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Madonna vs. Fan

Luiz Ribeiro

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I love her response.  That particular person provoked her, and she had every right to say what she said.  She's right.  And to me, if you're not interested in her side projects, then ignore.  It's not like she's retired from music.  She's still working hard to produce another great album. 

It's her life.  No one has any right to dictate how she should run her life.  This particular person is allowed his opinion, but it was rude and comes off like a spoiled brat.  At the same time, she has every right to bite back.

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It's kind of ironic that she's entertaining a dumb cliche negative comment she must get like 4500 times a day, instead of focusing on the positive and what she loves doing. Not that i'm telling her what to do!!!!!!:kiss2: just pointing out the irony. 

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1 hour ago, Bel said:

He's a mnation member and he's not Brazilian.

Yes he is.  He apparently is proud of his accomplishment, boasting about what he did, believing he put Madonna in her place.  He thinks since she deleted the post, it's because she is embarrassed that she lashed out and understands  his point.  LOL!  The truth is; she removed the comment because the person who insulted her, saw her reply by responding back to her.  Rather responding anymore, she  deleted it since the trolls were chiming in, making it messier.  Typically when she responds in such a  way, she usually ends up deleting the whole comment thread soon after.  So this isn't anything new. 

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4 hours ago, Luiz Ribeiro said:

She is SO RIGHT!!!!!! 


Wow, just because mrkonradk doesn't like her "skin care line" (like most of us)... serlg4.jpg

OMG guys be careful of what you say, because she probably reads this forum too. serlg4.jpg Nah, I HIGHLY doubt that. That is hilarious! I'm afraid she doesn't care about a single word of what we say here and she's totally unaware. serlg4.jpg

Well, I believe that we need to strike a balance here. Support someone doesn't mean to say him/her that every little step he/she does is yupiwhopi. That's not to be good fans, that's to be stupid fans. Praising each move she does in her career is something stupid, and you aren't a better fan just to be praising everything she does like a strawberry plant. :bothered2:

Sorry, I had to say this too!


4 hours ago, madgefan said:

Same with the Hard Candy gyms and Truth or Dare perfumes ...whatever happened to them?


8 minutes ago, RUADJAI said:

...and the H&M track suits. ... and the movies ... 

Yep! Most fans are fed up with those projects... you too are, even if it will be the last thing you will admit on this forum. :laughing:

Fortunately 'MDNA Skin' is just a single chapter of her whole career, it's only a teardrop on her big ocean of career she has.

I too wish that all the ambition and provocative attitude that she has with "fashion"-MDNA Skin thing today would translate into GOOD music too. :)

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One of reason I love The one and only Queen of pop Madonna is she is such a genius business woman.

we witness that many average pop star waste their money for drugs and other bullshit. 

But Madonna does always spot on for invest. I mean a lot of haters want to see she gonna use money for some bullshit and broke but Madonna always prove that these haters wish gonna their worst nightmare. lol

And I really love her respond I'm so sick of some people keep saying she must release ray of light2 blahblah she must release confession2 blabhblah she should not release trendy song blahblah and she must work with this person, that person blahblah.

She just spot on with this kind of people. lol


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The whole thing is useless. The fan disrespecting her for no reason who is not going to accomplish anything because he's nobody to change her mind or tell her what to do. And Madonna responding and then deleting the thread when she already knows nothing good comes from engaging the negativity in the first place. And us commenting about it. What does any of this accomplish. I don't know guys, I'm gonna go watch a movie. :heart:

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3 hours ago, Bel said:

He's from Toronto, Canada.

Oh, I'm sorry.  My comment: "Yes, he is"... refers to him being part of that other forum.  Sorry for the confusion. :)

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But honestly, was it really that insulting? I didn't read the full message, I haven't found it anywhere. The only strong word I see is "parody". But I also see a loyal fan, whose profile is full of Madonna pictures, questioning her choices. Of course I am not saying she is not right, she doesn't have any obligation and I am foverever grateful that she is making music after 35 years and still touring. But he is saying he is "finding it hard" to love the ads, I don't see hate (the hate I see in many comments, such as the recent tweet comparing her to Jurassic World), but the doubts of a fan who is just like us. But I may be wrong, because I haven't read the final part... If I say that I hate Candy Perfume Girl, which makes me vomit, then you'll tell me to stop following this forum?

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What I wonder is, if it is really her writing and posting all that stuff on Instagram, recording her kids on camera etc. Or does she have a social media crew or something?

For my own account, I don’t mind her side projects and her promos for them. On the other side, I love her sharing her daily life, time with kids etc. It feels much more intimate and closer to her. But I wish she looked back a little bit, celebrate her old stuff a little more. I admire her living for today, but she has a legendary catalogue and it would be nice to share her thoughts, insight, and feelings about anniversaries of her albums, singles, tours etc.

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6 minutes ago, Turuncan said:

What I wonder is, if it is really her writing and posting all that stuff on Instagram, recording her kids on camera etc. Or does she have a social media crew or something?


I notice that recording her kids is something like 50/50. Sometimes Madonna record it herself and sometimes her staff record it.

for example one of her latest Instagram post 'David's Martial arts video' is definitely one of her staff(family friend, assistant whatever) recorded it.

And I notice that if Madonna record herself then she usually wanna show herself and wanna make it clear it is her to recording. lol



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11 hours ago, Enrico said:

But honestly, was it really that insulting? I didn't read the full message, I haven't found it anywhere. The only strong word I see is "parody". But I also see a loyal fan, whose profile is full of Madonna pictures, questioning her choices. Of course I am not saying she is not right, she doesn't have any obligation and I am foverever grateful that she is making music after 35 years and still touring. But he is saying he is "finding it hard" to love the ads, I don't see hate (the hate I see in many comments, such as the recent tweet comparing her to Jurassic World), but the doubts of a fan who is just like us. But I may be wrong, because I haven't read the final part... If I say that I hate Candy Perfume Girl, which makes me vomit, then you'll tell me to stop following this forum?

That's fine and all if this particular fan wasn't known for being overly critical of everything she does anymore.  He made a total fool of himself at the other forum he's part of, attacking anyone who disagreed with what he did.  It's the fact he just went to her account and shat all over her side project.  It's like someone coming to your work place and telling you to move on because it's not interesting to them and makes it a "parody of yourself".  Let's not sugar coat it, he insulted her. 

And while MDNAskin isn't interesting to all fans, many enjoy it and her adverts.  She's having fun with it.  Meanwhile, some think because they don't have any interest in it, she shouldn't be doing it.  They act like she abandoned making music when in truth she's still working hard on putting together a music album.  I say; if you don't like it, just ignore it.  Don't go shitting on people's dreams and aspirations because you don't like it. (Not directed at you Enrico.  :))

Anyway, I say we close up this thread.  This tool doesn't need anymore attention given to him. 

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I would hardly call the Fat Jew and the Kardashian a part of her art. Of all the people to use for MDNA Skin...she could have turned it into something edgy and interesting but again she is surrounded by yes-men and there is no critical input or dissent allowed whatsoever. Nobody is allowed to be critical. It is like a totalitarian dictator. Everything she does is so perfect and good people couldn't possibly understand her, they must be negative.

I see this guy's comment as a paying customer wondering about the quality of the product he is so invested in. Yes she is human and can do what she likes, but she IS a performing monkey because that is what she signed up for. Give back the millions and mansions and divided them among the people who made you what you are if you don't like it.

I've run in to her make up artist Aaron a few times, his job is to hold a light to her face when he takes her picture. He is incapable of any critical thought and just calls people with critical opinions "haters", anyone that tries soon disappears from her circle. What a bubble to live in.

I thought she was cooler than that. But she is still a Leo with a massive egomaniacal narcissism.

But of course about .1% of the fans would agree with me.

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