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What do you want from a New Single (future expectations)


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Sometimes a true break from music making can generate a new style when coming back to the art, after dealing with other art, or just generally gathering new experiences.



True, but at the same time, she hasn't been this productive musically for a very long time, so I don't want her to get sidetracked by non-artistic things. But she can do as she pleases and she does anyway lol


I think the main thing is that the songwriting is good. regardless of who ends up producing them.


And btw her last big break from music gave us MDNA...  :oi:

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I want her to work with Stuart Price again, and Pettibone would be a dream, but I think he's not active anymore. She should make an album with the best producers she's had. Mirways, Price, Rodgers and Pettibone.

As much as I would love this to happen, being realistic it could also become Madonna's worst album, as it's almost certain that the style and production of those producers have changed over the years, specially Mirwais, I totally loathe his If You Go Away 2005 take or It's So Cool 2009 remix, dreadful.We all desperately wanted Madonna to work with Orbit again so we could have our "Ray Of Light 2" and when she released MDNA.. Well, that was pretty mediocre imo, none of the Orbit songs were even close to any of the ROL tracks.
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Yeah I'm not sure about that Rolling Stone poll.... I do love Ghosttown though


Miley's album was released for free so it was never gonna make a huge commercial impact, and its her most left-field experimental work to date. 


Wrecking Ball anyone? Or is 2013-2014 such a long time ago? lol 


Are we talking musical impact or commercial impact? You're confusing me. Since when a non-commercilally released piece has no chance of becoming a hit? You're going nowhere with this.


Anyway, the topic was future single expectation and we're talking about worn-out songs by non-existent singers. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes and try to end this conversation with a LOL.

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As much as I would love this to happen, being realistic it could also become Madonna's worst album, as it's almost certain that the style and production of those producers have changed over the years, specially Mirwais, I totally loathe his If You Go Away 2005 take or It's So Cool 2009 remix, dreadful.We all desperately wanted Madonna to work with Orbit again so we could have our "Ray Of Light 2" and when she released MDNA.. Well, that was pretty mediocre imo, none of the Orbit songs were even close to any of the ROL tracks.

You're right. Working with Mirwais on Music and American Life was a great collaboration, but his work on If You Go Away and It's So Cool 2009 - frankly appalling!!! Like artists, producers evolve (well Mirwais devolved) and change their sound so there's no guarantee that by working with previous great collaborators that the next collaboration will be any good. I really liked the Orbit tracks on MDNA, but yes, they're not on the same level as Ray Of Light songs. Am i wrong in thinking that Orbit said somewhere that the project (his involvement on MDNA) was rushed? Don't quote me on that- I'm most likely wrong.
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I really liked the Orbit tracks on MDNA, but yes, they're not on the same level as Ray Of Light songs. Am i wrong in thinking that Orbit said somewhere that the project (his involvement on MDNA) was rushed? Don't quote me on that- I'm most likely wrong.

Wasn't William Orbit pissed at the way the tracks were treated for MDNA?

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And what I think would be a good idea is to have like 3 or 4 songs reworked for an EP. For example: getting Like A Prayer with the same structure, and even the same acapella, but with instruments that sound quietly the same as the originals but sounding current, I don't know how to say it in english sorry. Like using a drum that sounds current but has the same structure. Or for Vogue, a new viola stem. Like a Virgin with a new-sounding bass line but in the same structure and key, like Rihanna did on Vogue.I know you'll tell me thst this would take the special old feeling that the songs have, but this could even turn into another greatest hits album with a collab in every song, like Katy and Madonna song Material Girl, and Britney on Burning Up... And these sound sounding current maybe would be a good way to take new and younger fans, even though they won't play her on the radio.Lo diré en español por si asi alguien me entiende mejor porque no se encontrar las palabras correctas. Me refiero a recrear la cancion usando las mismas melodias y estructuras pero usando instrumentos de ahora, para lograr que suenen como si fueran recien sacadas del horno.

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she is trying to be relevant but she was the best because she was never relevant, she was always one step further,i know there is terrible managment behind her, but i would love to get away from liveaid contract because she makes records for the tour and not tour after the record,

i would love a new single now and a new single every 3 months like rihanna, for me the rh era is over(terible management) and i want new experimental danceand melodic electronic songs, i want a new frozen and what frozen means to my heart

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True, but at the same time, she hasn't been this productive musically for a very long time, so I don't want her to get sidetracked by non-artistic things. But she can do as she pleases and she does anyway lol


I think the main thing is that the songwriting is good. regardless of who ends up producing them.


And btw her last big break from music gave us MDNA...  :oi:


true. MDNA was super rushed. as any product seems to be lately because no-one has the damn patience for artists to truly develop their art and their personalities.

everyone seems too used to e-mail, touch screens and everything being available with one swipe or click.

which is the death of thorough development, in any respect.

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true. MDNA was super rushed. as any product seems to be lately because no-one has the damn patience for artists to truly develop their art and their personalities.

everyone seems too used to e-mail, touch screens and everything being available with one swipe or click.

which is the death of thorough development, in any respect.

IMO - M should also lay off social media whilst working her album. (in fact i think she comes off rather childish on Social media)   Go back to old school (which has become new school ironically).  get your work done and then present it (titles and all) on release day.. no teasing anybody...  except maybe for the first single 6 weeks before release.... and work with 1 or 2 producers only - bring back coherency and continuity to your albums.  The last album to truly have consistency was Confessions...

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She needs to act in movies again to be really inspired. I believe acting in movies was really opening the doors of creations for her and also it was natural for her to embrace a new personna for every musical new era. Since she decided to stop acting, things changed in her musical career, several things started to lack, that's why i believe the two are connected for her, one can't do without the other.

That's an Interesting thought.
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It's always kind of a slippery slope predicting M's move (in my experience she goes out doing the opposite anyway) But what I would love for M to do is record shorter albums, to be released more frequently, or maybe even only release ep's, just to be able to work quicker. As rushed as MDNA was, M has actually made many of her best albums in a very short period of time. I think the lack of her studio involvement (writing and producing) of MDNA was more to blame for it's mediocre sound. Same like HC the list of cobtributers looked good on paper but turned out not to be as succesful as one would assume. Which just proves that M doesn't do the calculated succesformula as well as people assume, it's only when she goes on her instincts that magic happens and it either turns out to be a major success (LAP, ROL) or is totally misunderstood (E, AL) either way, we end up with great albums!

So after tears of a clown, here's a very careful prediction, going on her own selection of her back catalogue and judging by the fan's reactions to it, combined with her reconnecting with her fanbase during the RHT her focus will be more towards her fans than the general public. As a second influence, the tribulations she's going through privatly plus her more fierce comebacks to the criticism she's been receiving lead me to believe (and you should read believe as a in a desperate wish ;-)) that her next work will be closer to her heart, more personal but also more risque and experimental.

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Needles to say, none af that would happen if Guy O, would only assume she's on her way to a recording studio. He'd have the latest hippest producers and writers meeting her at the gate by the time she arrives, and it would be "would have been nice if released three years ago by the numbers" all over again. As much as I hate the Guy O dissing game (not Guy R, diss away!) but let's face it, M has not made a bold move or risky choice of producers since he's managing her, not one actually


edit: wasn't supposed to sound as negative as it maybe does ;-) I'm super happy and impressed with M's RHT and TOAC, I'm just hoping she holds on to that magic xxxxx

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I wouldn't like her to take a big break to shoot a new movie, although it wouldn't be bad for her to release a new soundtrack with a ballad in her best tradition (Live to tell, This used to be my playground, Masterpiece) and win an OSCAR for it.I don't see her reworking her own material although it would be nice to hear new arrangements. I don't like it when she tries to be relevant or win the new generations, we have seen that this is impossible due to the new music system, although I think that some experimental sounds with Diplo like Bitch I'm Madonna were really interesting.It is not a question of age but I'd love her to concentrate more on songwriting and vocals like she seems to have been doing recently: which means less dance and more adult pop, acoustic sounds, live instruments. In a certain way more Patrick Leonard than William Orbit. American life was maybe unsuccessful but after TOAC I noticed how much we the fans love it (I thought I was the only one). This doesn't mean commercial success but after the inexplicable failure of Ghosttown I don't really know if this can happen again, but it means artistic integrity and music recognizement.

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IMO - M should also lay off social media whilst working her album. (in fact i think she comes off rather childish on Social media) Go back to old school (which has become new school ironically). get your work done and then present it (titles and all) on release day.. no teasing anybody... except maybe for the first single 6 weeks before release.... and work with 1 or 2 producers only - bring back coherency and continuity to your albums. The last album to truly have consistency was Confessions...

All good points!
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I want her to do something innovative and new. Like a new style that hasn't been heard before (easier said than done I know lol). Or maybe some fusion of styles? I quite like Jazztronica, or maybe classical/orchestral music fused with dance or something. I dunno..... Surprise Me Madonna.

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