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How do you became a Madonna fan?


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Actually, I only became a truly hard-fan last year (I know, it's a shame-ame-ame-ameeee)! But long ago I used to listen pratically Madonna on TV and radio (only COADF), because my mom was (and is) obsessed.  :thinker:

It was only last year, that I heard Open Your Heart for the first time, in Britney's movie Crossroads, in that opening scene that she's singing OYH while in underwear! I was shocked! :scary:  I immediately fell in love with that song, and then, I listened to every album from Madge, watched every tour and performances I could (still I haven't finished).  :seeno:

I realized that my favorite era from hers is Erotica: the performances (I adore the SNL performances, awesome live vocals), the tour, and the album itself. I also love her bravery for releasing the SEX book, breaking all the tabus from that time. 

Every day that goes by, I fall in love more and more for this queen!  :worship:  :crown:


Tell me yours now! 




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I went to her Rebel Heart Tour back in 2015 in Berlin - I was invited. I never really was interested in her stuff. I'm actually not interested in any artists' stuff.

Some days later I thought about the concert. I read her whole Wikipedia article and starting googleing her. I was astonished about her being and her work for over 30 decades. The changes - like a chameleon.

I became obsessed with her. Starting to buy all of her stuff. Starting with used CDs. Later decided to buy them new and sealed. CDs, Vinyl, DVDs, Blu Rays, everything to the Blond Ambition Tour jackets.

I love her. I'm listening and singing her songs all day.


My next big investment will be a neon light of the confessions conclusion line. What do you think? It will cost me around $ 1000:



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I have to admit that it was thanks to my sister. I remember I was 8 and my sister was 12. She was crazy with Madonna but on those days we didn't buy music very often. It was something that my parents gave us as present for our birthday, Chistmas and things like that.


Well, so my sister was crazy for Madonna but it wasn't her birthday, it was mine. She told my mother that the thing that I'd really love was the Madonna album because "I was a really hard Madonna fan" (I have to admit that I didn't know who she was). I knew just "Holiday". So my mother thinking my sister was right bought me "Madonna" album for my B-day. Of course was my sister the one who was playing all day the album just because "I loved" that album. Ha, ha, ha... Now my sister always says "I created a monster!!!!"


But I have to admit that as a real fan (taking my own decisions and not my sister's desires) it was with "Material girl". I remember watching the video over and over again on TV and listening to the song on the radios. After that I asked for the "Like a virgin" album for X-mas. My sister was so proud of me... hahahaha. So I guess that, thanks to my sister I'm a fan from the "Material girl" single but I had the first album before that.

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  • 2 months later...

I had known of her due to "Music" and "Don't Tell Me" being on constant rotation on the radio back in 2000 but it wasn't until "Hung Up" premiered that I began going into her catalog and discovering the artist Madonna truly is. I remember my parents telling me not to listen to her music since she was "pretty adultish" compared to the likes of Britney and other pop stars at the moment but it truly became an experience discovering every album, single, video and bit of information that has grown into a huge love for the woman spanning twelve years now.

Seeing her three times since has been the cherry on the cake for me.

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1984 and holiday was on the radio, my sister then got the LAV cassette, and Borderline was included in the Hits compilation cassette she also had. Listened to those all of 1985 and then came True Blue.

My first personal purchase was The Immaculate Collection cassette when I was 11. I then started collecting the older albums, and by the time of Erotica was waiting for each release as it happened.

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it still astonishes me that some people don't seem to know about her unless you recently moved to germany and did not follow pop music until now, and if you're really young. which i doubt, if you have 1.000 to spend on neon lights. mysterious...



I went to her Rebel Heart Tour back in 2015 in Berlin - I was invited. I never really was interested in her stuff. I'm actually not interested in any artists' stuff.

Some days later I thought about the concert. I read her whole Wikipedia article and starting googleing her. I was astonished about her being and her work for over 30 decades. The changes - like a chameleon.

I became obsessed with her. Starting to buy all of her stuff. Starting with used CDs. Later decided to buy them new and sealed. CDs, Vinyl, DVDs, Blu Rays, everything to the Blond Ambition Tour jackets.

I love her. I'm listening and singing her songs all day.


My next big investment will be a neon light of the confessions conclusion line. What do you think? It will cost me around $ 1000:




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There's no MTV or anything like that to follow pop music unless you seek out something willfully, especially in this day and age when everything that appears in front of you on the internet is picked especially for you by an algorithm. 


And it's not like she's done a lot of promotion in the last 10 years... let alone back catalogue promotion, so a lot of people have an image of her from the press. Their narrative. Which isn't the nicest.

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 I remember my parents telling me not to listen to her music since she was "pretty adultish" compared to the likes of Britney and other pop stars at the moment 


I got the same impressions back then. Whenever I went to music stores and asked for Madonna records a lot of people told "but you're so yooooooung" and I was like "so?". Others would ask me "didn't she make a porno movie?" or even "isn't she a lesbian?"  :bothered2:

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I noticed Madonna already from the first album and remember reading reviews of that album.. it was only at the end of 1984 or the very beginning of 1985 I became a fan though.. but there was something special about Madonna... she had a strong starquality and smashing pop songs... and being young in the mid 80s you really had to be a Madonna fan ;-)

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i fell in love when i saw her on tv ! , my sister whas fan i guess i whas the age of 6 years. my sister bought like a virgen and then the first album in the periode of true blue ( she had it on tape form a girl friend) . 

me and my sister made a lot of fights for poster of magazine and stuff

She let me watch music programs always said madonna will be on there but i whas angry because she whas not on it all the 

my first own lp whas you can dance and i wanted who 's that girl :-))

1989 i started to buy my own madonna stuff ( i whas 12years )


i always been a big fan not but she came a bit less popular 1993-1995 

not easy to know when she had a new album ( no internet)

i became back more in love with her in evita and adore ray of light 


music whas ok , american life i whas disappointed 


these days i'm not a big fan anymore , she is trying to hard to be young .

the cover of hard candy i whas so disappointed i really hate the slut picture , 

i like the more natural classic madonna ray of light , confessions .


rebel heart is ok but where is the timeless madonna ?

i like her more natural 


i do adore the rebel heart tour , so amazing 

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For me i always remember seeing the Papa don't prech video as a child on TOTP and became besotted with her look and the fact they never showed the full video lol, the next really big moment was some friends of mine went to see the Who's that girl tour in London (i was too young to go) so i asked them to bring me back a poster and a programme, which i adored, i used to visit HMV just to look at their massive You can dance window display (back in the days when you had proper promotional displays,  i then spent all of 1988 buying her back catalogue and getting as many items i could, i discovered i already owned several 7" singles from the early 80's but i don't recall buying them.  then came 1989 and LIKE A PRAYER i went to woolworths and bought all the formats and listened to it over and over i was able to see the 3 blond ambition shows in Wembley and it blew my mind, this woman who i adored was in front of me (well a few thousand in front of me) but i didnt care i was in the same area as her i have been to every tour since multiple times in various countries and as long as she keeps doing them i will keep going  lol,  i did think i was a bit obsessive in 1999 when i called in sick to work and went into every appropriate store in london and begged them for their max factor dispalys to which i was awarded some real jems in terms of promotional items. but got a ticking off from work as i had been seen trying to get on the tube with a 9ft Madonna display board lol

i am as big a fan today as ever i adore this woman, i'm not fond of  some of the things she does or wears etc but in my opinion she's earned the right to do what the f*ck she wants lol

i also like the more natural Madonna especially now i think she looks more beautiful when she doesn't try so hard,

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I was very, very young when I became a Madonna fan. It was the 80s, I was like 3 or 4. Now I'm approaching my 33'rd birthday, and I've looked back many times over the year on my love for her. I think it's easier for older fans to become more demanding of rarities. Only because we lived and breathed those eras. This was the year I really reflected and saw how much I've grown as an M fan.  I've realized I don't HAVE to like everything she does. Aside from being completely and utterly disappointed with RH, and the RH Tour DVD, I can as an adult appreciate who she is as a woman, mother, and human. Appreciating the wonderful things she stands for.  I love her life, and what she's doing in her life now.  I truly truly hope she goes back to dance music. I want to dance to NEW Madonna. But for now, the Avicii demo of RH will suffice. 


I don't want it to seem like I'm bashing her, I feel as a loyal fan of 30 years I am allowed to express the likes and dislikes of her career. Because I have lived and breathes it from almost the very beginning. But for new fans, it makes me SO incredibly happy that some can have the feeling I had back in 1988, now. Look up on YouTube young children hearing Madonna for the first time. It's incredible.

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I think I started paying attention to Madonna since True Blue era, especially hearing La Isla Bonita on the radio, I remember that I was surprised she sang some lines in Spanish. Some years later when I started going clubbing it was Erotica era, Fever and Rain videos where played on the screens. I always loved House music from the early 90's, and one day some friend borrowed me a lot of Madonna CD singles, so I was amazed from all the house remixes. I became a real fan when she came to shoot Evita in Buenos Aires, since then I started following her and collecting her releases.

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Not exactly sure when it happened. I know for sure I was a fan in 1983 because I remember waiting for "Holiday" on the radio in the summer of 83. I didn't know much about her as a person in the beginning but I loved her first album. I adored Burning Up. Loved Lucky Star and Borderline.


Madonna's introduction into the Pop music world was lovely. Madonna brought a unique timeless quality in those songs and you just felt that listening to them. "Who's That Girl" was an appropiate song for her because it felt very much like that in the beginning.


The videos were cool..especially Burning Up although I think Borderline shows the best storyline and Lucky Star shows off her dancing and style.


I wish I could remember the first time I saw her or heard her. It could have been in 1982 but I am not sure. 1983 I am sure. I could have seen her on Dancin on Air or the Everybody video.


1982 was a very traumatic period for me that extended to 1983 so Madonna was bright and hopeful and her music helped me. Musically it was a fun time to be a fan of pop music. So many artists were emerging and we loved them all.


Even in her earliest music Madonna was saying things I could relate to and was interested in. I became increasingly interested in what she had to say.

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