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A Certain Sacrifice


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I never understood Madonna's problem with 'A Certain Sacrifice'.  This movie meant so much to me, and IMHO, had quite a few lessons to teach.  Plus, for me, she just looked absolutely breath-taking.


I can understand how she might have thought that, because of its themes, it might rub some people the wrong way, but truthfully, isn't that what she's been about all along?  Plus, it's like SHE herself was ashamed of it, not really worried about what others thought.  I guess in this particular circumstance, my opinion differs from hers; that doesn't happen often  :wink: .  Maybe, again because of its darker themes, she was just worried that people wouldn't take it seriously?  I really don't know, I'm baffled here.



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I always wonder if she really did want it blocked.  We all know that trying to stop something coming out is one of the best ways to promote it.  If she'd just let it go, a straight to VHS b movie, would it still be around to this day?  Either she made a huge mistake, or was playing the press.  Wasn't it's release around when she was dating Sean?  It's rumoured that she used to tell the press where they would be and when.

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Well, she was the start of a growing career and while she played off the photos fine, you would have to think especially she wasn't worried that it may have derailed her career before it began. It's like those people who try to use your past against you and considering she made it, she probably didn't appreciate someone trying to profit off her success.

The movie really isn't anything to write home about but I can see why she was so against it.

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