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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. In my opinion, for the sake of community we need a RuPaul and Madonna sitdown interview style program, maybe on social media with no script/filter/etc, where they just chat about life and clear the air. I don't want to think RuPaul is using Madonna to sell books, I think the approach is genuine and almost a cry for attention, if he was so hurt by her and maybe she didn't even mean it what if they could just squash all the alleged shit from the 90s. 

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    2. Roland Barthes

      Roland Barthes

      Ru Paul is a garbage person. What i find most unappealing about him is that he plays that nice character pretending to be good and wise with his stupid Facebok meme quotes when he treats people like shit and there are tons and tons of testimonies. At least Madonna never pretended to be miss congeniality so Miss charles can fuck right off and clean before her own door. And RPDR is a toxic show (just like the RHO franchise) And Ru has been trying to ride M's coattail since the early 80's by pretending to be her friend to people at the Pyramid club when he only knew Martin who was a regular there and just like for Erica, Debi, Chris, Maripol etc...there were these village famewhore faking friendship with them because they were close to Madonna when she exploded in 1985. And Ru was a gossiping badmouther then already, people knew his shit. Ru is totally fake ass american showbiz;

    3. survivalartist


      @RUADJAIimagine carrying around a grudge like this for 40 years

    4. survivalartist
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