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Life With My Sister Madonna

Luiz Ribeiro

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I remember people went crazy about him for the things he had said about Madonna on that book, Well, I think it could have been much worse and think that has very interesting stories too. I love when he talks about the "Holiday" promo tour and the tours. I think I'd love to know more about that on a book written by Madonna.

I'm not very interested in her life, lovers and things like that. Would be great to read her own point of view about her work, how she felt at that time, funny stories we don't know and things like that.

About Christopher's opinion... well, I think he was bitter toward her and you can see that but I understand that it has to be really difficult to be part of Madonna's life. And they were very close for years and suddenly... nothing... I guess I can understand his point of view. I'm not saying he's right but I can see why he did this and what he's trying to say and well, if you don't use the exact words and press say what they want it can be very misunderstood... I think it was much ado about nothing.

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This has been discussed to death, but I personally refuse to read it.  Some can justify it however they like, but the fact remains, he wrote that book to strike back at his sister. He did it with intentions to hurt her.  I don't care how much worse it could have been.  It doesn't change the fact; he did it to hurt her.  I'm sorry, but she employed him for years, right out of High school.  They were supposed to been the closest of all siblings.  He had to know this would not go over well with her. He definitely became bitter because she no longer was supporting his drug habit. She tried to help him many times, but he refused to help himself, so what does he do when she finally cuts him off?  Write a book about her.  Nothing else he would have written would have sold.  He knew this would make him a quick buck.

He's lucky though.  It sounds like the two made up somewhat.  I'm sure there will always be a part of her that will never trust him again.  

Oh, and he spoke awful of her in many promotional interviews.  He's the worst.   

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11 minutes ago, Liam said:

This has been discussed to death, but I personally refuse to read it.  Some can justify it however they like, but the fact remains, he wrote that book to strike back at his sister. He did it with intentions to hurt her.  I don't care how much worse it could have been.  It doesn't change the fact; he did it to hurt her.  I'm sorry, but she employed him for years, right out of High school.  They were supposed to been the closest of all siblings.  He had to know this would not go over well with her. He definitely became bitter because she no longer was supporting his drug habit. She tried to help him many times, but he refused to help himself, so what does he do when she finally cuts him off?  Write a book about her.  Nothing else he would have written would have sold.  He knew this would make him a quick buck.

He's lucky though.  It sounds like the two made up somewhat.  I'm sure there will always be a part of her that will never trust him again.  

Oh, and he spoke awful of her in many promotional interviews.  He's the worst.   

I think she kind of said on Jonathan Ross they were trying to be friendly and she made a dig saying she says sometimes family isn't always blood. So there's some resentment on her part over what he did. And given the whole Darlene Lutz auction drama he was also a part of, I wouldn't be surprised if she's permanently given him the cold shoulder. Sure he helped her a lot during her peak/Girlie Show era but also it isn't his sister's job to oversee his life, finance him and be a guide his whole life. She isn't his mother and I hate people who feel it's her job and duty to pay for everything including her homeless brother who always blew all of his opportunities to turn his life around. 

The book itself wants to be a Mommie Dearest but there are moments you can see the scorn towards her and somewhat hurt feelings. There's some typos and dates he got wrong. I read it maybe once when it first came out and didn't think too much of it. It has some tidbits about Guy being a homophobe, the Sean marriage, her friends at the time (Gwenyth, Demi, Kate, Sandra) and some pranks they pulled on her during various tours but also the outing of her relationships, her apparent "baby daddy search" and private details felt like such a bitch slap to her sister. Plus the cover is terribly unflattering. I wouldn't blame her if she ignores him. I agree he was rude and throwing his sister under the bus in interviews especially on Howard Stern. Disgusting.

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1 hour ago, thelioncourtheart_ said:

I think she kind of said on Jonathan Ross they were trying to be friendly and she made a dig saying she says sometimes family isn't always blood. So there's some resentment on her part over what he did. And given the whole Darlene Lutz auction drama he was also a part of, I wouldn't be surprised if she's permanently given him the cold shoulder. Sure he helped her a lot during her peak/Girlie Show era but also it isn't his sister's job to oversee his life, finance him and be a guide his whole life. She isn't his mother and I hate people who feel it's her job and duty to pay for everything including her homeless brother who always blew all of his opportunities to turn his life around. 

The book itself wants to be a Mommie Dearest but there are moments you can see the scorn towards her and somewhat hurt feelings. There's some typos and dates he got wrong. I read it maybe once when it first came out and didn't think too much of it. It has some tidbits about Guy being a homophobe, the Sean marriage, her friends at the time (Gwenyth, Demi, Kate, Sandra) and some pranks they pulled on her during various tours but also the outing of her relationships, her apparent "baby daddy search" and private details felt like such a bitch slap to her sister. Plus the cover is terribly unflattering. I wouldn't blame her if she ignores him. I agree he was rude and throwing his sister under the bus in interviews especially on Howard Stern. Disgusting.

Yeah, I get the impression that she and him still have a strained relationship. It's just sad because she put him to work, early on in her career.  He was one of her back up dancers from the beginning.  Her connections helped him with his art and designs.  He pretty much assisted her during Blond Ambition Tour and played a big role with The Girlie Show.  All through the 90's, you still saw him going to major events with her. 

So maybe she's letting it go, possibly for her Father's sake and/or her wanting to keep somewhat harmony within the family.  But yeah, after this, I can see her giving him the cold shoulder as well.

I know some fans enjoy some of the tidbits thrown in the book regarding her career, but to me, it's not worth it if you're going to throw the very person who supported you for years under the bus.  He certainly wouldn't have had the luxuries he had and still had if it wasn't for his sister. 

And I don't believe Guy was a homophobic. No doubt, he plays up the macho male persona.  Quite possibly he's turned off by some gay characteristics that Christopher had.  I don't know?  But c'mon, he knew Madonna had a huge reputation with Gay people and supporting them.  I'm betting Christopher's bad habits were the real culprit in why Guy and he didn't get along.  If I recall, by then he was heavily into drugs and Madonna was trying to help him.  Madonna could only do so much to help.  The rest is up to Christopher. 

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33 minutes ago, kesiak said:

The book might be enjoyable if it wasn't so badly written.

And written by a backstabbing bitter brother.  LOL!

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  • 4 weeks later...
5 hours ago, bstranger said:

Are they (Madonna & chris) in touch again?

She mentioned in her interview with Jonathan Ross they were trying to be friends again and that his book hurt her. She made a comment about how family isn't always about relation through blood so it can be implied things were still patchy. Considering the whole Darlene Lutz issue with the auction, who knows now at this point?

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Yes, Christopher comes across as bitter and immature but there’s a few insights that I found telling about Madonna that reveals her as a real human being with flaws and mistakes like all of us.

She was seriously underpaying her brother for his creative work. Cheap? Maybe.

She has awful taste in men even when there’re plenty of red flags (I’m looking at you, Guy Ritchie).

She actually thinks most of her jokes are funny......?

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I just read the book now and, unlike the other Madonna biographies, it shocked me. Obviously we know that her brother was a little jealous of all her brightness and everything, but her petty part of not paying him, the blackmail, the toxic friendship with Ingrid, her abandonment with her gay audience because of of Guy Ritchie, her shallowness at home, decorating, dealing with employees, and David's supposed adoption to promote her shocked me a lot. I've been following her life since 94 and this book took some of the brightness of that strong and intelligent woman. It reminded me of all the speeches in her awards ... and reflected on the petty attitudes she made at the same time of the speeches. I'm kind of digesting a lot of things ...

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 As much as we all love her, I’ve always felt it was very important to separate the art from the artist as far as she’s concerned. She travels light, if that makes sense. I think she always has as a way of self-preservation. She seems so changeable and occasionally unsentimental that I can imagine it must be very difficult to have a personal relationship with her. It’s hard to know where you stand with people like that.

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45 minutes ago, Luiz Ribeiro said:

I just read the book now and, unlike the other Madonna biographies, it shocked me. Obviously we know that her brother was a little jealous of all her brightness and everything, but her petty part of not paying him, the blackmail, the toxic friendship with Ingrid, her abandonment with her gay audience because of of Guy Ritchie, her shallowness at home, decorating, dealing with employees, and David's supposed adoption to promote her shocked me a lot. I've been following her life since 94 and this book took some of the brightness of that strong and intelligent woman. It reminded me of all the speeches in her awards ... and reflected on the petty attitudes she made at the same time of the speeches. I'm kind of digesting a lot of things ...

Just remember it was written by a bitter, jealous guy who was out to make her look bad while make a buck himself.  So I have no doubt all those things that shocked you about her, were probably embellished by him.  Certainly, he's going to paint her negatively. What publisher would be willing to publish it, if it was simply filled with these anecdotes and how perfect she was?  Of course, she was human, made mistakes and probably did some things that were quite selfish to benefit her.  In the end, it's his perspective which is based of his own bitterness towards his sister.  He can sit there and whine about getting paid minimal (if that's even true), but the fact is, he certainly had far more advantages because he was her brother.  Think of all the contacts and work thrown his way, simply because his sister was Madonna. And it's never been a secret Madonna's been tight with her money, so I'm sure if she knew she could cut in costs and hire her brother for the same things she would have to pay more for, who would really fault her.  And you know he'd jump at the chance when offered because he knew that work would be known for years to come, and benefit him. 

I don't buy the gay abandonment, nor the David's adoption to promote.  We all know that that boy probably wouldn't be alive today if Madonna didn't adopt him.  I'm sure like anyone, she probably thought adopting children from a poverty stricken country would score her brownie points, but I don't believe it was like he portrayed her.  You see how she dotes on those children.  


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7 hours ago, Luiz Ribeiro said:

I just read the book now and, unlike the other Madonna biographies, it shocked me. Obviously we know that her brother was a little jealous of all her brightness and everything, but her petty part of not paying him, the blackmail, the toxic friendship with Ingrid, her abandonment with her gay audience because of of Guy Ritchie, her shallowness at home, decorating, dealing with employees, and David's supposed adoption to promote her shocked me a lot.

I read some parts, but it wasn't shocking at all. Madonna isn't a saint. She was a bitch many times and she didn't hide it. During the 80s dancers were forbade to speak to her on tours.

She has a big ego. She definitely changed through years.


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Good book written by someone who has every right.

It is about him, not her. Is he not allowed tell his story?

He even admits in the book he was born his mother' son but will die his sister's brother.

We messaged a bit over MySpace when it first came out, he was very reasonable and funny. Never understood the criticism of the book. He deserves his fair share of the accolades for having helped form the idol you all love.

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A good read, the closest to intimate Madonna imo. Some factual errors on dates, or names but you will get a taste of who Madonna is. I trust this is quite an honest book. Bro had to get some stuff out of his chest however I never found it bitter. 

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On 7/13/2018 at 2:25 PM, anaglyphx said:

Good book written by someone who has every right.

It is about him, not her. Is he not allowed tell his story?

He even admits in the book he was born his mother' son but will die his sister's brother.

We messaged a bit over MySpace when it first came out, he was very reasonable and funny. Never understood the criticism of the book. He deserves his fair share of the accolades for having helped form the idol you all love.

If the book was meant to be about him howcome her name is in the title? :) .

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22 hours ago, kesiak said:

If the book was meant to be about him howcome her name is in the title? :) .

Because that is his sister...

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I think he made a big mistake writing that book. That said, I enjoyed it. I don't think it really portrays her as being a terrible person and we've heard worse stories about her from others over the years. Despite his intention when writing it a lot of the blame points back to him and his drug habit. Yes she was a bitch but he was no saint either. Nor was he truly genuine and honest to her through their relationship which is why his resentment snow balled the way it did.

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