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Madonna goes live on tiktok with web persona Terri Joe


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1 hour ago, blondebenji said:

She just loves pushing peoples buttons and it works. Anyone who takes a selfy from underneath their chin, close up, pull the cheeks in and purse their lips, put a some filters on will look like a completely different person. I dont know why It makes people crazy!!!! She knows it and loves it.

Perhaps if she devoted as much thought, effort and careful planning into her career than it would not be in the trashcan. She should stop trying to lose the fans she has left and focus on making a decent album.

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I don't know why Madonna agreed to give an interview to this     person that for the first time in my life I found out about her existence because she ended up making fun of her, for example by telling her that she forgot things because she was 80 years old or being surprised that her father still lived and say that he is surely 300 years old. If I were Madonna I would have sent her to the devil (not to say something worse) and immediately I would have cut the interview because I would not have allowed her to disrespect me. Surely if the interviewee had been Janet Jackson the story would have been different, of course, and it is that in that country it seems that they detest that the title of Queen of pop has Madonna when many would like Janet to carry it but that will never happen since worldwide Madonna is and will be the owner of that title and well earned by the way until today.

By the way, sorry Madonna I'm one of your biggest fans but you can't talk about God and seconds later talk about your vaginal/anal vibrators. You end up being inconsequential and in future interviews your opinions about God will no longer be taken seriously. It is similar to me being an animal advocate speaking in defense of animals and the next day going out on the street wearing an animal skin coat. When talking about topics totally different from each other, it is better not to do it in the same space because ideas end up crossing and one ends up being inconsistent and contradictory.

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I LOLed multiple times during this. Can you imagine being a mediocre TikTOk "comedian" (No T No Shade) and fucking MADONNA joins you live??!#$%^.  OMG, I would have shit myself.  She said "You're Madonna, you could say the N word if you wanted to." :ahh:


I don't think M heard her though. 

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6 hours ago, Simonsays said:

“ i am not here to be popular i am here to be free” madonna - madame x tour 


she can dress or act how she wants and she is not her fans slave or performing monkey 


how should she dress ? 
how should she act ? 


Of course, she can do what she wants. And as an adult, I'm free to dislike. I admire Madonna since 1984, but, sorry, I can't connect with her persona or new musical projects in the last few years. IMO, the last good era was Rebel Heart. Really hope she can re-invents herself again, at least, in a higher artistically level. 

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14 hours ago, blondebenji said:

she looks like shes having a ball and not taking life too seriously. Its everyone else who is. 

"Real" fans are the ones who acknowledge her right to be happy. The others are just projecting their insecurities on this public persona, that's very basically how cults and religions work.

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14 hours ago, PlayPause said:

"Real" fans are the ones who acknowledge her right to be happy. The others are just projecting their insecurities on this public persona, that's very basically how cults and religions work.

She does have the right. As a real fan, I don't often times think she comes across happy anymore. Her behavior doesn't strike me as the behavior of someone happy. Fans like me just perceive it differently than you do.

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7 hours ago, eXtremeOccident said:

She does have the right. As a real fan, I don't often times think she comes across happy anymore. Her behavior doesn't strike me as the behavior of someone happy. Fans like me just perceive it differently than you do.

Good for you if you are so connected to her that you can decide whether she is happy or not based on TikTok interviews.

What do you perceive from a woman who has played the media for 40 years? Come on. What happens online is not real life, isn't it obvious by now? What I see here is a woman who laughs and who can take a joke. She's a pro.

That's exactly what I wrote, but you didn't read : you are projecting your state of mind on her. I'm not blaming you.


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How can people tell somebody is happy or not by edited instagram stories and tiktok videos?
Nobody here knows Madonna IRL, we only get to see what she wants us to see, stop using the "I'm a real fan, I'm concerned" card to vent your frustrations about someone else's look/choices/life.

Madonna is not going to change her face back, or her ass, or her clothes just because some of us may not like it. If that makes her loose her valuable as an artist and as a human being maybe some of you should leave her alone and find another "role model popstar" to fullfield your frustations. 

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On 10/16/2022 at 12:12 PM, PlayPause said:

Yes of course she fucking can and I hope she will until she dies.

How can one pretend to be a M fan and at the same time a religious bigot ? I'm speechless. 

I don't know if you intentionally wanted to make me look ridiculous by editing only that part of my comment because naturally it is impossible for a religious fanatic to be a Madonna fan at the same time. It was also not my intention to attack her freedom of expression because Madonna can talk about anything and I respect that.

What bothers me is the Contradiction and the Incoherence in which Madonna sometimes falls and that detracts from the credibility of her message or position on certain issues. An example could be… uh… for example Madonna criticizing homophobia and misogyny during an interview but hours later she goes to a party hosted by Eminem or Kayne West (known for their homophobia and misogyny respectively) and they take selfies smiling and having a good time when, out of respect for her principles, she should keep her distance from those characters and not fall into contradiction. That's what I mean. I hope that it has been clear.

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the things some of you say.

I actually love Jesus Christ and am a homosexual born-again Christian and also fan out over Madonna. Imagine that.  If I said I were New-Age, a Yoga guru or a Satanist there would be no issue. So stupid.

Edit: Jesus was not a bigot. According to history, his best friends were outcasts and adulterers.

That's my one and only sermon.

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13 hours ago, ScottyX said:

the things some of you say.

I actually love Jesus Christ and am a homosexual born-again Christian and also fan out over Madonna. Imagine that.  If I said I were New-Age, a Yoga guru or a Satanist there would be no issue. So stupid.

Edit: Jesus was not a bigot. According to history, his best friends were outcasts and adulterers.

That's my one and only sermon.

And a LAMB! Traitor! Heretic! Just getting the ball rolling before the Macadamia Mafia wakes up.

black and white wink GIF

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22 hours ago, chaosmen1984mk said:

I don't know if you intentionally wanted to make me look ridiculous by editing only that part of my comment because naturally it is impossible for a religious fanatic to be a Madonna fan at the same time. It was also not my intention to attack her freedom of expression because Madonna can talk about anything and I respect that.

What bothers me is the Contradiction and the Incoherence in which Madonna sometimes falls and that detracts from the credibility of her message or position on certain issues. An example could be… uh… for example Madonna criticizing homophobia and misogyny during an interview but hours later she goes to a party hosted by Eminem or Kayne West (known for their homophobia and misogyny respectively) and they take selfies smiling and having a good time when, out of respect for her principles, she should keep her distance from those characters and not fall into contradiction. That's what I mean. I hope that it has been clear.

"Don't take any of this too seriously" a wise woman said.

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On 10/15/2022 at 2:37 AM, chaosmen1984mk said:

I don't know why Madonna agreed to give an interview to this     person that for the first time in my life I found out about her existence because she ended up making fun of her, for example by telling her that she forgot things because she was 80 years old or being surprised that her father still lived and say that he is surely 300 years old. If I were Madonna I would have sent her to the devil (not to say something worse) and immediately I would have cut the interview because I would not have allowed her to disrespect me. Surely if the interviewee had been Janet Jackson the story would have been different, of course, and it is that in that country it seems that they detest that the title of Queen of pop has Madonna when many would like Janet to carry it but that will never happen since worldwide Madonna is and will be the owner of that title and well earned by the way until today.

By the way, sorry Madonna I'm one of your biggest fans but you can't talk about God and seconds later talk about your vaginal/anal vibrators. You end up being inconsequential and in future interviews your opinions about God will no longer be taken seriously. It is similar to me being an animal advocate speaking in defense of animals and the next day going out on the street wearing an animal skin coat. When talking about topics totally different from each other, it is better not to do it in the same space because ideas end up crossing and one ends up being inconsistent and contradictory.

why Madoona is desperate to get credit from people that dont like her ot care to search for her? 

..'By the way, sorry Madonna I'm one of your biggest fans but you can't talk about God and seconds later talk about your vaginal/anal vibrators..'  ugh! (vomit) she reminds me those pervent, sexually hungry/kinky people that talk about sex on the streets all the time

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