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Unapologetic Bitches
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Status Replies posted by DanK

  1. Is "Living For Love (demo 5)" genuine? Asking cause it's my favourite version


    1. DanK


      There's no real LFL demo called "demo 5", so it's either one of the many fakes, or a mislabeled one.

  2. Erotica - 2021 Version ❤️
    "Give it up, do as I say...Give it up, I'll sweep your floor all day"


    1. DanK


      Dita wearing crocs? No thanks.

  3. So we didn't get Papa Don't Preach video in HD, her team are ?


    1. DanK


      Hey , go easy on them, It's not easy to handle ONE "hd" video each month !  Also, they were pretty busy, they also made two great posts : "Happy 35th Anniversary to the ‘Papa Don’t Preach’ single! Which live performance of the song is your favorite? " and "which other celebrities would you have liked to see in the Bitch I'm Madonna video?". What more could fans want?  "They" are now exhausted and overworked, give them a few weeks to recover, I'm sure they'll come up with more unfulfilled promises of HD upgrades and more riveting questions for the fans!  can't wait, Yaayyy !  :-)

  4. Yoooooooo... The 2008 Roseland show on your Youtube channel looks amazing! It seems to have faster cuts that give the whole show more energy. Was that how Japan did it? Or was it always like that and Im just trippin?

    1. DanK


      No you're absolutely right : The Japanese broadcast I uploaded is a 2nd edit, they had completely reworked it from the original livestream, and even fixed the few musical/vocal fuck-ups that had happened live.

  5. A dvd with 6 chanels, wich one would be the center chanel? I'm finally riping a dvd someone asked me for(teh center chanel).

    By the way it is chanel or channel, or channell  or chanell? I never know the correct word and not in the mood to search... kkkk

    1. DanK


      "Channel", unless they're super-fancy. As for which one is the center one, it depends which ripping/extracting software you're using. They're usually correctly named once ripped, but certain softs tend to recognize the center one as the right-front one. In any case, you'll be able to distinguish it easily once ripped (the front L/R and the rear L/R will look somehow similar, and the LFE one will also be really obvious, the center one will stand alone).

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. I'm fully vaccinated and I don't regret it. I was sceptical at first but I don't know anybody close to me that had any complications. ?

    1. DanK


      Yes, the crazies and the dummies are always louder than sane and informed people  :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. I'm fully vaccinated and I don't regret it. I was sceptical at first but I don't know anybody close to me that had any complications. ?

    1. DanK


      Congratulations for going beyond baseless scepticism :thumbsup:

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Congratulations for your amazing job. 

    it´s so so good.

    regrads from Spain

    1. DanK


      Thanks mate, glad people seem to enjoy it!

  9. Why is Madonna currently silent about the attacks between Israel and Palestine?

  10. Why is Madonna currently silent about the attacks between Israel and Palestine?


    - The original video is a low-quality VHS footage with lots of blocking artifacts.
    - Color 100% fixed, giving the footage a more natural look (The original footage is too greenish!) - Contrast and Gamma fixed.
    - Audio mixed by Old Soul . Many thanks for your hard working dude! Compare results here: https://ibb.co/T8gH7wd https://ibb.co/KWzGNs4

    1. DanK


      It looks and sounds beautiful - thanks Kosmmik !

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Booked the Pfizer Vaccine for May 22. Hope it doesn't kill me.

    1. DanK


      Please, have someone from your family alert us if that's the case, because you'd be the first human ever to have been killed by this vaccine. That'd make you a medical curiosity.

  13. Full car sequence from TUTR brolls: never seen this before!


    1. DanK


      I posted this last week on YT.    You can always count on Madennis for not even having the basic courtesy of crediting his source.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. An idea to all of our media Gods! How about AI-upscaling the DWT Detroit video release we've got and dubbing it with the PERFECT eargasmic soundboard audio from LA? Goshhh I can't stand the audio mastering they did for the DVD. 

    1. DanK


      It's in the works, still needs some adjustements. You can already check the first 2 tracks (DW and II) here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxBNzeDyPpg

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Gays will always be...strange. And I’m part of them. 
    I still don’t understand why a lot of them moan about M plastic surgery and about her young boyfriends..

    A lot of gay men are the first ones who change their bodies year after years and looking for young people to fuck. Really don’t understand 

    1. DanK


      Partly because she succeeds in doing these things when they do not. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. Does anybody know when the Girlie Show rehearsals started?

    1. DanK


      Rehearsals started on July 8, 1993

  17. I just decided to step back in time and backup all my files on DVD-R again! 
    Man! HDD drives are so fragile and susceptible to be corrupted.

    I've lost so many rare files ! I can't take it anymore. I'm buying a DVD-R tube next Monday !

    1. DanK


      No offense but that's a horrible idea. If your brickhouse burns down, you don't build a new one made of cardboard...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  18. Is it worth sharing all that one has of material? Yes, but as several told me, they only like the comment to get the link but the vast majority never say thank you. And then they share the links without giving credits, not even to those who make certain edits. :confused:

    1. DanK


      "And then they share the links without giving credits, not even to those who make certain edits. " ---> Tell me about it. And that goes for Madonna herself, too.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Not to offend any US citizen but there's no USA to invade itself in order "to protect its democracy," is there?

    They're (establishment) now in a world of hurt the same way they've done to every "3rd world" country in the globe. 

    1. DanK


      16 hours ago, MadonnaLove said:

      I said my opinion 

      Yeah you did. You really didn't have to. You can have your opinion, but you can't "have your facts". Just because you are allowed to voice your "opinion" doesn't mean you have to. Especially when your ill-informed "opinion" makes you side with neonazis and terrorists. That's usually a hint you're effing wrong. Inform yourself, then come back to the schoolyard.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  20. Didn't Madonna know Wallis Simpson and the former Duke were Naz* supporters? They were public friends with evil himself, no wonder why W/E was such a failure (I doubt people knew too but lord she WROTE that movie)

    1. DanK


      Madonna plain chose to deny all of these "allegations" (her word) about W and E's involvement and sympathies towards Hitler (while all of this is over-documented and historically established. Documents and photos exist and completely prove it), which basically made her a revisionist. Respected historians and WW2 specialists were appalled about this at the time of the film's release. She shamelessly wiped if off in a couple of interviews back in 2012 ("I looked into it and it just didn't happen, period", i'm paraphrasing). If only for this, I'm glad this film was such a flop and lost so much money (and cost a pretty penny to the Weinstein company too, by the way). Madonna's directing career so far has been nothing but embarrassing on all levels. Her films have all been vapid vanity projects that were overpromoted with nothing but her superstar name and aura to back them up, and I can't imagine her upcoming biopic being any different.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. Just watched The Next Best Thing... It was cute. I loved Madge in it. But why is she always in court? Like in Body Of Evidence.

    1. DanK


      I want Madonna to act again if only to finally be found guilty by yet another black female judge, at long last.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. hi dear thanks again for this amazing mirwais song you have this in flac ? thanks again happy with this.:):rainbow::flower:

    1. DanK


      Sorry I don't, so far that's the best version available unfortunately. 

  23. I think Madonna is planning a new GH album. So far in every transiction of decades we've had one. 
    What would be the tracklist?


    1. DanK


      doesn't matter what the chosen songs are, as long as there's at least one extra CD of previously unreleased material and demos    (as if that's going to happen..)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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