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Will Madonna Ever Have A Hit Single Again?


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More emphasis on the melodies. I think that's the main issue with the singles from the last 3 albums, the melodies aren't as strong as classic Madonna. Except for Ghosttown. This is why I love Rebel Heart (the song), that chorus alone blows anything else on the album out of the water. :thinker:

You’re right. When I first heard Living For Love and Iconic (after the tour opening), I fell in love. Although I did feel it could have been bigger. More beats, more smash clang during the chorus. The Grammys studio version was a step in the right direction musically, what they added. But it comes down to the melodies ultimately. The kind that gives a song lasting power.

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Today money is on tours and not selling records, and for her tours are working very good. 


Another hit on the future? Complicated, because today everything works by money. I dont know another countries, but here on Spain a few years ago you sent a promo from a song and they saw reactions of people, deciding if the track was an hit or a flop. Today if you wanna play on a spanish radio you have to pay, even you send your song for free. If you dont pay, forget promo.

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Today money is on tours and not selling records, and for her tours are working very good. 


Another hit on the future? Complicated, because today everything works by money. I dont know another countries, but here on Spain a few years ago you sent a promo from a song and they saw reactions of people, deciding if the track was an hit or a flop. Today if you wanna play on a spanish radio you have to pay, even you send your song for free. If you dont pay, forget promo.


That makes perfect sense, radio stations are making less on advertising revenue due to people not tuning in anymore.


Focus needs to be on the streaming networks, and using clever social media algorithms to push the marketing, even better if you can link it to something current (like she did with Hung Up and Motorola). 

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Ain't gonna happen. Her days of having a top 10 single hit are over.   It's all about the tours and merchandising for her now.  Her albums will be centered around her tours. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Never have been a chart guy a single is a single. A deeper cut, tends to alway be better lol. TUTR was a number one single to me, in my head, the world but that video would never make that possible lol. Also L4L was huge; like way bigger then HU. Jump is amazing but same story as TUTR but for video on the cheap loved that concept..

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Yeah, but even in the Touring department, she's on the decline. Rebel Heart Tour didn't bring in the kind of revenue the past few had. In today's money, Confessions out did Rebel Heart by a good bit.


I think it's normal that Rebel Heart tour didn't reach the revenue of her previous couple of tours... the previous two tours earned more than 300 million... 3 million people buying tickets for each one, it's only natural that for the next one less people would be buying tickets.. Also without a hit or major event (like the super bowl), I think it's natural.


U2's 360 Tour (I think that's the correct name) is the highest earning tour of all time with 700 million dollars of revenue, their next tour five years later earned just 150 million, which is a great achivement as well, but considerably less than the previous one. The reason is that, that tour was huge.. so they were naturally going to sell less tickets.

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My question is why would you want that? Mainstream music is so vapid, nothing of any value, and all those involved are generally puppets who are too weak to stand for anything unless it is pre-approved (yeah I am looking at you Beyonce) We are currently in the most socially turbulent time since about the 1960's, yet the mainstream music scene is silent.


Here are some reasons why I think Madonna has had trouble and why she might not have another top 40 hit.




The biggest mistake she made was taking a back seat to her producers, her songs no longer were Madonna songs, they became more the work of her producers with a bit of Madonna thrown in. Also the amount of absolute crap she has put with in more recent years with producers is shocking to me.


Sorry, but who here believes someone like Pharell could make Madonna cry and still be alive and working today? Who here believes that Diplo would be missing in action and Madonna would have to chase him down just to get the album finished, or that William Orbit would bitch about Madonna not even being in the studio most of the time.


Does that sound like Madonna? Not to me.




Radio in the US dumped Madonna in 2003 and never looked back, despite her continuing international success, so she might have a chance for an international hit, but a US hit, not likely. Since 2003 Madonna has become more politically vocal, so she would have alienated a large portion of casual fans who might have liked her music.


Those pop singers that do well, generally keep their mouths shut. Taylor never makes political statements, she couldn't even drag herself to the women's march for an appearance despite her girl army antics. Beyonce waited until BLM became popular, jumped on, then jumped right off again once the backlash began, and was silent about the blatant discrimination in Houston against those who are LGBTQ+. Anyone ever hear anything even slightly controversial from Adele? Katy? Any of them? Even Miley with her rebel heart is pretty silent on the big issues. Those who compare her to Madonna, well, no.


These pop singers know their audience is not just liberal minded, they have conservative fans too. Madonna doesn't care, she says what she wants and there are consequences for that.




Pop singers these days can't even manage a hit without resorting to payola and cheap tricks. Now you have to release every song off the album at once and see which one sticks and promote it, if that fails, just move on to the next song, can you imagine Madonna doing this?


They also buy back their own music to give it exposure, buying back is cheap as obviously they get money back on any sale. If you think big stars of today are not doing this, think again.


There are certain performers who obviously have industry media in their back pocket. Remember Roger Friedman and Mariah's unholy alliance, or the way Billboard has basically propped Gaga, changing rules and then changing them back and giving her the woman of the year award in a year when she did basically f**k all and had little to no success. Is it any wonder why you will see a song slide down the charts into the abyss, then magically hit the top 10 some weeks later, lol to anyone who thinks a well timed tv performance makes that happen.




Back to the ageism, yes it is there, but it isn't just about the media. I know a lot of younger people who will gladly admit Madonna is a legend, but have zero interest in anything she does, they don't care how good it is. Most 20 something year olds just won't listen to anyone in their 50's and 60's. They are apathetic about her, that is basically a sign your mainstream success is done.


It feels as if Madonna let go of the idea of mainstream success, so I see her doing more music that is totally against the mainstream (that is my hope) her living overseas will most likely bring a more world music flavour to her songs and it feels like she is more in charge and quite passionate. Really all she needs is to gain back her control in the studio and we will have a solid album.


Will this mean a possible hit in the future? Possibly, but frankly I doubt it.




Totally agreed. Many people think the problems in her music career started with “American Lifeâ€, and while I sort of agree, I believe it was rather “Hard Candy†with which she stopped being a trendsetter and became a follower. Up until that point, all her albums were 100 % Madonna; if for example the sound was not her regular style, then the lyrics were. But in 2008 I felt I was losing her on some songs. Then followed “MDNA†and ‘Bitch I’m Madonna’. 🙄




Can’t agree with that. While Madonna is quite outspoken, she usually falls superficial and sometimes flat in her messages, especially from mid-90s on. Becoming a mother must surely have made a softening impact on her, but I can’t imagine her giving more than a few messages on a topic and support her claims or ideas further. Besides, just because those female pop stars do not speak their minds about more serious issues we can’t blame them with being socially irresponsible. Firstly, they don’t even have to; they are singers, not politicians or politics commentators. Secondly, many of them have done more than merely speaking. Mariah (always outspoken) has always supported black people and done anything in her power to give them a chance to raise their voices besides tons of her other humanitarian campaigns. P!nk (always outspoken) is an avid environmentalist. Shakira has always supported the Latin youth and their education and always used her fame and fortune to help them. Lady Gaga, Janet Jackson, and Cher (all always outspoken) have rightfully achieved their gay icon statuses because unlike Madonna, they really did something for the LGBTQ people, at least more than just talking or writing/dedicating a few songs to us. Celine Dion tearfully criticized the US government on Larry King’s 2005 show. Even Katy Perry joined an Orlando gay bar attack survivor on Ellen’s show and dedicated her then-latest single to the victims. As much as I hate Adele’s music, I know that she is an avid LGBTQ ally as well. And then there is Dixie Chicks... Many of these women have a philosophy and some particular messages in their careers.


While ageism is an undeniable factor, I attribute the absence of Madonna’s post-“GHV2†music on American radios during the 2000s to the fact that the mainstream music in the US during most of the 2000s was R&B/hip-hop that had nothing to do with Madonna’s style up until “Hard Candyâ€. And when she did ‘4 Minutes’, radio quickly grabbed it - though this could be partly owed to Justin Timberlake’s then-popularity as well. Even ‘Hung Up’ was strong on the radio and the charts. She didn’t suffer one tenths of what Janet Jackson has been suffering censorship-wise since 2004.




Well, Madonna is not that innocent in this respect, either! The Clear Channel partnership for GMAYL? The free giveaways of the “MDNA†album with the concert tickets? Free download trick of the aforementioned single that failed on the UK Single Chart? Sabotaging Mariah’s opening for the 2006 Grammys even though she had no nominations while Mariah had a lot, including album of the year? If these are the rules of the game, they are for everybody. And I really do not think that she has no media support for her, hence all those positive reviews for “MDNAâ€. I seriously doubt the non-intervention of Clear Channel and Universal Music.




Again, agreed. Word by word. She did anything in and maybe even beyond her power to do her best in terms of promotion during the last album’s era. And personally I believe that “Rebel Heart†(minus a few tracks) was her best album in 10 years. Unlike “MDNAâ€, she was dedicated and focused. She tried. And the outcome must relieve her now. This is obviously a new era and she has evidently stood the test of time. Her place in Guinness is safe. So she can just let it go and do the music she really and completely wants with no worries about charts and sales.


Shortly, as long as she does the music that really reflects her, my hopes for a new Madonna hit will never die. And if she can’t, that’s still okay. After all, I hardly loathe her music and do not need her chart achievements for enjoying it.

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There's only one way, and that would be getting the right song, and lots and lots of connecting dots..


Like an incredible video, and the right publicity..in every way.


The system would have to want to promote her basically, and that's... tough.


I love to be optimistic, but to answer the question. I don't think so? Really, probably not.. but she can still do amazing music and shows.

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Ok , how it works today

You can have a good downloads numbers but it just irrelevant without streaming.



Kylie Minogue NEW SINGLE Dancing





15 (New) Dancing


Main chart 

47 (New) Dancing


reason - low streaming



Mylène Farmer new single - Rolling Stone




1 (new) Rolling Stone - 2,399 copies


Main chart

73 (New) Rolling Stone !


The same reason - low streaming




Drake's 'God's Plan' new single

surprice drop without any promo or even youtube audio .


this week

Debuts at No. 1 on Billboard Hot 100 US



1 (NEW) God's Plan

on sales of 54,513 copies (including 43,342 from streams) Sales the same as Kylie 



so you can still have  dream about Madonna to have hit in streaming era
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  • 8 months later...
On 1/30/2018 at 12:57 AM, baymad4her said:

Let's see if her new album brings out any hit singles, I'm really hoping it does something

But her radio support is zilch and her streaming numbers have always been soft. You just can't get a hit without those two things. It has nothing to do with the quality. Look at the vapid, dull music that fills the Top 40. 

I can't say I care about a hit, if she was playing against some major talents in the music biz, I would love for her to have a hit, but honestly everyone is so lame and boring in the mainstream that I just don't care for her to be the best of a pathetically bad bunch.

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