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Status Updates posted by Fighter

  1. Sorry guys about the lack of updates and themes, I will make a few new ones #soon :smke:

  2. No links or asking for links for anything related to the MX Tour release please.

  3. Is the site slow sometimes for anyone else?

    1. realityisalways
    2. RUADJAI


      I haven't noticed anything...

  4. Does anyone else here love these queens? ?


    1. devilpray


      Ugh they deserve the world

    2. Fighter


      They're god i think :luv:

  5. Was cleaning/painting and some of my M dvds fell on a bucket of water ? RIP 

    1. MattyMads


      Omg devastating ?

    2. Fighter


      only for the sentimental value?

    3. PanditaRulez


      This week I am remodeling my room, I hope I will not go through the same when I arrange my collection.

  6. Shut the fuck up. ❤️

    Shut the fuck up. ❤️

    Shut the fuck up. ❤️

    1. Shoful


      What's wrong? I hope everything is ok :hug:

    2. Fighter


      Just retrograde mood :cryin: everything's fine. :hug:

  7. Was the site slow for everyone earlier today or just me?

    1. devilpray


      Worked fine here!

    2. Fighter


      it wouldn't even open at one point for me :thumbsdown:

    3. Andymad


      yeah mine is v laggy

  8. New Truth Or Dare theme available! I'll be adding back the older themes soon :smke:

    1. RUADJAI


      oooooooooh me likey 

    2. Scottyx


      thank you Fighter. Love this

  9. Speaking of, when are we getting this in HD? :frown:


    1. devilpray


      I hate these random choices, can't they do it chronologically?? 

    2. Andymad


      @FighterBitch I cannot, I look at your profile pic and just cackle its so funny LOL, SO amazing!! ❤️

  10. COVID conspiracy theorists risk being banned. I do not want fake news and conspiracy theories here so post what you read on Facebook and SuperRealNews.com at your own risk. :smile::thumbsup: Thanks guys. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fighter


      I'm only advocating for some common sense but if someone doesn't like it, they are free to leave :yarn:

    3. artlover


      Why does st*pid people consider LIES freedom of speech? Madonna certainly would not approve of that. 

      Spreading QAnon bull isn't seek truth. 

      Wake up America.

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Since Donald i-glued-the-bricks-together Trump caught Covid himself it obviously never went away with the heat,
      The 'only' US medical supplier of face-masks for hospitals was on The News a lot.
      "People phone me all the time crying and sobbing, "But why can't you send any....."
      Madge might have said a lot of baloney in a luxury bathroom but a lot of people were in shock.
      And plenty in my town are in denial as soon as the first rays of sun were out.
      "What masks ?"
      I haven't been on a bus in a year.
      Point any 'fake news' in my direction.

  11. I made these less crunchy gotta make more stickers later on


  12. Why are people requesting movies on the forum?¡?¡¡? this isn't a piracy site there are so many sites where you can find stuff :stare:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fighter


      no, not even madonna related stuff :lol:

    3. Kosmmik


      Oh no,...pls!!!


    4. emanon


      I want The Egg movie by madonna...in 4K

  13. The Madame X music videos were so amazing... we got so lucky ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shoful


      She literally gave me everything I wanted for a Madonna album. Electronic sounds, Political Themes, Imagery, and an alter ego. Everything was so well done! I only wish we got more live performances like how Rebel Heart got a bunch 

    3. Voguerista


      Hey Fighter, I just sent you an email. I hope you receive it. I tried dming you but, it doesn't work for some reason. xxx

    4. ChrisK


      I agree! She put a lot of effort into Madame X - the visuals, the music, the promotion.  It's a shame she injured herself right before the tour started - :/

  14. I have removed the Gender profile field and replaced it with a Pronouns field, so you can add them to your profile now if you want. :rainbow::flower: 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Voguerista


      There is so many ups and downs. About the time I think he’s ok, there’s been a complication. It’s been so hard. Let’s just say, I know what PTSD is like. :dead:

    3. Fighter


      omg Im so sorry... hopefully you can relax now ? was thinking of your situation the other day since i havent seen u on here much. hoping for better times ahead ?? 

    4. Voguerista


      It’s been a long recovery. A heart attack, Nine stents put in. Then he gets out of the hospital and his sugars sky rocket and he developed a urinary and prostrate infection. And then they put him back in the hospital. He’s finally getting there but he still gets these odd shivers. Next week he’s scheduled for his first echocardiogram to see how everything is working in the heart. Then he sees the cardiologist, primary and Uroligist after that. It’s so hard sometimes. Keep praying. Yes here’s to better times. Hugggsss. Thanks so much. 

  15. Please reply to PMs on the site, not on email notifications that you got a PM otherwise *I* get the response on the site email... :dead: 

  16. Congratulations President Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris ?? Congratulations America. The world will never forget how close it came to losing everything...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. artlover


      Is this person a trumpist anyway?

    3. me1981


      @artloverAre you talking to me? No I am not a Trump supporter, not even close. I have always had a problem with the narrative America=The World, that doesn't make me a Trump supporter. A rather large leap if you were referring to me

    4. Fighter


      It's perfectly understandable you feel that way, but it's also perfectly understandable that people may misunderstand your replies as you weren't very clear and there's so much chaos out there. Let's just have patience :hug:

  17. Can we have ONE peaceful new album thread?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shoful


      Yes! Can we please open a new one. I love the speculations :drama:

    3. Fighter


      whoemever wants to open a new thread can open one :kiss2:

    4. RebelMe


      Done. Feel free to edit, as the way you please @Fighter



  18. MAGA terrorists stormed the US capitol with weapons.......

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RUADJAI


      They're literally chanting "Fuck BLM"

    3. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      Hilary Clinton got 3 million more votes.
      He becomes President.
      Did the Democrats riot and storm the place like what's just happened ?
      Voting is a farce in America.

    4. MadonnaLove


      America is heading to civil war......

  19. :heart:Happy 2021 :hug::hug::hug: I hope ??????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Voguerista


      Happy new year Fighter and everyone.  Lots of love to everyone!! :hug:

    3. MadonnaLove


      Happy 2021 a new year a new hope!!

    4. Cedric
  20. Merry Xmas Deers, Hope everyone is happy :hug::rainbow:???

    1. Voguerista


      Merry merry Christmas and all the best!! :hug:

    2. Cedric


      Happy holidays Fighter! Wish you all the best for 2021!!

  21. Added new tags for the Videos and Photos sections for AI upscales. I'm also saving a lot of links from being deleted from Mega, remember they only give you 15 GBs even if initially it says 50 or whatever........ :redface:

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