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5 minutes ago, Roland Barthes said:

The red string is not only a Kaballah thing, they sell it in Israel as a lucky charm, they are supposed to repulse the evil eye. Church of Kaballah just appropriated it and sold them 100 times the price on the street. Beverly Hills fashionistas were willing to pay (including Madonna)

According to a Newsweek expose, Madonna raised $18 million dollars through her Raising Malawi Foundation, which she cofounded with Rev Berg's (man who founded the Kaballah centre) son Michael. They planned to build a girls' school in the small African country's capital, before folding the project after wasting $3.8 million on construction.

According to the report, $3 million of the money actually spent on the project was spent at the Los Angeles Kabbalah Centre and not in Malawi; the Centre also reportedly collected money earmarked for the Malawi charity that was never actually turned over to the foundation. The issues faced at the Malawi school eventually caused Madonna to scrap the organization's board and take over oversight along with her manager and accountant. The Kaballah Centre soon came under investigation by the IRS for tax fraud, after more allegations came to the surface of the Berg family using the foundation for their personal enrichment. According to the Los Angeles Times, the Kabbalah Centre was accused of taking more than $600,000 from a widow with dementia for the Centre.

They sell bottled water for $4 and an undercover Telegraph reporter with cancer once visited the London Centre to investigate whether he could be "healed" through Kabbalah; he was charged £860 for a copy of the Zohar and a few cases of the water that would "cure" his illness.

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4 minutes ago, Brendanlovesu1 said:

According to a Newsweek expose, Madonna raised $18 million dollars through her Raising Malawi Foundation, which she cofounded with Rev Berg's (man who founded the Kaballah centre) son Michael. They planned to build a girls' school in the small African country's capital, before folding the project after wasting $3.8 million on construction.

According to the report, $3 million of the money actually spent on the project was spent at the Los Angeles Kabbalah Centre and not in Malawi; the Centre also reportedly collected money earmarked for the Malawi charity that was never actually turned over to the foundation. The issues faced at the Malawi school eventually caused Madonna to scrap the organization's board and take over oversight along with her manager and accountant. The Kaballah Centre soon came under investigation by the IRS for tax fraud, after more allegations came to the surface of the Berg family using the foundation for their personal enrichment. According to the Los Angeles Times, the Kabbalah Centre was accused of taking more than $600,000 from a widow with dementia for the Centre.

They sell bottled water for $4 and an undercover Telegraph reporter with cancer once visited the London Centre to investigate whether he could be "healed" through Kabbalah; he was charged £860 for a copy of the Zohar and a few cases of the water that would "cure" his illness.

I wonder if that will be in her biopic. When she turned 50 ALL her universe crumbled to dust : her marriage to Guy, the end of her Warner contract, the failure of her first directorial debut (f&w), Christopher's book, Tracy Anderson's betrayal (she was dating the man from Raising Malawi that took all that money), Gwyneth Paltrow siding with Anderson, the church of Kaballah looking more and more like a money laundering scam...

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1 hour ago, ma(x) said:

same here the end of 1984 , that's probably why we understand each other.


To have witnessed her beginnings and her explosion is and will remain something magical she has given a lot to many people...Something huge....love her anyway  but  Sickick or some other ilk got me off the highway

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Yawn. She's so hellbent on showing her nipples. She's probably going to get suspended or banned from Instagram one of these days. She knows the rules but every few months she sneaks in a nip pic, which Instagram deletes, then she reposts the pictures censored with a little rant about censorship. Rinse, repeat.

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22 minutes ago, Vogue Italia said:

Yawn. She's so hellbent on showing her nipples. She's probably going to get suspended or banned from Instagram one of these days. She knows the rules but every few months she sneaks in a nip pic, which Instagram deletes, then she reposts the pictures censored with a little rant about censorship. Rinse, repeat.

Madonna getting banned from social media would be a positive development. I got rid of the garbage years ago and have never looked back. Living a social media free life can do wonders for your frame of mind and productivity.

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2 hours ago, ma(x) said:

Look I could say many things but I don't want to be insulted or attacked by other users (even if it all depends on how you write and express yourself, and I have always expressed myself politely) I absolutely no longer recognize the madonna that I have always followed in today's one, neither artistically nor musically speaking..it will be that I have lived her career gradually over the years, living it as a kid, today I am rightly of an age and I certainly see and perceive things in a different way,clearly everything has changed and even the music and the artists have adapted to today's days.I find absolutely nothing striking in what she does and in what she says, it will be that everything has already been done in the past by herself and in a fantastic way.I find that her instagram profile should be worthy of her name and should be managed by competent people (in the past she had a team of people who knew how to work).Her current music doesn't excite me, a thousand collaborations that lead to nothing..it's a real shame because she really could still make some noteworthy albums, she doesn't need to collaborate and appear with the meteor on duty.Above all, she should have her record catalog managed in an absolutely different way, she should learn to understand what her fans want, it's all treated very badly and done carelessly.I'm not interested in talking about physical appearance and age because it's not part of my person, when asked if I like her today as she presents herself on stage I answer no.Throughout her career I have seen perfection, great attention and dedication musically and artistically speaking something that today I absolutely no longer see.This is absolutely my point of view which is absolutely not the law but which I hope not to start drama and insults (but I don't think it will happen everything depends on how things are said and I have always shown respect).

Then if today the rules has changed and today to be a fan you always have to say that everything is wonderful then I raise my hands and say that I can never be that kind of person (which I respect anyway).

Surely despite everything I won't stop following her (I probably do it differently today than in the past)and above all I will never hate her.

You are certainly able to not like stuff. But alot of people who dislike certain eras (mainly this one) seem to talk in absolutes, as if this era is somehow the one that defines her for life. She's somehow a new person/ will never change again. Since when has she ever been the same? Is True Blue Madonna the same as Erotica Madonna? Is Ray of Light Madonna the same as American Life Madonna? Rebel Heart Madonna isn't even close to Madame X Madonna. And everyone treats her little collabs as if it's MEANT to be taken as an era of it's own. It just baffles me.

Hey You doesn't erase the Confessions era. Love Makes the World Go Round/Jimmy Jimmy doesn't negate Open Your Heart and Papa Dont Preach. and MDNA doesn't erase her entire career. (I know you didn't say these specific things, Im just using them as an example)

When I was a teen I thought her Something to Remember/Evita era lasted for eternity!!!!  It was so boring and slow. I just wanted something to dance to. I thought I'd never see the light at the end of the tunnel. Imagine if she did stay in that era for the rest of time. 


"I find that her instagram profile should be worthy of her name and should be managed by competent people"

I dont agree. I would much rather have whatever she chooses to show us rather than sterile promotional images we already see elsewhere. Alot of people are going to look back at her instagram when she's not with us anymore and realize what a gift she gave us. 1,000 Truth or Dare's. She gives so much of her personal life, her inspirations, behind the scenes, photoshoots for no reason, birthdays, holidays, her family/friends. She's really giving all of herself and people are wagging their finger because it doesnt line up with THIER IDEA of what an instagram account should be. What THEY THINK she should act like as "The Queen". A very limiting idea of how she's supposed to act and appear. For what? 


Im not picking on you, but your comment that she isn't ANYTHING of what she used to be triggered me. Especially after reading that ignorant comment before yours about her looks. Because I have to come here and read all this negativity every single day of a person just living their life and people all griping and complaining of how THEY THINK she should be and act and look and what she should or shouldn't say, and how interesting she should try to be. and what music she should make. and she needs to uphold her legacy... as if thats in question somehow. Can't be silly or ridiculous because it diminishes your artistry somehow. Its exhausting and narrow sighted, and I would have thought HER fanbase of all fanbases would be the more enlightened group of people who see passed social constructs and perceived rights and wrongs and they are not. 








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11 hours ago, PaperFaces said:

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook are not real places. I wish people would stop behaving like our livelihoods, rights, freedoms, responsibilities and the fabric of society depend on them. Theyre privately owned companies with their rules and policies and people chose to present themselves in a way thats different from reality based on those guidelines. 

But you have to know that going in. Be discerning.

That’s easy for us to understand since we grew up without it but to under 30’s it IS part of their reality and how they are perceived on there is probably more important than real life at this point. It is also increasingly the main gateway to career opportunities, marketing any business, social interactions… pretty much everything. It’s scary but it’s difficult to avoid nowadays.

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I am actually shocked that people are so animated over Madonna's recent Instagram posts.  Yeah, she is drinking out of a dog bowl in her undies but really.... is that not the most Dita thing to do?  Where are people's senses of humor?  Where are people's imaginations?  Where are people's sensibilities?  She is Madonna, not Queen Elizabeth II.  I love it all and am here for it.  I love that she pushes boundaries and never stops creating.  So glad that she did not give up on us all after the Immaculate Collection.   I am glad that she is constantly active.  

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6 hours ago, Desolation Row said:

I don't think its right period to make comments on how other people look on social media, im just saying that not all the meltdowns are haters. There are real fans who are shocked by what she has done to herself I think.

I think a lot of fans feel the same. But there is a type of bitter and twisted fan now that thrives on hating on her. And yes I think writing comments where she can see it or to Ricardo is crossing a line. 

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12 hours ago, ma(x) said:

I don't follow her on any social networks because I don't have the slightest interest in what she posts (to be honest I don't even have any social networks because I don't care), but I doubt that being a real fan is worshiping or idolizing whatever she does.(given what she publishes later), I am definitely not part of those who insult her because of her age or for what she does, or for how she treats herself even if I don't like it absolutely anymore, I certainly do not recognize anything of the Madonna that I follow from beginnings of her career.I continue to follow her for what she has given me in the past but certainly not for the present.She can do anything she wants but as far as I'm concerned Madonna it was a whole other thing.Surely the people who spend their time on social media insulting are not even worthy of consideration, but these whining posted on instagram make no sense as far as I'm concerned.

Many long term fans feel that way and it doesn’t make you or anyone else less of a fan and that wasn’t what I was saying. But writing hateful comments directly to her, I think only the bitter and twisted could feel that was appropriate.

I’ve been enjoying her recent posts because to me it seems so obvious she is doing anything and everything to push the buttons of all the haters. And I find it hilarious. People are really coming for her now, fans and non fans and I have been a fan for so long so I would much rather put energy into defending her. Perhaps she isn’t living up to some peoples expectations but she’s done absolutely nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve to be ridiculed.

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20 minutes ago, Robertthenurse said:

Nah. People have always been hating on her. The only difference now is people are posting it online, cuz they really think their words mean something lol it's actually quite dumb cuz literally no one cares 

If nobody cares why are her staff and she responding to it directly though? I think it’s gotten worse recently, everyone is chiming in including the media and many fans who used to defend her have turned on her as well.

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46 minutes ago, Sultrysully said:

I am actually shocked that people are so animated over Madonna's recent Instagram posts.  Yeah, she is drinking out of a dog bowl in her undies but really.... is that not the most Dita thing to do?  

Maybe it’s because a lot of younger people are too young to know that side of Madonna? Its not her most famous era of music and you never hear Erotica singles anywhere. It’s always 80’s stuff, Vogue and 1998 - 2005.

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