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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Updates posted by Angelo

  1. Today I saw one of the best show ever ???

  2. Jealous of who saw the entire MX show two years ago...

    I'm a member of the club "poor unfortunate souls" ??

  3. where's "Madonna Tapes" thread?? It's gone...

    1. deathproof


      which thread?

    2. Angelo


      Madonna Tapes

    3. Enrico


      We had to hide it after reports, because collectors/traders drama was difficult to control. It's now up again, with only some posts hidden.

  4. Erotica - 2021 Version ❤️
    "Give it up, do as I say...Give it up, I'll sweep your floor all day"


    1. DanK


      Dita wearing crocs? No thanks.

  5. I need the name of 2021 version of Vogue ?

  6. About Pride '21 performance 

    Let's be clear

    first of all I loved the performance and the outfit. And then, I don't need/have to apologize to anyone for my IRONIC post. You can call me whatever you want, because I can assure you that I'm not a misogynist.

    In the pictures present in my post there is a brave woman called Angela. In 2010 she became famous in Italy, just because she loved dancing in disco and I huge respected/admired her, she was so brave (because Italy is full of misoginy and racism). Everybody started to love her. I compared them, in an ironic way because M outfit remembered me Angela..and not because I had fun of her.

    how can I have fun of the woman who saved me from depression in 2005??

    Don't judge me, because you don't know me. Everybody can see in my profile my posts and how I think.

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words

    1. MDRA


      When people don't know you, they can't tell if you're being ironic and most people here also have no attachment to that Italian lady you like. 
      When something "ironic" looks just like what you're trying to "mock", maybe don't post it?

    2. emanon


      send me the post link :-) sometimes here people cant understand a joke. Wasnt Madonna who said years ago that people cant understand irony and sarcasm anynmore...or it was me? :thinker:

  7. "I hate Madame X"...OH look..another thread about the album :heart: family guy peter GIF

  8. 3 is a magic number :rainbow:

    1. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      1,2,3 not only you and me got 180 degrees and I'm caught in between countin'.

  9. Y no encontré ojos así
    Como los que tienes tú :heart:

  10. I'm so obsessed by Shakira's song: Ojos Asì...what a masterpiece :D

  11. Soooo...no Levitating?? ???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Angelo


      Really?? Gosh so much money for this remix ?

    3. RUADJAI


      She doesn't deserve a #1 :Madonna052:

    4. Angelo


      Especially for this """""remix"""""

  12. I don't understand why her voice sounds better here than on the broadcast one

    1. devilpray


      The broadcast version had the autotune on the key of Future during LAP! That's why it sounded that bad

  13. WIFLFAG EP Remixes blocked on YouTube for my country...WTF????

  14. People that are against tattoos in 3..2..1.....

  15. in the face of certain attitudes, you just have to laugh ?

  16. Gays will always be...strange. And I’m part of them. 
    I still don’t understand why a lot of them moan about M plastic surgery and about her young boyfriends..

    A lot of gay men are the first ones who change their bodies year after years and looking for young people to fuck. Really don’t understand 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. artlover


      There are a few points which we can draw discussions from. 

      There is this concept of psychological projection - quite simple to understand. we see in others what we NEGLECT to see in ourselves. 

      The other being Madonna acting like the opposite of what she preaches: she could age gracefully by not retouching her face. To her defense, she started doing in in her 30s but *I* personally think she could hve stopped. She's entitled to her own choices as I am of my opinions. Public figures start discussions, so... 

      About the d*cks she rides? People come on. Get a dildo and enjoy xx 

    3. artlover


      @emanonI'm 26 and 1/7 of my hair is already groing grey. 

      By the time I reach my 40s Imma be a daddy. 

    4. A. A. Aardvark

      A. A. Aardvark

      'Gays' are not one homogeneous blob.
      Some people from all walks of life liked her for her singing and her songs.
      Whatever else she does is her business.

  17. “Chauvin found guilty on all three counts in the death of George Floyd.”

    let’s celebrate ???

    1. OhBabyReadyOrNot


      Thank God! Put that son of a bitch away! 

    2. Andymad


      BYE FELICIA dont drop the soap bitch

  18. THIS IS HER FACE..Ricardo please, less photoshop


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Enrico


      I actually don't understand the praise from some fans to Ricardo. The way he portrays M is an insult to her beauty ("gave good face") and to the great masters like Herb Ritts who made her look fabulous and unique in the past!

    3. emanon


      "Angie", it's not Madonna... it's Cher in blond...ambition.

    4. Angelo


      In the video it’s her. In the picture there’s another Kardashian sister and I don’t understand why ?.

      Ricardo is not bad at all but this time pictures are too photoshopped. 

  19. About her recent pictures:

    “All the gays “it’s too much for me”...and then they have Onlyfans account. Seems legit ?


    1. Velvet Rope

      Velvet Rope

      She looks gorgeous and has a rocking body.

  20. People still don’t understand the true meaning behind the released Dark Ballet video...they only want M footage.


    1. Clark_Kent


      Definitely. It's a piece of art that trascends her. 

    2. stefo


      Yep, the released version is much much better, even if the part where she alternates speaking with Blanco as he's starting to burn from the Director's Cut was very effective imo and is a pity it has been discarted.

  21. @FighterI can't see what's new on the mobile version of the website

    1. Fighter


      Sorry! happens all the time

  22. GUYS PLEASE SOMEONE HAS THIS EP??? I love the soundtrack from "Her Story" short video (well I love everything about this)


    1. emanon


      What short vídeo?

    2. Angelo


      her story by luigi and iango


  24. someone knows how to rip this video??? it says it's a private video. thank u in advance <3



    1. emanon


      send me your email so i can send you the video

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