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  1. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from madgefan in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Better go to sleep honey. You are already starting to talk to yourself and that is not good at all. Maybe later your usual minions will be online and will be able to flood the forum with their interactions so brilliant and interesting that  usually leave everyone else stunned.
  2. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Burning Up 4 Madonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Beautiful video that of course is already downloaded and saved on my hard drive, which by the way is already filling up with so much downloaded material from Madonna that I think I'm going to have to buy a new PC to be able to store more and more videos since this tour still has for many more months even though some pessimists say it will end in April. I do not believe it. We'll see who is ultimately right.
    By the way, something I like about this video is that it limits itself to presenting Madonna singing Nothing Really Matters from the beginning and not like many other videos on YouTube that despite being titled "Madonna Nothing Really Matters Celebration Tour" also end up including Bob's participation. I have nothing against Bob, I respect him as an artist, but it bothers me to have to wait around 5 minutes, which is how long his participation lasts, to finally be able to see Madonna's participation. Separating the videos for each one would be the best solution and those who only want to see Bob's intro (a few) and those who only want to see Madonna singing Nothing Really Matters (the vast majority) would be equally happy.
  3. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from True Blue 84 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Beautiful video that of course is already downloaded and saved on my hard drive, which by the way is already filling up with so much downloaded material from Madonna that I think I'm going to have to buy a new PC to be able to store more and more videos since this tour still has for many more months even though some pessimists say it will end in April. I do not believe it. We'll see who is ultimately right.
    By the way, something I like about this video is that it limits itself to presenting Madonna singing Nothing Really Matters from the beginning and not like many other videos on YouTube that despite being titled "Madonna Nothing Really Matters Celebration Tour" also end up including Bob's participation. I have nothing against Bob, I respect him as an artist, but it bothers me to have to wait around 5 minutes, which is how long his participation lasts, to finally be able to see Madonna's participation. Separating the videos for each one would be the best solution and those who only want to see Bob's intro (a few) and those who only want to see Madonna singing Nothing Really Matters (the vast majority) would be equally happy.
  4. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Burning Up 4 Madonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Another clip of NRM from Cleveland
  5. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from musicinferno in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Exactly. That is why I have always said that Madonna should be more selective with her guests and not invite anyone improvised who wants to take advantage of this sudden closeness with Madonna to try to obtain some benefit of their own. Madonna should invite established celebrities or close friends and not class B or C celebrities. And no, I'm not saying this to belittle them, well actually yes, but something that characterizes these celebrities is that, in their desire to ascend to Being class A celebrities, they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals and therefore, they are a danger to associate with.
    Madonna is a very perfectionist, like me, so I understand her look of bewilderment when she sees this ... person ruin a choreography already planned from the beginning. If I were Madonna I would have pushed this person off the stage out of desperation. I just hope this serves as a lesson to Madona and in the future we see guests who are really worthwhile.
  6. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Would You Like To Try in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Oh God! This is the first time I've seen a Madonna fan say that he is not interested in seeing her live and that he prefers to watch the tour online. It is not a very common opinion to say but, as an assertive person that I am, I respect it. In my case, of course I want Madonna to come to my country and be part of this celebration that many have already been lucky enough to enjoy.
    Madonna cannot disappoint the fans who have been waiting for her for so many years and who hope to see the name of their country appear in a new program of this impressive tour. Why do the United States and Europe always have to have preference? We will wait until the end. And no, we will not settle for watching the tour through the cold screen of a computer as if we were unhappy conformists. Our sincere and loyal fanaticism prevents us from accepting that possibility.
  7. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to True Blue 84 in Donna and Niki Concert Tonight in NYC/Streaming SOMEONE PLEASE CAPTURE   
    Im sure they would have found 2 back ground singers who's she would also sound good with. I loved the three of them, but im sure Madonna would have had the same succes without Nikki and Donna. And yes they where great together but she's doing fine without them either... 
  8. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to True Blue 84 in Donna and Niki Concert Tonight in NYC/Streaming SOMEONE PLEASE CAPTURE   
    They where not important for her carreer. They had a great connection together on stage, and sounded good together, but if she didn't have nicky and donna she would have had 2 other back ground singers and Madonna's carreer would still be the same... 
  9. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from TOpher in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    About Hard Candy. I never found in the entire tracklist of the album any song that fully represented the official cover of the album where a boxing Madonna appears who undoubtedly represented the tough and empowered woman who is not afraid to face the world. Hard Candy is simply full of dance songs whose lyrics do not go beyond frivolity and superficiality (Candy Shop, Incredible, Dance 2night, Spanish Lesson) and the occasional ballad whose lyrics do not go beyond the repetitive issue of love/heartbreak. that we have already seen in previous albums

    For an album of these characteristics I think this cover would have been excellent. To be honest, I don't know if the photo is real or fake but it symbolizes very well what we will find on the album: A superficial, frivolous Madonna, wearing bling bling excessively and chewing gum totally carefree and with the sole intention of having a good time going from party to party. And what would we do with the boxing Madonna? I think Rebel Heart would have been an excellent destination for this character because in the Hard Candy songs she is conspicuous by her absence.

  10. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Voguerista in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    About Hard Candy. I never found in the entire tracklist of the album any song that fully represented the official cover of the album where a boxing Madonna appears who undoubtedly represented the tough and empowered woman who is not afraid to face the world. Hard Candy is simply full of dance songs whose lyrics do not go beyond frivolity and superficiality (Candy Shop, Incredible, Dance 2night, Spanish Lesson) and the occasional ballad whose lyrics do not go beyond the repetitive issue of love/heartbreak. that we have already seen in previous albums

    For an album of these characteristics I think this cover would have been excellent. To be honest, I don't know if the photo is real or fake but it symbolizes very well what we will find on the album: A superficial, frivolous Madonna, wearing bling bling excessively and chewing gum totally carefree and with the sole intention of having a good time going from party to party. And what would we do with the boxing Madonna? I think Rebel Heart would have been an excellent destination for this character because in the Hard Candy songs she is conspicuous by her absence.

  11. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Redha DBL in Madonna on Instagram / Facebook / Twitter + other Social Media   
    About Hard Candy. I never found in the entire tracklist of the album any song that fully represented the official cover of the album where a boxing Madonna appears who undoubtedly represented the tough and empowered woman who is not afraid to face the world. Hard Candy is simply full of dance songs whose lyrics do not go beyond frivolity and superficiality (Candy Shop, Incredible, Dance 2night, Spanish Lesson) and the occasional ballad whose lyrics do not go beyond the repetitive issue of love/heartbreak. that we have already seen in previous albums

    For an album of these characteristics I think this cover would have been excellent. To be honest, I don't know if the photo is real or fake but it symbolizes very well what we will find on the album: A superficial, frivolous Madonna, wearing bling bling excessively and chewing gum totally carefree and with the sole intention of having a good time going from party to party. And what would we do with the boxing Madonna? I think Rebel Heart would have been an excellent destination for this character because in the Hard Candy songs she is conspicuous by her absence.

  12. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from drivebitch in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Oh my God! What did I just read? Did this person say Miss Piggy to an overweight woman?
    It is incredible that in the middle of 2024 there are still people so narrow-minded that they continue to make fun of overweight people by giving them such despicable nicknames as Miss Piggy, Babe, Porky or whatever in order to make them feel bad about their physical appearance. And it is not only to defend Amy but also all overweight people who will undoubtedly have their susceptibility affected by reading such an unpleasant comment.
    @McDonna I ask you please, as the creator of this topic, to delete this unpleasant comment because by not doing so you are becoming an accomplice of this deplorable attitude. Let's remember that Madonna has always condemned discrimination of any kind and as fans we should be more consistent about it. And let's also remember that offending others no longer constitutes freedom of expression, rather it is licentiousness of expression and as such deserves to be repressed.
  13. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from True Blue 84 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I love it! Finally a worthwhile guest. So many memories, so many scenes come to mind when I see Madonna and Jose together. Although I always wondered why José wasn't one of her dancers on the Girlie Show. Anyway. I hope Madonna continues to surprise us with more unexpected guests because that's what this segment of the show is about: that we all have our mouths open when we see a certain guest and not wonder who the hell he/she is, as has already happened several times.
  14. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Anapausis in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    @McDonna I will respect your silent decision and go back with putting you to the ignore list and also with never going back to this thread. You deserve to be respected as the veteran and profilic member you are. My time commenting this tour has also just ended as well; I confess I was hypnotized by Waiting T-shirt and made a stupid decision that would no benefit any part here. I admit I was just fool to believe things could be go back to as they were after I told what I saw here. As my sister says to me, "you're not an endlessly believer in love; ACCEPT THAT YOU'RE JUST A FOOL."
    I allow myself, however, to do here a last comment, that only the people who have read some of previous posts here will get.
    Farewell again (and for real).
  15. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from theREALmgo in Do you guys know if I’m so stupid had official remixes   
    Sometimes I wonder if the unfortunate fate of American Life would have been different if they had opted for another sound instead of electronic music, which at that point already sounded somewhat repetitive and overly exploited since Madonna had been using it since Ray of Light and Music. While in the case of these albums the electronic sound was more complex, elaborate and powerful, in the case of American Life it was somewhat simpler and did not stand out with the same intensity as in the previous albums. I think that a Hard Rock style would have been much better and the song that would have benefited the most from this sound would have been, without a doubt, I'm so Stupid, which is one of my favorite songs precisely because it is the most "rock" on the album.
    By the way, the title of this song could very well define a certain forum user (A...) who lately floods the pages with his meaningless and incoherent comments and who thinks that the forum is his personal messenger. The troll at its best. " ...And I wanted to be Like all the pretty people .... " " ...Stupider than stupid ... "
  16. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from deathproof in Do you guys know if I’m so stupid had official remixes   
    No no. My sarcastic comment was directed exclusively, like a missile, towards this person whose nickname is @Anapausis and not towards other members of the forum. I simply wanted to play the same game that this person plays, bothering, offending and attacking for no reason not only me but other forum users like @Blue Jean and @McDonna, just to name a few examples. To cite an example, here I show the disproportionate and offensive reaction of this person just because I thanked @McDonna for telling him to stop using the forum as his personal messenger.

    This person saturates the forum writing incoherently or telling things about his private life that have nothing to do with Madonna, such as what color lingerie he likes to wear, that he likes to eat eggs mixed with ketchup, or saying that he would like to have a sexual threesome with Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey and other nonsense that no one is interested in knowing but that we end up reading out of inertia when browsing the forum. I really hope that this person leaves the bad path and returns to the right path and stops offending others and remembers that this is Madonna-Infinity and not Anapausis-Infinity.
  17. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Blue Jean in Do you guys know if I’m so stupid had official remixes   
    No no. My sarcastic comment was directed exclusively, like a missile, towards this person whose nickname is @Anapausis and not towards other members of the forum. I simply wanted to play the same game that this person plays, bothering, offending and attacking for no reason not only me but other forum users like @Blue Jean and @McDonna, just to name a few examples. To cite an example, here I show the disproportionate and offensive reaction of this person just because I thanked @McDonna for telling him to stop using the forum as his personal messenger.

    This person saturates the forum writing incoherently or telling things about his private life that have nothing to do with Madonna, such as what color lingerie he likes to wear, that he likes to eat eggs mixed with ketchup, or saying that he would like to have a sexual threesome with Donald Trump and Oprah Winfrey and other nonsense that no one is interested in knowing but that we end up reading out of inertia when browsing the forum. I really hope that this person leaves the bad path and returns to the right path and stops offending others and remembers that this is Madonna-Infinity and not Anapausis-Infinity.
  18. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to scion in Madonna sued for ‘false advertising’ after starting Brooklyn concerts 2 hours late   
    And then there goes the predictable McDonna laugh reaction because he has nothing of any actual intelligence to say...
  19. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from deathproof in Do you guys know if I’m so stupid had official remixes   
    Sometimes I wonder if the unfortunate fate of American Life would have been different if they had opted for another sound instead of electronic music, which at that point already sounded somewhat repetitive and overly exploited since Madonna had been using it since Ray of Light and Music. While in the case of these albums the electronic sound was more complex, elaborate and powerful, in the case of American Life it was somewhat simpler and did not stand out with the same intensity as in the previous albums. I think that a Hard Rock style would have been much better and the song that would have benefited the most from this sound would have been, without a doubt, I'm so Stupid, which is one of my favorite songs precisely because it is the most "rock" on the album.
    By the way, the title of this song could very well define a certain forum user (A...) who lately floods the pages with his meaningless and incoherent comments and who thinks that the forum is his personal messenger. The troll at its best. " ...And I wanted to be Like all the pretty people .... " " ...Stupider than stupid ... "
  20. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Would You Like To Try in Do you guys know if I’m so stupid had official remixes   
    Sometimes I wonder if the unfortunate fate of American Life would have been different if they had opted for another sound instead of electronic music, which at that point already sounded somewhat repetitive and overly exploited since Madonna had been using it since Ray of Light and Music. While in the case of these albums the electronic sound was more complex, elaborate and powerful, in the case of American Life it was somewhat simpler and did not stand out with the same intensity as in the previous albums. I think that a Hard Rock style would have been much better and the song that would have benefited the most from this sound would have been, without a doubt, I'm so Stupid, which is one of my favorite songs precisely because it is the most "rock" on the album.
    By the way, the title of this song could very well define a certain forum user (A...) who lately floods the pages with his meaningless and incoherent comments and who thinks that the forum is his personal messenger. The troll at its best. " ...And I wanted to be Like all the pretty people .... " " ...Stupider than stupid ... "
  21. Wow
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Would You Like To Try in Do you guys know if I’m so stupid had official remixes   
    According to unreleased lists there are MANY remixes of songs made but very few or none leaked
  22. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from into the erotico in NEW 'EROTICA" TAPE ON EBAY   
    That's why I said I would like Madonna to be more communicative with her fans. Madonna never has been. I don't remember any photographs or videos of her hugging or interacting personally with a fan. But time changes people and over the years we have seen many things that have changed in Madonna's personality. However, this distant attitude towards her fans has remained unbreakable despite the years, unlike other artists like Christina Aguilera or Lady Gaga whose fans are luckier than us in that sense.
    And as a fan I don't ask for anything out of the ordinary. How long would it take you to make a short 30 second Tik Tok video? You make my message seem too aggressive and demanding when it is just the feeling of a fan who would like things to be different. Especially after certain unfortunate events that would lead other people to rethink their way of seeing life and its flaws.
  23. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Alm47 in your DREAM ballroom bitch   
    I would love to see Robbie Williams share the stage with Madonna but I don't know if there is a good relationship between the two since some time ago Robbie released a beautiful song, "She's Madonna", inspired by how a man (Guy Ritchie) leaves his girlfriend ( Tania Strecker) when he was bewitched by the magic of Madonna.
    In the video Robbie Williams appears dressed as a Drag Queen and where, when interviewed by a journalist, he narrates certain things that closely coincide with Madonna's lifestyle, causing us to wonder if the Drag Queen was actually representing or not to Madonna in the video.
  24. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Queen hearts in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    There was no guest? I wonder what could have happened? I hope that everything was due to a last-minute lack of coordination and that today things will return to normal and we will see what celebrity Madonna surprises us with tonight.
    Definitely this expectation of knowing who will be the guest celebrity has become one of the most important moments of the show even though sometimes the guests do not meet the public's expectations as they are second or third category celebrities, but on other occasions our expectations have been widely surpassed, as happened for example with JPG, Debbie Mazar, Donatella Versace, Rocco or Lourdes. By the way I wonder, who will be the celebrity tonight? Will it be Jimmy Fallon? Will it be Oprah Winfrey? There are only a few hours left to find out.
  25. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from sara94 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    There was no guest? I wonder what could have happened? I hope that everything was due to a last-minute lack of coordination and that today things will return to normal and we will see what celebrity Madonna surprises us with tonight.
    Definitely this expectation of knowing who will be the guest celebrity has become one of the most important moments of the show even though sometimes the guests do not meet the public's expectations as they are second or third category celebrities, but on other occasions our expectations have been widely surpassed, as happened for example with JPG, Debbie Mazar, Donatella Versace, Rocco or Lourdes. By the way I wonder, who will be the celebrity tonight? Will it be Jimmy Fallon? Will it be Oprah Winfrey? There are only a few hours left to find out.
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