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  1. Haha
    LuizG got a reaction from Blue Jean in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    I just received this email from the arena... 2h10m concert?

  2. Wow
    LuizG got a reaction from Alm47 in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    I just received this email from the arena... 2h10m concert?

  3. Wow
    LuizG got a reaction from Anapausis in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    I just received this email from the arena... 2h10m concert?

  4. Like
    LuizG got a reaction from Honey Little in Post the dates you are attending - Celebration Tour   
    Hi, everyone! I'm looking to meet people who are traveling to Antwerp or locals in the area. I'll be attending both concerts, but I would love to find after-concert parties or, at the very least, a nice bar or club to hang out in. If there are others traveling alone, let's connect! 
  5. Like
    LuizG got a reaction from vitoralmeiida in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    I´m in the line for Lisbon and London. I´ll be travelling from Brazil so any ticket works for me... 
  6. Wow
    LuizG got a reaction from pawn_shop_blues in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    A new date was added in Amsterdam! 
  7. Wow
    LuizG got a reaction from sara94 in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    A new date was added in Amsterdam! 
  8. Like
    LuizG got a reaction from sara94 in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Berlin tickets are over :( 
  9. Like
    LuizG reacted to confessed in The Celebration Tour (No Spoilers)   
    Ticketmaster is the worst ticketing service ever
  10. Thanks
    LuizG got a reaction from nito84bcn in Madame X Tour DVD   
    Do you remember some rumors a few months ago that she was re-recording parts? I believe this is it. There are scenes at angles that are impossible to have been shot in the theater, the cameras should be on stage and I believe that was it.
    Another point about the audio that you mention and I might be crazy about it, but if you look at it, across all the video and contexts, there's a difference in "Madonna" and "Madame X" speaking. When Madonna speaks the audio is clean.... but when it's a comment made by "Madame X", the voice has this more robotic sound. Anyway, this was an insight I had in the polaroid auction part.
  11. Like
    LuizG got a reaction from Andreo in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I just saw... and we can finally hear her voice and see her skin! Best production ever. 
    All the talking parts are short and well edited. I was at Lisbon Jan 12th concert and she talked non-stop this day. 
    - the cut from Future to Like a Prayer it's terrible and that is the only bad thing. 
  12. Like
    LuizG got a reaction from felipe929 in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I just saw... and we can finally hear her voice and see her skin! Best production ever. 
    All the talking parts are short and well edited. I was at Lisbon Jan 12th concert and she talked non-stop this day. 
    - the cut from Future to Like a Prayer it's terrible and that is the only bad thing. 
  13. Thanks
    LuizG got a reaction from stefo in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I just saw... and we can finally hear her voice and see her skin! Best production ever. 
    All the talking parts are short and well edited. I was at Lisbon Jan 12th concert and she talked non-stop this day. 
    - the cut from Future to Like a Prayer it's terrible and that is the only bad thing. 
  14. Like
    LuizG got a reaction from Glindathegood in Madame X Tour DVD   
    I just saw... and we can finally hear her voice and see her skin! Best production ever. 
    All the talking parts are short and well edited. I was at Lisbon Jan 12th concert and she talked non-stop this day. 
    - the cut from Future to Like a Prayer it's terrible and that is the only bad thing. 
  15. Like
    LuizG got a reaction from NothingReallyMatters in If You Could Change The Tour?   
  16. Haha
    LuizG reacted to stefo in Madame X Tour | Los Angeles   
    This is THE man I would dream her to work with for a future theatre show (if he could ever accept her proposal), the uncomparable Dimitris Papaioannou. I attended two of his shows and I remember them among the best theatre experiences of my entire life, in wich I studied and performed as actor for some years and constantly went to see spectacles. If you have a few minutes watch some fragments of his profound and inspirational work.
  17. Like
    LuizG reacted to Lilalo in Madame X Tour | Chicago   
    Im a bit behind but I attended the 10/17 Chicago show and it was FANTASTIC, won’t go into the show details since it’s pretty much all been posted, but I had the Medellín package, we were advised to meet on the side of the theatre at about 630-645ish, I’d say there was maybe about 15-20 of us, when we were let in we got to keep our phones and head to the merchandise (bought the program and shot glass) already got a shirt thru Madonna.com. We were then brought upstairs to the VIP area where there was light appetizers and beer and wine, we “befriended” one of the girls who worked there who was FANTASTIC with us, played and joked with us the whole time we were up there, I’d say we got to stay up there til about 10ish, the backstage tour only had 12 of us, a little confused on what to do , eventually a guy came around walking around and asked if we had the backstage tour, a little odd since it seemed like anyone could have said yes, but by listening to him talking to the other guy who worked there he knew EXACTLY how many he was waiting on, he took us all around the backstage console room and met one of the audio controllers I believe,then saw the moving stairs ,desk,type writer, etc, all in all, great experience, we were then brought back out to the main area , we went back to the spot that was roped off by the girl who worked there and she let us “in and out “the whole rest of the time, I think we could have even stayed longer if we wanted to because we left to go to our seats on our own without being told too, also met a guy while upstairs,though he wasn’t Medellín package he was VIP and was a row behind us to my left,very kind, got me a bottled water when I was “thirsty” lol. So all in all a great experience, though,,,,,,,,,I had a moment, as slight as it is and as embarrassed as I am about it, lol I’ll share it nonetheless, during the show when things slowed down for a moment , while she was talking I “kinda” yawned , only a “bit” ,she turned to me and said “I saw that, is it past your bedtime “ I was mortified,,mortified and said NOTHING and let my friend laugh at my expense (bahstad) lol, people were asking me on the way out if I was the “yawner” lol.  So all in all money WELL SPENT, if I was to have something to say , like playing “devils advocate “ advice is that we were SO CLOSE to the stage u couldn’t see the words typed behind on the screens so well, small price I know but just want to share what my thoughts were at “that” “moment”
    So that’s my GREAT EXPERIENCE, I have a pic of me, my friend, the gentleman who bought me a water and the girl who worked there who was FANTASTIC, I just can’t figure out how to post it ;(
  18. Thanks
    LuizG reacted to Fuchur in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    I know you weren't being serious, but I honestly think this would be a real badass move on her part!
    She could even crack jokes about it in the show.
  19. Thanks
    LuizG reacted to wonderboy in So I snuck my phone out during CRAVE and got an amazing clip! SPOILER   
    CRAVE video spoiler
  20. Like
    LuizG reacted to RinoTheBouncer in Spoiler Free Tour Era Experience   
    To be honest, I don't care much about being spoiled. I've been a fan since I was 7 and it was 1998 at the time, I used to live in Iraq and had ZERO chance of seeing her live, so I always saw her tours on VCD/DVD/Blu-Ray up until MDNA Tour where I managed to see her at the Golden Triangle and it was the best thing that ever happened to me, then at Rebel Heart Tour again, front row and hopefully soon at Madame X Tour. So I sort of gotten used to the fact that I wanna see things as soon as they surface and honestly I feel like seeing Madonna live is a completely different thing from knowing the content. Seeing Madonna live is a joy and an achievement in and of itself no matter how many times you do, and whether you know the entire setlist and seen a video of the entire show or just went in blind, just being in the center of that experience is a priceless thing.
    This is why I don't find any value in the phone ban or spoiler-free spaces, because while I personally do wish that the setlist will be better and for Madonna to perform she never did or rarely did before, because I still wanna attach a visual to the songs that I really love, I still feel like seeing her live has little to do with what she'll sing or wear or say or do, because being in the same room with the Queen of Music is something I will take over anything else. Of course, I have my own criticisms of her recent decision-making process, but I'd still wanna see her over and over.
  21. Like
    LuizG reacted to Kieran in Madame X Tour - refund or not   
    I would/will not get a refund, but... I am so glad that I managed to get good tickets for a Saturday show in London. If it was a week and she showed up at 11pm etc, then with work I literally could not do that.
    With the Saturday show, I was hoping that I could go out on the town for a few post-show drinks. Sure, I could now maybe do that before the show - but then I'd be stressed about showing up late thinking that I might miss the start of the show.
    Of course, I will wait... and wait... and wait... as a patient happy fan. I only hope that when M finally does take to the stage she is not in a pissy mood if other people are not as understanding as me. That would sincerely disappoint me on top of the tardiness. I'd be really sad if it became one of 'those' shows.
  22. Thanks
    LuizG reacted to mark perry in Madame X Tour - refund or not   
    with most of your posts i want to see the receipts 
    does anybody or has any fan been given a full refund due to walking out of the show or leaving early ? you might be able to apply for a refund but you getting a full refund is not always going to be the case for eg ...some walked out because it was too political ...they dont deserve refunds they derserve a reality check - does the ticketmaster provider offer anything on website about a show starting late etc etc ...digitalfreakNYC get researching because as far as im aware you do not get refunds for late starts to a show 
    Refunds are available if your event is postponed, rescheduled or canceled.*
  23. Thanks
    LuizG reacted to madgefan in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    It will be filmed in Lisbon again. The director will sue her for not fulfilling the contract and everything will be kept in store so we've got something extra to bitch about for years to come. The raw unedited footage with questioanable audio will leak in 2029 in .avi.
  24. Like
    LuizG reacted to groovyguy in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    So I finally saw the Madame X show last night. As titled, the show shares the journey and experiences of Madame X as well as the current state of the world we live in.
    Before I comment further on the show, I must say I absolutely love the pre show live music by the 4 member band, which performed several Madonna tracks - Secret, DTM, WTG, LAV. They sound brilliant.
    Seeing the show live - which is visually stunning - I can understand the songs selected for the setlist. Note: Don’t worry. I’m not gonna go through each performance in the setlist.
    She started the show literally with a bang - God Control. Then she performed Dark Ballet which ended with her being put into a round box space. It then seamlessly flowed in to Human Nature with her executing gorgeous choreography ala the Human Nature video. Those who thought her previous tours were too political might find offense in the first section alone which she throws in your face strong poignant political commentary. 
    No one should take away our human rights and our right to live. We will not be silenced. We will speak and fight for our rights. Her PDP performance shows her stand against those trying to overthrow Roe Vs Wade and her fight for equal rights for women. She ended the section fittingly with American Life - “nothing is what it seems”. Side note: that AL bass is LIFE.
    The second section is exactly as she introduced to us - her life and new music inspiration and appreciation in Lisbon. Beginning with Fado music. This section is a massive hit if you love the Mx album and a sore miss if you’re not a fan of the album. That said, I find this section the most broadway-esque if that makes sense.
    The last section for me is about being freedom fighters craving for a brighter future despite obstacles and hardened people who want to take away our democracy. And she ended the show fading out with “We Will Rise” as she disappeared into the main exit of the theater behind the audience with her performers.
    To sum up, this is a dream show for me in that it is an intimate, highly choreographed yet spontaneous, visually stunning and artistic theatrical performance. Is it perfect? No. But its imperfections make it perfect for me if that makes any sense.
    Bitches, I absolutely love the show!
  25. Like
    LuizG reacted to RUADJAI in Madame X Tour | New York City   
    The problem is that they make it LOOK easy and to you it seems simple. 
    The set pieces are CONSTANTLY moving, and the projections are EXTREMELY precise. There is NO OVERLAP of a projection from the stairs or foreground to the background and vice versa. This is why theres so much tape on the stage floor so they can get stage pieces exactly where they are supposed to go. 
    Just look at the arm above Madonna how it does not bleed onto the background. Or in the video below during American Life where the flag, the set pieces and the background all have different projections playing simultaneously working together seamlessly. If you think this is not complicated then its the illusion they give by doing it so well. Like a ballet dancer that convinces you that you can fly just the same because they make it look so easy. 

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