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Unapologetic Bitches
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Posts posted by MCL_1993

  1. 10 hours ago, Honey Little said:

    If MDNA was an EP, choose ONLY 5 tracks.

    My Track List:

    1. Gang Bang 

    2. Give Me All Your Luvn

    3. Superstar 

    4. I’m a Sinner

    5. Beautiful Killer

    WTF! Are you drunk? GMAYL and Superstar? 🤮🤮🤮

    2 of the worst songs she released in that decade?!?

    I firmly believe that the original masters, the drives each and every stem were stored on and any other evidence that she recorded Superstar, Some Girls, I Fucked Up, and, to a large extent GMAYL, should be burnt in a fire.

  2. 4 hours ago, wtg1987 said:

    Yeah we need more celebration tour Rio posts I think to clog this forum 🥴

    Yo. I thought you were gonna nuke my comment but this seems more tame. Sometimes having a bad day just gets to us, I guess…

    Anyway, let's not clog this thread about some weirdo who's been advocating for people who uploaded Remaster No. 127 or about someone who couldn't help but point out the sheer flood of versions to waste space on our hard drives. lol 

  3. With our dedication about a perfect product, taking matters in our own hands is the best bet!

    The new remaster we got is amazing, I was fooling around with Holiday and with  ZERO effort, I just replaced the weird lines and *viola!

    Don't worry, with everyone wanting it so badly, we will have it blazing fast.

    If someone could just make a topic similar to the 'Discoveries regarding the RHT DVD' so we have a collective thread where we can point out what they nailed and what needs some work. 

  4. 26 minutes ago, Blue Jean said:

    I agree, when I watch bootlegs of Rebel Heart now I start to remember what the concert was actually like. Madame X was way closer to the experience.

    I think the Rio broadcast was much closer to the actual experience too.

    The biggest abomination is MDNA. Just awful.

    May I remind you that - as with many decisions we are not satisfied with - M always has the last say!

  5. I hope we get stems one day so I can edit out Tokisha and Bob. Bob 'singing' Entry of the Gladiators (yes, that's the name of that one circus song) during Vogue like he's done a line of coke under the stage before the song just annoys the shit out of me. And Tokisha talking about M getting laid are the most annoying parts of the show!!!

    In fact, I enjoy the parts when Bob is off stage disproportionately more than when he is even present ( even without a mic)

  6. 16 minutes ago, FraP said:

    I guess we're gonna have a concert film which will be Rio + Berlin + London + Milan + Mexico + San Francisco + Lisbon... Every show in a single concert film. Isn't it awesome? 


    I, for one, know I am a greedy wh0re but we should be grateful and happy about what we got. A live broadcast of this magnitude is unprecedented. We literally have a soundboard from the day of!

    I could see a potential threat to continuity with the official release but I am certain they are not going the same route as the RHT 'featuring a shot from a concert you went to'.

    The editing of the Madame X Tour was an improvement in every aspect, considering the abomination that is the Rebel Heart film.

  7. 6 hours ago, Alpha said:

     I also couldn't with the shady camera man cutting to two hairy gay men in bondage harnesses violently making out to In This Life lol 


    Some direction choices were questionable to say the least. No wide shot when the bass kicks in for NRM when the whole lighting rig with the moving heads pan down to set set the mood, no mid shot when she swings the cape over her arm for the first chorus, the gay couple who were wearing gear and making out after In this Life was weird AS SHIT. No audinece close-ups during/after the break in LTT (we need more gays tearing up!!!) Bedtime Story in and of itself. The fact that her dancers and her were swinging their heads around for I want your love wasn't filmed using the remote controlled camera that they used IN EVERY OTHER SHOW before…

  8. 3 minutes ago, True Blue 84 said:

    No one ever said this was great quality. But its clear enough to hear that she was singing live while in the broadcast her vocals where edited. Scroll back and watch the posts about the Holiday performance and Don't tell me. 

    In all fan recordings there was no " bring back all of those happy daaaaaaaaays " it was " Bring back all of those happy days " ... This was used to prove our point.  We know it's not a great recording... 

     This has to be the pinnacle of 'the recipient determines the contents of a message'

    I never said that it was bad quality or that I didn't like it…

    I… know….!!!!!!!

    I have been participating for hours if I may remind you. I didn't trash any of the fancam uploads, didn't spread one word of negativity about them. On the contrary, I remarked how much I loved all the fans' dedication to sing every word loud and clear. :eyesroll:

  9. 13 hours ago, stfan97 said:

    Fan recording of the full show for those who want live vocals:

    @Frank @Enrico

    You mean with fan live vocals 😂😂😂
    I love how everybody just sings their heart out and you can not hear her at all because 1.6 million people are just louder than the strongest PA system on the southern hemisphere.

  10. 14 minutes ago, James Lyden said:

    I have downloaded, extracted and remastered the audio from the highest quality stream. 

    Bass/treble has been adjusted to make the sound more clear and 'live'. 

    There are some bigger quality issues later in the stream where the audio cuts, however I have repaired the cut during 'Nothing Really Matters'.

    Audio ready for iTunes with artwork. 

    Let me know what you think.... and ENJOY!

    Hidden Content

    Hey, thank you very much for this!!! I have to ask yet another time, pushing my luck here but do intend to give us (me) a version that has less live feel to it and that boosts the vocals? Maybe… please!!! If it's not too much of a hassle and you have the project file at hand

  11. 1 hour ago, thelament said:

    I'm working on my "remaster" mentioned earlier in the thread, but while I was replacing the 5.1 dubbed speeches with 2.0 stream I looked a bit closer at the 5.1 track and am now doing some more work than expected :)
    It seems the Left and Right channels have most of the stage audio (e.g. backing tracks, mic feed) whereas the Center channel mixes that with audience sounds and (what seems to be) a louder mic feed.

    The L & R surround channels seem to be audio from mics placed further out in the audience which causes a slight delay on audience cheering and reactions, just like in real life cause of how sound travels distances, just that it throws u off a bit when you're watching the stage in real-time.

    Watching the file on my surround system, I felt like the 5.1 mix washed out the music a lot and was very unbalanced compared to the more streamlined stereo mix. So I'm putting more emphasis on the front L & R channels, as well as mixing them over a bit into the C channel, turning down the volume of as well as moving the surround channels a few frames/seconds back so the delay is less apparent and more natural to us watching the stage action.


    There are two 5.1 tracks in the 13 GB file, seems the second is the same as this one (the first 5.1 track in the file is the true surround mix, the second seems to be just a stereo mixdown + 3 empty channels).

    Other changes I'm doing:

    • Minor image adjustments for the entire video so the broadcast looks slightly less washed than it does currently, to make the colors pop a bit etc. I'm with all the folx complaining about the occasional pixelation but that's a bit difficult to get around. Grading will help a bit though! :)
    • Adding some visuals to the malfunctioning Bedtime Story cube (mostly cropped footage from either the side screens or fan footage from earlier dates) so it does the staging justice and doesn't look awkward.
    • Bob's mic feed is super low volume when he's telling the Garage rules during Holiday so I'll dub his voice over best I can with sound from a previous date.

    I'll try to be quick!

    The fact that fans come up with better production value literally 2 days after the tour wrapped than a whole team that works on it for over half a year is baffling to me.

  12. 1 minute ago, IndyMLVC said:

    If you know a thing or two about production, then you would know that a "stem" is the original audio track for the mix.

    If you want the CHANNEL (ie, front left, front right, sub, etc) from a 5.1 mix, you'd want a channel.  Not a stem.

    Ok. Thank you

    Let me put it a little differently: don't school me, I know this stuff. I just asked politely and didn't wanna sound like my direct ancestors were neanderthals. Ofc I know stems but if we can't rip them, a center channel and a good AI extract of the vocals would be the best alternative.

  13. 3 minutes ago, IndyMLVC said:

    You don't get "stems" from a broadcast feed.  Stems are what is used to create the final mix.  The 5.1 aac track is, most likely, what was shown on TV.  The mix is done live, in the moment, from all of the mics from the feed as well as placed around the stadium.  Like it or not, that's probably what was broadcast and won't be changed unless these files are used to create the theoretical "final" version.  However, it also depends on how it's being captured.  If it's a straight rip, it's less compressed (both video and audio) which will help, especially with all the strobe and lighting effects that occur during a concert.  However, that's much harder to do and I don't trust any lay person to be able to do it.

    Sorry, but we've had the Jimmy Fallon stems from the Satellite feed so it's not out of the ordinary for me to ask someone who has the equipment to rip the single tracks. And also, trying not too sound too much like a total prick here, but I know a thing or two about production but there are people on here who just know so much more than I do

  14. 1 minute ago, Lucas B. said:

    What's wrong with Music? Are u talking about how it looked on TV or that the performance wasn't of your taste?

    'Wasn't of my taste' is a very PC way to put it. Lol.

    the build-up, the mix, the rehearsal and the wonderful incorporation of traditional Brazilian music and young musicians playing was something to hold your breath for… the execution was a hot mess at best

  15. And here's yet another hot take of mine but I LOVE this discussion and the show but OMG! The best camera work or live autotune in the world couldn't have saved Music. She rehearsed it so well and it seemed like she was preparing a significant tribute for Brazil but this was just atrocious. Nearly as bad as with Maluma in Medellin. 
    oh meu deus!!!

  16. 10 minutes ago, Lorx said:




    It's a shame she rejected Kevin Antunes mix of S&S, opting instead for a fake-sounding studio-like version. 

    I used to think he was the guilty one, since her previous tour have live vocals (I'm Going to Tell A Secret and Confessions Tour audio have some autotune, but they are very similar to the real thing). 

    Honey, I hope you realize that Kevin used the same method for SST as Stuart did for IGTTYAS and CT. With the rehearsal takes. It's just that Stuart did a way better job. Not much of the CT from London has actual London vocals which is - to this day - no big deal because it is a production masterpiece and Madonna knows damn well why she hired Stuart to skyrocket her career in the 2000s

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