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Swae Lee is a Trumper


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1 minute ago, adirondak said:

I think we have different definitions of critical thinking. Mine doesn’t involve losing myself to my emotions or calling people names. 

Accusing me of being "emotional" worked out so well for you earlier, it's great to see you try it again. A tedious tactic wheeled out by people who know they can't win an argument by engaging with the facts, as evidenced by your every response to me over the past 24 hours.

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1 minute ago, Debord said:

I gave you a list (which wasn't even comprehensive) and you predictably picked a couple of things about trans people and claimed to have "no time" to address the rest. Yet here you are, many hours later, still posting. You have zero clue if you have the same rights, you're just confident that none of the rights I mentioned are ones you'll ever need. And from that position of glib, ignorant privilege you pronounce that anyone who does actually pay attention and does actually care about other people is chasing "victim status".

You clearly think you're some brave free thinker when everything about you is boringly predictable.

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” - Jung

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Just now, adirondak said:

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” - Jung

Instead of trying to intellectualise "I know you are but what am I?", why don't you do that fact checking you were talking about hours ago? You've shown that you clearly have plenty of time so why not destroy my arguments with dazzling facts?

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Just now, Debord said:

Instead of trying to intellectualise "I know you are but what am I?", why don't you do that fact checking you were talking about hours ago? You've shown that you clearly have plenty of time so why not destroy my arguments with dazzling facts?

Because you don’t get to dictate how I spend my time. :kissy:

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8 hours ago, Debord said:

Eh? How can she search his voting history? And who looks for evidence of how someone voted before working with them?


3 hours ago, DJ N A said:

Voting records in the USA are not public. You can see if they did or did not vote. But you can't see who they voted for. In fact, its illegal to even take a photo of your ballot in most states.

Well she can look up what he’s registered as at time of voting so that’ll likely give you the picture

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On 7/29/2024 at 8:01 PM, WokeUpInMedellin said:

If a party's platform is to strip rights from women and minorities, there should be no room for tolerance of them. It is so asinine to say "you shouldn't cancel someone for a difference of political opinion." When that opinion can help lead to abortion rights being stripped, gay marriage being stripped, healthcare rights for minorities being stripped..... it is not a tolerable opinion whatsoever. It is evil.

Obama could've codified abortion rights into law when dems had control of both houses and the presidency. They didn't. They didn't many times over. A national ban after a certain amount of time (e.g. 13 weeks like in Germany) is perfectly acceptable. With exceptions for the health of the mother and criminal acts like rape etc. This all or nothing approach in this fkn country is revolting. One side wants abortions up until the last month basically and the other wants to outlaw them all together. It's utter idiocy and we are all getting played. Both sides are working the same fkn playbook every four years and most Americans just keep repeating shit like sheep, void of even the slightest hint of original thought. Bred like cattle to identify with one of the two sides.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg holding on to her seat with her dying grubby hands should've retired when asked by Obama but no, corrupted by power and greed she undid everything she worked for and is to blame for the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, so blame her and the dems ffs. A compromise on some sort of a nation wide abortion bad is what is going to happen.

The country is 35 TRILLION dollar in debt. In comparison the total GDP of the US in 2023 was 28.78 trillion. We cannot afford the healthcare system the dems created under the ACA. It's not working. There were no cost control measures. No limits on what these Pharma companies can charge. No imports allowed from other western countries whose quality control is often superior to the FDA's. Sure, for the very poor and those who get heavily subsidized it's a great deal, and for Big Pharma but that's coming from all our hard earned money. We can't afford immigrants straining the healthcare system. Estimates are that over 20 million have entered the country illegally over the last decade. 10 million in the last 3,5 years alone. Maybe it's too large of a number for some people to comprehend but the population of Croatia for example is 3.8 million. That's almost the amount of people that crossed the boarder in 2023 alone. It's a shit ton of fkn people. It's draining the country and people feel it. Venezuelan street gangs terrorizing NYers. Crime is up despite what the Mayor keeps saying. We all see it, experience it and feel it.

My health insurance went from 550$ for a platinum plan when the ACA got implemented to now 930$ for a gold plan. Next years it's going up to 1230$, same amount it was pre the ACA only now everything else is more expensive and in my field budges are down so I'm making less money overall. It's not working. None of it. No, republicans can't fix it either but I get why people are frustrated.

Gay marriage wouldn't be an issue and we would've had it much sooner if rabid activists hadn't insisted on calling it marriage. Civil union or legal partnership with the same rights would've been fine and the rabid right wing clowns wouldn't have a foot to stand on but that's all this fkn county has, endless battles over cultural issues that if only tweaked slightly would not be a problem. 

All this rambling to just say people have every reason to vote for republicans if that's what they want to do. I'd never vote for Trump but I fully understand why people support the idiot and that's solely the fault of democrats not delivering on key issues. Both sides fkn suck and ideally the whole system needs a fkn reboot.

Trump would've NEVER been president the first time if Hillary and her arrogantly misguided GAY campaign manager Robby Mook hadn't taken the voters in the rust belt for granted. She didn't stop there ONCE to connect with people and get them on her side. Instead, as some of you people do, they called these people names, foolish etc etc. Not engaging with then, not taking their concerns seriously and thinking YOUR concerns about gay marriage etc are more valid than theirs, is what got us in this Trump mess to begin with. So do fkn better.


Over and out.

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Women can still get abortions, it's just a state issue now rather than federal. If it's illegal in your state, get in your car and drive to another. I'll PayPal you some frickin gas money if it's that important. All this phoney hysteria.

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56 minutes ago, Winn said:

Women can still get abortions, it's just a state issue now rather than federal. If it's illegal in your state, get in your car and drive to another. I'll PayPal you some frickin gas money if it's that important. All this phoney hysteria.

I’m gonna guess you don’t have a vagina and never had or needed an abortion. Let’s drive hundreds of miles to get a sometimes fatal procedure Mmmmmmkkkk 

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59 minutes ago, Winn said:

Women can still get abortions, it's just a state issue now rather than federal. If it's illegal in your state, get in your car and drive to another. I'll PayPal you some frickin gas money if it's that important. All this phoney hysteria.

Yeah after a man has raped and impregnated you just pop over to another state while you have a mental breakdown. No biggie.

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1 hour ago, Winn said:

Women can still get abortions, it's just a state issue now rather than federal. If it's illegal in your state, get in your car and drive to another. I'll PayPal you some frickin gas money if it's that important. All this phoney hysteria.

Pretty insensitive! Obviously, you'll never be an incest or rape victim that may be impregnated. Are you going to pay for that outrageous medical bill, too, being most likely she won't be able to use her own insurance "out of state"?  Also, what happens when it ends up being the "law of the land" as some are predicting when Trumps and Republicans take over?  And why should the state be telling you anymore than the Federal government what you should or shouldn't be doing with your body?  At least Roe VS. Wade allowed neither to govern over your own body. Why couldn't it just be left alone? How was the government being invasive by making sure everyone had the right to choose??  

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I'm a woman. Women are not dying from abortions, it's 2024.

And it's interesting that now all of a sudden you care about women being raped when just a few pages back were great proponents of men sharing cells with women in jail. I understand not all men who identify as women aren't predators, but, cripes, they are out there. I'd be terrified to share a cell with a man in prison tbh but in this case my opinion as a woman doesn't matter. It only matters when democrat voters say it matters.

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4 minutes ago, Adonna said:

Pretty insensitive! Obviously, you'll never be an incest or rape victim that may be impregnated. Are you going to pay for that outrageous medical bill, too, being most likely she won't be able to use her own insurance "out of state"?  Also, what happens when it ends up being the "law of the land" as some are predicting when Trumps and Republicans take over?  And why should the state be telling you anymore than the Federal government what you should or shouldn't be doing with your body?  At least Roe VS. Wade allowed neither to govern over your own body. Why couldn't it just be left alone? How was the government being invasive by making sure everyone had the right to "choose"??  

I don't think the government should be able to tell ppl what to do with their body, which is why when it comes down to it, in the voting booth, I vote pro choice. I was also very much against forced mandates for an untested vaccine that ppl were forbidden to question a few years back. Again, something is only correct when democrat voters say so. In the same day, your precious Kamala a few years back, said the government should not tell ppl what to do with their bodies, then demanded ppl get a government mandated vaccine.

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14 minutes ago, Winn said:

I don't think the government should be able to tell ppl what to do with their body, which is why when it comes down to it, in the voting booth, I vote pro choice. I was also very much against forced mandates for an untested vaccine that ppl were forbidden to question a few years back. Again, something is only correct when democrat voters say so. In the same day, your precious Kamala a few years back, said the government should not tell ppl what to do with their bodies, then demanded ppl get a government mandated vaccine.

The vaccine (and masks and other rules) was to protect the health of the wider public, not just the individual. People that refused to get vaccinated were putting the health and lives of society’s most vulnerable people at risk which was very selfish. It isn’t the same situation.

The point of having easy access to abortion is not just about women’s rights but about ensuring the future of the unborn child. It is not right that somebody has to bring a child into the world when they are not able to support them financially or otherwise. Saying “just drive to another state” is like saying that for anyone’s medical needs. They shouldn’t have to do that, it’s an expense and stress. What about women that are underage , have drug problems , are vulnerable etc. It’s not always an easy solution and that is why it should be as accessible to them as possible.

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25 minutes ago, Winn said:

And it's interesting that now all of a sudden you care about women being raped when just a few pages back were great proponents of men sharing cells with women in jail.

You didn't quote anyone, and I spoke of "rape victims", and I never said once in this thread about agreeing to let women and men share the same jail cells.  Maybe I missed that conversation, but I didn't see anyone else doing so either.


I'm a woman. Women are not dying from abortions, it's 2024.

I think you're confusing the situation.  There are situations where women's lives could be at stake if they carry the baby to full term.  There are situations where the fetus or whatever stage it's at dies, and without an abortion, the mother must carry it to full term.


I don't think the government should be able to tell ppl what to do with their body, which is why when it comes down to it, in the voting booth, I vote pro choice.

So why are you okay with the state telling you what you can or cannot do with your body?  The state is a "governoring body" as well?


I was also very much against forced mandates for an untested vaccine that ppl were forbidden to question a few years back.

That's a whole different conversation.



Again, something is only correct when democrat voters say so.

Wrong! This has nothing to do with being a democrat or republican.  It's about keeping ALL government (even the state) from telling us what we can do with our body.  If you don't want to get an abortion, then don't get one.  ROE VS. WADE  did NOT force anyone to get an abortion. 


In the same day, your precious Kamala a few years back, said the government should not tell ppl what to do with their bodies, then demanded ppl get a government mandated vaccine.

Again "two entirely different issues".  We're not talking about vaccines here.  I spoke nothing about this in my reply. 

Also, if you think saying "your precious Kamala" is supposed to trigger me, you failed. LOL!  While I'll be voting for Kamala, but l also know that there will never be any one candidate I will 100% agree with.  But considering the alternate choice, I guarantee that I will feel far more safer under Kamala than Trump! 

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@AdonnaMy comments weren't all directed at you. Sorry, I'm binge watching Stranger Things right now so I'm posting kind of fast. I'll ,answer your point about why I'm okay about state government making abortion illegal. Bottom line it's bc I'm very pro states rights, as per the original US Constitution. I don't trust federal consolidation of power.

Also, when you import the planet within our borders there's no way you're going to make everyone happy. Individual state laws make things more fair. 

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12 minutes ago, Winn said:

@AdonnaMy comments weren't all directed at you. Sorry, I'm binge watching Stranger Things right now so I'm posting kind of fast. I'll ,answer your point about why I'm okay about state government making abortion illegal. Bottom line it's bc I'm very pro states rights, as per the original US Constitution. I don't trust federal consolidation of power.

Also, when you import the planet within our borders there's no way you're going to make everyone happy. Individual state laws make things more fair. 

Surprised you didn’t refer to the great late Hannibal Lecter in your speech

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21 minutes ago, Winn said:

@AdonnaMy comments weren't all directed at you. Sorry, I'm binge watching Stranger Things right now so I'm posting kind of fast. I'll ,answer your point about why I'm okay about state government making abortion illegal. Bottom line it's bc I'm very pro states rights, as per the original US Constitution. I don't trust federal consolidation of power.

Also, when you import the planet within our borders there's no way you're going to make everyone happy. Individual state laws make things more fair. 

Once again, specifically speaking of abortions, I just didn't see the point of over turning Roe Vs. Wade?  Before the over turn, Federal nor no govern state weren't telling people what they could or couldn't' do with their bodies. As for now, you're telling me, you're comfortable with any state government telling you what you can or cannot do with your body? 

You can be individually against "abortion" (and you have that right), but as stated before over turning Roe VS. Wade that had no effect on your federal or state rights.

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55 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

The vaccine (and masks and other rules) was to protect the health of the wider public, not just the individual. People that refused to get vaccinated were putting the health and lives of society’s most vulnerable people at risk which was very selfish. It isn’t the same situation.



The "winter of death" for the unvaccinated. I remember it fondly. The president of unity. 

Wasn't it weird they didn't have to be disposed of in a biohazard bin? Just the garbage and the streets were no problem at all. 

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6 minutes ago, Adonna said:

Once again, specifically speaking of abortions, I just didn't see the point of over turning Roe Vs. Wade?  Before the over turn, Federal nor no govern state weren't telling people what they could or couldn't' do with their bodies. As for now, you're telling me, you're comfortable with any state government telling you what you can or cannot do with your body? 

You can be individually against "abortion" (and you have that right), but as stated before over turning Roe VS. Wade that had no effect on your federal or state rights.

You may not see the point of overturning Roe v Wade but a lot of other ppl do. They consider it murder, Do you not know that? They live here too, in the US. It's not all about what you want. And by you I mean Democrats, liberals, whatever you want to call it.

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1 minute ago, Winn said:

You may not see the point of overturning Roe v Wade but a lot of other ppl do. They consider it murder, Do you not know that? They live here too, in the US. It's not all about what you want. And by you I mean Democrats, liberals, whatever you want to call it.



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