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Movie and new album at same time....

Luiz Ribeiro

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The new album will flop anyway, so I just want it to be great. I don't want Madge to follow the trends and still pretend to be 12 years old.

And if she could take singing lessons :thumbsup:

And what about if she could go to ur house and cook u and also suck ur dick, too?! What if we all let her do WHATEVER THE FUCK SHE WANTS??!! I don't get some "fans" already saying the new album will be a flop. An album NOT EVEN CREATED YET.
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And what about if she could go to ur house and cook u and also suck ur dick, too?! What if we all let her do WHATEVER THE FUCK SHE WANTS??!! I don't get some "fans" already saying the new album will be a flop. An album NOT EVEN CREATED YET.


I'm talking about the sales, not the quality. No need to be mean.

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she literally just posted on instagram that she's making new music and some of you guys are saying that its gonna flop and its gonna look like mdna Ftx9nLQ.gif now tell me, madonna has always been reinventing herself in music and in world tours and in everything that we can think about. isnt too early to say that its gonna look like mdna? and even if it looks, i trust her and i love that she does everything that she wants. let m breathe, let m have time to make a album that she likes as much as rebel heart - which i think its her best album when you compare to hard candy and mdna. anyway, i'm praising that new music - and when the release arrive, im gonna be freaking happy tkHSfDu.gif

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Oh, my God!!!! A movie and a record!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure she'll take Otto Von Wernherr as the producer, I'll kill myself!!!!!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Come on, guys, she said Portugal is inspiring her and that's all. I'm sure she can make a good album and a movie at the same time. Madonna has made great albums in a couple of months. Maybe the inspiration she get is to write the lyrics and things like that but on the studio she won't need much time...


I always thought that the "problem" with "MDNA" and "Rebel heart" was that she worked on them for a very long time. In fact I don't think the problem was that she didn't had time for the record because of the movie, I think the problem was that they had time to changes things over and over and over again... I don't know how to explain it. What I'm trying to say is that when you hear people that worked with her always say "It was very fast", "We use the first take" and things like that. With "MDNA" and "Rebel heart" seems it was just the opposite. It was like "We recorded thousands of versions".


I think if Madonna goes to the studio and says "I want this and I want it now" she'll have a great album (with or without movie). Anyway, I'm sure next album will be great. And if it doesn't have a big success I don't care as long as it's a good album (like for example "Rebel heart"). 

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I think the new album will be great, i'm sure what every she does will be great.. let's face it all she said was she's inspired to make some new music it could be a long time before she starts to write some music and some people are already freaking out about it. Me not yet it's too soon. lol

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Judging by the number of demos she recorded for RH i very much think she does still care about music ? Im excited at the prospect but i dont anticipate a Confessions revival in terms of commerciability ? Maybe the film/music reference could be a la Dick Tracy/Im Breathless ?

Adding to your comments.... Those who think she "doesn't" 'care about the music' are bitter fans who are stuck in one or two eras. No one produces an album with over 50 demos and tour 80 shows for 6 months and not care.  I don't believe she ever stopped caring.  Just because some fans don't like an album or two of hers that didn't smash like her earlier albums, doesn't mean she doesn't care. I understand some believe MDNA is an album where she lost focus, and assume she stopped caring. I disagree. There was a lot of passion put in a lot of those songs and the tour.  This is the same woman who said after several tours, she would never do it again. That was over 20 years ago, yet she's still making music and putting on huge budget tours. If that isn't a woman who doesn't care about the music, then I don't know what is? 


Time spent with William Orbit on an album isn't a sign of her losing interest.  As said before, she's always done multiple things while making albums.  Some of her biggest albums were recorded in a few weeks to a couple of months.  Certainly, I agree that artists might have slumps when it comes to inspiration, but I don't believe Madonna went in to any of her albums uninspired and/or not caring about the music. 

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This Instagram post really speaks for itself : she is moving to Portugal, and thinks of her new projects, a movie and music. PERIOD.

HOW ON EARTH DO YOU JUMP TO THE CONCLUSION THAT IT'S GOING TO BE ANOTHER MDNA ? I saw a lot of crazy and totally stupid comments about this, but this is by far the dumbest.

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The only thing confirmed by her post is that Rebel Heart is not her last ever album. Nothing about "making music and a movie at the same time".

And the fact she is said a number of times, she has no insight on retiring. I personally think that Madonna will retire when she's dead. Unless something prevents her beforehand, but she's not going to go away until she's good and ready.

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I particularly do not believe she's paying too little attention to her music. HR is proof of that. But we've also seen what happens when she focuses on film and music together. It's an early concern, yes, why not? I hope that Portugal inspires her deeply and she finds new rhythms, something very experimental, nothing that is already happening in the world of music.

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this is a discussion forum and everyone has an opinion BLABLABLA just like everyone has an asshole.

i didn't go through all the posts but even the very first one just reeks of negativity, and nothing else. it just wants to make you puke. all over the naysayers.


i am excited she seems to have found new inspiration in Portugal. most exciting news in years.

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Why are y'all acting like this is some new trend?

She's pretty much always had *almost* simultaneous music and acting/film work since the beginning of her career.

The Who's That Girl Tour was named for a reason. The LAP era was born from her misery during her stint on Broadway in Speed The Plow,

Erotica was born out of both the book SEX and Body Of Evidence.

Music was made after filming of TNBT,

American Life's recording sessions were interrupted by Up for Grabs.

Etc, Etc, Etc.


MDNA wasn't my favorite album, either, but it's certainly not some horrible side project that just happened to be ready to release because of W/E, either.


If Madonna didn't care about making music aside from contract obligation, we'd already have "Madonna sings the Blues" and "The Madonna and Child Nativity Christmas Extravaganza" or "Madonna ReRecords Her Own Hits for Lipsync-ing Purposes On Future Tours" in our cd collections.


I'm looking forward to the new sounds she's sure to discover, and a new outlook her new home seems to have inspired in her.

The movie is something she's probably put a lot of love into, and I hope she decides to include her own music in the film, new or old. It'll work just fine for me.

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I agree but you gotta admit that writing, directing and editing a film is not the same as acting in a film. Orbit also called her out very publicly for being distracted during the making of MDNA, so there's something to that. Of course she cares but MDNA was a very... relaxed album. For the standards she set for herself anyway.

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