of a clown,  she was still there but that was like the end of the vintage Madonna as we knew her.

I’d say all is not lost though - if she filmed a couple of TV specials to be broadcast for her 40th Anniversary globally where she performed THE HITS - kinda like Elton did at Madison Square Garden for his 60th she could probably reverse a lot of damage. 

Unless of course she starts charging the audience for selfies and riding around on a tricycle. 

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She hasn't properly "played the game" since... 2005 with "Confessions", maybe. In the sense of giving 100% mainstream hits ("Hung Up", "Sorry") combined with a general public approved image. Everything after that has been a combination of commercial attempts mixed with artistic and personal expression, but always with the "M Touch" and her refusal to accept what a 50-55-60 year old woman "should do" in the music business (dress and act "her age", doing ballads mostly, greatest hits tours, not being sexual, etc. etc.).

In order to "play the game" she needs to be "the good girl" and I understand that, at 63, she doesn't give a f**k anymore about that. I'm sure she wants the hits and care about them (remember in 2019 telling the Billboard reporter on the red carpet of the Billboard Music Awards "but you don't like me anymore!!") but at the same time she cares more about being herself - and pleasing herself.

To sum it up: to "do an Elton" she would need to be less her in front of the audience and more the enigmatic Madonna of the past - is she willing to do that now in the Instagram era? I don't know. Also, she would need to 100% embrace and celebrate her old hits - but she's never been good at that, she cares about the "now", not the "20-30-40 years ago" -> "Frozen" remixes and the new "Material Girl" being perfect examples of that.

The biopic release will be an interesting time to see if she goes for it - mainstream huge success - one last time (safe movie, greatest hits tour, safe interviews) or she simply follows her own path like she's been doing for the last... 10 years?

Of course we'll be here to see it. :cute:


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7 hours ago, Prayer said:

In order to "play the game" she needs to be "the good girl" and I understand that, at 63, she doesn't give a f**k anymore about that.


Madonna has always been different from everyone and she was doing the opposite of what was expected... but it was always supported by amazing art, brilliant music and innovative videos, tours, projects... the problem is that nowadays she is different and rebellious for the sake of it, without being backed by anything creative. Making Erotica and the SEX book, and showing your ass on Instagram is not the same thing.

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I think after Rebel heart bombed comercially, even with all her effort, and the Rocco Battle, she really had a sense of not controlling anymore and maybe a depression...she never has been the same. I will say that even in Tears of a clown,  she was still there but that was like the end of the vintage Madonna as we knew her.

Add Bowie and Prince’s 2016 passing to that list.
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