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3 hours ago, Enrico said:

@cailohforniaReally really happy for you!!


I went to Beverly Hills yesterday EXPECTING and ALREADY MENTALLY prepared I was gonna be blocked off, prohibited at the door and racially profiled for being a brown boy. And parking was A QUEST TO FIND for 2 hours!!!!


And all you know I was 12 feet away from the counter she'd be standing at!!!


It was an opportunity I'm glad I took :cry:

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6 hours ago, cailohfornia said:


I went to Beverly Hills yesterday EXPECTING and ALREADY MENTALLY prepared I was gonna be blocked off, prohibited at the door and racially profiled for being a brown boy. And parking was A QUEST TO FIND for 2 hours!!!!


And all you know I was 12 feet away from the counter she'd be standing at!!!


It was an opportunity I'm glad I took :cry:

I live in LA too! How you guys knew about the Barneys event? :sis:

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7 hours ago, cailohfornia said:



It was an opportunity I'm glad I took :cry:

@cailohforniaBut you missed the opportunity to have a glowing skin!!


21 minutes ago, madaboutM said:

I live in LA too! How you guys knew about the Barneys event? :sis:

Now that you're following this forum you'll know everything first!!

Welcome @madaboutM!!

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I have no interest in Kim or even the skin care line.  That said, I'm loving all this publicity and attention Madonna is getting.  And since the Kardashians have been huge for years, this is a smart money venture on Madonna's part. 

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@cailohfornialove seeing your videos/pics.  So cool to see fellow forum members and "true blue" fans such as yourself, get the chance to see her up, close and personal.  You obviously were in heaven before, during and after.  What a high!  And I know from experience, pics and videos  never do her justice.  She just glows, and you got to experience seeing for yourself.  People who come in here nonchalantly and take a jab at her face, cheeks and/or looks etc. have no clue. 

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I guess it's just the makeup and the hair because she looked incredibly stunning a couple of weeks ago when she was filming those promo videos with The Fat Jew and yesterday, well... I mean, I just don't get if she gets the fillers for these promotional events like the day before or so, but she could do it with a wider margin so that it looks more natural.

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10 hours ago, cailohfornia said:


I went to Beverly Hills yesterday EXPECTING and ALREADY MENTALLY prepared I was gonna be blocked off, prohibited at the door and racially profiled for being a brown boy. And parking was A QUEST TO FIND for 2 hours!!!!


And all you know I was 12 feet away from the counter she'd be standing at!!!


It was an opportunity I'm glad I took :cry:

Did she sign memorabilia/autographs? 

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3 hours ago, Liam said:

@cailohfornialove seeing your videos/pics.  So cool to see fellow forum members and "true blue" fans such as yourself, get the chance to see her up, close and personal.  You obviously were in heaven before, during and after.  What a high!  And I know from experience, pics and videos  never do her justice.  She just glows, and you got to experience seeing for yourself.  People who come in here nonchalantly and take a jab at her face, cheeks and/or looks etc. have no clue. 

@LiamI can't even compose myself to find all the right words to describe her and the experience.

It is such an inexplicable high that after it ends, it seemed like it was all a blur! That's what I felt! You are right and I can attest to it more than ever: PHOTOS don't do her as much justice as seeing her even 12 feet away. I don't know if it's our innate love for her but seeing her in person is such an astral experience. She is way way way more perfect!

All I remember was her porcelain skin, gorgeous thick eyebrows, her cut jawline... and for some reason no sign of fillers at all as opposed to how she looks in photos/videos of late! I JUST SAW IMMACULACY and yes she truly is a creamy smooth pop icon goddess through and through! 

Hopefully many of members here will get to experience and up close look or even closer! One must! 


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1 hour ago, madaboutM said:

Did she sign memorabilia/autographs? 

I don't believe she did unfortunately. She was literally there for 16 minutes and left the building/department store. 16 minutes of up close Madonna is worth standing 3 hours for! Some people were there since 09am and 11am so yeah! All worth it

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14 hours ago, Luiz Ribeiro said:
---------------Detectar idiomaAfricânerAlbanêsAlemãoAmáricoÁrabeArmênioAzerbaijanoBascoBengaliBielorrussoBirmanêsBósnioBúlgaroCanarimCatalãoCazaqueCebuanoChinês (simplificado)Chinês (tradicional)CingalêsCoreanoCorsoCroataCurdoDinamarquêsEslovacoEslovenoEspanholEsperantoEstonianoFilipinoFinlandêsFrancêsFrísio ocidentalGaélico escocêsGalegoGalêsGeorgianoGregoGuzerateHaitianoHauçáHavaianoHebraicoHíndiHmongHolandêsHúngaroIgboIídicheIndonésioInglêsIorubáIrlandêsIslandêsItalianoJaponêsJavanêsKhmerLaosianoLatimLetãoLituanoLuxemburguêsMacedônioMalaialaMalaioMalgaxeMaltêsMaoriMaratiMongolNepalêsNianjaNorueguêsPanjabiPashtoPersaPolonêsPortuguêsQuirguizRomenoRussoSamoanoSérvioSindiSomaliSoto do sulSuaíliSuecoSundanêsTadjiqueTailandêsTâmilTchecoTélugoTurcoUcranianoUrduUzbequeVietnamitaXhosaXonaZuluPortuguês

I can not stand that hideous hair anymore!

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhh I also do not appreciate it !! It's the worst 

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7 hours ago, Liam said:

I have no interest in Kim or even the skin care line.  That said, I'm loving all this publicity and attention Madonna is getting.  And since the Kardashians have been huge for years, this is a smart money venture on Madonna's part. 

As far as celebrities go, I liked it better when M was hanging out with MJ, Prince & Gaultier. Kim K might be very 2018 (not so sure about that though), I still find her persona quite shallow.



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2 hours ago, Enrico said:

But @cailohfornia it the first time you see her live? I mean have you ever been to any concert? Maybe you never stood in the front...

I totally agree, she glows. I remember the ball opening in Paris Confesdions Tour and seeing this goddess and realizing you can't take your eyes off her.

No! Saw her during RHT in San Diego. About 20 - 30 feet away from the end of the catwalk during the acoustic section! GORGEOUS from all angles!!!

You're way too lucky to have seen the Confessions Tour !!! 

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12 hours ago, groovyguy said:



An exclusive encounter with the MDNA SKIN guru about freebies, dry elbows and why authenticity matters: "It's not a vanity project."


very interesting to read. thanks to share it always my friend!!:heart::heart:


And I kinda really enjoy this MDNA skin promo. it force to work out to Madonna and I can feel that Madonna slowly goes back to her healthy and beautiful body again.

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Below, some highlights:

On daily beauty routines:
Madonna: I sleep on my face so I wake up with puffy eyes. It’s the worst position to sleep in, so when I wake up my eyes look like 12 planets. I had to do something about it so I created these eye masks that I filled with eye serum and I put them in the freezer and then put them under my eyes.

I sip lemon water and I can’t function or speak to anyone or deal with life until my eyes are not planets. Then people can talk to me….[There is] a lot of ice in the morning — and caffeine. That’s the beginning of my beauty routine.

Kim KardashianMy mornings are madness. Sometimes I get up at 5 a.m. to work out before I take the kids to school. It’s usually what I do. I go at 5:45, I’m home by 7. I just go next door to my mom’s house, she lives across the street [and has a gym]. I don’t know if I even wash my face in the morning before I take my kids to school. I just brush my teeth and get out of there.



I’m really big on moisturizer. I’m really big on the scent rose. I have rose mist by my bed, I’m a moisturizing freak. I’m a hydrated mom on the way to school.

On beauty inspirations:
Madonna: For me, it was about Hollywood glamour and stars, women like Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Marlene Dietrich. They were the personification of beauty to me then…and they all look like they took good care of their skin. I don’t think any of them were sunbathers.

Those women were my role models in terms of skin care, but I grew up in the Midwest and sunbathing isn’t part of the culture there. So I avoided sunbathing and I never smoked. Those two things — until I could afford skin care — saved me.

K.K.: I really, really got so much skin-care advice from my mom and my grandma so I love treating my grandma to facials and skin-care products for her birthday and Christmas.

[But] honestly my mom [is my beauty inspiration].…[She] was a stewardess for American Airlines, and all the girls would save their money because there was some beauty class they would teach you. So when they stopped at the destinations all they wanted to do was take this class. My mom learned you should exfoliate your face with a hot washcloth at every washing. She’s seen the same facialist since she’s been 18 years old.

On when beauty first became important to them:
Madonna: For me personally, [beauty became important] when I started dancing. I trained to be a professional dancer and [it became important] when I started doing shows on stage and having people look at me and audiences and directors of my dance company scrutinizing me. When you become aware that people are watching and judging you, then you start caring about the way you look. Until then you’re spared the rigors of self judgment, whether you look good or not.

K.K.: I guess that makes so much more sense [agreeing with the above]. During our first season we didn’t get our hair and makeup done, and season two it was full force.

On new product launches:
K.K.: Next I have a collaboration with my makeup artist of 10 years, Mario [Dedivanovic]. We have a really cute collection coming out, something that we’ve worked on for a long time. And then I have concealers and a new fragrance coming out.


MADONNA: I have something called Reinvention Cream. I know I’m synonymous with the word reinvention, which is why I called this cream Reinvention. The main ingredient is from something called the resurrection plant.

Resurrection plants are primarily found in Africa and they grow in sub-Saharan areas and sometimes they can go for months or even years without any water or moisture at all. They kind of go in on themselves and look like very unattractive shrubs…[but] you drop a few drops of moisture on them and they open up. A flower comes out of it and they reinvent themselves. We’ve been able to extract the stems cells from this plant and put them in this all-in-one cream.

To me it personifies resilience, and that’s me. Resilience and reinvention and that’s how we keep going. I love the connection to the plant, the connection to Africa and then finally, a portion of proceeds from all sales will go back to Raising Malawi [the nonprofit Madonna founded in 2006].

On the must-have products from their own lines:
Madonna: The Serum, The Rose Mist spray and the Eye Masks that I don’t speak to people until I use them in the morning.

K.K.: I started off with contour. I love contour; no matter what I’m doing, I always contour…[with] powder and cream, that’s pretty basic. I do have concealer coming out and in a kit because I do concealer in steps so I have the steps coming out. That’s my favorite concealer I’ve ever used — and I use a lot of concealer.

On the best skin-care advice ever received or given:
Madonna: The best skin-care advice that I’ve always received and paid attention to is stay out of the sun…and hydration.

K.K.: Mine is just moisturizing. I love giving advice, though, people always come to me. I love analyzing someone’s face and going with them to a doctor and being like, “Wait, a little Botox here, a little drop of filler here.” That kind of advice, that’s what I love to give. People write to me — I won’t say who, but some people in the business, people that I’ve never met before, will text me and say, “Hey this is so and so, I heard you give the best advice. Can you look at my pictures and tell me what you think I should do.” I’m a huge liability.

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