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Unapologetic Bitches
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    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from gndbarros in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    I was talking about outdoor concerts or concerts held on beaches in different parts of the world where many times people believe they have the right to commit certain excesses in the name of sexual freedom without caring that there are people in front of them who may not agree or reject this type of outdoor practices.
    At no time did I mean to imply that Brazilians are characterized by having this type of behavior. If it was understood that way, I apologize for the case.
  2. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from RUADJAI in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    You're right. Thanks for the clarification. The thing is that in these new times there are so many new concepts to learn, new realities and new sexual orientations that it is impossible not to get confused sometimes.
    Before it was simpler. They were only heterosexual, gay and bisexual orientations. But now everything has diversified and new terms have appeared: asexual, pansexual, omnisexual, transgender, cisgender, etc. that sometimes I end up confused because of so much new information. Again, thanks for the clarification and I apologize if anyone was offended by my mistake.
  3. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Andymad in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I personally think it'll be a montage like the banana moment on RHT. A miss mash featuring all of the major guests she's had on stage. Which makes me wonder if she'll include the Kylie Minogue I will survive moment on the official DVD
  4. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to adirondak in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I think a montage would be great. If not, I'd love to see Salma, especially if they include Madonna's amazing speech about Frida. 
  5. Wow
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Adonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I started this thread and have always shown respect and civility throughout.  I have every right to ask you to leave the thread if you wish to cause drama in it.  Can I enforce it?  No!  But as the originator of this thread and a member of this forum I have the right to express and encourage members to stay on topic and be civil.  Please respect that and/or move on!  Please and thank you! 
  6. Wow
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Anapausis in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Ur actual post.
    That I just unearthed because of
    Check out on
    I just love my excavation work here on Infinity!!!
  7. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Enrico in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    @Pedro Beltran I honestly don't understand why you are still pointing your finger at me. We just said that in Italy the controversy around the cartoon wasn't known, and now you are accusing us of ignorance in general about Latin people? Believe me, Italians are very easily object of stereotypes. I hid the posts, the member explained that it wasn't meant to be racist, I think everything is ok now.
    Let's move on please and enjoy the Mexican shows!
  8. Wow
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Anapausis in How to watch Celebration in Rio   
    Free channels are Globo (the open TV channel), Futura (an educative channel) and some FAST channels which air old Globo programmes.
    Paid channels are the Globo pay-TV channels. I mean, the ones one finds only at Brazilian pay TV services.
    @WagnerMinoguehas just answered ur last question.
  9. Wow
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Anapausis in How to watch Celebration in Rio   
    I once used an American VPN and browsed Globoplay - Globo International is for free if you have a subscription of Globoplay in America. I don't know if in the USA Globoplay can allow free accounts - here in Brazil they do, mine is free.
  10. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Anapausis in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Btw what a plagued thread so... Movin' on from!!!
  11. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Thecutefox in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    Don't waste your time, it is to hard for some people see your point. And the replay you going to receive will be person attack like kid.  
  12. Haha
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from remixed224 in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I don't understand. I really don't understand it! In the few videos of the Mexico concert that I have been able to find online I can see many people filming with their cell phones. The big question is: Where are those videos? Because to this day there are very few videos shared by Mexican fans on YouTube.
    There are many fans, like me, who depend on these videos posted on YouTube to be able to experience through a computer what others have been able to enjoy live and direct, So it doesn't seem right to me that these people keep these videos for their close and private circle of friends. A little more solidarity with the fans in the rest of Latin America is all I ask. Remember that thanks to being geographically located next to the United States, it has favored them to be visited consecutively by Madonna. A luck that, unfortunately, the rest of the countries in the region do not have.
  13. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Salida in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I don't understand. I really don't understand it! In the few videos of the Mexico concert that I have been able to find online I can see many people filming with their cell phones. The big question is: Where are those videos? Because to this day there are very few videos shared by Mexican fans on YouTube.
    There are many fans, like me, who depend on these videos posted on YouTube to be able to experience through a computer what others have been able to enjoy live and direct, So it doesn't seem right to me that these people keep these videos for their close and private circle of friends. A little more solidarity with the fans in the rest of Latin America is all I ask. Remember that thanks to being geographically located next to the United States, it has favored them to be visited consecutively by Madonna. A luck that, unfortunately, the rest of the countries in the region do not have.
  14. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Burning Up 4 Madonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Precisely because it is her own country of origin that seems not to give her the value she deserves is what most surprises Madonna fans from the rest of the world. And my criticism was not directed at Madonna fans in the United States but at American society in general when, on the other hand, we see much more nationalistic countries that protect their great stars a lot, whether they are in music, sports, literature, etc.
    Being honored by the political class of their country thanks to their achievements, valuing their opinions regarding the internal affairs of their country and even naming a street in the city after them are some examples of this protectionism that I do not see in the United States towards Madonna. Maybe this will change in the future although as some say: "You never know what you have until it's gone"
  15. Like
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Burning Up 4 Madonna in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    It was the same here in the US on many nights. Was hard to find any clips from the Denver show and many others
  16. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Agent Cooper in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I don't understand. I really don't understand it! In the few videos of the Mexico concert that I have been able to find online I can see many people filming with their cell phones. The big question is: Where are those videos? Because to this day there are very few videos shared by Mexican fans on YouTube.
    There are many fans, like me, who depend on these videos posted on YouTube to be able to experience through a computer what others have been able to enjoy live and direct, So it doesn't seem right to me that these people keep these videos for their close and private circle of friends. A little more solidarity with the fans in the rest of Latin America is all I ask. Remember that thanks to being geographically located next to the United States, it has favored them to be visited consecutively by Madonna. A luck that, unfortunately, the rest of the countries in the region do not have.
  17. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to Alibaba in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I suppose it would be fair to point out that often in Mexico, Southern Europe and Latin America she does receive a particular verbal enthusiasm that American audiences are less likely to engage in; not because they are less interested, less invested or disrespectful, but because there is a fundamental cultural difference that perhaps leans towards a more measured approach. As fans in America we go all out, but the more casual audience member is less likely to show the type of reverence that was seen at last night’s show in Mexico City. I’d also say that Madonna is a uniquely global superstar in that her influence spans decades and has never really lost its intensity internationally. When she shows up overseas, people pay attention. Whether or not she has been as commercially relevant on the charts in the last decade is insignificant when she has the type of immediate recognizability of her image and her incomparable back catalog of hits. It hasn’t been celebrated by the media and the masses in America in the way that she deserves for many years, but I do believe all of that is changing. I think there’s a conscious awareness that today’s very prolific major stars of the music industry simply don’t have the type of broad spectrum connection to the zeitgeist in a way that will last with the type of endurance that music from a pre-streaming era did. Madonna is so exceptional in so many ways, and everyone kind of knows it, even if they hate on her. 
  18. Wow
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to NRMX in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    I’m right behind Akerlund in this picture and me nor my friend who appears in the picture noticed 🤣🤣🤣
  19. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Alibaba in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    How good to see that in other parts of the world Madonna is and will always be considered the only and legitimate Queen of Pop. Something that curiously does not happen in her own country where we often witness how her title is taken away from her and given to any improvised and opportunistic singer whose popularity will not exceed 10 years, after which they will be forgotten and no one will remember them.
    It's incredible how that symbolic crown has crossed the heads of so many singers. From Britney Spears, Beyonce, Pink, Whitney Houston, Nelly Furtado, Lady Gaga and others whose names I don't even remember anymore. Fortunately, this only happens in the United States because in other countries Madonna is treated as she deserves: as a queen to whom everyone must pay homage. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for Madonna to decide to become a Mexican citizen. I am sure that all Mexicans would be proud of it.
  20. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to mirtillo in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    When quoting a message that contains videos, it would be a good idea to delete the video tags.
    It's distracting to scroll through a page with 5 videos replicated 5 more times!
    My opinion! Thanks.
  21. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk reacted to adirondak in Unexpected Surprise   
    The themes are familiar, but I do have to give Ricardo credit where it's due. She looks like herself and it's a beautiful photo. 
  22. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Bermu in Rio de Janeiro live May 4, 2024   
    No one is questioning your freedom of expression but you have to understand that even this right has its limits and even more so when it affects other people.
    Quoting or responding to several users just to say "Ok", "Hahaha" or some incongruous comment that contributes nothing to the topic is detrimental to the forum because you end up turning the navigation, which should be agile and dynamic, into monotonous and tedious. If you did it occasionally I think there would be no problem but you do it quite repeatedly and that is why the negative reaction of many users and that generates suspicions that you are actually doing it intentionally. The solution to this problem is in your own hands. Converting all this negative energy around you into positive and being more valued by the rest of the forum is worth more than wanting to have the record of being the user with the most comments on the forum in a short time. Think about it.
  23. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from Voguerista in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Wow! I had never seen this. I love it!. I can say that I completely understand Madonna because, like her, I also easily lose patience when people take so long to fulfill our requests or desires because for us time is valuable and seeing how things are not done instantly naturally exasperates us.
    In this case she has many people at her service who should be attentive to fulfilling all her wishes and seeing how things do not go the way she wants must be totally exasperating. I can put myself in her shoes in this particular situation.
  24. Thanks
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from nito84bcn in No hating but...what happened to Madonna after 2007?   
    The future is not always synonymous with evolution. I mean, how different the debates were in the forum back in 2020, the year this topic was created. I have to recognize the quality of the vast majority of the comments and how everyone tried to explain their position on the topic in a rational and detailed way. Totally opposite to what is happening now, 2024, with the recent proliferation of trolls  who, instead of contributing, simply lower the level of the debate with their silly and pathetic comments, discouraging much more valuable posters from participating in current debates.
  25. Like
    chaosmen1984mk got a reaction from DoneGone in The Celebration Tour (Spoilers)   
    Please @Prayer. I wasn't talking about simple mistakes in the choreography but in her body language and attitude. I thought I saw Madonna too confrontational and in an "I don't give a damn" attitude during these last few shows which caused me concern. And it wasn't about creating drama. I hate drama too but at the same time I couldn't remain indifferent to an attitude I hadn't seen in previous shows.
    But it's okay. As you say, these are probably reactions that are out of Madonna's control, caused by some deficiency in her technical equipment and that do not allow her to give a perfect show like the one she is used to giving as the professional artist that she is. I will try to be less observant regarding certain insignificant details and simply enjoy the show, which is Madonna's main objective and to which she has put so much effort and dedication as an excellent artist that she is.
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