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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Anapausis

  1. My idol @LUKESAVANT, besides reaffirming you're an amazing remixer, I also would thank you for having locked THAT thread. We don't need to act like Marjorie Taylor-Greene and co., esp here where we members are so sincere to each other. If you want to, and have the power to, I'd like to see even other actions being taken to THAT thread - you may deduct which ones. Have a nice afternoon, my friend!

  2. Now I know I'm resistent to 115°F - wish I didn't know. Wish I were in the US rn!!! (Neighbour's grass is always greener right?)

  3. Wanna introduce to all my fellas Infiniters my new bae... Thank you Ben for the delight!!

    This is a Bibi that I respect!!!

  4. @GoneDone paraphrasing what M told to David Lettermann when he got retired:


    Breathe in, breathe out

    I say a little prayer...



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      only you can decide for yourself...... so i hope you only the best .....

    3. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      and when you want..... reremember that me and @Anapausis are always here waiting for you.....

    4. Leona Helmsley
  5. The more I try say NO, the more I say YES. Just INCREDIBLE. Seems I was really born this way.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      and if you need to talk ..... dear send me a PM

    3. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      and dont take things too seriously

    4. Leona Helmsley
  6. Love when I have the opportunity to face the past and tell it how I feel about it after so many years

  7. I feel different, can't explain why

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Leona Helmsley
    3. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      ps: when you are free... you find me in Madonna this or that game section

    4. chaosmen1984mk


      If you don't know it yourself, much less do we. Maybe a doctor or a psychiatrist will help you much better than the users of this forum.

  8. To everyone who find themselves in a ghosttown. <3 <3 <3

  9. I see the reception to my gift... And just like M, "I'M NOT ASHAMED!!!" #BurningUp4UrLove

  10. A lil' late Xmas gift to all lil'medonsters after I've been such a pussy here on forum...


    Let's see if the bishops and archbishops from Infinity will give me their blessings after they've been slapped by me... Happy last days of 2023 ev'rybody!!!

    1. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      happy last days of 2023 you ttop


  11. Let's earn some smiles...

    A tip to u folks:

    Never slap the priest, kids; you're gonna be excommunicated!!!

  12. Dave, come back soon, I miss you!

    I have explained why I got full silent yesterday in my own recent status update!

    Infinity's never the same without you!

    1. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      sorry dear.... but i catch fever.... and i feel bad...... so yesterday i pratically only sleep and today too....

  13. Getting a fast from here. Happy Holidays to everybody!

  14. Added a few more people to my ignore list. Don't worry, these are people I should've added months ago!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      sorry for this triple gif @Anapausis.... but i dont know why but my gif not always appered when i post it....

    3. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      ps. i hope the best for your health....

    4. Leona Helmsley

      Leona Helmsley

      i hope you feel better soon

  15. Hope Monsieur Delebarre doesn't forget of us and upload still in 2023 the upscaled Love Profusion MV to YouTube...

  16. Nothing like a fourth heat wave here in Rio this year... (Actually two simultaneous heat waves...)

    #AChapaTáQuente #Ardiendo #ElNiño #ClimateChanges #GlobalBoiling

    1. Anapausis


      Well @stickersweeterI'd like to know what's funny to my post, are you a climate change denier? Just for curiosity.

    2. stickersweeter


      Noooo! LOL in fact I'm terrified to what's been hapenning and seriously concerned about 2024. The point of my Haha reaction is that I had no idea you were Brazilian muito menos que morasse no Rio. Eu também to sofrendo com esse calor, mas quando dá, pego um sol por motivos de: sou carioca! :lol:

    3. Anapausis


      @stickersweeter cria do Irajá aqui, moro perto do metrô, onde o repórter do RJ1 fez reportagem esses dias justamente sobre a onda de calor de novembro.

      For those who don't know Portuguese: just do read this report by The Guardian.


  17. I believe now that my main reason behind my comeback to here has proudly turned against me, my often presence here is not as needed as I used to think. I will not leave here as I did twice before due to my forever friends such as @Vogueristaand @dave2290 - they are my aorta as they keep my heart beating, "padam padam," but the bitch in me's happily gonna die, to the joy of some people here who are very tired of my antics. Happy holidays to everybody!

  18. Wish someday she even performs Love Tried to Welcome Me live at least only once. @Incoyou agree to me right?

  19. And from an ATRLer to a popsicle sucker. More shame on me.

  20. Guess I've officially turned into an ATRLer, shame on me

  21. Hope for next tour M picks up some demo to be live performed (not even as interlude!) after doing the original 1980 arrangement for Burning Up and mixing Erotica with Erotica (Final Demo 2)!

    1. Anapausis


      Sorry to spoiler-free users, my bad!

    2. MCL_1993


      Hey, I think it's a bit of a stretch to dream about a next tour but I like your idea nonetheless

  22. Honestly I don't feel like buying Finally Enough Love in any format despite loving the remixes - would rather go for Rebel Heart Tour US Blu-ray + CD pack instead... after all this time I dunno even I'd buy M's new album when it finally comes out...

  23. Starting looking for Kylie's Tension Deluxe CD's offered by Chinese retailers on my local Shopee. I'm a lil afraid of custom taxes, won't deny it, but maybe it's better than importing from Amazon UK even being thru a shopper.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. artlover


      Opa, mais um brasileiro! Muito prazer! 

    3. Anapausis


      @artloversou carioca da gema, cria do Irajá. E vc?

    4. artlover
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