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Madonna Adopts 2 twin girls from Malawi


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I knew this was happening even when some were saying it was fake news.... 


I am happy for Madonna and the two girls Stella and Esther.


Madonna has adopted twin girls from Malawi, according to government officials.

The singer, who had previously denied she was visiting the country with a view to adopting more children, was given permission by the Malawian high court on Tuesday to adopt the four-year-olds Stella and Esther.

Mlenga Mvula, a judicial spokesman, said: “I can confirm that Madonna has been granted an adoption order for two children.â€

Madonna has previously adopted two children from Malawi, David Banda in 2006 and Mercy James in 2009

The twins are being adopted from the Home of Hope orphanage in Mchinji, near the western border with Zambia, where David Banda once lived. 

But many in Malawi have accused the government of giving the singer a special exception to laws that prevent non-residents from adopting children to take abroad.

With Madonna and the girls’ birth father present in the courtroom in Lilongwe, a judge ruled in her favour. But the adoption is conditional on Madonna proving she will provide a suitable home. 

Dominic Misomale, a government-appointed guardian, will travel with Madonna, Stella and Esther to the US and observe how she looks after them, before reporting back to the government.

Titus Mvalo, a lawyer for Madonna in Malawi, told Reuters: “Madonna has demonstrated over the years that she has passion for Malawi and her children, and therefore the court was satisfied and could not stop the adoption of the twins.â€

The singer dismissed reports in January that she intended to adopt more children from Malawi as “untrue rumours†and said she was visiting the country as part of her work for NGO Raising Malawi.

Esther and Stella will join David Banda and Mercy James, Rocco, from her marriage to Guy Ritchie, and Lourdes, from a previous relationship.

Madonna’s relationship with Malawi has not always been smooth. The former Malawian president Joyce Banda accused her of demanding unending gratitude for her adoptions, but her successor Peter Mutharika said in 2014: “My government has always been grateful for the passion Madonna has for this country.â€

A representative for Madonna did not provide a comment. 




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I knew this was happening even when some were saying it was fake news.... 


I am happy for Madonna and the two girls Stella and Esther.


Madonna has adopted twin girls from Malawi, according to government officials.

The singer, who had previously denied she was visiting the country with a view to adopting more children, was given permission by the Malawian high court on Tuesday to adopt the four-year-olds Stella and Esther.

Mlenga Mvula, a judicial spokesman, said: “I can confirm that Madonna has been granted an adoption order for two children.â€

Madonna has previously adopted two children from Malawi, David Banda in 2006 and Mercy James in 2009

The twins are being adopted from the Home of Hope orphanage in Mchinji, near the western border with Zambia, where David Banda once lived. 

But many in Malawi have accused the government of giving the singer a special exception to laws that prevent non-residents from adopting children to take abroad.

With Madonna and the girls’ birth father present in the courtroom in Lilongwe, a judge ruled in her favour. But the adoption is conditional on Madonna proving she will provide a suitable home. 

Dominic Misomale, a government-appointed guardian, will travel with Madonna, Stella and Esther to the US and observe how she looks after them, before reporting back to the government.

Titus Mvalo, a lawyer for Madonna in Malawi, told Reuters: “Madonna has demonstrated over the years that she has passion for Malawi and her children, and therefore the court was satisfied and could not stop the adoption of the twins.â€

The singer dismissed reports in January that she intended to adopt more children from Malawi as “untrue rumours†and said she was visiting the country as part of her work for NGO Raising Malawi.

Esther and Stella will join David Banda and Mercy James, Rocco, from her marriage to Guy Ritchie, and Lourdes, from a previous relationship.

Madonna’s relationship with Malawi has not always been smooth. The former Malawian president Joyce Banda accused her of demanding unending gratitude for her adoptions, but her successor Peter Mutharika said in 2014: “My government has always been grateful for the passion Madonna has for this country.â€

A representative for Madonna did not provide a comment. 






of course she's gonna deny it its like attracting attention and paparazzi to her even more...

Though I am surprised as thought went she visited the Courts and Offices I imagined it was to catch up with authorities for formal chat! And accusing her for special exceptions? C'mon they would for any rich n famous that helps the country financially and why isn't she accused of spending millions of Mdollars to build schools and hospitals and raising in Miami over $75m for Malawi? And thats what we know she has spent and done...obviously you don't show off your charity!

mhmm Surely she picked up the names for the girls?? Girl power anyone?

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madonna I can officially confirm I have completed the process of adopting twin sisters from Malawi and am overjoyed that they are now part of our family. I am deeply grateful to all those in Malawi who helped make this possible, and I ask the media please to respect our privacy during this transitional time. Thank you also to my friends, family and my very large team for all your support and Love! ✈✈♥♥


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Rumors say that Lola and Rocco are thrilled with the news and plan to arrive in New York around the same time that the girls do and that M is overjoyed. Some people however on Facebook and Instagram have said the adoption is a publicity stunt and some cite her being too old to adopt. But they can go f*ck themselves. I am so happy that Madonna has adopted these two beautiful girls and there is no doubt they will be welcomed into the family with open arms and lots of love.

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EXCLUSIVE: Sisters of Madonna's newly adopted Malawian twins insist they are thrilled the girls have been whisked away to a life of luxury, while they struggle in poverty-stricken village on 40p a day


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(OFF TOPIC) @@groovyguy is there a reason why I often can't see your posts? It's just an empty space: is it a browser malfunction or a missing plug in, do you have any idea? (thanx :wink: )

I notice this too for you @@groovyguy. Not for all posts, but some. I've been using Taptalk for a few months now and only really notice it using that. If I log on to the desktop or mobile site I don't get the problem. I assume it's when certain things are embedded and they must not be Taptalk compatible??


It ain't a problem for me though so don't worry lol. I use Taptalk mostly and desktop/mobile every few days.



Sent from my Y635-L01 using Tapatalk

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