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Swae Lee is a Trumper


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I wonder how all you Trump sympathizers feel when his Supreme Court turns over gay marriage :Madonna008:

I agree with accepting others beliefs but this is nothing like McCain v Obama. Trump is dangerous and we’re already seeing the effects after one term. We have a criminal attempting to lead the world’s most powerful nation and overthrow it

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1 hour ago, PaperFaces said:

I have friends voting for Trump and they are gay, liberal, progressive, kind, compassionate and hard-working people.

Theyre not voting for the man, but for the policies which, if examined closely, just recenter alot of stuff.

Remember when we used to do that? Voting on policy vs identity.


but not intelligent. :Madonna038:

Imagine being gay and voting against your own people. 

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If a party's platform is to strip rights from women and minorities, there should be no room for tolerance of them. It is so asinine to say "you shouldn't cancel someone for a difference of political opinion." When that opinion can help lead to abortion rights being stripped, gay marriage being stripped, healthcare rights for minorities being stripped..... it is not a tolerable opinion whatsoever. It is evil.

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I know a lot of people who support Trump.  It's frustrating because some of them are very good friends who will give the shirt off their back if I needed it.  In fact, some have.  It's just I can't talk politics with them because my head will explode.  It's true; many are looking simply at policies. When Trump originally ran for office, he triggered many who were tired of the "usual politics".  They wanted change. I have noticed in most cases, it's about "financial" issues such as taxes, economy, inflation, etc.  Trump tapped into that mindset.  Any morals the Republicans used to hold, are out the window when it comes Trump.  Unfortunately he is dividing us more and more. He tapped into everything many people took issue with and challenged it.  "Fake News".  He pretty much coined that phrase.  People tapped into that, so now anytime someone says or does something that doesn't go his way, it's "fake news". Then there is "Taxes".  We all hate them.  They figure him being a businessman, he will help get rid of the excessive taxing.  The problem is; he's thinks by reliving the rich, it will trickle down to the lower classes.  Unfortunately, that doesn't work. Many use the "pandemic" excuse.  They see that is something he couldn't be blamed for.  Though it was under his administration everything shut down.  Even though, he didn't follow protocol himself.  The fact is; no one was better off under him. Some might act like they were, but they are just flat out lying or have a short memory. At a point, no one was working. People were in disarray about the pandemic and they say since he didn't follow protocol, then they didn't have to.  Still, he couldn't communicate effectively how to handle the pandemic.  He even brought in the best doctors and scientists to help explain and keep things under control.  What did he do?  He contradicted them. Then when shit hit the fan, he let the public believe it was the doctors, scientists and CDC that was the problem.  Another interesting thing is, nearly everyone who work with or under him, are all in jail or no longer support him.  Ask yourself why is that?  I can understand some people going rogue, but too many people who were for him or in his administration, all have turned on him or gone to jail.   He even threw his own Vice President under the bus.

For me, I take his WORDS at face value. If he says he's going to be a "Dictator" on day one. I believe he will do so. It came from his own mouth.  I didn't need any media outlet interpret anything for me.  That's the thing about Trump.  What he says, he believes and means.  That should be a scary concept to anyone.

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1 minute ago, Adonna said:

I know a lot of people who support Trump.  It's frustrating because some of them are very good friends who will give the shirt off their back if I needed it.  In fact, some have. anyone.

but they will also let Trump put a straightjacket on you... talk about the shirt!

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5 minutes ago, Cyberraga said:

Conservative gays are special spieces. I thought they never existed but well... people are complicated. Life is full of surprises.

Many gay people don't see their sexual orientation as a significant part of their identity. They prefer to lead a more conservative lifestyle, which doesn't mean they aren't living their sexuality to the fullest. My partner is conservative, and well, politics is a topic we try to discuss calmly because otherwise, it’s the only thing we end up arguing about.

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4 minutes ago, Aiwa08 said:

Many gay people don't see their sexual orientation as a significant part of their identity. They prefer to lead a more conservative lifestyle, which doesn't mean they aren't living their sexuality to the fullest. My partner is conservative, and well, politics is a topic we try to discuss calmly because otherwise, it’s the only thing we end up arguing about.

It has nothing to do with how significant they view their own sexuality. A vote for a party that will strip your own rights is not smart. I don’t want to get married, but I’m not gonna vote for a party that wants to end gay marriages. Like… why? 

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Can we get a sentence limit pls 😂 4-5 sentences MAX. American politics are so much more interesting than Canadian politics. All you can really do is VOTE. Get people in your inner circle to vote. Unfortunately not everybody views their reality like we do; it seems half the country either believes all the misinformation, or, believes in the rhetoric. 

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12 minutes ago, androiduser said:

but they will also let Trump put a straightjacket on you... talk about the shirt!

Not true. At least with the few friends I have who have gone out of their way to support me.  It's hard to explain, but there is an odd disconnect to any of that.  If I was in trouble in any way, they would be there to help out.  However, I know some others who I get along with or are family members who I wouldn't trust my life on.  But there are plenty of liberals I know that I wouldn't count on as well. It's truly a fickle world we live in.  Too many contradictions.  Mark. my words, the person you may disagree the most with when it comes to politics, are probably the first to be there to help you out. It's incredibly strange.

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23 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

It has nothing to do with how significant they view their own sexuality. A vote for a party that will strip your own rights is not smart. I don’t want to get married, but I’m not gonna vote for a party that wants to end gay marriages. Like… why? 

It’s simple: for those people, being gay is just a normal part of life, not the focus of their lives. They have other, more important priorities for various reasons (work, salary, a house, health). Nonetheless, there are moderate conservative parties (at least in Europe) that do not aim to take away rights from LGBTQ+ individuals. Of course, every country is different. 

I personally would never vote for a conservative party, but I understand why some gay people might choose to do so (having lived with a conservative gay person for 20 years, I’ve had to understand why he votes that way).

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In Canada we are kinda going through something a little similar (love your take on this @stefo lmfao) — everyone and their mama is SOOOOO sick of our (still reasonably gorgeous perhaps Gay) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; the other option is a conservative Pierre Pollieve (who is kinda cute, but that’s another story). I have no problem with some of the “conservative” policies, but I am VERY bothered by the fact that he took a questionable anti-gay photo dump; and he didn’t acknowledge Gay Pride month.  If you don’t support ALL people, I can’t support you (or that Cowboy Hat)

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49 minutes ago, Adonna said:

 Mark. my words, the person you may disagree tIt's incredibly strange.

of course... but the issue is that they will vote for someone who will try to make you a second class citizen, under the guise of fighting for the greater good. Politically, they are willing to sacrifice you for their beliefs.

Coco Chanel reported her own friends and employees to the Nazis to gain more control over their shared company.

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1 hour ago, Aiwa08 said:

It’s simple: for those people, being gay is just a normal part of life, not the focus of their lives. They have other, more important priorities for various reasons (work, salary, a house, health).

the issue is that for the conservative party, their focus is on somebody being gay because to them it's not a normal part of life. They will sacrifice the "good gays" along with everyone else.

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22 minutes ago, androiduser said:

of course... but the issue is that they will vote for someone who will try to make you a second class citizen, under the guise of fighting for the greater good. Politically, they are willing to sacrifice you for their beliefs.

Coco Chanel reported her own friends and employees to the Nazis to gain more control over their shared company.

It's not that black and white.  They don't believe he's leading them down to second class citizenship.  The point is; there are a lot of good people who support Trump. They aren't necessarily looking at it the same way we may see it. 

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5 minutes ago, Debord said:

Anyone who justifies voting for bigoted parties because "their sexuality isn't a big part of their lives" is either extremely privileged or extremely dumb (or both).

And here we are, judging people without even knowing them. Every gay person is different, whether you like it or not.

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2 minutes ago, Adonna said:

It's not that black and white.  They don't believe he's leading them down to second class citizenship.  The point is; there are a lot of good people who support Trump. They aren't necessarily looking at it the same way we may see it. 

What does that mean though? What people "believe" doesn't mean anything if it conflicts with the facts. Telling yourself you're a good person while you support a racist, sexist, bigoted criminal is just a coping mechanism, not proof you're actually a good person.

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Just now, Aiwa08 said:

And here we are, judging people without even knowing them.

Yes, I can judge people for their political choices, cos we're not talking about someone's favourite chocolate bar but rather choices made which reflect their outlook on life and which have consequences for other people. We're all adults, critical thinking is a thing and people can defend their choices if they wish without resorting to some high school nonsense that it's mean to hold someone responsible for what they choose to do.

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Just now, Debord said:

Yes, I can judge people for their political choices, cos we're not talking about someone's favourite chocolate bar but rather choices made which reflect their outlook on life and which have consequences for other people. We're all adults, critical thinking is a thing and people can defend their choices if they wish without resorting to some high school nonsense that it's mean to hold someone responsible for what they choose to do.

No, you can't. Because there are thousands of conservative parties, and believe it or not, some of them do respect gay rights. If you don't understand that, you have a black-and-white view of the world.

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9 minutes ago, Adonna said:

It's not that black and white.  They don't believe he's leading them down to second class citizenship.  The point is; there are a lot of good people who support Trump. They aren't necessarily looking at it the same way we may see it. 

I'm sure there were also amazing people who joined the Nazi party and helped their Arian neighbors

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Just now, Aiwa08 said:

No, you can't. Because there are thousands of conservative parties, and believe it or not, some of them do respect gay rights. If you don't understand that, you have a black-and-white view of the world.

Just as well I didn't write 'anyone who votes for any conservative party' then, isn't it? Donald Trump's Republican Party certainly doesn't respect LGBTQ rights. But on a broader point, I struggle to think of any examples of legislative advances in LGBTQ rights which weren't pushed by the left around the world (which isn't to say there are none, but it's overwhelmingly been the case throughout modern history).

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2 minutes ago, androiduser said:

I'm sure there were also amazing people who joined the Nazi party and helped their Arian neighbors

All I can say is I know my friends, and they all aren't looking to burn people at the stakes.  While they might be greatly mislead or misinformed, but not every Trump supporter is on that level of hatred as you are trying to paint. 

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4 minutes ago, Debord said:

Just as well I didn't write 'anyone who votes for any conservative party' then, isn't it? Donald Trump's Republican Party certainly doesn't respect LGBTQ rights. But on a broader point, I struggle to think of any examples of legislative advances in LGBTQ rights which weren't pushed by the left around the world (which isn't to say there are none, but it's overwhelmingly been the case throughout modern history).

I'm not talking about Trump (USA is not my country). I was talking about conservative gays because I know several, including my partner.

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