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    Mp1992 reacted to Sultrysully in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    Oh please.  Michael Jackson went on trial for molesting kids and his legend status is intact.  Let's not get crazy here.
  2. Thanks
    Mp1992 got a reaction from momosfantasy in M working on new project...   
    exactly, I was about to say the same thing
    unless she dates strictly billionaire white mem than there will always be that "imbalance"
    Aa a biracial, bisexual male, I would let Madonna do anything she wanted to with me. Problematic my ass....
    You can always spot the white, virtue signaling, ultra liberals on here...
  3. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from nito84bcn in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    it's the norm for a 50 and over, hell sometimes 40 and over, female artist, I EXPECT it
    Hell Madonna could release another Vogue and it'll be ignored at radio, that's just how it is
    I'm constantly surprised that fans are surprised at her lack of radio support and that they bring it up all the time
    The fact that only 4 singles from an over 50 female artist, one is GMAYL, has made the Billboard Hot 100 top 10 , of the THOUSANDS released since Billboard began, should tell you all you need to know.  99.999999% of the time a single from an over 50 female act gets ignored at radio
    It's the overwhelming norm
  4. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Hydrangeas Up Your Ass in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    it's the norm for a 50 and over, hell sometimes 40 and over, female artist, I EXPECT it
    Hell Madonna could release another Vogue and it'll be ignored at radio, that's just how it is
    I'm constantly surprised that fans are surprised at her lack of radio support and that they bring it up all the time
    The fact that only 4 singles from an over 50 female artist, one is GMAYL, has made the Billboard Hot 100 top 10 , of the THOUSANDS released since Billboard began, should tell you all you need to know.  99.999999% of the time a single from an over 50 female act gets ignored at radio
    It's the overwhelming norm
  5. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from into the erotico in M working on new project...   
    exactly, I was about to say the same thing
    unless she dates strictly billionaire white mem than there will always be that "imbalance"
    Aa a biracial, bisexual male, I would let Madonna do anything she wanted to with me. Problematic my ass....
    You can always spot the white, virtue signaling, ultra liberals on here...
  6. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to A. A. Aardvark in Madonna's Sexual Identity   

    And 'who' brings up all these Straight Men ?
    Straight Women.
    U get 'lovely' in all types of Person.
    Even straight guys.
  7. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Hydrangeas Up Your Ass in M working on new project...   
    The economic and social power imbalance will be prevalent with most people she chooses to date unless she strictly goes for white multi-millionaires and billionaires. So according to you the relationship is problematic in what sense, exactly? Problematic as in the fact that their unavoidable differences cause cultural clashes between them that in turn makes the relationship harder for them? Or problematic as in the fact that you believe the relationship is inherently  wrong to be had? I'm not saying that you're saying one or the other, i'm just genuinely interested in what you're getting at here.
  8. Thanks
    Mp1992 got a reaction from wtg1987 in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    it's the norm for a 50 and over, hell sometimes 40 and over, female artist, I EXPECT it
    Hell Madonna could release another Vogue and it'll be ignored at radio, that's just how it is
    I'm constantly surprised that fans are surprised at her lack of radio support and that they bring it up all the time
    The fact that only 4 singles from an over 50 female artist, one is GMAYL, has made the Billboard Hot 100 top 10 , of the THOUSANDS released since Billboard began, should tell you all you need to know.  99.999999% of the time a single from an over 50 female act gets ignored at radio
    It's the overwhelming norm
  9. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from heikeeduardo in Madonna's Sexual Identity   
    Her intentions were good and she did have a point, however....
    A heterosexual women, even if she experimented with the same sex at one time, can never understand the BS that gay and even bi (sometime it's worse ) MEN have to.put up with .  Most of society is fine with, don't mind or fetishise female bisexuality or lesbian antics, most of that same society hates, is disgusted by or just barely "tolerates" gay/bi men
    Again, that double standard at play, funny how many "feminists" never want to talk about this and always want to play victim
  10. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Fighter in Madonna's Sexual Identity   
    Yes there are, I agree, but there's way more women who are anti gay, especially gay/bisexual male, way more
    As a bi guy who dates women primiraily, everytime I've gotten into an argument with a girlfriend it's always "you're a faggot anyway because you like guys too"
    Women get very weird, emotional, scared at male bisexuality, I think it really pisses them off
  11. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to VogueMusic in Madonna's Sexual Identity   
    Actually, the other poster kind of did.
  12. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from VogueMusic in Madonna's Sexual Identity   
    What misogyny?  Gay men are WAY more accepting.of powerful women than straight men and even other women
    If gay men are so misogynistic than why are all the murders rapes, kidnappings and beatings of women done by.... straight men?
    Hell, statistics show that women are more likely to assault a gay man (which is rare) than a gay man is to assault a woman (which is rarer)
  13. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to VogueMusic in Madonna's Sexual Identity   
    These are some gross, disgusting generalizations.
    Every group has their fair share of assholes, but to paint the whole lot that way...not cool. I'm sure if someone did the same with bisexual men y'all wouldn't like it so much...
    In fact, that first remark is the exact kind that straight people have made of us for centuries - "society's evil predators". I mean, really? Do you know much work we've had to do to dispel that mentality, all the while trying to find our own sexual liberation?
    Yeah, some gay folks are dismissive and discriminatory. As are bisexuals, lesbians, and straight folk. And no doubt gay men have also projected society's misogyny on to women, particularly their female icons like Madonna. But there's been as many, if not probably more, of us who have gone to bat for women long before it was ever cool. The difference is we don't hold the societal power straight people, particularly straight men, have when it comes to the power of sexism/misogyny. Truly, you want to talk about the "worst", look at the power and history of straight men...
  14. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Kae-Leah Williamson in Madonna's Sexual Identity   
    She's straight but never cared if people thought she was bisexual or gay
    It's a million times easier for a female to be bisexual or gay in our culture than a male is, hell even some women who call themselves liberal, won't go anywhere near a bisexual male and won't date them
    And of course all straight guys love seeing women together
    Women, like Madonna, have benefited tremendously from the priveledge and double standard, let's be honest here
  15. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from NowRadiate in Why did Madonna go with a Spanish theme for the Take a Bow video?   
    Madonna is at least half Italian
    Italians were considered the original Latin's, read up on it
    Italians weren't even considered "white" by most people until about 100 years ago
    I'm half Italian and half Black and I  STILL know people who tell me that "Italians aren't white" and because of that I'm not half white
  16. Haha
    Mp1992 reacted to Juan Moncada in Why did Madonna go with a Spanish theme for the Take a Bow video?   
    what makes me laugh the most about this topic that they started talking about the Take A Bow video, and ended up talking about world cultures ????
  17. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Voguerista in Why did Madonna go with a Spanish theme for the Take a Bow video?   
    Madonna is at least half Italian
    Italians were considered the original Latin's, read up on it
    Italians weren't even considered "white" by most people until about 100 years ago
    I'm half Italian and half Black and I  STILL know people who tell me that "Italians aren't white" and because of that I'm not half white
  18. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to stevemic in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    Madonna is an unsurpassable music legend and cultural icon and does not need to enter into these collaborations to make herself current or relevant - if that is the reason she does it. I do like Dua Lipa, however, and this is quite catchy though but nothing amazing. 
  19. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to Norbert Peti in Levitating (Feat. Madonna & Missy Elliot) : OUT NOW!   
    U know what is " HORRIBLE" ? The Corona virus Pandemic is horrible. A simple Club Remix is not. 
  20. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from ChrisK in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    Yes but they were bon the Hot 100 when she turned 50, their final weeks
  21. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from Fighter in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    Yes but they were bon the Hot 100 when she turned 50, their final weeks
  22. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from GhostOrchid in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    And she STILL had the most Billboard Hot 100 songs from an over 50 year old female artist in music history
    1. 4 Minutes
    2.  Give it to Me
    3.  Celebration
    4.  GMAYL
    5.  BIM
  23. Like
    Mp1992 got a reaction from ChrisK in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    And she STILL had the most Billboard Hot 100 songs from an over 50 year old female artist in music history
    1. 4 Minutes
    2.  Give it to Me
    3.  Celebration
    4.  GMAYL
    5.  BIM
  24. Like
    Mp1992 reacted to deathproof in Rumor: Madonna Left Interscope?   
    I would include I Rise because of its Grammy win
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