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Status Updates posted by Fighter

  1. Site speed issue is fixed now wooohooo. And guys really stop using the report button for replies. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fighter


      No, I don't think it's on purpose. We've been having this issue since the forum started over 3 years ago and I've been saying this since then lol. It only shows how lazy people are that they can't even read what the button says and that the thread is locked. They just come to leech files in the laziest way possible, cos all the "reports" I get are just emojis or "ty". They're obviously not even reading my constant pleas for them to stop doing it. That's not good contribution and it's disruptive to me.

    3. Guest


      I see and fair enough.  I was just curious because I can see that someone might accidentally might be pressing the wrong link/button because the two are pretty close to one another.  I don't post here using a mobile device, but I'm sure many do, and it may be harder to see. 

    4. Fighter


      of course im not mad if someone does it once by accident but people who are repeated offenders tbh

  2. Will people ever learn the difference between the report and reply buttons? :ag:

    1. Andymad


      Abort, Abort, Abort...

    2. Guest


      To be fair, a lot of forums used have "reply" buttons in that spot.  I know I've in the past navigate up in that area to "reply", only to remember it's not there.

  3. Now that its not necessary to reply to threads to unhide links i hope people will stop bumping really old threads. And also please report if links are dead. Thank you

    1. Guest


      Hmm? I'm a little confused by what you mean by this?  I just was in the Audios section and the threads require you to "reply" to "unhide" the linked contents.

      EDIT:  Okay, so I just realized what you meant.  You can "react" to a thread and gain access to the content.  Maybe a mention of "reacting" to the thread in your original post would have made things more clear. :)

    2. Fighter


      It was announced when we upgraded and it says it on every link but I will make it more clear in the future since a lot of people don't know yet. 

    3. Guest


      I rarely download anything from here, so I guess I skipped over that "new" feature.  But it's nice that all you have to is press the heart (react) and the links show up.  With the darker theme available, everything is really shaping up nicely here. Great job!

  4. dark theme now available :kissy: 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cosmicarlo818


      I LA LA LOVE THE DARK THEME omg don't ever change it! The clouds/mist design omg!!! Thank you for everything mother!

    3. stefo


      thank you Fighter, I needed that :cute:

    4. vesalii


      I wanna see what you got

  5. why is madonna's youtube account uploading all her old videos... is this.. how they're gonna "merge" her channels

    1. MadonnaLove


      Her team after many years has finally heard us! :tongue:

    2. Fighter


      Shes losing the views tho :sad:

    3. cosmicarlo818


      This irks me! Why couldn't she have just made a SUPER OFFICIAL MADONNA YOUTUBE ACCOUNT WITH ALL VIDEOS AND IMPORTANT TV PERFORMANCES. I swear she should hire us to manage that account :cry:

  6. That was a long time off line, but hopefully there won't be any big glitches now. :thinker:

    1. MiB


      fighter will there be a skin selection as well?

    2. Fighter


      yes, later when we have more themes lol

    3. MiB
  7. We're doing lots of changes soon so reply to this thread of u have suggestions http://www.madonna-infinity.net/forums/index.php?/topic/14306-suggestions-improvements/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fighter


      not sure how long but i dont think it will be days unless a problem arises lol :)

    3. dylanlioncourt


      Would a Entertainment section be good? Celeb/TV/Movie/?

    4. Fighter


      will people use it? people dont even use off topic that much.

  8. Media subsections: Yay or nay?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. G House

      G House

      It could be interesting

    3. cosmicarlo818
    4. Guest


      No objections here.


  9. where is blondebombshell? i havent seen her in a while

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Andymad


      Blessings to you and your family honey

  10. I hope we can try to be more positive this era.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Guest


      But if she doesn't take her time, fans will say "She rushed the album". In fact, many claimed she rushed RH. LOL!

    3. Fighter


      depends on how many tracks she works on, producer schedules and wether there are last minute changes...lets hope everything works out better this time.

    4. PlayPause


      i always like European Madonna better

  11. How Rebel Heart made it into the RHT setlist and not Shoo Bee Doo is beyond me uwu

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fighter


      yeah i know that was the best thing she did in ages uwu

    3. RUADJAI
    4. Fighter


      lmaoo its an annoying smilie people use

  12. If you ever send me a PM and i dont respond or something, message me again, sometimes I have too much to do and I'm very forgetful lol so yeah

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fighter
    3. cosmicarlo818


      You love the adulation, admit it! LOL we love you Fighter!!!

    4. Fighter


      it gives me anxiety but ily too lol

  13. The new Black Mirror season is out :heart:

  14. Not to play favorites but my fave is @devilpray

  15. Sue me, sue me, sue me all you want - I won't denounce our origin

  16. Finally watched the "kids react to Madonna" video, it reminded me that when I was 10 I didnt know who she was either, and look at me now bitch :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Inco


      I'm a fan since I was 5,6 years old.

  17. Sorry guys doing maintenance, so the site is not loading sometimes. :)

    1. Fighter


      i'll be monitoring the speed from time to time to see if the problem continues :/

  18. hope the server issues get resolved, let me know if you get errors or slow loading

  19. We seem to be having some mild sever problems

    1. Fighter


      yes it loads slow today, just hosting problems i guess

  20. New theme :D remember you can change the theme for another one with the "Change Theme" drop down at the bottom of the page

  21. these video upgrades are giving me so much life omg

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. devilpray


      I hope they're going to upload her full videography in better quality, Erotica looks great!

  22. Im watching Strike A Pose for the first time and pretty sure they used a clip of my remaster of BAT Barcelona lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. muscleguy35


      I've seen a 4 track OST too which I believe is manmade!

    3. Fighter


      The documentary was as sad as i expected.. Imdidnt wanna watch it really hut it was good tho

  23. Stop asking for rips of the rht dvd/bluray/cd please

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. poserdemadonna


      iTunes and Amazon are selling them, so people should take the scorpion out of their pockets :)

    3. meeshell


      the hair will do then, my phone battery has died but the pc lives on pmsl. i'll shut up now and get the some sleep. night night sleep tight xx


    4. Fighter


      wtf go to sleep lmao

  24. patrizziagucci, 3 times loser of Madonna Infinity's Drag Race

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fighter


      we all owe you a debt of gratitude

    3. Dazedmadonna


      Omg they're back? How did I not see this

    4. RUADJAI


      Take that thing off of your face!


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