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    MikeyK got a reaction from DoneGone in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Yup. Nothing she or her team could do would do much to change how it’s playing out.
    We can hope that if this movie has repeat viewing appeal then LAP will grow on some of these younger marvel fans over time. 🤷‍♂️
  2. Thanks
    MikeyK reacted to DoneGone in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Honestly I can understand why "Bye Bye Bye" is getting all the attention, since it's a Y2K, classic Max Martin, classic Britney sound and that era and sound is in full nostalgia mode now. Plus it's the music the parents of the kids going to see the movie grew up with.
    Not even cancelled Justin could stop it from going viral!
    "Like A Prayer" is more epic and timeless, but also less instant in a way.
    What a fantastic - and expensive - soundtrack, by the way.
  3. Like
    MikeyK reacted to PHIL in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    i saw the movie yesterday. i didnt have any real knowledge about deadpool and what to expect. it was light fun. the opening sequence of bye bye baby was maybe the funniest use of music. next to the final madonna quote ... hilarious* 
    like a prayer was epic. really cool, especially the new version at the end.
    there will be a boost for sure. however, it is NOT as emotional as kate bush song in stranger things. Completely different things, you can't compare. better enjoy it for what it is... very light n easy
  4. Haha
    MikeyK reacted to nito84bcn in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Another obvious 'problem' is that she has 300 versions of each single of her career. I asked several times here on wich version should we focus as fans, but someone started to talk about bucal fat removal and nobody cared about doing a proper fan campaign to push further the moment.
    Other fan bases of other artist care more about their idols, and that's it.
  5. Like
    MikeyK got a reaction from nito84bcn in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Agree. Also, I don’t think a particular playlist is gonna give it the numbers people want. People here should look on twitter/x. More viewers are talking about BBB sticking in their head than LAP. Nothing her team can do would change that.
    But plenty of ppl are talking about LAP though, how great it was in the movie, how the movie reminded them what a great song it was, etc. That to me is more important than pushing it on 12-16 yo who likely won’t retain it now.
    But maybe it’ll continue to resonate w/them over time. And I also love the idea of people old enough to remember it reengaging w/it. I’d love to see its numbers stay higher than they’ve been consistently.
  6. Like
    MikeyK reacted to DoneGone in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Can't blame her really. If you compare any big deal (the movie, the Rio deal with the bank) or physical sales with streaming profit, especially coming from the old days, she must think "what is this s**t and why even bother?".
    And she's right in a way.
  7. Like
    MikeyK got a reaction from DoneGone in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Agree and I wonder if she’s a bit old school and slow to fully come around to focusing on streaming being that it’s not as lucrative on the surface and would rather focus on the vinyl and merchandising (or even digital sales for that matter) that generate more direct revenue.
  8. Like
    MikeyK got a reaction from NRMX in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Agree. Also, I don’t think a particular playlist is gonna give it the numbers people want. People here should look on twitter/x. More viewers are talking about BBB sticking in their head than LAP. Nothing her team can do would change that.
    But plenty of ppl are talking about LAP though, how great it was in the movie, how the movie reminded them what a great song it was, etc. That to me is more important than pushing it on 12-16 yo who likely won’t retain it now.
    But maybe it’ll continue to resonate w/them over time. And I also love the idea of people old enough to remember it reengaging w/it. I’d love to see its numbers stay higher than they’ve been consistently.
  9. Like
    MikeyK reacted to DoneGone in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    True or not that $31M figure floating around, the licensing fee for the movie must be ASTRONOMICAL. So there's nothing stupid about this deal.
    I think some of us are sad as fans that they're not making the most of it just like any other act would. To be fair, she's never be that type and maybe she even considers doing that a little bit below her status.
    But how wonderful would it be to take advantage of opportunities like this one, apart from the big direct money from the studio.
  10. Thanks
    MikeyK got a reaction from nito84bcn in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    This is Roger Friedmann. He‘s a notorious M hater. He goes out of his way to discredit her, write unflattering things, or focus on negative perspectives. Don’t give his jibber jabber much attention.
  11. Like
    MikeyK reacted to NRMX in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Dude if she was interested in that, they would have done it, if it was relevant to her they would have done it. 
    Not every opportunity a fan sees or suspects is amazing is what they want for her as a brand and a business.
    Yes millions and millions sounds amazing but do you really think that we would have gained lots of new fans… I really doubt it. 
  12. Like
    MikeyK got a reaction from proxy in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Well it’s still making progress. It’s been climbing up the apple music top 200 pop songs chart. Last night before I went to bed it was up to # 123. This morning it’s up to # 90. Interested what the spotify update for yesterday will look like.
    Again, I don’t believe anything would’ve caused it to have the #s nsync is getting rn. It’s getting a healthy boost and apparently still climbing though. Let’s see what happens.
  13. Like
    MikeyK got a reaction from NRMX in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    Well it’s still making progress. It’s been climbing up the apple music top 200 pop songs chart. Last night before I went to bed it was up to # 123. This morning it’s up to # 90. Interested what the spotify update for yesterday will look like.
    Again, I don’t believe anything would’ve caused it to have the #s nsync is getting rn. It’s getting a healthy boost and apparently still climbing though. Let’s see what happens.
  14. Like
    MikeyK reacted to MPowered in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    My dream would be:
    1. Causing A Commotion - Silver Screen Single Mix
    2. Causing A Commotion - Silver Screen Mix
    3. Causing A Commotion - Movie House Edit
    4. Causing A Commotion - Movie House Mix
    5. Causing A Commotion - Dub
    6. Jimmy Jimmy - Fade
    But I think it’s gonna be this:
    1. Causing A Commotion
    2. Causing A Commotion - Silver Screen Single Mix
    3. Causing A Commotion - Silver Screen Mix  
    4. Causing A Commotion - Movie House Mix
    5. Causing A Commotion - Dub
  15. Like
    If she just caters to her “hardcore fan base” then her legacy will die off when she and they do. What many of us want is to see her incredible catalogue live on alongside MJ or the Beatles or whatever other classic artists. And btw it’s entirely possible to do both- toss all the old remixes and what not up on streaming for the old fans while also expanding her visibility and profile w/younger music consumers.
  16. Like
    MikeyK reacted to Would You Like To Try in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    Causing a commotion silver screen single mix caught going on streaming! @steady75will be happy 
  17. Like
    MikeyK reacted to Alpha in Swae Lee is a Trumper   
    Stupid. First of all, Trump and his cult are pretty close to nazis. Not only do they wanna take gay rights, they were successful in taking away women's rights and right now there is project 2025 so its stupid to shrug it off as just some "dIfFeReNcE oF OpInIoN". As for Harvey, she was a victim of him too. There was that story of how supposedly her grabbed her and tried to kiss her. Its stupid to say "dOnT puT hEr On A pEdEsTaL" then shrug off things SHE might have suffered behind the scenes. So you dont want her to be treated as a deity yet don't give her the benefit of the doubt especially knowing she's been a rape victim and who knows what sort of trauma she's had hidden from the public. As for Gaga, she did it on purpose working with R Kelly who there was literally video evidence of and then make a video that came out so graphic and pountless that she even knew not to release it. Anyone who works with trump should be banished to whatever christian island they'd be happy worshipping that pig.
  18. Like
    MikeyK reacted to DoneGone in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    We can only speculate, of course. Fans always think they know better but it's not always the case. There could be different things going on behind the scenes. But I think it's a combination of two things:
    - Her having to approve literally everything, from the odd video upscale to the next digital single. Things have slowed down A LOT since the health scare and the tour, she's been busy lately to check/green light a 30 years old digital single only hardcore fans will care about. Of course that's not a priority to her.
    - She's an old school artist with an old school team. They're not quick enough when opportunities appear: trends like the "Frozen" remix took them months to catch up, also with "Back It Up To The Beat". Now with "D&W" everything should have been ready to capitalize on it since the previous week of the premiere. At best, they will only do something if the song trends by itself. You can't wait for things to happen, you need to help things happening. Honestly, I Gen Z kid checking the 480p video on YouTube after seeing the movie will only think "ugh this looks old", cause it does, and never come back to it. A fresh Full HD remaster could have different results.
    She could definitely benefit from having a younger fresh team around her, maybe not replacing the current one, but adding one or two younger people to help with these matters.
    I love her and want only the best for her, of course. And I don't think everything they've done lately is messy, I liked "Finally Enough Love", the digital singles campaign was going good until last year. Also, I like the fact the didn't update her whole videography with crap upscales and actually care that they are as good as possible. When they don't meet a certain standard (like "The Power Of Good-Bye"), they won't even promote them.
    But there's no reason to be SO painfully slow and not taking advantage on streaming of great opportunities like the Rio big tour finale, now the movie, etc. etc. Millions of artists would kill for those opportunities, and she's just like "OK" when she gets the money. I don't get it. There's so much more they could do.
  19. Like
    MikeyK got a reaction from zephyr in the sky at night in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    More improvement!

  20. Like
    MikeyK got a reaction from DoneGone in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    More improvement!

  21. Like
    MikeyK reacted to club78boy in Single Reissues Campaign - Causing a Commotion - OUT NOW   
    I am very happy to finally be getting some of these mixes and edits digitally! I would love to finish the 80's though with:
    Everybody (Rusty Egan Mixes)
    Burning Up (Jellybean Remix)
    Dress You Up (Remix Edit)
    Over and Over (Remix and Dub)
    Causing A Commotion (Mixes and Dub)

  22. Like
    MikeyK got a reaction from DoneGone in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    Also, and I’ve pointed this out in a couple other threads, but in the silver vinyl desc they say LAP (song) is “recently certified double platinum”. But they didn’t even actually do the certification. Check her riaa stats. They’re so messy.
    Where does the blame lie for this stuff? We speculate it’s her team/label, but maybe the onus for some of it needs to come from her. And it just doesn’t. Maybe she just doesn’t care about the little details so many of us fans (and plenty other artists) do. Mariah recertifies every time she sneezes. Madonna does it once a century. She probably hasn’t looked at her spotify page or youtube videos ever.
  23. Thanks
    MikeyK got a reaction from zephyr in the sky at night in Madonna's Spotify Progress   
    Update for Thursday. Not bad! Celebration version has been averaging 200-250k. TIC 8-12k.

  24. Thanks
    MikeyK got a reaction from Karma in Madonna's certifications are completely outdated in the USA. But by how much?   
    Idk wtf they’re talking about, it’s still not showing up on riaa’s website. And if it’s announced today idk what these people are doing as it’s eligible for at least 4x platinum in the US. They‘re so lazy and inefficient.
  25. Like
    MikeyK reacted to DiegoLCL in Ryan Reynolds had to meet Madonna in person to get permission to use 'Like a Prayer' in Deadpool & Wolverine   
    I mean, if people choose to stream Bye Bye Bye (which tracks with the age of the main audience of the movie, BTW) it is not Madonna's or Madonna's team fault, is it?
    Think how many songs were part of movies and series and didn't explode like Running Up the Hill. Things are not predictable like that, it just happens. 

    I get and share some frustration to how thing are done (or not) with reissues, digital singles and HD videos but none of it is stopping people to seek out the song and listen if they want to! Let's not act like it is 1999 and the song playing on the radio is not available to purchase. 


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