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What Madonna means to me


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I didn't exist when Madonna's greatest hits came out I am twenty years old. But the first time I heard The Rain, I think I was 14 then, I just had to know who was singing it. This is when I discovered Power Of Goodbye, Frozen, and so many more amazing songs.

I learned that unlike so many other pop singers, Madonna actually wrote these songs. Her grace and beauty in the song videos was amazing. I was very surprised to read in Wikipedia that "She later attended Rochester Adams High School where she became a straight-A student". I actually know a person who studied in that high school, it is one of the most competitive in the US, where students are prepared to apply to Ivy League colleges. Straight-A in a high school like that is NOT COMMON.

This is when I started thinking that Madonna is definitely not a pop star like the others. She has very high IQ, is a powerhouse of willpower, writes amazing personal songs that touch me deeply. I find it amazing how she stands for what she believes in and actually puts effort in it: women rights, education in Africa, fighting stupid prejudice every step of the way. At 60 she is still the most beautiful woman, and still full of amazing strength.

I know she can hear the loud trolls and haters who have issues with her age (!!!!), her openness and just the fact that she has opinions. I wonder if she knows how loved she is by people of all genders, ages and races. I know many people my age who adore her. She has been called by an ex-husband "domineering and castrating" but honestly so many young men would love nothing more than to be her servants in male chastity :) A woman should be allowed to be strong and expressing her opinions. And a woman that combines strength with artistic talent, great voice, inner and outer beauty, very high intelligence and so much desire to give and help... deserves our admiration.

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That was a nice text to read from a fellow young fan! Well, I am 21 and I think I was also your age when I heard Rain. It was during a midday radio show and that specific day it was dedicated to songs about rain :P I really liked it, even though I was still mad about 4 minutes back then. Everybody was, right? Then, during summer 2011 I discovered COADF and over the next few years I got to listen to most of her albums (except maybe Like A Virgin).

Well, what she means to me is that you can be who you want to be. You just have to try hard. You don't have to rely on people's opinions about you or just your looks or the universe to bring it to you while you procrastinate. You work and you get it! Also to ask questions. Like why is this supposed to be wrong? She taught me that the obvious answer "because people say so" is never satisfactory. And that it's important to be around smart people with vision and learn from them. To speak your mind. Would I like her to be a bit more careful with her words sometimes? Of course, but it doesn't really matter :P Because she fears not, at least she seems to, and I try to be more like that as I tend to get scared about anything.

And during our times, when it gets so tiring to hear new names in music, tunes with no meaning most of the time and no artistic vision, it's great to have her around. To know that some values persist and not everything today just comes and goes. I can always listen to a different album of hers and enjoy lyrics and melodies that apply to my life today, which I think is amazing. By the way, they are American Life and Erotica these days! Another funny thing is that when I want to chill out but still feel smart I watch some of her interviews and it really opens up my mind. Like what are you going to hear today from most of your faves? What drug they did then, who they are dating, hollow stuff all the time. 

Uhm, that's just about it. I don't live my life through her and don't follow her blindly but she is definitely my favourite artist out there and I think a good role model for me. If I grow up to be a good person, I will know for sure that in part it's because of her!

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@Blue PrinceWell that really was a pleasure to read!

Regarding being fearless: I definitely needed some lessons and examples in that, too!

Regarding working hard: I suppose she is indeed one of the reasons I am working hard on accomplishing my career plans.

Regarding being a good person: she really shows it is about what you do and not what you say, no? Actions are where we need to channel our kindness, while words can be used as weapons to fight prejudice and injustice.

Her interviews: I like to listen to them too. I don't agree with everything she says, but at least she says things that are very intriguing and unusual.

Also I think discovering her changed my views on female beauty. I was very superficial in that aspect. We live in a time where it is natural to become superficial in that. But now I find that a woman's strength, talent, intelligence, courage are the most appealing qualities. So I guess she is my favourite artist, my role model in certain things, but also my unrequited love interest :)

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Can not really say what Madonna means to me...she has been there for the largest part of my life... I have used her music when I have been happy, when I have been sad... I have enjoyed her concert... and have even meet my husband of 20 years because we both were Madonna fans.... I do not follow her private life much anymore... for me it is mostly about the music.. and Madonna's music will continue to be a part of my life until the end... and I'll keep supporting her music until that day arrives ;-)

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4 hours ago, Hampus said:

and have even meet my husband of 20 years because we both were Madonna fans....

That's really awesome! I had heard of a similar story of two Mylene Farmer fans finding they have a lot in common and getting married; there is something amazing about finding your identity and your love through art!

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2 hours ago, Yot said:

That's really awesome! I had heard of a similar story of two Mylene Farmer fans finding they have a lot in common and getting married; there is something amazing about finding your identity and your love through art!

Without Madonna we would never had meet... he is from Poland and I am from Denmark... we meet online through a Madonna newsgroup... and on the 3rd of October this year we have been married for 20 years :smile:

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It will have been exactly 18 years next Christmas since I first started to admire Madonna and follow her footsteps almost unconsciously. Therefore, I've experienced the world releases of the Music album, the difficult American Life period, seen her going back in form during Confessions, her divorce during Hard Candy and its follow up MDNA after 4 loooong years, and lived through the damaging leaks of Rebel Heart. Also, I've been able to see her live during her last 3 world tours and will never regret any cent or minute invested in them. Madonna's worth it and it saddens me a little bit that someday everything will just be part of history. Our history. We're fortunate to share an era with one of the most talented and hard-working women ever and that's enough to appreciate her. I can't really think of a number when I try to remember how many times she's made me happy, very happy but I'm very grateful for it.

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When I first noticed Madonna, she was purely entertaining to me (in 1985; Lucky Star/Into The Groove). I was captured by her persona on posters and in her videos.

Then she became a role-model in outspokenness (Papa Don't Preach) and self-confidence, and has remained in this role for me ever since, reinforcing it time and time again (Like A Prayer/Express Yourself/Why's It So Hard/Human Nature/American Life etc.). She became a role-model as somebody who questions society, expands personal horizons, not afraid of experimenting in terms of sexuality and spirituality. She stood up for herself, co-wrote her music and lyrics, everything had a deeper layer/meaning.

Her live performances captured me the most. Her fiery energy and talent, her fearlessness to provoke and shock has impressed  me for life. As was said before, her interviews showed how intelligent she is, I did learn a lot from her just paying attention to what she had to say. 

She has had such a vital influence on personal lives and society's standards. A sheer force of nature. So inspiring, time and time again.

(Thanks for posting this thread @Yot .)

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I wrote "my Madonna story" a couple of years ago, I was 22 then:


I’m actually thinking of how to begin talking about M right now, because even if it’s just ten years, it’s been long and intense and there are so many memories that I have about her that it is hard not to leave something behind. I will start by talking about how it all started: I began listening to Madonna when I was 12. The Confessions era was almost ending when this happened: I remember being on a trip with my classmates and feeling really really really sick when, suddenly, Sorry was being played on the radio. I focused on the song and it, somehow, took part of that sickness away. I had listened to some of her singles on the radio before but none of them had captured my attention such as this one. That night, I told my father that I wanted to listen to some Madonna music, specifically I wanted her last album and an old one called Like a Prayer. I remember the first time that I listened to COADF: it sounded amazingly fresh (and it still does) and very different from anything I was listening to at that time. Then, I remember watching some TV ad about the Confessions Tour and wanting to watch it in full: it felt like a revelation, because my concept of a concert before watching that one consisted of a singer or group with the band playing on the background and that was all. When I saw M getting out of that mirrorball, she blew up my schemes. The Confessions Tour was actually my first official item (as a gift from my uncle) and the beginning of one of my huge obsessions (and the most expensive one): I began collecting, and that’s one of the things that Madonna has given me that I like the most. I didn’t begin collecting seriously until later that year (2007), when one of my uncles gave me an old copy of the I’m Breathless LP, which included one of my all-time favourite songs (a.k.a. Vogue, that I had first listened to when I saw The Devil Wears Prada and wondered who was behind that amazing track). The first vinyl record that I bought was COADF: I still get goosebumps when I remember opening it and playing it for the very first time. The items that I like the most that I have are the limited edition of Ray of Light and the Reinvention Tour programme.

As you can see, Madonna got into my life on kind of difficult times: the beginning of my high school years. Somehow, however, she gave me the strength to get throughout it. I am gay and that, ten years ago, was something difficult for a 12-year-old boy (today is still difficult, but less than how it was 10 years ago). She gave me the pride and the strength to be who I am, to be myself and not be restrained by anybody else’s opinion. She was kind of a saviour in some way for me, because sometimes the situation was really unbearable but, anytime that I felt alone, she was there, her music was there to comfort me. I’m really thankful for this last part, but I’m even more thankful for what I’m about to tell you.

Back in 2007, or 2008, some forums were really popular on the Internet and I finally got in contact with some people with the same obsessions and the same passion for her. Madonna has given me some good friends and many moments of joy, but none of them compares to the first time that I saw her. It was in Madrid, back in 2009 with the Sticky and Sweet Tour (another gift from my uncle because I didn’t have enough money for the ticket). I still remember that first glimpse of her blond hair passing behind the screens right before the beginning of Candy Shop. It was one of the best nights of my life. The next time that I saw her was in Barcelona, in 2012 with the MDNA Tour. That was the first trip that I made by myself (I was already 18), and it was one of the best experiences of my life, not only because I got to see her from the second row, but because I met my boyfriend there. Yes, Madonna also brought love to my life (we’ve been dating for almost three years and it’s simply the best thing that has happened to me). The last time that I saw her was in Paris with the Rebel Heart Tour, again from the second row with my boyfriend (I didn’t have enough money to buy the VIP package so I’ll have to hunt for the book or save it for the next time) but I think that this is my favourite one of the three that I’ve attended (my favourite tour is the Reinvention tour). I hope to be on the front row the next time, I really want to.

Last, but not least, Madonna has inspired me. I like to draw and the first drawing that I made by myself without any help was the cover of the ROL album, around 2009, and two years later I made an exhibition of my drawings, being the central piece an improved version of that one. Madonna also gave me the courage to sing (I’m very shy when it comes to doing it in front of people). I joined some friends and we created a chorus at the university. The first time that I sung a solo was Borderline at a bar with some friends. A year later, we made a huge concert and I got part of the solo for Like a Prayer and it felt amazing.

So, to sum up, Madonna saved me in many of the ways that a person can be saved: friends, courage, inspiration and love.

Thanks for reading me!

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I can try to start from the beginning...her music grabbed me and I thought she was everything I wasn't but I didn't feel belittled by her. I didn't feel she was putting herself above me. She was me.. saying what I wanted to say, acting the way I wanted to act, showing confidence, talking about what was important to me, dressing the way I wanted to dress....it wasn't about doing all those things "like her." It was about doing and being all those things authentic to who I was. I am getting teary eyed now. Lol. 

Imagine my bewilderment at some not being able to see what I saw in her and what a positive force she was for me. I was just turning 15. It took me years to come to the possible conclusion that most people didn't care about me as a female being authentic and being proud of it. When you're young you are naive and think everyone is valued equally and I simply didn't get the memo.  They had a measuring stick of what they thought of women and you had to strive for what they thought was acceptable and if you didn't measure up you were irrelevant. 

I couldn't overcome the pressure of the criteria that was set for girls or women completely so far in my own life and I most certainly was not in an empowering scenario in 1983 but Madonna did it no matter what stumbling block was put before her. She found a way out of feeling alone, depressed, angry if she was rejected.  I know it sounds corny but she is my hero. She's not perfect, she makes mistakes, uses poor judgement sometimes but she always wants to be better. I do believe she wants everyone to feel empowered.  She always wants to say what is on her mind but as someone who has been profoundly hurt in life I do understand her being guarded sometimes and coming off as aloof and difficult. 

Madonna celebrated life for me. She also spoke about what was important to me as well as having fun. She was a mixture of mysterious, beautiful, strange, different, cool, tough, vulnerable, hurt, strong, awkward, angry, happy...she was us. No woman is just one thing and she put it all out there with no fear. 

She's my comedienne with a heart, my hurt angry voice, my voice in love, she calls out what I find unjust, she marvels at the universe and life and wants to learn more and more. 

She was fearless sharing her thoughts during the Erotica period and she was punished in a big way for it. The ones who criticised her were not the ones buying her music. I was proud of her for showing a side of herself that few would have the courage to do. When she was mercilessly ridiculed during that time period I thought Bedtime Stories was her last album and she had enough and was going to retire and I understood if she did because that is what I had done when I was very young. 

She proved me wrong and came back stronger than ever in her artistry. She had gone from being cool, my hero, my inspiration, my mother, my sister, to someone really just beyond me. She was my equal but she had powers that could rise above any adversity that I was completely in awe of. If I had received the onslaught of criticism she got in the early to mid 90's I don't know how I would have reacted but hiding and protecting myself would have probaly been a part of it. 

I knew she would be a good mother because I believe she values it above everything. I heard someone say at the time that they couldn't believe she was a mom and again my bewilderment...I thought she would be a wonderful mother. How can you not see that? 

Her career is simply not number one anymore. 

I love her interests in the spiritual because I love an open mind to life, thoughts, possibilities, learning. I admire Madonna's love of education and learning because they are important to me. We are not here to be perfect. I believe we are here to learn and to learn you have to be open to ideas other than your own. 

She still knows how to dance and have fun but I think her biggest obstacle is still not falling victum to people who want to bring her down. Move away from the negativity and love again. Be happy again. Be confident again. 

I could go on but if I had to say it in a sentence.. Madonna means never giving up on yourself, never giving up on your dreams, keep trying, get up, brush youself off and keep going. 

I went on a little bit but I think I will keep it as is as I tried to get to the heart of how I feel about Madonna. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

"I can't tell you this any where else."
'Why ?'
"Because this is the one place I know he won't be able to hear me."
'OK ?'
"You were RIGHT ALL ALONG !"
'I was ?'
"Yeh H***rd is the biggest bastard that ever walked, I had it all wrong."
'Oh, that's OK, I'm glad you're 'feeling better'.' 

Guess who was playing ?
She's been the soundtrack to a few dramatic events.
I should write a song about it ??

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