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So, which country is Madonna gonna move to if (god forbid) trump is reelected pwesident ?p

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She moved out of the country when W was pwesident (she even refered to her London days as Bush years) she moved to Portugal when trump was pwesident. 

Only if she's really making the biopic she'll stay but i was wondering about this...

maybe Italy ? Even though it's far right too ? France ? I don't see her living here permanently, she would get crazy with our attitude on a daily basis. Brazil ? Spain ? England again ? Montreal ? Spain ? 

Frankly i don't see her stay if Bozo is reelected because she'll also be a target. 

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It's curious to think about to what extended she moved out of the US during those times because of those governments, and/or for personal/family reasons... ofc one of those reasons doesn't need to be the only one, they can add up to each other, but...

It would be amazing to have her in Brazil, but I don't think it could be that feasible for her and her family, her high profile could make it quite difficult for them... granted that the initial admiration could wear off a bit with time, and that with her money things could be easier, but still, Brazilians can be a bit obsessed with celebrity, even more so with foreign celebrity... So, idk, maybe Europe would be a more practical option, another time..

AND Thank God that at least for the next few years Bozo cannot be reelected! #ineligible lol
Which in a way is quite terrifying to me, because while definitely ill-intentioned, he is undoubtedly a moron who cannot bear to be contradicted, but many of the people that got traction under his tenure are not, so I'm more scared of the outcomes of his "politics"

Plus, I think she would only be a "target" in a more moral (?) way (the extent to which Brazilian conservatives went to town with her for her concert here last May was such a delight lol! I don't know how much of the news got to international fans, if they could get just a glimpse of how annoyed conservatives were, and still are! I feel like it was the closest I could get to experience her 90's days, as I was just a child then hahaha), but I think her money/position would not get in actual danger...

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I must admit. This thought crossed my mind.  Though, I do think that the two times she moved were purely coincidental.  It doesn't mean politics didn't play some part in her decision, if not made it more convenient, but there definitely were other sound reasons, especially with marrying Guy.  In 2017, when she move to Portugal, I can see more of an argument she moved because of Trump, but again I'm sure that was more of a "bonus" reason than anything.  She spoke about it in Vogue Italia magazine at the time. Billboard wrote a story, quoting Madonna from that interview, "It's not America's Finest Hour" when she spoke up about her moving to Portugal. I think David's interested in Football/Soccer makes a good story, but I feel it just gave her an excuse to move as well.

Here is an excerpt:


Although she doesn’t say it explicitly, the music legend alluded to the President Donald Trump when she said she was keen to relocate her family from their home in New York City because “this is not America’s finest hour,” saying, “I felt like we needed a change, and I wanted to get out of America for a minute.”


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Sorry semiologist, she won't fly to France, she knows how la republique is just by one nail to be crashed over...

....Well, and if Madonna (ALMOST) bought a mansion in a very known favela from MY hometown...


(Google Translate may work fine for ya gringos)

...maybe it's not any hard to answer votre question, cher.

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Remember when we all said the Bush administration stole the 2000 election? The "Not My President" shirts? 9/11? The Patriot Act? The invasion of a country based on a lie? And when support for said war was waning, he got on tv and said they wanted to amend the constitution to prevent same sex marriage? 

Now, that same Bush gets invited on Jimmy Kimmel's show and treated like Mr. Rogers. Showing off his watercolor paintings. Everyone thinks it's adorable when he and Michelle Obama share a hard candy. His daughter hosts one of the most popular morning shows on TV. 

Give it a few years and Trump will be presenting Best Picture at the Oscars. WITH Obama. And we'll all be screaming about Project 3034 and the next tyrant. We are full of shit and one big Naked Gun movie.

She'll be fine.

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15 hours ago, Blue Skies said:

 She hasn't really been that vocal this election (which tbh I kind of like).  


I bet that changes though if Kamala gets the nod.  I think she's posted in the past of being a great admirer of hers.  



That’s embarrassing 😆 that woman literally has no idea what she’s doing 

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1 hour ago, Anapausis said:

@Pootz333 the only worry I had if I were American would be the SCOTUS after they just made coup d'Etat legal - but the Constitution of America is designed to protect American longtime traditions above any novelty so...

I hear you and appreciate the level headed response which is hard to find these days. Democracy went on vacation with JFK. Their Citizens United decision years ago should have let everyone know what time it was. Their latest decision had every former president lighting up cigars including the ones everyone thinks are angels because they are on their team. Both sides are fine with a dictator as long as it's their guy "doing the right thing" and "stopping (insert threat here)".

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2 hours ago, Pootz333 said:

Remember when we all said the Bush administration stole the 2000 election? The "Not My President" shirts? 9/11? The Patriot Act? The invasion of a country based on a lie? And when support for said war was waning, he got on tv and said they wanted to amend the constitution to prevent same sex marriage? 

Now, that same Bush gets invited on Jimmy Kimmel's show and treated like Mr. Rogers. Showing off his watercolor paintings. Everyone thinks it's adorable when he and Michelle Obama share a hard candy. His daughter hosts one of the most popular morning shows on TV. 

Give it a few years and Trump will be presenting Best Picture at the Oscars. WITH Obama. And we'll all be screaming about Project 3034 and the next tyrant. We are full of shit and one big Naked Gun movie.

She'll be fine.

This was also Mr. Kimmel before he became the face of Hollywood liberalism 



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