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Has Madonna become predictable?


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27 minutes ago, Fighter said:

This IS rude and uncalled for and baiting for drama. I dont wanna see it in the future, Many thanks.

And you are?

You guys are the ones blowing on the drama. For the last time, if I find a comment too long, I WILL say it. I write what I want, of course without offending anyone, I hope. If some people on here don't have a life and feel persecuted out of a joke (I have no idea who that user is) is their business.

You guys love Madonna but are actually just sheep and learned ZERO out of her work. I'm outta here. I need intelligent fans to discuss with. I call for everyone else to do the same. 





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2008. Turned 50. Got divorced. Plastic surgery. Adopted kids.

The cultural and business landscape of music completely changed, something she wasn't prepared for. She was stuck in analog while the digital marched on. She left a huge vacuum into which Gaga swooped and stole an entire generation that should have been Madonna's. She's managed to grab every generation since she began until this one which left her feeling insecure to the point where she has to remind everyone "Bitch I'm Madonna"...as well as desperately needing the street cred of the latest rappers.

All to be expected for a midlife crisis. You can't maintain 3 decades of continual success and not be tired. She's exhausted. Hoping her time out in Portugal and Malawi have reminded her of who she is and what she is here for. Her team of nannys do the hardworking of raising kids, she can't use that as an excuse.

And she should just let the business things go, forget the gyms and shoes and face creams...be the music.

"Je suis l'art"

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19 hours ago, Bel said:

A lot of kabbalah, armageddon, darkness, dark, darkest, light, the signs, the road, luxury of time, time goes by so slowly, like a moth to a flame, hesitation, tree of life, open your eyes/mind... The albums being released about march/april, three videoclips by album, no new concepts and/or approach  about the same subjects and...


It is usually a leak before the start of  a new era, then a single release and then an album release. Three videos for an era. Doing more artistic stuff for tours.

Some people here focus too much on album and say they don't know what's next, but the thing is she recycled lyrics, themes and doesn't have something new to say.

RH and MDNA were very retrospective music wise. Although I liked that, I don't want it to become a pattern. 

The most exciting things done in 2010s were Super Bowl performance, RH demos leaking and Met Gala performance.


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3 hours ago, anaglyphx said:

2008. Turned 50. Got divorced. Plastic surgery. Adopted kids.

The cultural and business landscape of music completely changed, something she wasn't prepared for. She was stuck in analog while the digital marched on. She left a huge vacuum into which Gaga swooped and stole an entire generation that should have been Madonna's. She's managed to grab every generation since she began until this one which left her feeling insecure to the point where she has to remind everyone "Bitch I'm Madonna"...as well as desperately needing the street cred of the latest rappers.

All to be expected for a midlife crisis. You can't maintain 3 decades of continual success and not be tired. She's exhausted. Hoping her time out in Portugal and Malawi have reminded her of who she is and what she is here for. Her team of nannys do the hardworking of raising kids, she can't use that as an excuse.

And she should just let the business things go, forget the gyms and shoes and face creams...be the music.

"Je suis l'art"


During COADF era, her videos were weaker and even bad. Druing HC era, she even said that music videos aren't important anymore and then Gaga came. In the 2010s, Madonna cared about videos again, although nothing continued the brilliance and artistry of American Life and Hollywood videos. After those videos, her videos were just good or bad. They simply didn't have the same power like her old ones. And she keeps focusing too much on tour videos, which were great most of time.

I agree that she could have slayed more with her music  around 2009 and 2010. HC could have had more hit songs. In 2010s, she did some very catchy singles that should have been hits, but it is a generational thing. No matter how good song is, people won't pay attention to it if the artist is older. There are always exceptions. On the other hand, Madonna didn't even try to promote some stuff (MDNA singles).

The age thing has definitely become a  problem. Not for public, but for her. She keeps whining about it. Besides age (midlife crisis or whatever), I think other stuff impacted her artistry too. I think her private life impacted HC quality and she let the producers to take the control. She even let Warner to decide the genre of HC. In 2009 she just wanted to get over with Warner and that non-eventful Celebration thing.

I totally agree about BIM. It was desperate and pointless. Public only payed attention to it, because of all those cameos and many celebs didn't even appear on the actual set. It was sad and basic. Below Madonna level. It was supposed to be some anti-ageism thing. Was that all she got?  She used to be so great at talking about different serious themes in her music and videos. Now she fights ageism through basic videos where she dances with younger people and act like a spoiled 16 year old.

Wasn't she brilliant while making a dance song and video (Music) in 2000, when she was 42? How about doing the same at the age of 47 (Hung Up)? She didn't bitch about ageism then.

Now it seems she is ready to dumb down her work, so she could show she is still fun or whatever. She keeps talking about art, but then she makes basic songs and videos that could have been done by other entertainers.

Instagram makes her messy too.  She used to be this cool woman who does what she wants. Before someone replies and say she still does what she wants, let me explain. She used to go in another direction. When hip hop and bubblegum pop was a thing, Madonna was all about electronica and electropop. She was different and that's why she stood out. Her videos (DTM, WIFLFAG, DAD, AL) were a true piece of art and there was that attitude that didn't exist in videos of other pop stars. For example, some Britney's video was just entertaining, while Madonna's video was more than that. 

Now, she does messy stuff and calls it ironic. Ironic or not, it sucks. And she is too much into this basic pop culture. Now she hangs with Miley, Taylor, Migos... In 1989, she wouldn't even sat next to Martika. Now, she is like some kind of grandma, who has a nice word for all her grandchildren (young basic artists). 

She wants to support them. Ok. But why does support the most basic artists, while ignoring more creative and original  artists who need support? What about Shura, Florence, Lana, St. Vincent, Gotye, Neon Indian...? She keeps reaching only super popular entertainers from Billboard top 40. 

In the 90s and the early 2000s, Madonna was into Bjork, Massive Attack, underground scene, local producers. Her music was great and proved she got taste. After that, Madonna started to worship pop culture, which become so boring and stupid, and her music reflected that. I am not saying everything she did lately sucks, but it is there.

It is normal to get tired and don't do all things she used to do. However, she is still an artist. If she still wants to create art, then she shouldn't do whatever just for the sake of it. If she isn't into new music, she shouldn't make it often or at all. If she feels creative and passionate, then she should go to studio. Going to studio just to have fun and make something fun is a bad sign. 

Kate Bush is old like Madonna and that woman keeps delivering great works and she doesn't even re-invent herself like Madonna, yet she always has new ideas and approaches. 

And finally, isn't it ageist to assume that Madonna is old, hence creatively tired? Madonna has nothing to prove, but shouldn't she fight ageism while keep showing how great and creative she can be?

P.S. I don't mind if Madonna earns money through gyms and MDNA Skin, but she focuses too much on it and pretends like it is harder to make MDNA Skin thing than an album. The cream is made by other people, while she is in the ad. That's it. Yet, Madonna calls it a part of her "art". And she keeps talking about art and artistic freedom, but when it comes to making music, she tends to deliver things that are hardly artistic and too safe.

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5 hours ago, MagiC said:

And you are?

You guys are the ones blowing on the drama. For the last time, if I find a comment too long, I WILL say it. I write what I want, of course without offending anyone, I hope. If some people on here don't have a life and feel persecuted out of a joke (I have no idea who that user is) is their business.

You guys love Madonna but are actually just sheep and learned ZERO out of her work. I'm outta here. I need intelligent fans to discuss with. I call for everyone else to do the same. 





Who's really blowing things out of proportion now? But I'll take your word of leaving on your own. We don't want people trying to incite petty bullshit. :eyes:

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Well, you could put all her photoshoots taken this decade and I wouldn't be able to tell you what year or for which project they were for. Her image is in a bit of a rut. Also, her going on tour is just a given... however, she has had a contract to fulfill. She's had two albums this decade so far... I wouldn't say they were exactly predictable, but I also wouldn't say they were memorable. We also always get three videos, and one is always done while on tour and it's rushed. Her running back to people like Mirwais doesn't excite me. This will be the fourth time they've worked together in two decades. She's been doing the album, tour, album, tour, album, tour thing for almost two decades now. So, yes, she's been pretty predictable. It's true that she's probably done every look and sound under the sun, but still, there are things she could do to at least surprise us. Her look and styling for one. I would have said she should stop touring for a bit, but now she's 60. She's not a kid anymore. How many grueling tours does she have left in her? I would love something like a visual album or her autobiography (maybe multi-volumes). These would be exciting. 

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2 hours ago, drivebitch said:

Well, you could put all her photoshoots taken this decade and I wouldn't be able to tell you what year or for which project they were for. Her image is in a bit of a rut. Also, her going on tour is just a given... however, she has had a contract to fulfill. She's had two albums this decade so far... I wouldn't say they were exactly predictable, but I also wouldn't say they were memorable. We also always get three videos, and one is always done while on tour and it's rushed. Her running back to people like Mirwais doesn't excite me. This will be the fourth time they've worked together in two decades. She's been doing the album, tour, album, tour, album, tour thing for almost two decades now. So, yes, she's been pretty predictable. It's true that she's probably done every look and sound under the sun, but still, there are things she could do to at least surprise us. Her look and styling for one. I would have said she should stop touring for a bit, but now she's 60. She's not a kid anymore. How many grueling tours does she have left in her? I would love something like a visual album or her autobiography (maybe multi-volumes). These would be exciting. 

I don't agree with all this, but understand what you're saying here.  The thing with "an album, a tour, an album, a tour" that's what performers are supposed to do.  They make an album and then go out on the road to support it.   Early on her career, she had the luxury of not going right out on tour after ever album release.  That's because radio and MTV, promoted the hell out of her.  She was making decent kick back from her albums and royalties when spinning her songs.  However, she no longer has that luxury, so she needs to tour.  That's where she makes her money.  So this pattern of releasing an album and touring isn't going to stop especially since she's no spring chicken anymore.  She's going to tour as much as possible while the iron is hot.  I'm not sure what else fans expect her to do?  She's not going to do all these things which is going to COST her money.  She wants to MAKE money, so touring is her bread and butter.  Meanwhile, she's going to hawk products of her choice and still direct films when she's given such a opportunity. 

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Just an observation: back in 98 mtv was up m’s butt promoting her and playing her songs on retrospective shows. It was a zeitgeist of sorts. La chapels photo shoots All the mtv shows promoted beloved artists like Madonna, blondie, played prince on pop up video, encouraged artists to continue their work even like The Rolling Stones bridges to Babylon along with stuff like Alanis morrisette and Fiona Apple who were considered current at the time. This was all a huge alternative to the pop of the day and the butt rock etc and for a while Madonnas entire catalog was celebrated as a watershed moment for a year after Ray of light dropped. We got beautiful stranger and it was all back again. Music was amazing to most and American life is a modern favorite Then the time came when on YouTube we pick between what we have “alternative females acts like Lana del Ray which is cool and all but it gave way to The last collaboration I was excited about besides mirwais was Sophie. 2015 Madonna and an somewhat unknown amazing sound.  I feel like one of these astrological nights we’re going to be taken back to the feeling of hearing frozen for the first time. Something completely new. Paradise on the Mirwais album months before music. The leaks of the ray of light demos has me woke for the lustrous mid 90’s Madonna voice. While I loved bitch I’m Madonna and still do I feel like she is ready to make all of us sit down, shut up, and say wow. One more time. I believe in #magic! Sophie divided fans between genius and magical. But isn’t that a point of Madonna and mirwais? I don’t have a point to make so I’m gonna say good day. Tootles!


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On 7/25/2018 at 2:24 AM, MagiC said:

Yes then 2008 arrived. She started to kneel to anyone who could bring her a new fan-base wave. Not that she'd never done this before. Just she was doing it more discreetly

Her shows are still top-notch though, that has to be said. She's and remains THE Queen.

'Just she was doing it more discreetly' - can you please explain me more ? I am not being sarcastic 

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Maybe not predictable, more like... Comfortable? When she'd try something new and "reinvent" she would say it was like revealing layers, that these personas were part of her. Perhaps since peeling back the onion since 1983 there's nothing else to reveal. Maybe she's just finally comfortable with who she is, a mother and a business woman.

Also, I remember when when the Girlie Show launched and MTV ran all these interviews, she was asked about cutting her hair and she replied that changing your hair shakes you up a bit, changes the way you think and feel and even move. She hasn't changed her hairstyle (apart from wigs and extensions) since her divorce I think. 

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On 7/25/2018 at 1:58 PM, anaglyphx said:

2008. Turned 50. Got divorced. Plastic surgery. Adopted kids.

The cultural and business landscape of music completely changed, something she wasn't prepared for. She was stuck in analog while the digital marched on. She left a huge vacuum into which Gaga swooped and stole an entire generation that should have been Madonna's. She's managed to grab every generation since she began until this one which left her feeling insecure to the point where she has to remind everyone "Bitch I'm Madonna"...as well as desperately needing the street cred of the latest rappers.

All to be expected for a midlife crisis. You can't maintain 3 decades of continual success and not be tired. She's exhausted. Hoping her time out in Portugal and Malawi have reminded her of who she is and what she is here for. Her team of nannys do the hardworking of raising kids, she can't use that as an excuse.

And she should just let the business things go, forget the gyms and shoes and face creams...be the music.

"Je suis l'art"

Great post actually and i guess kinda spot on. 

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I think all this criticism has valid points in a well defined world but truth is shes charting unknown territories. She has such a successful, long and iconic career it is inevitable she would end up with misteps and failure at some point. Shes a 60 years old female pop star after all the odds will always be against her. 

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31 minutes ago, blondebombshell said:

I would love to see it also. The only time she's done it. Is rebel heart album & iconic back drop. I think she would look so good in it. 

Wait? What?  Are meaning recently?  Because the woman has had platinum blonde hair many times throughout her career?  In fact, she has it in your signature image and profile pic.  She had it all through the True Blue/Who's That Girl.  She had it for Express Yourself and onward until she died it black for Truth or Dare promo/A League of Their Own filming.  Then she went back to again during Erotica.  She had platinum Blonde for much of the Bedtime Story era.  She had it during the Music era as well.  And it's pretty close to platinum now. 

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Yes, she does.

And if you can do(read) astrology (Horoscopes), I bet you will know when she release her new music.

I can clearly hear her voice. something like this.

A : Madonna, April is great to release your new music! It would be surprise!

Madonna : No!!! Mercury is still in Retrograde!!! I have to wait until A new moon is coming!

I'm not even joking. 

It's been a while Madonna acting like Nancy Reagan. 

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In a sense yes but she's adapting to the stage where she's at now and how things operate. Madonna's not stupid. She knows outside of the first single or two, the world is going to be ready to pounce and so she teams up with popular acts and shoots all cannons hoping to chart, gain traction and if it doesn't, it's straight to the tour to make the bulk of her paycheck. She could shell out millions or thousands on videos, promotion and all but the truth of the matter is we probably will not experience another ROL/Music/Confessions peak again unless she has a "Believe" ready to unleash on the world which would catch on. She'll do the usual talk show circuit and some award shows but in this day and age, it's highly unlikely we'll get any VH1 Rising or pieces dedicated to her unless the press decides to adore her out of nowhere.

As for her style, I get she's been doing a variation of a look since Re-Invention probably because it's her go to although she's shown to do small modifications to it. I think the last look I liked was the opening segment of MDNA and the parted to one side look she sported during Rebel Heart. I also wonder if she wouldn't be called out for things in this climate especially when she loved doing characters or different looks influenced by cultures, literature without the accusations of appropriating.

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5 hours ago, cailohfornia said:

Is this the biggest fanbase meltdown the Madonna community has had yet?

Or is it like this every era after 2008 and just gets worse every time (the meltdowns / frustrations /worrying /doubts / dismissals of M?)

No matter what she does, some will never be happy.  We wouldn't be having these meltdowns if she was still having top 10 singles, releasing big budget videos and cutting her hair/dying it all different colors.  The fact is; she's done all that for nearly the first 25 years of her career.  She's got everyone's attention from it.  Now it's time to just pay attention to the music and what she has to say.  She doesn't have to alter her look to make great music and share great messages.  She may not be making huge changes to her look these days, but I appreciate that she's still looking ahead, producing NEW and ORIGINAL music.  She's not settling for some Vegas Residency playing the classics.  Her side projects, some interest me and some don't.  But that doesn't give me the right to say she shouldn't do them.  Most everything she's done is something SHE'S interested in.  She's always going to have down times between albums, so why not do things she's interested in?  I never got the impression that she's doing it to interest her music fans anyway.  

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9 hours ago, Liam said:

but I appreciate that she's still looking ahead, producing NEW and ORIGINAL music

...while the rest are now either dead (her 80s contemporaries) or have sold out hard somehow.

Long live Madonna for still keeping on. The most controversial thing she ever did is having stuck around for so long :handsy:

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