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Madame X Tour | Paris


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1 hour ago, scion said:

Rumours that came when she had her alleged Miami meltdown that were spread widely among fans suggested part of that indeed did involve her creating during soundcheck that she didn't want what the show was.

Don’t you think if that were true she’d have canned it sooner?

I saw the show and it was amazing so I can’t imagine why she wouldn’t have been happy with it.

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7 minutes ago, lmvc said:

It seems very incredible that even today she doesn't say the things clearly and fans who have tickets for 10 & 11 have to wait until last time once again to know what is going to be.

The french government already said it. If some fans are living under a rock, they should wake up.

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It's definitely been a nerve-wrecking era. First trying to avoid as many spoilers as possible being my concert one of the last ones of the tour (thank God for the no-phones policy), then worrying my concert might get re-scheduled, then worrying it might get cancelled and, finally, worrying for my own safety alone in Paris at 3 AM :04:

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Honestly? I'm relieved this is over.

She deserves to rest and there's a lot she can do with her career without performing a single show. 

For now I wanna see this woman rested and recovered. She deserves the world and I'm just happy to have witnessed this tour :heart:

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Guest Nobody Knows Me

I am also relieved this era is over, and I would also just like to see her rest and recover before doing anything else.

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Now that the tour is over, can one of you bitches who secretly recorded the show (I'm certain SOMEONE here has video) please post the vids? It's not compromising her artistic integrity, now that the show is over, and I cannot wait over a year for this edited mess to drop :Madonna052:

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6 hours ago, Nobody Knows Me said:

She isn’t going to retire. 


6 hours ago, nodoman said:

well, you do make it sound like retirement is around the corner hoping for one last era at least.

there could be more. she's free now. might as well do this at her own pace and in more creative ways.
maybe more experimental mini-albums. we'll see, but this is not the end of her!

Responding to both: I sincerely hope she isn’t retiring and I hope that whenever she plans to do so or whatever album is gonna be her last for any reason, I hope it’s gonna be the best and the biggest.

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