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Blue Skies

Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by Blue Skies

  1. As I see that many users have changed their name or avatar, I decided to do the same and put the photo of Christina Aguilera in one of her most extreme looks. How can you not love this woman: she has a beautiful and incomparable voice, a unique and out-of-this-world beauty or that special personality that has made her enjoy the dislike of so many people who would like to be like her, etc.

    Those who agree with me will receive a beautiful heart. And those who want to mock or criticize her can do so too. Fortunately, I am a very tolerant person, compared to others, and I will not be offended or delete your comments, much less call you "negative bitches." Don't put me in the same category as the narrow-minded. I don't belong there.

    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      Yeah Madonna and Christina are my favorite pop queens.  It's not to say I love everything they do.  Like recently with M and the wheelchair incident and I wish Christina would put a little more effort into music.  But still big fans of both.  

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. When you open MadonnaInfinity


    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      I feel like that picture beautifully represents life in 2024 as well.  

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. I know there aren't many fans of this song, but I just love it, especially when she did it live here...


    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      Yeah I think the saying have a nice day at the end is symbolic for how I see her.....  there's sweetness there behind the whole bad girl image 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. I know there aren't many fans of this song, but I just love it, especially when she did it live here...


    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      Love the song and performance.  I find it very funny and cute as well when she says at the beginning she's not taking shit off and then at the end tells she everyone to have a nice day.  

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Something beautiful



    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      I liked this!

      I only knew of this bad from that song Mariah Carey sampled.  

  6. Madonna with or without social networks?

    Curious about your opinion......

    I remember before insta, facebook, Twitter ecc ecc were a big things, in the 00', 10'.... and Madonna was at her peak...... when every M album was THE ALBUM, when she was one of the few..... and the other 2 was Britney and Christina.... you can only dream about her house, her private life,  about everthing and everyone who surrounded her..... now everthing is out on social...... a good or a bad thing? honestly i prefer the mistery M was surrounded by  in the 00'- 10' .... you have no idea how her homes were..... her closet, her art collection ecc ecc.... again you can only dream about that in that era..... Now for me, a lot of the allure gone..... so i really like singers and actors who are out of social and keep some sort of mystery about them......

    M on social network is good or bad?

    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      I'm not a fan of social media in general so I would lean toward no.


      From a fan perspective though it's easier to track what goes on with her and chat with other online fans about it.  Even if for me only on Madonna fan sites 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)


    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      She was heavenly that night.  Beautiful skin, big healthy chest, beautiful smile.  Wasn’t even paying attention to Elton.  Was more grossed she was sitting by Harvey 


    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      I like the song!  Funky..


      I only knew them from this song



  9. Monday mornings suck.  As I get older on days I’m not feeling it, having Madonna love you to death is one hell of a way to go out!  😊



    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      Thanks. :) 


      and yeah love that scene.  She's so pretty and flirty 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. How could it hurt you when it looks so good?



    Our Proud Mama;

    Showing off her assets!

      Paul Gaultier fashion  raised $750,000 for the American Foundation For AIDS Research


    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      I've spent many nights dreaming of burying my face in her chest and well just staying relaxing there for a long time to avoid life.  Well still do.  LOL.  She has/had the perfect chest.


      That picture is iconic as was her walk down the runway.  I did not know though charity benefited from that night as well.  Cool 

  12. Full transcription of Madonna's speech from the 3rd night of her Drowned World Tour in Los Angeles on September 14th, 2001 about 9/11 terrorist attacks:


    "How do you are Los Angeles, you having a good time?

    Kind of confusing trying to have a good time this week, as you all know. And I want you all to know. How privileged I feel to be in the position that I am in.

    Don't we're not doing the show because we want people to forget we're doing the show because we want to remind people of how precious life is.

    How fun a joy. should be.

    The tragedy that occurred this week is unthinkable. But I'd also like to think of it as a great big fucking wake up call..

    Now that we're all awake. It was. Please stay awake.

    Like to remind each and every one of you that acts of terrorism are going on on this planet every day on a regular basis. Okay. In England, in Ireland, in Israel, in Palestine, in India. In Tibet. In Pakistan. In Sri Lanka. In Africa. In Bosnia, in Afghanistan.

    Could go on and on.. night.

    Last night we said a prayer. We had a moment of silence. Okay. 18,000 people. Shut up. Hard to believe, but it's true.

    Had a moment of silence and we said a prayer for everyone who died Tuesday morning. For all the families and friends of those who died tonight. I'd like everyone to say a prayer for peace.

    Like everyone to say a prayer that President Bush practices restraint in his decision making.

    He does not retaliate. This act of violence with another act of violence.

    Violence only begets violence. So, please, everybody, for a minute. Can we just keep quiet? Bow our heads. Grab the person next to you. I don't care. But please say a prayer for peace because I don't know about you. But I want to live a long and happy life. I want my kids to live a long and happy life. Okay. right. All right. Good girl for me., USA. When you start thinking in a global way, please.

    Thank you you very much. Thank you...Said it last night and I'm going to say it again. If you want the world to change, change yourself".

    -Madonna, 9/14/2001.



    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      It wouldn't have been what I wanted to hear at the time but she turned out correct 

  13. 25 years aog this week; Madonna performed with Lenny Kravitz at the 1998 VMA's and picked up multiple awards for the Ray of Light and Frozen videos, including "Best Female Video" and "Best Video". 





    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      I think the last person who "Caused A Commotion" at the VMA's was Kanye West when he took that award from Taylor Swift.  2009 I believe.  Or Miley Cyrus dancing in her underwear.  


      Yeah there's just nothing there now and the show just comes across more tacky to me than anything.  



    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. 25 years aog this week; Madonna performed with Lenny Kravitz at the 1998 VMA's and picked up multiple awards for the Ray of Light and Frozen videos, including "Best Female Video" and "Best Video". 





    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      You brought up a good point.  Pre I’ll say conservatively 2010 if it’s Madonna or somebody else you were interested in seeing perform or what not at an awards show….  You had to keep it on till they showed up 😊.  Or you’d miss it totally 

      Although MTV used to air reruns of the awards show every so often.  I doubt they still do? 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. 25 years aog this week; Madonna performed with Lenny Kravitz at the 1998 VMA's and picked up multiple awards for the Ray of Light and Frozen videos, including "Best Female Video" and "Best Video". 





    1. Blue Skies

      Blue Skies

      I still remember that night well!   I had just started high school.  Ben Stiller was the host and there was an interview she did prior with Kurt Loder on the pre show.  There was this funny ad for the VMA's where Ben thinks he gets a date with Madonna but winds up babysitting Lourdes.  


      I think she was one of the first performers that evening and the last time she was the main star of the VMA's.  Unless you count that 2003 performance.  I had no idea Beyonce overtook her in moon mans from the VMA's.  It's been about 20 years since I cared about  this show . 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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