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Unapologetic Bitches
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  1. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from MPowered in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Really?? Wow that would be hardcore.
    I remember actually the "LAP" 12'' Extended Remix was in "The Immaculate Collection" for years too instead of the proper Q-Sound particular mix done for that compilation originally. It was later fixed and correct now.
    Even with today's little things here and there... we've come a long way with her digital catalogue.
    Also, Warner were very precious of their catalogue at first and put a black border with the Warner logo for every cover, except on iTunes (Apple wouldn't allow that s**t). Example:

    They had all Madonna covers like that too on Amazon, Spotify, etc. everywhere except iTunes.
    I don't think they were that confident that digital sales would last maybe... but they did, and even with a worse model for them: streaming.
  2. Like
    DoneGone reacted to Would You Like To Try in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Maybe it was because it was originally planned to be on celebration and to avoid two versions and after plans changed..they changed too
  3. Wow
    DoneGone reacted to MikeyK in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    According to some of the oldest itunes reviews, they apparently had the Like A Prayer 12” extended remix in place of The Act of Contrition at first too. 
  4. Wow
    DoneGone got a reaction from Alpha in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Actually I remember reports from MadonnaTribe in 2009 talking about three updated remixes from then current producers/DJs for three classic songs, including "Holiday" and "Into The Groove". But they were not used/released in the end.
    I don't think a whole remixes compilation was on the cards but at least as promo support remixes probably.
    I tried to find that piece of info now but can't find it anymore.
  5. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Adonna in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I don't think it's about Madonna liking them or not, but not having access to the original master tapes or whatever for those two songs.
    The fact that "Lucky Star" and "Borderline" original Q-Sound masters are not used on "The Immaculate Collection" digital BUT also they were not used on "Celebration" (being the only two Q-Sound mixes different to the rest of original Q-Sound mixes used on that compilation) can not be just a coincidence.
    They just don't have them anymore in the source master format they use for digital retailers, whatever that is.
  6. Thanks
    DoneGone got a reaction from Arckangel in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I know but probably it isn't, cause then it would be as easy to fix as @Arckangel said: just taking a regular new CD, rip it and replace the file. But they won't do it.
    Honestly I have no idea why Warner doesn't seem to use CD rips for their digital content. Not only for Madonna, but Prince's Warner digital albums don't seem to be sourced from CD either, but original digitalized master tapes or something.
    It would so much easier if they took a pristine CD, rip it and use those files, but hey.
    CD is meant to be lossless if the original recording is 16-Bit/44.1 kHz right? Or it applies some compression or something somehow? Maybe that's the reason. To use the most perfect original master source and they don't consider CD to be that.
  7. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from silverspark75 in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I know but probably it isn't, cause then it would be as easy to fix as @Arckangel said: just taking a regular new CD, rip it and replace the file. But they won't do it.
    Honestly I have no idea why Warner doesn't seem to use CD rips for their digital content. Not only for Madonna, but Prince's Warner digital albums don't seem to be sourced from CD either, but original digitalized master tapes or something.
    It would so much easier if they took a pristine CD, rip it and use those files, but hey.
    CD is meant to be lossless if the original recording is 16-Bit/44.1 kHz right? Or it applies some compression or something somehow? Maybe that's the reason. To use the most perfect original master source and they don't consider CD to be that.
  8. Like
    DoneGone reacted to Arckangel in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    @Prayer Thx for the information.
    That said, I still find it odd on their part. The rights holders of a CD music album or single can legally upload and market the contents of said CD, and it's not like Madonna or any other one of the rights holders would have objected to CD files being used instead of digitalized master files if some of the latter were missing (and I'm sure Warner was authorized anyway).
    The only objection to using CD files is if the CD is damaged or maybe too old, which could compromise the sound quality (even if the tracks don't skip). And in Warner's case, they could easily and instantly have obtained new or like-new CD albums with the missing digitized masters (besides, those CDs were printed millions of times). All they had to do in that case was rip the WAVE files straight from the CDs. It would have been better than what was done instead because of some technicality.
  9. Dead
    DoneGone got a reaction from Blue Jean in Each Madonna music videos date releases.   
    Glad to see AI can't even get this simple task right. There are mistakes there, I wouldn't go by this one, at least not by checking it one by one first.
    Just a quick look into Wikipedia tells me "Turn Up The Radio" was premiered July 16, 2012, not August 5. I searched for that one cause I didn't remember it premiering so late in the Summer.
    Also, ChatGPT has a "Faz Gostoso" video we don't even have, cute. Must be an AI one.
  10. Thanks
    DoneGone got a reaction from Ayham in Bedtime Stories 30th plans -reissues?   
    It's an official account for a prestigious label, not your uncle being funny on X and replying to random strangers just for the kicks.
    If they post a rare Madonna item of course there's going to be hype and discussion around it.
    They should know better. If someone with the bare minimum social media experience would be running it, of course.
  11. Thanks
    DoneGone got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Bedtime Stories 30th plans -reissues?   
    is this for real?
    Gosh. So unprofessional and out of touch.
    Get at least people who understand music and music fans to run your socials if you're a legacy label imprint.
  12. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Ivan Z in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I don't think they were intentional in the first place?
    Keep in mind we're talking about mid 00s (2005 exactly) when the iTunes store was rising and Warner quickly had to put together a whole digital catalogue for the store (and later Amazon Music and the rest), when Madonna and Apple reached an agreement to add her music to the platform before the "Confessions" release (the infamous video chat announcement with Steve Jobs).
    The easiest thing to do would have been ripping all the original CDs as they were, right?
    Well, Warner don't work like that (other labels do). They always used (use?) original digitalized master files for the digital stores and now streaming, never CD rips. For some internal reason NO CD rips.
    So the team in charge for Madonna's iTunes/digital catalogue just put together the albums tracklists with whatever they had available. The shorter Q-Sound Mix of "Holiday" wasn't created for the "Madonna" digital album, it existed already from a random 2001 Warner compilation. The original Q-Sound mixes masters of "Lucky Star" and "Borderline" must be lost or damaged, cause they have never been used on digital and they even found alternate ones for "Celebration". So the "New" mix and the album version were used for digital "TIC".
    Also remember for years the extended remix of "Dress You Up" was part of the "Like A Virgin" album on Spotify, the extended of "Papa" on "True Blue", a remix of "Express Yourself" instead of the album version on Amazon...
    It wasn't intentional. It was messy.
  13. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Aiwa08 in New podcast interview with Patrick Leonard   
    As far as I know, there's only one bit of 100% new information about M. on this podcast (all the rest he's told before previously):
    Freddy DeMann was nervous about having "Like A Prayer" for the first single (super long song, too many starts and stops, etc.) until the day they recorded with the choir. He was in the studio that day and at some point during the choir singing he tapped Patrick Leonard's shoulder and said to him:
    "It's the national anthem, isn't it?"
    On the other hand, about the one take stories: while it fits some kind of narrative, they probably are for the songs Patrick Leonard always mentions, "Live To Tell", the "LAP" album tracks... all of them have some overdubs but the main vocal track is the same as the demo, at least for the only two demos we've listened to, "Like A Prayer" and "Cherish".
    They simply did overdubs for the original vocal take or try different takes but kept the original and used the second for support.
  14. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Aiwa08 in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I don't think they were intentional in the first place?
    Keep in mind we're talking about mid 00s (2005 exactly) when the iTunes store was rising and Warner quickly had to put together a whole digital catalogue for the store (and later Amazon Music and the rest), when Madonna and Apple reached an agreement to add her music to the platform before the "Confessions" release (the infamous video chat announcement with Steve Jobs).
    The easiest thing to do would have been ripping all the original CDs as they were, right?
    Well, Warner don't work like that (other labels do). They always used (use?) original digitalized master files for the digital stores and now streaming, never CD rips. For some internal reason NO CD rips.
    So the team in charge for Madonna's iTunes/digital catalogue just put together the albums tracklists with whatever they had available. The shorter Q-Sound Mix of "Holiday" wasn't created for the "Madonna" digital album, it existed already from a random 2001 Warner compilation. The original Q-Sound mixes masters of "Lucky Star" and "Borderline" must be lost or damaged, cause they have never been used on digital and they even found alternate ones for "Celebration". So the "New" mix and the album version were used for digital "TIC".
    Also remember for years the extended remix of "Dress You Up" was part of the "Like A Virgin" album on Spotify, the extended of "Papa" on "True Blue", a remix of "Express Yourself" instead of the album version on Amazon...
    It wasn't intentional. It was messy.
  15. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Nowheretohide in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I don't think they were intentional in the first place?
    Keep in mind we're talking about mid 00s (2005 exactly) when the iTunes store was rising and Warner quickly had to put together a whole digital catalogue for the store (and later Amazon Music and the rest), when Madonna and Apple reached an agreement to add her music to the platform before the "Confessions" release (the infamous video chat announcement with Steve Jobs).
    The easiest thing to do would have been ripping all the original CDs as they were, right?
    Well, Warner don't work like that (other labels do). They always used (use?) original digitalized master files for the digital stores and now streaming, never CD rips. For some internal reason NO CD rips.
    So the team in charge for Madonna's iTunes/digital catalogue just put together the albums tracklists with whatever they had available. The shorter Q-Sound Mix of "Holiday" wasn't created for the "Madonna" digital album, it existed already from a random 2001 Warner compilation. The original Q-Sound mixes masters of "Lucky Star" and "Borderline" must be lost or damaged, cause they have never been used on digital and they even found alternate ones for "Celebration". So the "New" mix and the album version were used for digital "TIC".
    Also remember for years the extended remix of "Dress You Up" was part of the "Like A Virgin" album on Spotify, the extended of "Papa" on "True Blue", a remix of "Express Yourself" instead of the album version on Amazon...
    It wasn't intentional. It was messy.
  16. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Boombox90 in New podcast interview with Patrick Leonard   
    As far as I know, there's only one bit of 100% new information about M. on this podcast (all the rest he's told before previously):
    Freddy DeMann was nervous about having "Like A Prayer" for the first single (super long song, too many starts and stops, etc.) until the day they recorded with the choir. He was in the studio that day and at some point during the choir singing he tapped Patrick Leonard's shoulder and said to him:
    "It's the national anthem, isn't it?"
    On the other hand, about the one take stories: while it fits some kind of narrative, they probably are for the songs Patrick Leonard always mentions, "Live To Tell", the "LAP" album tracks... all of them have some overdubs but the main vocal track is the same as the demo, at least for the only two demos we've listened to, "Like A Prayer" and "Cherish".
    They simply did overdubs for the original vocal take or try different takes but kept the original and used the second for support.
  17. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from lennyleonard in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I don't think they were intentional in the first place?
    Keep in mind we're talking about mid 00s (2005 exactly) when the iTunes store was rising and Warner quickly had to put together a whole digital catalogue for the store (and later Amazon Music and the rest), when Madonna and Apple reached an agreement to add her music to the platform before the "Confessions" release (the infamous video chat announcement with Steve Jobs).
    The easiest thing to do would have been ripping all the original CDs as they were, right?
    Well, Warner don't work like that (other labels do). They always used (use?) original digitalized master files for the digital stores and now streaming, never CD rips. For some internal reason NO CD rips.
    So the team in charge for Madonna's iTunes/digital catalogue just put together the albums tracklists with whatever they had available. The shorter Q-Sound Mix of "Holiday" wasn't created for the "Madonna" digital album, it existed already from a random 2001 Warner compilation. The original Q-Sound mixes masters of "Lucky Star" and "Borderline" must be lost or damaged, cause they have never been used on digital and they even found alternate ones for "Celebration". So the "New" mix and the album version were used for digital "TIC".
    Also remember for years the extended remix of "Dress You Up" was part of the "Like A Virgin" album on Spotify, the extended of "Papa" on "True Blue", a remix of "Express Yourself" instead of the album version on Amazon...
    It wasn't intentional. It was messy.
  18. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Boombox90 in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I don't think they were intentional in the first place?
    Keep in mind we're talking about mid 00s (2005 exactly) when the iTunes store was rising and Warner quickly had to put together a whole digital catalogue for the store (and later Amazon Music and the rest), when Madonna and Apple reached an agreement to add her music to the platform before the "Confessions" release (the infamous video chat announcement with Steve Jobs).
    The easiest thing to do would have been ripping all the original CDs as they were, right?
    Well, Warner don't work like that (other labels do). They always used (use?) original digitalized master files for the digital stores and now streaming, never CD rips. For some internal reason NO CD rips.
    So the team in charge for Madonna's iTunes/digital catalogue just put together the albums tracklists with whatever they had available. The shorter Q-Sound Mix of "Holiday" wasn't created for the "Madonna" digital album, it existed already from a random 2001 Warner compilation. The original Q-Sound mixes masters of "Lucky Star" and "Borderline" must be lost or damaged, cause they have never been used on digital and they even found alternate ones for "Celebration". So the "New" mix and the album version were used for digital "TIC".
    Also remember for years the extended remix of "Dress You Up" was part of the "Like A Virgin" album on Spotify, the extended of "Papa" on "True Blue", a remix of "Express Yourself" instead of the album version on Amazon...
    It wasn't intentional. It was messy.
  19. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Gutten in New podcast interview with Patrick Leonard   
    No embed allowed but... this hasn't been share here yet, right? Done a month ago.
    Madonna talk starts around the 26 minute mark.
  20. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Aiwa08 in New podcast interview with Patrick Leonard   
    No embed allowed but... this hasn't been share here yet, right? Done a month ago.
    Madonna talk starts around the 26 minute mark.
  21. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Supposedly new pic from 1979/ Madonna or not ???   
    People automatically trusting anything they're presented without questioning.
  22. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from zephyr in the sky at night in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
  23. Like
    DoneGone reacted to BoyToyMark in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Exactly, that said, many people probably wouldn't notice or care.
  24. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Aiwa08 in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    She's gone through a four decades career of material spanning different main formats: first vinyl mainly, then CDs, then digital downloads, then digital streaming.
    True Warner could have put more effort when the digital era arrived and true her staying with them would have probably helped in doing so. I don't think they would have allowed "Celebration" as we got it if she stayed, for instance.
    BUT with so many albums and singles, many of them released before digital retailers even existed, it would be almost impossible to not face issues even with maximum care.
    It happens with any other artist in her situation, Kylie for instance, she has a complete digital catalogue but not free of issues with covers, some files, releases that are live and then off and then reuploaded, etc. etc.
  25. Like
    DoneGone got a reaction from Aiwa08 in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    They fixed "Borderline" on the album (it was the Extended Mix instead of the proper album version up until last year) when the single was released but it was messy, as you said. They didn't dare to touch "Holiday" then, probably because of the weird thing explained in my previous post.
    The short edit must be included on many playlists so maybe they don't know what to do about it and prefer to do nothing.
    To be fair, managing such a vast catalogue is a nightmare. There's always going to be issues of some kind. Not an excuse, but an explanation.
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