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The Rebel Heart Tour 2015-2016

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Oh please. BIM maybe its not to your expectations- fuck your expectations. And fuck the corporate media press, does a "news report" on a TV program validate the effort? From most every account of those in attendance it was a great, fun night. She looks energized and happy for a change. This is opening night and to slag the show off for attention is lame as fuck. I didnt attend S&S or MDNA as they seemed a bit pricey and tacky/kitschy/pandery to a certain outspoken portion of the fanbase. Maybe this is for another? The set list is great for this longtime fan.

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Oh please. BIM maybe its not to your expectations- fuck your expectations. And fuck the corporate media press, does a "news report" on a TV program validate the effort? From most every account of those in attendance it was a great, fun night. She looks energized and happy for a change. This is opening night and to slag the show off for attention is lame as fuck. I didnt attend S&S or MDNA as they seemed a bit pricey and tacky/kitschy/pandery to a certain outspoken portion of the fanbase. Maybe this is for another? The set list is great for this longtime fan.

The setlist is great for people way past their prime and casual fans, which generally is the same type of fan. The tour versions and visuals are tacky rehashes, or album versions placed in section where they make no sense sonically and thematically. The performances are generally low key and boring.In three years time people will be over this tour and bitch about how shit it is. I'm just one of the first people who isn't blinded by Stan glasses.
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The setlist is great for people way past their prime and casual fans, which generally is the same type of fan. The tour versions and visuals are tacky rehashes, or album versions placed in section where they make no sense sonically and thematically. The performances are generally low key and boring.In three years time people will be over this tour and bitch about how shit it is. I'm just one of the first people who isn't blinded by Stan glasses.

I'm 22 and this is my third tour (so I'm no casual fan at all) and I think the setlist is pure gold (missing some recent gems though), what do you have to say about that?  :Madonna025:


You are not only being boring repeating the same speech like a broken record, you are being disrespectful to other fans (and I'm not even commenting on yesterday's 'I wish this tour gets cancelled' moment). I know I'm not a moderator and have no right to ask for this but, please, stop that angry attitude, it creates a bad atmosphere around here that I (and, probably, most of us) do not like at all. 

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The setlist is great for people way past their prime and casual fans, which generally is the same type of fan. The tour versions and visuals are tacky rehashes, or album versions placed in section where they make no sense sonically and thematically. The performances are generally low key and boring.In three years time people will be over this tour and bitch about how shit it is. I'm just one of the first people who isn't blinded by Stan glasses.


Way past their prime??? Really? So I assume anyone over the age of like 25 should go ahead and just kill themselfs...so not to offend the younger people. Or stay in a cave away from everyone. I'm so sick of this age crap. Everyone regaureless of age can enjoy this show. I get that you hate it, but man all Ive seen here is all out fury towards anyone who isnt in your "group" of fans.

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I am well aware that I am way past my prime and that that may very well be the main reason I enjoy a more sparse (if you can even call it that) performance, cos, hey, my eyesight ain't what it used to be.

But seriously, from the videos that I've seen this seems to be an excellent show. Especially the LAV performance made me think about a comment my boyfriend made when I showed him a video of MDNA's GB performance where the motel room didn't appear on stage, he said he loved it because it was just her, and that the performance was more impressive for it because she was still able (maybe even more so) to own the stage and grab everyone's attention.

Let's be real, judging from the videos this show is as state of the art as her last effort, but it's just not designed to blow you away visually, rather to enhance the performance. In a way I concidder it a bold move, some might even say, revolutionary to bring many of the songs back to M on stage, interacting with the crowd. In an age where everyone and everyone still uses Blond Ambition as a blue print for their show, I think it's a breath of fresh air that M takes a different direction. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good mega show, but, and I've never told anyone this, standing front row at MDNA I looked on my watch half way through! (go ahead and bann me, I deserve it) Not that it wasn't good, but it all became a bit familiar and I missed my girl.

But maybe it's nice to recall (for the past our primers) that when Madonna broke out as a mega star, she did not have any advantages (budget wise or else) over her peers, the sole reason why she rose above was because of her own spirit and personally I can't wait 'till december when I see the show live, to witness that again.

P.s. sadly there is no emoticon for sarcasm (probably there is but did I mention that I am old yet) so take none personal

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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it wasn't a bad show, it wasn't a spectacular show, but it WAS a good show! i know it feels weird and last minute, but maybe Madonna is just more relaxed and casual this time around, instead of being the tight rope perfectionist we're used to seeing (especially on the MDNA and the S&S tours, it was all too perfect). I'm just going to accept the tour for what it is, and learn to love it like i know i will. (and try to get over the fear of the dark imagery lolol) as a die-hard fan though, i'm VERY grateful for her even remembering "True Blue" and other classic songs, i just hope as the tour goes on we'll see more of the 90s & 00s represented. 

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I am well aware that I am way past my prime and that that may very well be the main reason I enjoy a more sparse (if you can even call it that) performance, cos, hey, my eyesight ain't what it used to be.

But seriously, from the videos that I've seen this seems to be an excellent show. Especially the LAV performance made me think about a comment my boyfriend made when I showed him a video of MDNA's GB performance where the motel room didn't appear on stage, he said he loved it because it was just her, and that the performance was more impressive for it because she was still able (maybe even more so) to own the stage and grab everyone's attention.

Let's be real, judging from the videos this show is as state of the art as her last effort, but it's just not designed to blow you away visually, rather to enhance the performance. In a way I concidder it a bold move, some might even say, revolutionary to bring many of the songs back to M on stage, interacting with the crowd. In an age where everyone and everyone still uses Blond Ambition as a blue print for their show, I think it's a breath of fresh air that M takes a different direction. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good mega show, but, and I've never told anyone this, standing front row at MDNA I looked on my watch half way through! (go ahead and bann me, I deserve it) Not that it wasn't good, but it all became a bit familiar and I missed my girl.

But maybe it's nice to recall (for the past our primers) that when Madonna broke out as a mega star, she did not have any advantages (budget wise or else) over her peers, the sole reason why she rose above was because of her own spirit and personally I can't wait 'till december when I see the show live, to witness that again.

P.s. sadly there is no emoticon for sarcasm (probably there is but did I mention that I am old yet) so take none personal

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


I agree with you and completely disagree with others that say this show was just ok.  The show was spectacular!  Madonna started this era with the opening comments in her LFL performances saying this will be a revolution of love, and to be perfectly content with being who you are and not apologizing for being who you are.  Madonna is 57.  This is an arguably more mature show.  Definitely a happier show.  I don't care if other fans are stuck in the past, wanting Madonna to cater to them.  Its not called the Fans Rebel Heart Tour... Its Madonna's Rebel Heart Tour.  This is her.. now.  And I accept her for that.  Time and time again ever since RIT, online Madonna fans (yes online fans are a rare breed and are not the same as others that no nothing of these forums) have become significantly more critical, rude, not-easy-to-please people.  


I tend to stay silent more often now than I used to because **My happiness** with who Madonna is today and what she is presenting to the world today is NOT affected by these more critical fans.  Yes, some of them aren't going to like a lot... setlist, or costumes, or vibe.  Thats ok.  I don't have those issues.  So, I simply enjoy the Madonna of Now.  Its a very peaceful place to be.  I think that is what more should take away from this.


I can only explain this rationally as the difference of age between us that have been on the Madonna campaign since day 1 and those that were born well after her stardom.  There is a stark difference.

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Worst tour she has ever done imo. No gems, no iconic moments, everything is so lifeless and half-assed.

Just out of interest, what would be a good tour in your opinion seeing as you're hell bent on dissing this one?Did you want more Rebel Heart tracks? All Rebel Heart tracks? More nineties? Or would you prefer Madonna to fart into a microphone for 2 hours?
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