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Fighter last won the day on March 3 2022

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Finally Enough Love

Finally Enough Love (89/89)



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  1. Trump told white supremacists to "stand by", and then you want to tell me him and his supporters aren't nazis. We can drop all pretense now. 

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    2. Fighter


      We are going through an incredible cultural acceleration, and that's why we are seeing the rise of fascism to keep that "status quo". Fascism is an opportunistic disease. I do hope that Trump's rise has been so fast that it will be its own undoing. He hasn't been as succesful as he was hoping in inciting violence, division and securing loyalty to consolidate power but he has gotten closer than anyone thought possible 4 years ago or ever. There's still hope, but we will see on this election. If he breaks US democracy permanently there are very dark times ahead. If he loses, we need to remember what made him will still linger...

    3. devilpray


      He's a fucking joke and the fact that half of the world is following his nonsense is so frustrating. The fact that because of the 2016 election now I have to live in a country with a good for nothing president that wants to emulate fucking Trump and also put his own profit before anything is honestly so fucked up. He opened the door to all the Bolsonaros and other capitalist dictators around the world. I'm so fucking angry right now.

    4. Fighter


      Yes Trump is the leader of the far right but unfortunately it was coming regardless. I hope his loss will take the wind out of the sails, at least... 

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