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What did you like most about about RIT?


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So many feelings. RIT was my very first Madonna concert. And I remember first hearing the INTO THE GROOVE bridge from rehearsals on LA morning news... it got me. I was so excited. And I was a member way back with the original Madonna Fanzine, a recording of opening night was posted the next day... and Vogue happened. I became obsessed. The tour came to Toronto, and I was front row. She came out from under the stage on that platform... and I was frozen. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t scream or clap. I just stood there with tears streaming down my face. I was 19, and a Madonna fan since 3... this was my moment. I cried. I fucking sobbed. At 33 now, I can’t say I’ve ever had a moment in my life apart from that, that I sobbed from happiness and joy. My first thought was, my god she’s tiny. That was the best, absolute best night of my life. 

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After DWT, and especially since TGS, I never thought she'd perform Vogue, LAP or MG ever again. She seemed to disowning her own back catalog, so it came as a surprise. 

The biggest surprise was The Beast Within, a song I was obsessed with so much since 1990. I loved the new musical arrangement SP came up with, although a lot of the verses were removed. 

She looked stunning throughout but I don't think the hairnet and hat was a nice look. The LAP section was a letdown after waiting all those years to hear it live again. The beat sounded cheap and there wasn't proper bass. Guy Pratt played amazing bass on the original and they've never been able to duplicate or surpass it. BA's LAP will always be unbeatable but the RIT is so weak. It needed to be bombastic and groundshaking. It could've been much better. 

I'm So Stupid would've been a great addition with the guitar riff from The Stooges. Holywood and Love Profusion needed to be on that tour. 

Stand out moment; Mother and Father with Intervention. 

Strange she dedicated Crazy for You to her fans seeing as she said she hated the song previously. 

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1 hour ago, AspergerArtist said:

I'm So Stupid would've been a great addition with the guitar riff from The Stooges. Holywood and Love Profusion needed to be on that tour. 

Stand out moment; Mother and Father with Intervention. 

Strange she dedicated Crazy for You to her fans seeing as she said she hated the song previously. 


I loved the fact that she sung Frozen so beautifully with such a simple setting.

Nobody Knows Me / American Life / Hanky Panky / Deeper and Deeper / Lament / Don't Tell Me were the highlights of the show

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I love it the way it is .. it's the very 1st tour I followed ever by any artist + it only happened like almost 6 months after finally becoming her fan (full time, at the same time I knew through my life who she was and didn't dislike her songs/videos at all).

So .. only thing what I don't like is that there will never be an official release of the dvd, but … thanks to the leak I (we) have at least something to watch (pro-shots). So ..  I'm still grateful and will always love this show - with or without the official dvd and I wouldn't change anything.

She gave me something to remember ..!


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Saw it three times in London.

Favourite moments:

- when she appeared from under the stage after the "I'm coming soon" verse

- the reinvention of Deeper and Deeper (I would have loved if they had reinvented more songs like this)

- the inclusion of Evita in the setlist (the instrumental of DCFMA in DWT does not really count)

- the dedication of Crazy for you to the fans made my cry so much


I am not a fan of Hollywood and didn't really like the interlude remix.

Hated the Holiday rendition, the worst of all tours. No crowd involvement, very very cold and distant. No competition with WTGT and BAT.

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To me, it was a very tight performance Greatest Hits type of tour, even though she did include a lot of the current albums songs.  I loved it.  I saw her three times on that tour.  I have no complaints about the tour.  Though, I will admit I didn't like the prerecorded vocals used for "Vogue".   I thought they were awful sounding. The HIGHLIGHT for me was well... the whole show, but the one song that I think she sounded absolutely fantastic every time she sang it was "Lament".  It's one of the best vocals she ever had on a tour.  I honestly never expected her to sing "Crazy For You" ever again, so that was definitely another highlight.  I also loved the rock versions of "Material Girl" and "Burning Up".  I'm one of the very few fans who actually enjoys her switching it up and jamming on the guitar.  So what if she's not that great, it still sounded good and she looked quite bad ass.  And I love that every tour after DWT, she just did more than dance and sing.  To me, a great entertainer is someone who is able to switch it up through the show and not just do a couple of things throughout the show.

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14 hours ago, AspergerArtist said:

She looked stunning throughout but I don't think the hairnet and hat was a nice look. The LAP section was a letdown after waiting all those years to hear it live again. The beat sounded cheap and there wasn't proper bass. Guy Pratt played amazing bass on the original and they've never been able to duplicate or surpass it. BA's LAP will always be unbeatable but the RIT is so weak. It needed to be bombastic and groundshaking. It could've been much better. 

I disagree with you because  I think she looked fantastic with that simple look. Sometimes less is better... Just look at the S&S incarnation of LAP which in my opinion was a total disaster.

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I suppose what I disliked was the Express Yourself mix. It was too “feel-good” and less of a dance with awesome beats. The choreography though was really cool though. Being my absolute fav song, I could appreciate a different mix of it. But I still would have liked it how it was originally remixed. MDNA Tour did it right.

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Love the backdrop videos, she made an effort in making Beast, Vogue and Bedtime Story, my only wish is that she puts them on her youtube channel like she did with Paradise.

Everything was great but that like a prayer section, I always skip that whole part when I watch a DVD, is just plain and borring for me. Nothing fails (great song but blah), Don't tell me (seen it on DWT, just a different costume), Like a prayer (arrangement is very "demo" or "midi" lol), never liked Mother and Father, and Imagine...leave it to Lennon.


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1 hour ago, Adrian said:

Love the backdrop videos, she made an effort in making Beast, Vogue and Bedtime Story, my only wish is that she puts them on her youtube channel like she did with Paradise.

Everything was great but that like a prayer section, I always skip that whole part when I watch a DVD, is just plain and borring for me. Nothing fails (great song but blah), Don't tell me (seen it on DWT, just a different costume), Like a prayer (arrangement is very "demo" or "midi" lol), never liked Mother and Father, and Imagine...leave it to Lennon.


I respect this is your opinion, but I guess I see it as a chance she was able to pull back some here in the show and perform LAP a little differently than usual. She's done it a number of times with so much high energy, but I liked that it was a bit more acoustic and organic.  I also disagree with "Imagine". I thought that was a great version and she sounded fantastic.  Sure, it's not like Lennon's (who could compete with that?), but Madonna has been very careful in not doing too many covers because she understands people's attachment to the original and if it doesn't sound as good as the original, it's highly criticized. Every tour she tends to dedicate a song or section of the show where she's calling on peace if not addressing social, political or environmental issues. 

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Reinvention was a great cool down to the heated backlash of American Life, although all it did was not call itself American Life World Tour. It had its military section, a handful of new songs thrown in. But I still loved it. I loved Deeper and Deepers inclusion and also Lament. And Nobody Knows Me shows just how much it should have been a single. Cons: Die Another Day was just underwhelming. That was my main problem.

Setlist change:

Beast W/In>Vogue>Frozen>X-Static Process>Nobody Knows Me

American Life>Express Yourself>Material Girl>I'm So Stupid> Love Profusion (headcleanr)> Holiday(mix used for the encore orginally)

Hollywood (remix-interlude)>Hanky Panky> Deeper&Deeper>Easy Ride>This Used to Be My Playground>Lament


Bedtime Story (orbital mix-interlude)>Don't Tell Me>Mother&Father>Imagine>Like A Prayer (mix into Nothing Fails, jopining these tow together could have been a staple and given Nothing Fails a bigger spotlight and favor),


Susan McLeod( interlude)>Into the Groove> Papa Don't Preach>Intervention>Crazy For You>Music


Encore: Die Another Day (high energy and explosive like it should have been)

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One of my favorite tours! 


* Inclusion of many pre-“American Life” songs, especially the long lost ones such as ‘Crazy for You’, ‘Hanky Panky’, ‘Material Girl’ etc. This was actually the abrigded unofficial Greatest Hits Tour everybody had been waiting for. When you include some other long lost songs from the next two tours, you come close to a better version of “Celebration”.

* The documentary. I know some people loathe it, but I just love every minute of it.

* The ‘Vogue’ intro, still gives me goosebumps.

* The costumes, especially the corset. My fave is the lilac one.


* Lack of “American Life” songs such as ‘Intervention’, ‘X-Static Process’, and especially ‘Love Profusion’. ‘I’m So Stupid’ would have been fine, too, see IGTTYAS. On the other hand, I could have lived without ‘Mother and Father’ as well.

* Lack of a DVD release. I know we have IGTTYAS and the whole show is available online, but still... I am a bit old fashioned guy about releases and I want my items physically. Then again, I know we have worse cases such as Virgin Tour and Blond Ambition Tour.

* Countries visited were limited and almost the same as the previous one. She thankfully resumed her true world tours after CT on.

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2 hours ago, Turuncan said:

* Lack of a DVD release. I know we have IGTTYAS and the whole show is available online, but still... I am a bit old fashioned guy about releases and I want my items physically. Then again, I know we have worse cases such as Virgin Tour and Blond Ambition Tour.


While I agree, I would love to have a DVD release of each of these tours you mentioned, but Virgin and Blond Ambition Tours did originally get a physical release. Understandably, they are no longer formats people use.  Luckily, it's all on-line, so there is no loss.  Though, I do own a copy of the the Laser Disc of BA and VHS of Virgin Tour.  And yes, I still own a VHS and LASERDISC player, but I haven't hooked them up for years now.

Thank goodness for the IGTTYAS doc or we'd have nothing on RIT.  I understand the focus on the doc, but I think more fans would have been happier with just the tour release. 

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So many things to mention. The two things I love about this tour the most are the simplistic nature of the stage with huge screens and Stuart Prices remakes of most of the music. 

The stage is just a basic black stage, comparable to a blank canvas for a painter. The screens were what brought the stage to life. Whether it was creating space with the Vogue Backdrop to put the viewer in another place. Or transforming the empty space into a digital word screen fro Nobody Knows Me. To just being a music video TV to showcase an unseen music video from the woman who mastered the art of music videos. (One of the things lacking from the Rebel Heart Tour in my opinion) 

The music was also so fresh. One of the reasons I think Madonna likes Candy Shop the song so much is because along with the mastery of Music Video, M is also the Master of reinventing songs on tour. Candy Shop echos this idea saying "I'll be your one stop candy shop" and " See what flavor you like and I'll have it for you".  Why do u even need another artist.   :kitty:

Nobody Knows Me was a definite highlight musically as it came out better than the original. Music was also improved upon. Papa Don't Preach electro intro with an updated electro rock sound was awesome. I looooooooooooove this version of Holiday. Very trance dance and like a yoga party with the dance moves. Almost as if Alanis Moorisette was the choreographer. :laughing:  I also really love Mother and Father. Its a very weird song in general and this version brings some heart into it whereas the album version sounds cold in nature and robotic. The addition of Intervention made it magical. If I had tried to imagine how to perform Mother and Father before I saw it I NEVER would have predicted this was a way it could be performed. A pleasant surprise. Even the subtle mix of Frozen made it sound fresh and revitalized. 

I know I said two things but that Beast Within Intro was mind blowing. Before the internet ruined tour surprises I went into this tour not knowing what was about to happen. The fact she opened with this track was so unexpected and dark and haunting. The glitchy video. The imagery. It was perfect. 


Let me stop here before I waste my day talking about the Reinvention Tour. 

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1 hour ago, RUADJAI said:

So many things to mention. The two things I love about this tour the most are the simplistic nature of the stage with huge screens and Stuart Prices remakes of most of the music. 

The stage is just a basic black stage, comparable to a blank canvas for a painter. The screens were what brought the stage to life. Whether it was creating space with the Vogue Backdrop to put the viewer in another place. Or transforming the empty space into a digital word screen fro Nobody Knows Me. To just being a music video TV to showcase an unseen music video from the woman who mastered the art of music videos. (One of the things lacking from the Rebel Heart Tour in my opinion) 

The music was also so fresh. One of the reasons I think Madonna likes Candy Shop the song so much is because along with the mastery of Music Video, M is also the Master of reinventing songs on tour. Candy Shop echos this idea saying "I'll be your one stop candy shop" and " See what flavor you like and I'll have it for you".  Why do u even need another artist.   :kitty:

Nobody Knows Me was a definite highlight musically as it came out better than the original. Music was also improved upon. Papa Don't Preach electro intro with an updated electro rock sound was awesome. I looooooooooooove this version of Holiday. Very trance dance and like a yoga party with the dance moves. Almost as if Alanis Moorisette was the choreographer. :laughing:  I also really love Mother and Father. Its a very weird song in general and this version brings some heart into it whereas the album version sounds cold in nature and robotic. The addition of Intervention made it magical. If I had tried to imagine how to perform Mother and Father before I saw it I NEVER would have predicted this was a way it could be performed. A pleasant surprise. Even the subtle mix of Frozen made it sound fresh and revitalized. 

I know I said two things but that Beast Within Intro was mind blowing. Before the internet ruined tour surprises I went into this tour not knowing what was about to happen. The fact she opened with this track was so unexpected and dark and haunting. The glitchy video. The imagery. It was perfect. 


Let me stop here before I waste my day talking about the Reinvention Tour. 

Keep going and I love reading all you thoughts on the tour.  And great analogy with Candy Shop.  I have to agree, it only got better with each tour as that was a song I was never favorable of when the song was first released.

It may have NOT been a single or hit for Madonna, but if it was up to Madonna, I'm sure it would have been a single.  At this stage in her career, let's face it, we're not going to see her gain hit songs again, but it doesn't mean she's not producing great songs.  With the last few album releases that didn't really generate any hits, she can definitely pick and choose her favorites to represent any tour she goes on in the future. 

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3 hours ago, Liam said:

While I agree, I would love to have a DVD release of each of these tours you mentioned, but Virgin and Blond Ambition Tours did originally get a physical release. Understandably, they are no longer formats people use. 

Yes, I know. But I mean the format, this being the DVD. Besides, quality of BAT is low and VT is not the complete show. I want it all!!

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8 minutes ago, Turuncan said:

Yes, I know. But I mean the format, this being the DVD. Besides, quality of BAT is low and VT is not the complete show. I want it all!!

Well, you might as well just go out and buy the bootleg DVD's because IF and when they decide to release these on DVD, it will just be a copy of what is already out there on the other formats.  I know we have some technical buffs here, but I think the Laser disc is a pretty good quality.  But let's be real here, this was before all the HIGH DEF formats, so unless they decide to go through original shot footage and remaster it all (which will never happen), we're just going to get a copy of what is already been out there.

Knowing that, since the shows/tours are easily accessible on the internet even if it's not the quality we expect, it's quite enjoyable.  Would I prefer a physical copy even in the quality it's already in, sure!  But I prefer it be all upgraded if they are going to do it, other wise, I am fine with just my digital ripped copy that I have in my possession. 

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This tour is one of her best. The remixes were wonderful for the most part and it was quite refreshing after TGS and DWT.

However, I think this tour could do with some changes, I believe:

  1. The Beast Within - Intro
  2. Vogue
  3. Nobody Knows Me
  4. Nothing Really Matters - this deserved a fucking live performance SO SO much.
  5. War Intro / American Life
  6. Swim - makes more sense thematically than Frozen and also bridges the gap between American Life's anti-war message and the positive message of Love Profusion
  7. Love Profusion (Headcleanr Remix)
  8. Burning Up
  9. I’m So Stupid - this one was a MUST. Material Girl was lame.
  10. Hollywood Intro / Hollywood - keep the interlude as intro but a full performance of this song was needed.
  11. Deeper and Deeper
  12. Take a Bow - It's a shame this has never been included on any of her tours. It was planned for RIT but scrapped in the end. Truly a shame. I think a jazzy rendition of this would have been awesome!
  13. Die Another Day
  14. Lament
  15. Bedtime Story - Interlude
  16. Nothing Fails
  17. Like a Prayer
  18. Mother and Father
  19. Papa Don’t Preach - This would have made more sense here and could have made this section a tad more interesting.
  20. Intervention - To close it all off, gives this song the amazing performance it deserved.
  21. Susan MacLeod - Intro / Into the Groove
  22. Express Yourself - Why was this version so LAME? Drop the Shep Pettibone Mix. This should have been a drum-heavy performance in Scots kilts YAS!
  23. Crazy for You
  24. Holiday
  25. Music
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11 hours ago, Liam said:

Well, you might as well just go out and buy the bootleg DVD's because IF and when they decide to release these on DVD, it will just be a copy of what is already out there on the other formats.  

You’re right. Being a never-bootleg-buying person, I guess I will just get enough with what we already have until  come hell and high water and they decide to release them on DVD. 

I also love VHS, but never experienced LaserDisc before. Do you think I can buy a LD player if I want to? Are they still available?

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14 hours ago, BItch I'm Madonna said:

This tour is one of her best. The remixes were wonderful for the most part and it was quite refreshing after TGS and DWT.

However, I think this tour could do with some changes, I believe:

  1. The Beast Within - Intro
  2. Vogue
  3. Nobody Knows Me
  4. Nothing Really Matters - this deserved a fucking live performance SO SO much.
  5. War Intro / American Life
  6. Swim - makes more sense thematically than Frozen and also bridges the gap between American Life's anti-war message and the positive message of Love Profusion
  7. Love Profusion (Headcleanr Remix)
  8. Burning Up
  9. I’m So Stupid - this one was a MUST. Material Girl was lame.
  10. Hollywood Intro / Hollywood - keep the interlude as intro but a full performance of this song was needed.
  11. Deeper and Deeper
  12. Take a Bow - It's a shame this has never been included on any of her tours. It was planned for RIT but scrapped in the end. Truly a shame. I think a jazzy rendition of this would have been awesome!
  13. Die Another Day
  14. Lament
  15. Bedtime Story - Interlude
  16. Nothing Fails
  17. Like a Prayer
  18. Mother and Father
  19. Papa Don’t Preach - This would have made more sense here and could have made this section a tad more interesting.
  20. Intervention - To close it all off, gives this song the amazing performance it deserved.
  21. Susan MacLeod - Intro / Into the Groove
  22. Express Yourself - Why was this version so LAME? Drop the Shep Pettibone Mix. This should have been a drum-heavy performance in Scots kilts YAS!
  23. Crazy for You
  24. Holiday
  25. Music

Your idea of Express Yourself has me gagging. I want I want I want. Imagine on tour you’re waiting for the next song and all of a sudden those trio of drums into the saxophones from the original album version. I’d seriously drop.

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