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Madonna getting in trouble for DC speech??


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There are many articles on the internet now about Madonna and Secret Service being sent to seek her out because of her speech. 



Do you think any of this is true? 


They are now saying they are going after her for Terroristic treats??? 




It was just a speech....lawd! 



Anyhow have any thoughts on this?? 






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Not 100% sure if it is true, but would not surprise me. Personally I don't care that she said it, but the minute she did I knew she would be in trouble. Anyone (regardless of stature and regardless of who is in the White House) will get in trouble for such remarks. It is the same as making a bomb joke in an airport. It is taken seriously regardless of the context. 


I am sure any investigation will be minor, but it is somewhat protocol from what I understand. So she is going to have to ride it out. 

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I hate when she trends for the wrong reasons 

Yeah, her speech was about love, compassion and unity and it is being overshadowed which is disappointing. It was a joke, but unfortunately and especially in this day and age you just can't joke about such things.

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not surprised if they do follow up on this.

tyranny/dictatorship on the horizon...

Sorry but it has nothing to do with that. If Clint Eastwood (a devout Republican) had made the same comment 8 years ago people would have been calling for his head and there would most likely have been a secret service investigation. It is just protocol. You can't make comments like that, same as if you made a bomb joke in an airport. You would most likely be detained. Madonna didn't have to say it, she could have phrased things differently. She should have known better, I am all for free speech, but there is a fine line sometimes.


With the way the world is, chances like this won't be taken, and as I have said it has been this way for a long time. You couldn't have made the same comments during Barack Obama's term either. 


I don't like Trump either (I am not American, but as an Australian we are basically tied to the US like siblings) I am all for calling him out and protesting his and his cabinets decisions, but let's not get carried away. 

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She was a bit extra on her speech but supposed allies focusing on her one remark instead of the presidents remarks goes to show what times were living in... Though it wouldnt surprise me if most of those who send her hate are trump trolls to begin with.


Still though too bad she made that comment cos yes its at least a formality to take it seriously by security agencies I think? -_- how unpleasant...


I think she does better when speaking calmly from her heart like she did at Billboard. I knew people wouldnt take this speech too well, people are too dumb to get facts let alone irony or metaphor.

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The thing that is ludicrous to me is how much time Trump and his team spend on trivial bs. Trump taking time to shade Meryl Streep and his Press Secretary debating the crowd size at the Inuaguration is such a waste of time and stupid childish stuff. 


The Presidency is turning into fan wars. "My fave would never" "Slay Trump" "Yaaas" Seriously this is what it seems like now. 

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The thing that is ludicrous to me is how much time Trump and his team spend on trivial bs. Trump taking time to shade Meryl Streep and his Press Secretary debating the crowd size at the Inuaguration is such a waste of time and stupid childish stuff. 


The Presidency is turning into fan wars. "My fave would never" "Slay Trump" "Yaaas" Seriously this is what it seems like now. 


That's all distraction though. I doubt they mostly care about that stuff, sadly people pay too much attention to his trolling.

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That's all distraction though. I doubt they mostly care about that stuff, sadly people pay too much attention to his trolling.

True, I guess it is easier to make policies while everyone is distracted. 


Plus I think it is probably true of this investigation. It is being exaggarated, give em the old Razzle Dazzle and distract everyone. If it is anything more than protocol and informal I would be surprised. 

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Sorry but it has nothing to do with that. If Clint Eastwood (a devout Republican) had made the same comment 8 years ago people would have been calling for his head and there would most likely have been a secret service investigation. It is just protocol. You can't make comments like that, same as if you made a bomb joke in an airport. You would most likely be detained. Madonna didn't have to say it, she could have phrased things differently. She should have known better, I am all for free speech, but there is a fine line sometimes.


With the way the world is, chances like this won't be taken, and as I have said it has been this way for a long time. You couldn't have made the same comments during Barack Obama's term either. 


I don't like Trump either (I am not American, but as an Australian we are basically tied to the US like siblings) I am all for calling him out and protesting his and his cabinets decisions, but let's not get carried away. 


that's why i said i am not surprised if they follow up on this.

that said, someone who would promote or even plan such actions would do the exact opposite of stating in on camera on stage at such event. she was just voicing her frustration about the injustice that she feels. it was emotional and non-diplomatic, as she has always been but she also doesn't need to be diplomatic. she is not running for office.

it did cause controversy but she has never been afraid of that, has she.

i agree with the distraction theory.

spending money on investigations of such statements will lead to nowhere as nothing will be found.

tyranny is looming, as it seems, as democratic/constitutional values seem to be at stake, especially with the "alternative facts" movement.

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Doubt they're gonna get anything from investigating her lmfao, you have to be very dumb to think she was saying she's going to blow up the white house like it's her plan. But America is filled with incredibly stupid people, so who's surprised? It's almost a joke to us in the UK how stupid most Americans tend to be. They try so hard to offend people with comments, and they don't realise they're too stupid for anyone to even bother taking them seriously.

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Madonna is a smart lady... Pretty sure she ran that comment by many of her attorneys.  Its what someone at her level has to do.  People like Bill Maher, stand up comedians all have said things with similar context and have been fine.  She'll be fine.


Trump trolls are EVERYWHERE.  The real problem is this new administration wants these types of drama distractions because people and media focus on this petty stuff instead of the real dangerous things this administration has started to do.... don't be fooled by the circus.  Its behind the curtain we need to focus on.

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Madonna is a smart lady... Pretty sure she ran that comment by many of her attorneys.  Its what someone at her level has to do.  People like Bill Maher, stand up comedians all have said things with similar context and have been fine.  She'll be fine.


She'll definitely be fine. Trump must obviously by now know that people who don't support him wish he was dead. Now we just gotta hope it actually happens.

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Doubt they're gonna get anything from investigating her lmfao, you have to be very dumb to think she was saying she's going to blow up the white house like it's her plan. But America is filled with incredibly stupid people, so who's surprised? It's almost a joke to us in the UK how stupid most Americans tend to be. They try so hard to offend people with comments, and they don't realise they're too stupid for anyone to even bother taking them seriously.

The problem is there have been several reports of people who did go on shooting rampages and bombed places that stated publicly they were going to do it, which is why you can't even joke about it anymore, I get what you are saying, but I understand why comment like this are taken seriously. In Australia (and I think many other places) if you leave a bag unattended in public you can be detained as they will assume it is a possible bomb.


The fact is John Lennon was being mointored by the FBI for much of his career and he never even made any threats, the FBI just didn't like his ideaologies. Personally I am not a Hillary or Trump fan, the one good thing to come out of Trump winning was people are waking up to the governments of the world and their corruption and manipulations. At least more people are paying attention and questioning things and protesting, instead of just being complacent. 

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She'll definitely be fine. Trump must obviously by now know that people who don't support him wish he was dead. Now we just gotta hope it actually happens.

That is not true. I do not support him but wouldn't want harm to come to him or anyone else and neither does Madonna. She made a flip expression comment that was suppose to emphasize the deep frustration felt. She could have left it out. Her overcompensating bad assness is starting to get on my nerves. She would probably tell me to **** *** but that's fine Lol. I always love her.


I feel she is so much more capable of expressing how she feels in a more innovative and empowering way.

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She'll definitely be fine. Trump must obviously by now know that people who don't support him wish he was dead. Now we just gotta hope it actually happens.

Seriously do not wish this. If Trump dies or gets Impeached and thrown out then Mike Pence will be the US President. Just take a look at his record if you don't know it. Believe me you will be praying for Trump's safety every day once you know what Pence is like. 

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She was there for love and work for women issues. I think making comments like blowing up the white house and telling trump to suck a dick makes her no better than grab them by the pussy. I understand people get into the heat of the moment and she comes off misandry and I don't think that was her point. If she wasn't Madonna I'm sure she would have been taken into custody...

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